Yeah, I think that may just be the problem! You have to save all the items as transparent .pngs. :3 If it still doesn't work, I can take a look at the actual file you're working with instead of a screenshot.
the only problem is i have a decently shitty program for doing transparent stuff with. now i have to go over every single square of white. where's a trasparent fill bucket when you need one D:
Whenever one of them implores the player for discretion I just wish there was an option to say "I don't think you're actually fooling anyone and no1curr"...
idk about those windows but... not bad? Still need to add shadows behind the supports, among other things. I'll do the half-collapsed version last, since that's going to be the hardest part by a long shot.
heyyyyyyyyy @Ruevian could you maybe make these files' backgrounds transparent? I tried and didnt succeed, i just dont think my current programs have the capability of doing it... Spoiler: edit images oops actually, anyone who feels up to it. I really want to get this working, but i keep trying to make it transparent and its not workiiiing
@Ruevian THANK YOU SO MUCH now i can put them in! also, I can put up the xnb files if people want to have the wreath, and the three shirts, though warning they replace shirts 22, 68, and 106, and the wreath/flowercrown replaces the straw hat. (I also haven't figured out how to rename it, so it is a flowercrown called a straw hat.
goddammit Spoiler: error @Ruevian I use MSpaint, hah. edit: oh shit you're talking to mercury arent you, oooops
Nope, you! Here's a tutorial vid on how to do transparent backgrounds in paint. Complete with Linkin Park background music. Also, looks like you might not have named the hats file correctly, or you put it in the wrong location! Edit: Wait, maybe I should actually watch the vid before I rec it....that one's about layer transparency. @_@ Hang on.
Yeah, it's impossible to do transparent backgrounds in Paint, BOO. Have you considered using GIMP? It's free and I know for a fact you can do transparent background with it.
And here's the step by step process via someone in the above video's comments, lol: "To create a truly transparent background, open the file in GIMP (it is a free program; Google it), use the fuzzy select tool, right click the background > Color > Color to Alpha. Voila. Enjoy!"