Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    In Undertale they don't-- monster food is pure magical energy absorbed entirely by their bodysoul combo mabob. (It is also entirely absorbed by human bodies, if the player character is any indication.)
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  2. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    monster food is presumably absorbed completely, since it is not physical matter

    if there is any waste, i'd imagine it would be radiated as magical energy
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  3. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    But it takes the form of spaghetti?

    Undertale doesn't appeal to me, and basically everything I know about it came from the long discussions I had to have with the UT players in WT to try and fit them into my system of magic, because the way that game uses the concept "magic" drove me (and Ford) nuts at first. Somehow I think we missed the "monsters eat magic" part, probably because it wasn't combat-relevant and I didn't need to figure out if it was even possible for my occultists to parse how monsters do magic.

    NOW I'm thinking that the monsters would probably be very unhappy if they left Ford's house, since the perpetual motion generator puts out a lot of magical energy and the food they are eating is ordinary food.
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  4. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    no, papyrus just really likes making spaghetti, since in canon he thinks everyone likes it!

    monster food takes a variety of different forms, such as nice cream, spider donuts, and glamburgers, to name a few
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  5. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    and i think glamburgers are made of glitter/look like they're made of glitter, so monster food doesn't even appear
    like traditionally edible human food sometimes, yeah?
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  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    It takes the form of all kinds of things, yep. MTT Resort sells burgers made of sequins, Sans sells hot dogs? made of water sausages, Vegetoid makes edible vegetable bullets, the spiders sell cider and donuts made of... spiders...
    and Papyrus' favorite food is the oatmeal with dinosaur eggs.
    And then there's just pie, and ramen, and ice cream bars... some of it is very mundane and based on human food.

    But somehow most monsters need to go food shopping. Fridges are kinda optional since monster food doesn't spoil, but they're obvious places to keep food, and keep it at a preferred temperature. They can eat normal physical food, but it "goes all the way through," and spoils... and if it's poisonous to humans it's probably poisonous to monsters too.
    that is kind of a plot point, albeit with something else

    I remember early in WT an awkward giggly conversation deciding to handwave the wonders of the full digestive experience as happening offscreen.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
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  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I'm so glad we came together as a community to go "how do skeletons eat without shitting"

    Gotta know how many latrines to dig for the skeleton war
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  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Less shitpostingly, I am nodding off with a cuddle dog friend so I will be returning to the IC after I awaken
  9. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    have a good sleep!
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  10. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    im choosing to interpret the fact that dipper put 'itch' into the memory gun instead of 'cronus ampora' as signifying that she only forgot the part of her life after she died and entered cronustopia

    none of the character development went away though so thats going to cause some confusion if she ever sits down and actually thinks about it but as a cronus she has a natural tendency to avoid anything that even slightly contradicts her worldview
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  11. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Dipper doesn't know that Cronus Ampora is her name. :) But that works for me!
  12. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    mara figures that if it doesn't stay in the rave for long enough, it can do as it pleases without ford having enough time to recite any sutras at it
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  13. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    mara's kind of a dick
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  14. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Well, it can, as long as it doesn't do anything that takes any amount of time. Which is a limiting factor that Ford can live with.
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  15. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    You don't say.
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Roomie rescued me from adorable snoring cuddle dog so now sleep proper, enjoy the peendemon and cuttle friends and all
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  17. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    young catte.
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I meant to post that to WT. But that is a much, much younger Valiska than the one who is currently in the rave. I always want her to look more anthro than she is in her avatars, BUT it's darn near impossible to get anthro dollmakers that are not incredibly punk (i.e. clothes Valiska would come back from the dead just to beat you up if you tried to bury her in them) and most of them do not produce adults.

    My Gaia avatar is a chibi, but she's a chibi Valiska.

    I find it hilarious that she looks more like a grownup as a Gaia chibi than in most anthro dollmakers. That's also fairly close to her actual colouring, except that the down inside her ears and the skin inside her ears is closer to her skin colour than that.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I am bored and magic and how it works for one series vs. how it works for Ford came up so let's write up my interpretation of how "magic" works in Bloodborne. Which is the setting Rom is from. Mostly for my own personal reference and I guess if anyone else is curious about the world she is from. BEHOLD.

    So Rom lives in a world entirely apart from the rave. Physically she is never in the rave and she is communicating strictly through handwritten notes. That I feel is an important note to make. The way this works basically is the notebook she carries is capable of leaving notes with the Messengers. The Messengers are little beings that carry things to and fro between worlds, times, and dreams. Others can send similar messages with their books. Which appear as the Messengers rising out of a pool of a silvery fluid with a note. So everyone's conversations in Rom's world appear as notes and letters that little eyeless men are giving her.

    But we are here for magic. Magic is performed by people via the use of Tools. Hunter's Tools to be more specific. The Tools are a variety of things, a bone, a slug, a glass stone with space inside it. They can be many things, but the items themselves do not appear to be magical necessarily and do not grant the user's magical powers. They allow the contact with godly beings which manifests in our world as "magic", or they are applied to objects and have "magical" effects.

    An example of the former type of Tool is the Augur of Ebrietas. Which is a small translucent blue slug of unknown origin. When stimulated the slugs make contact with Ebrietas and summon forth part of her body. Namely her tentacles. Just for a brief if violent time. So if one were to see Rom using this thing it would look like she held up a small slug and then suddenly tentacles violently shot out of her arm/a portal. An example of the latter tool would be the Phantasm Shell. It's the molted body of some otherworldly creature which retains some sort of left over fluidy substance. When this is rubbed on objects it causes them to glow blue-green and the objects gain strange damaging qualities that ignore regular armors and what not. That is they do in the game Arcane damage, but for our purposes here they just aren't stopped by our worldly objects. The fuck is a door going to do against the green death ray? Diddly dick is what. There are a lot of tools and they do all sorts of shit. One summons small comets that you fire out of your fucking eye and another causes you to explode into falling stars. Whatever the case the important thing to maintain is that you, the person, DO NOT have magical powers. You do not do the magic. You use tools which allow you to commune in some fashion or another with beings that can do magic. However there does exist within people the essence of this magic which can be trained seemingly. A human is still a human though and a normal human isn't a cthulhu. You might be best buds with a cthulhu but you yourself aren't a cthulhu (yet).

    There are other ways that people make use of such things. The Caryll Runes stand out for example. Basically a scholar went down and transcribed the words of Gods as a series of Runes. These Runes can then be branded into a person's mind using a special iron. When actively branded by a Rune a person is bound by its rules, but also granted its powers and benefits. The Blood Gems and Blood Stones that Rom has spoken of are of note too. Basically blood contains the essence of weird magical shit and when it crystalizes it can either be used to reinforce an item or it can change the properties of that item. Certain gems may well make a hammer forever on fire for example.

    So how do those beings who do magic do their magic? Honestly we have no fucking idea. I do feel that language is very key to it however. The Caryll Runes as I mentioned are just words. That's it. They are words and when manifest in our world they have very real power. But this shows up elsewhere too. The people who are being artificially turned into Kin, otherworldly alien creatures, mention hearing things. Water is a big one of these things. You gain strength from using Blood Echoes. The echoes of a formerly living creatures strength and vitality. You must silence the harrowing cry of an infant to complete the Ritual of Mensis. Words are of prime import. And these are the words of gods and what we see of the gods is that they can shape reality. Some better than others. All but Ebrietas are mentioned as having left. The only other such godly beings we see exist in areas of pure thought. They live in "dreams" that are both physically manifest but also not. You can be killed in a God's dream, but the dream isn't material. Yet in a fashion it is because you can take things out of the dreams and into "reality" as we know it.

    Which I feel means that "reality" isn't just physical. It's both that and metaphysical. And those beings that exist in the metaphysical planes are capable of manipulating the world, physical and metaphysical, through the usage of language. Or what is being called "language". It may well have little in common with what we call language! But it's our best word for it now. It's certainly a method of communication.

    As I mentioned though blood is magical and all these things, human and not, have blood. So what the fuck is up with that? Well it seems to be that the gods may well have originally been human. Or creatures like them. These beings also aren't capable of having young apparently. All Great Ones lose their child. So, given the story of the game, I feel that in order to reproduce the Great Ones evolve lesser beings into Great Ones. This seems to be a very hard process, but in essence we all have the opportunity. Though some have blood that is more fit than others on the outset. Blood seems to be the ultimate key. And human blood shares bits and traits of Kin blood. Everyone has a bit of "Bloodtinge" for example. This increases the strength of quicksilver bullets which are loaded with a silvery liquid called quicksilver. Kin bleed a silvery fluid so it seems to be their blood. To further increase ones potency with quicksilver you can grind up bone marrow into powder. Again making use of blood. There's something IN the blood chemically that is important and magical. Even the Great Ones in their dreams have blood though they very distinctly bleed red blood like humans. Not silver like the Kin.

    However the hell this all works it is considered a science. As well as religion. Science and religion are very tightly intertwined in Rom's world. Science is advanced via religion, and religious longings seem to push the scientific onwards.

    This is all very confused. But I do think I have a better hang on how I want it working.
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  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    tori has never been filled with more terror than when ford declared another him was not allowed to die
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