What are your fan fiction gripes?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    @Starcrossedsky today i was reshelving in the new age section and i sought out judika illes' books and said her name with scorn and disgust, just for u
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  2. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    u are a true friend
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  3. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    My friend had a rant I think would be appreciated here:
    "A weirdly large number of people seem to think that Azkaban is the be-all and end-all of the wizarding legal system. Drop a Chocolate Frog wrapper? Azkaban! Fly your broom 1 mph over the speed limit? Azkaban! And so on. It doesn't occur to them that we only see people sent there who are convicted or suspected of serious crimes like murder and terrorism. Fudge even says in PoA, and he's not the most honest source but at this point I'm inclined to believe him because it's plain common sense, that you don't get sent to Azkaban for accidentally hexing your aunt. (And they also seem to think that there isn't a system for resolving civil disputes, so guess where you're off to if your neighbour thinks your hedge is too high.)"
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  4. dky

    dky burnt toast

    whenever someone uses a character being trans as an excuse to have gay sex without being uncomfortable by dicks. OR when its used for wangst or just wanking in general.

    every story ive seen recently about a trans character isnt about the character - its about them being trans! they push aside the character themselves just to make some kind of hurt/comfort bullshit because theyre dying for it.

    look, im all down for trans characters. ive got some headcanons myself! some characters i think its wrong to put them there as most people do it because, "look! he's thin! he HAS to be trans!" or "look! shes giant! TRANS!!!!".

    but when its honest, actual idea that isnt harmful to trans people and isnt used for porn then i love trans head canons.

    but ive seen like, four people who do that. and IVE not seen them ive just been told stories. a story isnt about them being trans unless it NEEDS to be.

    mention them wearing a binder, or something about them having cramps, or stubble on their chin. dont have them dysphoric 24/7 or sobbing out a confession to a loved one because you want them to fuck/cry.

    its not okay and its really harmfull to people who are, ya know, actually trans. we arent just that - we have personality and character. but all these people think is "and then they fuck! i want porn!"

    namely junkrat right now. id love to get behind that headcanon. but i cant because almost entirely on AO3 its used as trans for trans sake, porn, or wangst.

    and even in a setting apart from that its not entirely okay becuase youre steriotyping thin men as trans people soley because theyre thin!

    (not only that, but every single fuckin story about this has the trans person on bottom. ever heard of a strap on?)
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    The only place I've run into decent trans stuff has been Homestuck and Dragon Age, and the second is in part because I think that if you tried to write Krem crying into a binder, he'd haul off and punch you through the computer screen.
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  6. dky

    dky burnt toast

    oh me fucking too, thats why it makes me so mad. everytime i see it i just get angry because - as someone who is trans - i just wanna reach through the screen and slap the authors silly!

    and yeah homestuck seems to be the only fandom ive ever seen by myself thats p good about that sort of thing, but they can get a little bad about it too. i think it depends on the author/artist.
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I've read a few fics where trans!Junkrat tops via strapon! Not many, though. Buuuut, I kinda think that's cause most people just like their Junkrats subby. Like, I just plain don't see a lot of fics where Junkrat tops.
  8. dky

    dky burnt toast

    yeah, i mean personally i agree. but every story ive seen in the E category, with trans junkrat, focus unnessasarily on him being trans. ive seen a few who have written fics where they want him to have a flat chest but a vagina because they want hetero sex, but want to feel like theyre being cool.

    a lot of them dont have any trans junkrat beyond porn, and when they do its almost entirely just about them being trans. and honestly its not just him - ive seen a lot of trans bilbo because 'hetero sex while still being gay haha!'.

    its okay to write stories about characters who are trans. its not okay to write stories about trans characters for trans sake. because almost all of those stories are OOC and they take away from the character.

    its the same thing we've been saying about gay people portrayed in media. we want a gay character - we dont want it about them being gay. gay wangst is just as bad as trans wangst.

    (sorry i can go on for hours about this i am a salty little man. hoenstly ao3 has like 300 issues that i could go into but not gonna do rn)
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  9. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Yeeeh, I think there's definitely a tendency to write trans dudes just cause you wanna do certain porn things and still have your dude/dude pairing. Like, I don't see trans dudes in het porn a lot, and I definitely never see dominant trans dudes, so. Yeh, I think there's prolly some sorta stuff going down with that.
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  10. dky

    dky burnt toast

    yeah exactly. im tempted to just go and write a shit ton of hetero fics with trans men and not have it be about it just to spite em. wonder how many people will throw a fit about it pfft.

    (i wanna see trans roadhog if anything honestly. because he's the big beefy, scary, strong man. it'd throw a shit ton of peoples steryotipes out the window and also give a nice finger to the submissive trans man idea people seem to have)
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  11. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
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  12. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    It definitely depends. I'm normally a bit wary of FTM!Dave, for instance, simply because I see it so often and it's rarely done well...but I also once had an amazing little humanstuck RP with a trans Dave RPer.

    The RP was about Dave coming out to Aradia (she had always known him as a dude, it was more coming out as a trans dude specifically), but he was flawlessly in-character, and it never went into wangst territory. (Also, it contains this, which is one of my favorite lines ever: "I'm still Dave though. Just without the D. I'm Ave, Aradia. Ave.")

    meanwhile i'm not convinced my other main fandom is even capable of handling the subject in a not-awful way
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  13. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    my solution to the 'am i just doing it cause it's stereotypical?' problem is to make everyone trans. who cares if you've got one twinky trans dude when no one's cis.
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  14. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile I'd kill for my special interest fandom to just have people in it again... but I think I'd die for respectful QUILTBAG portrayals in it.
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  15. dky

    dky burnt toast

    oh thats wonderfully done! ive had to say that to people on more than one occasion myself and it seems to be one of the biggest issues - when you come out as trans (being a character or real person) they always think, even if not on purpose, "oh so youre a guy NOW" and they overthink a lot of times.

    as long as its done correctly, and not for wangst, coming out things are awesome. (a lot of times its written by people with no personal experience with trans people or no assistance from people who would greatly increse their writing style. most of the time its just ignorance that makes it wrong)

    and yeah i see a shit ton of FTM Dave and a lot of times its not very well done as its devolved into 'look at this twink' more or less. and i mean, i know more people in HS who do good trans shit with characters but thats also where i first got introduced to it being used incorrectly.

    and omfg i know exactly what you mean almost all of the fandoms im in atm would not handle trans headcanons well (overwatch for one, with this big stink about zarya going on)
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  16. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I'm so lonely
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  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I know that feeling too. Let us all weep together for the media we love which nobody else knows about.
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  18. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    My other major fandom is Steven Universe. That fandom doesn't handle anything well.
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  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I have seen ONE fic that handled trans things well with Homestuck.


  20. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i have read some good FTM dave but it was all* written by me, my friends, or former friends with the express purpose of making a counter weight to That Fuck Shit

    ETA: *almost all. just remembered one i liked
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