shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Averagius Of The Rave

    Averagius Of The Rave Literal Robot Angel | 18+

    -they don't particularly trust this one though.-
  2. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Interface should be enjoyable for everyone involved, and sometimes people shout when they're happy or having fun.
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  3. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    [They reformat their face, folding an orifice around the offending finger. Two can play the annoying game.] Eeeeeeeexactly. People that have problems with you laying out those rules can stuff it up their tailpipes. [How are they talking without a face? :mystery: ]
  4. Averagius Of The Rave

    Averagius Of The Rave Literal Robot Angel | 18+

    Oh! That makes sense I guess!
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  5. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -uses his other hand to tickle another bit of Mala, waggling the rest of the trapped hand's fingers as though trying to escape- That's s good way of looking at it. I wish everything else was simple. You wouldn't think people would complain about me wanting to make sure the whole race doesn't die out...
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  6. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    People are complicated. [They shrug, settling their wing more comfortably over Ave. The tickled plating shivers, little waves of plating rippling out from each point of contact. That trapped hand is staying trapped tho.] Everyone wants different things, an' despite what we're designed for change is hard for some. Especially change that makes them feel vulnerable, like giving up power, or their frames suddenly doing new things. Or were you talking about Fighty Buglet?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
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  7. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    please don't shout...loud noises hurt my ears...
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  8. Itch


  9. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    [Mala grows a large, heavy limb for the specific purpose of attempting to squash Itch.] Get some manners, fleshling.
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  10. Itch


    *Itch is annoyingly rubbery. There is still cheerful snarking coming from under the limb.* (NAH).
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  11. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    [Organics. Never quite as squishy as they should be. They snort a little, though, amused despite themself by someone a miniscule fraction of their size sassing them. At least her voice is muffled like this! Mala looks to Juice.] Better, whispers?
  12. Itch


    (VWAIT, vwait. hold on. i vwanna do that again, i thought of a better comeback!)

    (vwhy dont you make me!)
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  13. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *The wiggler watches this carnage in interest.*
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  14. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    [More snickering, and a little more pressure. How much weight can this particular organic support before they pop like a cyst? It's Questionable Science Time!] That can be arranged, thank you for volunteering in the name of scientific discovery! Do me a favor and talk as long as possible, hey? Let's see if lung capacity and thoracic structure are related in your species!
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  15. Itch


    (this is kinda hot. you being hilariously ineffectivwe at keeping me dowvn, that is!)
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  16. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *GONGs up a baby version of his outfit and some baby-size pants for @Teal Grub*
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  17. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *It's time to nudely skedaddle, awkwardly gripping the lusus-skin pillow that's the same size of them.*

    *Free the nipple.*
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  18. Amalgamous Prime

    Amalgamous Prime Who puts cats in bags anyhow?

    Whatever cranks your shaft, loudmouth! No paint off my plating if you wanna try self-servicing down there. [They continue gradually increasing pressure, internal sensors keeping careful track of exactly how much force they're exerting.]
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  19. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+


    *avoids looking at the free baby nipples*
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  20. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    [juice winces, covering their ears.]
    please stop yelling at me...

    yeah...but please stop trying to crush her...murder is sorta worse than rude shouting...
    • Like x 2
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