shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "Nice to meet you." Valiska grins. "I don't know how helpful this will be, but...Ford's the one with the cleft chin and the streaks in his hair; Stan's the one with the bump on his nose. And Ford always wears red, even when he isn't wearing a sweater. I can tell them apart from six feet away, but I'm mated to one of them and I'm a catte, so that won't help you much."
  2. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    sure, ignore the literal unvwarranted torture so you can chat about hatchmates. great idea evwerybody.
  3. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    seriously, am i the ONLY one vwho thinks this is the littlest bit ovwerkill? and just as bad as evwerything shes supposedly done to deservwe it?

    its hard being the single moral guardian in the room at all times.
  4. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    [He laughs.]

    Well, I'll try and keep it in mind nonetheless. No promises, but sooner or later I will figure it out. The red will help, at least. I pick Dorian out of the crowd by the frankly ostentatious amount of buckles and white he wears, peacock that he his.
    The last time I was here, there was weaponry out. As unhappy a circumstance as this might be, it's much more preferable, I think. At least she isn't being shot?
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  5. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    vwas she screaming for it to stop vwhile the vweapons vwere out.
  6. Janie Doe

    Janie Doe New Member

    It's just water. What does she do when it rains?
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  7. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    She was egging it on, actually. Though I believe the massive amounts of gore and bloodsplatter were hers as well, so I'm not inclined to trust that perception as a wise one.
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  8. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    it doesnt rain vwhere vwere from.
    so then clearly it ISNT preferable.
  9. Janie Doe

    Janie Doe New Member

    -Jane concentrates and it starts to rain. She's getting the hang of the spr3!-
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  10. Scratch

    Scratch Active Member

    *Grimaces and pulls his hood up.*
  11. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    (Berit smiles gratefully as she becomes gradually less bloody.)
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  12. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    I'm going to be a brutally unsympathetic tyrant for a moment and say that it's preferable for the rest of us, and that might outweigh her particular preferences for now. Mass hostility isn't healthy for anyone, and a desire to die in battle does not make it any more so.
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  13. Janie Doe

    Janie Doe New Member

    -Janie sits impassively in the rain, expression not changing but hand shielding her brandy from the water.
  14. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    [He absently creates a barrier around himself to block the rain. At the moment, he's got no interest in getting wet.]
  15. Janie Doe

    Janie Doe New Member

    -She watches him intently before creating her own barrier.-
  16. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *The wiggler shivers and clutches their rather filthy pillow.*
  17. Helios Lavellan

    Helios Lavellan Former Inquisitor |18+

    [The wiggler gets a barrier too, because he's not a completely heartless monster. And he's not sure if it should be getting wet.]
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  18. Janie Doe

    Janie Doe New Member

    Do you want something hot to drink?
  19. [Eclipse fans his wings out and tilts his face up into the rain, humming quietly. With a 40-foot wingspan, someone could probably take shelter from the rain if they didn't mind getting close.]
  20. Itch


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