shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Anhelia Aescar

    Anhelia Aescar Life after death is harder than it looks

    Yes, I do ask if I can. If someone is in imminent danger and unable to give consent and I have no reason to believe they would not want to be saved, then I will do what is necessary, but I would prefer not to. I don't believe in saving people against their will, or in mistaking my idea of what they need for theirs.
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  2. Flipside of Nyon

    Flipside of Nyon It'll be okay! (1st Secretary, Decepticon) | 18+

    -He is soothingly petting Hurdle's hand while he speaks-
    If you'd rather have an explanation we can give you one it's just. Not very pretty.
  3. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    There are very few moments in my existence I'd call "pretty". If the information is not particularly valuable to you... three? Am I reading that right? I would be interested, yes.
  4. Kickstart of Nyon

    Kickstart of Nyon Not It! (Third Secretary, Decepticon) | 18+

    So you also never travel anywhere without announcing yourself ahead of time?
    You never let the government just send you somewhere where, say, dissent is growing, ust hanging around weakening protests?
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  5. Flipside of Nyon

    Flipside of Nyon It'll be okay! (1st Secretary, Decepticon) | 18+

    The city we all hail from was grounds for an... experiment with rather similar effects as the organic's feeding seems to involve.
    A weapon developed to feed on energon and use that absorbed energon as ammunition if my memory doesn't fail me. It was tested on... on us, simply on the grounds of civil unrest.
    This situation was what involved in the... let's call it untimely termination of Nyon's existance.
    -his rather blank smile is covering something, albeit it is very hard to tell what. Hurdle gently pulls him into a hug.-
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  6. Anhelia Aescar

    Anhelia Aescar Life after death is harder than it looks

    I keep to cities large enough that the drain on any individual is too low for it to be damaging. If I need to travel, I have a hibernation chamber that I can be placed in, which is insulated from the outside world and I cannot harm anyone through it. On Valiska and Ford's world, energy generation technology happens to broadcast the right type of waste energy that I can feed off that, which is why I'm staying there right now; no worries about harming anyone.

    Those who created me are dead. We build no more.
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  7. Kickstart of Nyon

    Kickstart of Nyon Not It! (Third Secretary, Decepticon) | 18+

    But you don't know if all of your type are like that
    Or if they happen to cluster around the same town as yours in sufficient numbers to make all your fragging precautions null and void in the end.
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  8. Anhelia Aescar

    Anhelia Aescar Life after death is harder than it looks

    I believe there are three of us left. Most died in the war or the revolution that followed. I know where they live, and I know the margin of error I must maintain.

    I am not responsible for what others of my kind do, although I will prevent harm if I can. And what alternatives do I have? Kill myself? That's about it.
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  9. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    ...Tess. [The word-- name?-- has the tone of a curse behind it, and their wings pull tight against their back.] I'm sorry, that's-- that's horrible. Sympathy offered.

    That's... something.

    ...pardon me for interfering in disagreements I'm not part of, but it seems rather unfair to me to blame Anhelia for her... species is probably the easiest word. She cannot control anyone else's actions, or those of her creators.
  10. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    Well, there was a period of time where I was a danger to everyone as well. Needs greater than that of my companions and myself won, but we were lucky enough to get out without great tragedy.

    It seems unfair to judge based on the actions of those I would have no control over.
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  11. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    I have learned that I do not like white wine-- is something happening?
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  12. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Discussion and unintentional offense, as far as I can tell.
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  13. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    The classic shitposting rave experience.
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  14. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    I see... does your culture have wine?
  15. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    I think we're missing "terrible flirting" right now but yes, this does seem to happen very often...

    I've never heard the word, but that means very little. Is elaboration possible?
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  16. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+

    It is a type of alcohol, made more for sipping and feeling intellectual than for getting drunk. Fermented and stored in bottles
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  17. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    You get drunk on wine all the time, Dorian.
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  18. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Ah. "Intellectual" implications aside-- at least on my planet-- yes, we have something comparable. Not much nutritive value, but still better on that count than proper engex.
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  19. Dorian Pavus

    Dorian Pavus Sparkler | 18+


    Well most alcohol here has no value but, hm. That is interesting! Wine is made from grapes, what is engex made from?
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  20. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Energon, primarily, with some sort of additive, either for preservation or flavor; its creation involves something similar to our digestive process, so keeping a sample from degrading improperly requires care. I believe Nichrome from earlier has experience with brewing-- she would be far more able to answer your questions than I.
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