shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.



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  2. *strides into the room, angrily*

    My fucking car. That asshole.
  3. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage make tools to make holes in the apples for fucking?
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  5. Itch


    (shut up, scratch!)
  6. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    Would that be a tool for making holes in apples so that one can fuck the hypothetical apples that we really should just be eating?
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  7. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    I will keep my coppers and purchase more apples, I'm sorry. Now please stop it. I will bring out the staff if I have to.
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  8. This feels like I just ended up at work by mistake. Stupid arguments about the dumbest things.

    Hey, pointy-ears. Cosplay?
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  9. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    Excuse me? Is that some sort of new insult for elves?
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  10. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    (did you actually bother to relearn my name.)
  11. Well, depends what setting you're from. Are you from Tolkien? Dungeons and Dragons? Some of this anime shit with elves? Anyway, pointy-ears is what I always used in our tabletop games as the go-to elf insult. But if you'd prefer another one for color, I can use it!
  12. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    No, no I meant the other word. Pointy-ears gets used here too, though most Shemlen seem to prefer knife-ear or dagger-ear. And our people are fond of using flat-ear. The Dalish are that is, not elves in general. Or elves in general use it, but the Dalish use it towards elves they are think are a bit too human-y. Or just don't like.

    And I'm getting a bit carried away again aren't I?

    Either way, I'd prefer no slurs.

    Is Tolkien a forest where clans live? Or maybe a mountain? I've no idea what we would be doing in dungeons, or with dragons for that matter. Dragons don't really live in dungeons do they, and we much prefer woods anyway. Which dragons don't prefer at all.

    I'm thinking I am getting carried away again...
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  13. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    Though I suppose there may be elves that do live in "dungeons" with dragons. Could you tell me about them? Oh! Are they like the Dalish at all? That is do they keep to the old ways, or are attempting to rediscover them.
  14. "Would you mind?" Vic says, and reaches up to touch the ears. "That's really good work! Where did you get this done?"
  15. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    @Merrill Oh, hello again! The Qunari-ish creatures inform me that they are "trolls," from "Alternia."
  16. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    .. :|

    (Berit looks like maybe she is about to leap to Merrill's defense in a completely unnecessary way.)
  17. Itch


    im not alternian!
  18. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    (absently) Oh, yes, I misremembered. My apologies. (Most of her attention is still on Vic and Merrill.)
  19. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    -backs away from the hand-

    Um, yes I would mind? I don't just go and, I don't know, poke your weird lips or something do I? Anyway, it is called Vallaslin and it was done in my clan by our Keeper as all of it is. We get the markings when we come of age and have proven ourselves adults. It's quite painful and it takes quite a lot of blood to do, but it's one of the highest honors you can have in a Dalish clan!
  20. Merrill

    Merrill Dalish Mage

    Is that what they are? Well, they don't look like something I would call a "troll" but if that's what they are then that is what they are.

    And yes! Hello again. You are...what was the name...Berit! Yes, sorry.
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