Wiwaxia runs a SBURB D&D(ish) game - logdump/spectating/popcorn thread!

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Wiwaxia, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Moss Kaplan: yeah
    im uh gonna sit down and drink some water
    and talk to people
    sI: update, giants are to be feared
    Wiwaxia (GM): people who are possible awake
    lemi and leon
    Moss Kaplan: yep them
    Leon Gaspar: nI: i
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Well um
    aG: I wasn't planning on giving them a hug but thanks, Moss
    Leon Gaspar: nI: do i wanna know
    Moss Kaplan: sI: 1. I'm an idiot. 2. good strategy lemi
    Leon Gaspar: nI: well you're alive so i'm assuming nothing too bad happened
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Well that's the first thing that anyone's ever said that to me
    aG: Are you ok rn? how much did the giant hurt you?
    Moss Kaplan: sI: all good. have house. not dead! protip-hittem in the eye
    Arxon: (hey @Wiwaxia is this past where Lemi is in the timeline rn? just checking)
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, future lemi
    probably under bed rest by strict orders of the healer
    Arxon: ok thanks!
    Leon Gaspar: nI: well hey good job
    Moss Kaplan: sI: yeah! go me! I'm so dumb! anyway hows it going for you guys?
    Leon Gaspar: (where's leon in the timeline here)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I got an innocent iguana killed by my own stupidity :/
    aG: and then got saved by the iguanas I was supposed to be protecting
    Wiwaxia (GM): @ leon about 3 hours in the future
    Leon Gaspar: nI: oh yknow
    nI: talking to aliens
    nI: nbd
    nI: oh lemi
    Moss Kaplan: sI: that's a tragic story dude. iguanas. .....wait, aliens
    sI: what
    Leon Gaspar: nI: uh well yes
    nI: a very nice alien messaged me
    Moss Kaplan: sI: so by alien, you -really- mean....?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: their name is terhanu and theyre hopefully gonna come hang out with us
    nI: yeah apparently their species is 'goblin'
    nI: which, i can't wait to tell ilmatar
    Lemi Malloy: aG: goblins are aliens....?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: as it turns out, yeah!
    Moss Kaplan: sI:uh. so. uh. you. /aliens?/
    Leon Gaspar: nI: look at this point i'm just rolling with it
    Moss Kaplan: (we may need to reboot the history nerd especially if they talk to the aliens)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Where are they from?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: lowkey freaking out because they lost their session and are hanging out in the middle of literally fucking nowhere
    nI: i... uh. i forgot to ask
    nI: i will report back later
    nI; if anyone else has any questions for the aliens, let me know
    Lemi Malloy: aG: what can we do to help them out?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: mostly theyre locking onto my phone signal and are gonna try and fly into our session
    Moss Kaplan: sI: Aliens.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Good!
    (Lemi types, hoping they will be more competatnt then her)
    Moss Kaplan: sI: how do they even have analogous equipment to our phone signals
    Leon Gaspar: nI: so yes, hopefully we can hang out with them and fight monsters and not lose our session
    nI: i will also ask them that
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Oh um!
    aG: I have something I should report, I think?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: reports are good!
    Lemi Malloy: aG: So after I, um, fell asleep I woke up in a tower on this weird purple city moon attached to a weird purple city planet?
    Leon Gaspar: nI: derse!
    Moss Kaplan: sI: yeah seems legit
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I went and waited for hours and eventually met the queen, and she says I'm one of the princesses of that place? She also called me a Rogue, which seems like its the opposite of a Princess
    Leon Gaspar: nI: oh. huh. well, there you go
    Lemi Malloy: aG: (um, if it isn't too much trouble could you ask the aliens if they know what that means?)
    aG: anyway the Queen told me that this other place, Prospit, is trying to bring this false god to life, or something like that?
    aG: And that I and the other princess need to stop them???
    aG: She offered to train me to be stronger....
    Leon Gaspar: nI: i will add it to 'alien question list'
    nI: ...
    Myrtha Oscurr: (when in the timeline before I wake up is this?)
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: (that seems fake but ok)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: (well not personally but have me trained by her people)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: i mean on one hand training is good
    nI: but on the other hand i'm ... pretty sure prospit is also good? idk i'm not too sure about this whole dream thingy
    Moss Kaplan: sI:yeah uh hi prospit is a thing
    Lemi Malloy: aG: The queen didn't seem like she was lying. She did tell me that the Prospitians would try and tempt their...heroes? Or something like that, to their side, and eventually try to get me and the others on Derse
    Leon Gaspar: nI: ok so both of you have woken up on your dream planets? neat
    nI: uh
    nI: hrm
    nI: ok lets go with it and just
    nI: keep an eye on things
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I was invited to a ball at the court?
    aG: So maybe I should go and....try to spy? I'm not sure if I'll be good at that, but I can try.
    Leon Gaspar: nI: i mean information is always good
    nI: just do your best, yeah?
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Look where that's gotten me
    aG: Ugh, srry, I should leave. Probably fall back asleep or wait for an opening to run away.
    Leon Gaspar: nI: (moss help me out here)
    nI: doing your best is better than not trying at all
    Moss Kaplan: sI:you should totally try!
    sI:we can help give you tips too
    Lemi Malloy: aG: If I hadn't tried someone would still be alive.
    Leon Gaspar: nI: oh man we'll be like those spy movies
    Moss Kaplan: sI:there are a lot of historical spies you know
    Leon Gaspar: nI: me and moss are in the van feeding you lines through your headset
    nI: ... or that
    nI: okay but consider: if you hadn't tried it's equally likely they would all have died
    Lemi Malloy: aG: They would have stayed where it's safe, if I wasn't there, and they wouldn't have been put in danger if they didn't have to save me after I got my ass kicked.
    aG: And I was too afraid to tell them I was hurt, so we kept on going until I could barely stand and they had to carry me back.
    aG:....I should go before I say anything else stupid, sorry
    --aphoticGaze[aG] has left the chat!--
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((oh nooooooo))
    Moss Kaplan: sI: shit
    Leon Gaspar: nI: yeah
    Moss Kaplan: (wait can I go to derse from prospit)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: im running out of pep talks
    Myrtha Oscurr: (awww)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (moss is that an ooc question?)
    Moss Kaplan: (yep)
    (couldnt remember)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: when we all get together we gotta organise some kind of, like
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yes, if you're prepared for a lot of really boring flying, and don't wake up during that time)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: 'lemi you have worth as a human being' party
    Moss Kaplan: sI: you know what. I'm bringing the party to lemi
    (...that wasnt as dramatic as I imagined it being)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: oh shit
    Moss Kaplan: (especially because my literal plan is to go to sleep)
    Leon Gaspar: nI: shit just got real
    (highkey hoping moss makes it to derse and realises something is very wrong with leon's tower. a guy can dream. (unless he's leon lmao))
    Myrtha Oscurr: (wait something's wrong with the tower?)
    Arxon: (it is smashed to hell)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (welp)
    Arxon: (also oh my god Lemi stop being such a child, you're worrying everyone ;_;)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (and i do not remember who died so)
    Moss Kaplan: ok so I'm going to go to sleep and also to derse, using the very helpful things TA said that one time
    Leon Gaspar: (hugs for lemi, assuming she likes hugs)
    (otherwise, like, gentle fistbumping)
    Moss Kaplan: (also god what a knight moss is what the hell)
    Wiwaxia (GM): fucking knights
    Arxon: (oh man Lemi is not used to touch at allllll)
    Moss Kaplan: (well moss isnt either so this should be awkward as fuuuck)
    Leon Gaspar: (oh man this could go horribly wrong)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (that's the SBURB way!)
    Leon Gaspar: (lemi and moss vs. ilmatar 'everyone is my friend' nordwind and leon 'musicians get weirdly physical with each other' gaspar')
    (and then, myrtha)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and sera!
    Arxon: (Maladapted Children and Magical Powers: the SBURB motto)
    Leon Gaspar: (and sera! poor sera)
    (can we put that in out of context quotes too)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (myrtha 'oh hey these horrormonster songs are nice' oscurr)
    Leon Gaspar: (hanging out, singing with giant space tentacle monsters. good times.)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (seriously hoping I can make the grace checks on the horrorterror songs, just because i want to see what would happen)
    (also because the idea of myrtha humming ancient horroroterror music sounds very funny to me)
    Arxon: (singing with the Horrorterrors: what could go wrong)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (Right?)
    k m.: anyway so should we switch or are we done for the night or am I actually doing this
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can start doing it, yeah
    you get an hour into the flight before you are quite rudely awakened by the feeling of your bed jostling
    someone has messaged you while you slept
    Moss Kaplan: damn
    I check
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: moss, steer clear, ima move your balls
    Moss Kaplan: sI: what
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ahahahahaha, whimsy's gonna be so happy)
    Moss Kaplan: what
    Wiwaxia (GM): (you just ran into a bit of the future from like a dozen sessions ago)
    Moss Kaplan: wait
    Wiwaxia (GM): so like a couple real-world months ago we played a session that you missed where waking!ilmatar started building up your house
    and sent that message to warn moss
    because she obviously can't move anything that a player's in
    waking!moss has finally hit that point in the timeline
    Myrtha Oscurr: amazinf
    Moss Kaplan: that's a _warning_
    you rebuilt my _house_
    .....alright. ok. this is fine. yep.
    oh my god
    Arxon: (perfectly timed bad-life-choice-cockblocking cockblocking)
    Wiwaxia (GM): technically speaking she can't rebuild your house yet
    because you can't move structures with a player on or in them
    Moss Kaplan: why couldn't this have happened while the giant was on it
    oh ok I...cautiously vacate the premises
    Wiwaxia (GM): ilmatar was still asleep!
    Moss Kaplan: looking for angry things with possibly one eye
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get a nice front-row seat to your room being plucked from its perch and set down next to the base of your tower
    Moss Kaplan: "im going to move your -balls-" I mutter to myself in disbelief
    Wiwaxia (GM): your mom's room is similarly picked up and placed on the other side of the tower
    Moss Kaplan: "why are you doing this to me"
    Wiwaxia (GM): and i think i'm gonna cut it there, if that's alright with arxon
    to do some wrap-up stuff
    Arxon: alrighty!
    Moss Kaplan: next time: moss continuously tries to sleep despite all the interruptions
    Leon Gaspar: will leon continue to not get hypothermia? will he finally put some fucking clothes on? tune in to find out!
    Wiwaxia (GM): *will he have
    cause past, yaknow
    Leon Gaspar: listen
    Myrtha Oscurr: will myrtha's brain slowly dribble out her ears fromlistening to horrorterrors?
    Leon Gaspar: leon might be the seer of time but i can't with this temporal nonsense
    Arxon: How many more bad life choices can Lemi make?
    Wiwaxia (GM): @bird
    Leon Gaspar: in hindsight, not the best choice of character for me
    i'm gonna have to start keeping track of the timeline
    Moss Kaplan: pfff whoops
    Wiwaxia (GM): not to worry, i'll figure out some way to get you deets from the super nice timeline program i splurged on
    Leon Gaspar: niiice
    i can get a handle on things if i have a visual representation lmao
    Wiwaxia (GM): moss xp tally 52 total damage
    so 1040 xp
    Leon Gaspar: goddamn dude
    Myrtha Oscurr: wow
    (Not) Literally A Bird: also would it be ok if i checked out for tonight, i know we're only gonna be a bit longer but i gotta sleep
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh yeah, i'm just doing wrapping-up stuff
    anyways that not only nets moss level 3, it puts them halfway to level 4
    (Not) Literally A Bird: awesome, i will see y'all either next week or whenever we do this again!
    night y'all
    Arxon: night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    Myrtha Oscurr: gnight!
    Wiwaxia (GM): moss, while you're here, can you roll a d6 for level-up hp?
    try not to roll another one
    k m.: rolling d6
    = 6
    (I'm sorry, there was dinner)
    Wiwaxia (GM): well
    that aint a one
    (To GM) rolling 10^2
    = 10
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 10e2
    = 1000
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1e2
    = 100
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling .5e2
    = 50
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 5!2
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 5!
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 4d4
    = 8
    rolling 4d10+4d6
    = 49
    wait shit wrong game
    that is to say, come join us over in episode 5
    Arxon: oh sorry!
  2. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    whimsy: sup ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): heya
    k m.: hi! so apparently wifi is a thing that exists in an hour, because the guy who owns the house has real shit wifi
    but until then I have the phone!
    which means I can see the text box
    Arxon: (hi)
    whimsy: hi ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    Arxon: I am just gonna
    drink a coke
    get my brain working
    whimsy: im not very awake atm
    stayed awake until half past 4 last night because of an rp, then slept 7 hours and had 3 hours of training. will keep self awake somehow, though
    k m.: ok if I cut out again I will be back on in an hour guaranteed, because this place is the worst
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    i think we'll wait a little bit for bird to get here, if he can make it tonight
    and then probably start with dream moss and ilmatar, to finish up that bit of non-chronological shenanigans and let whimsy get to sleep early
    k m.: sweet, sounds good
    whimsy: i'll be awake for a bit over an hour at minimum, because i've got my washing machine running at 1 am because i need my derse purple bedsheets for tomorrow
    might be awake longer
    Wiwaxia (GM): cool, good to know!
    okay, bird said to start without him
    gimme a minute to get all my shit together and we're good to go
    k m.: k sounds good
    Arxon: k!
    whimsy: i'll do my best to be not a zombie "_"
    and i need more food that i can just nuke in the microwave
    k m.: yeah I'm just rewriting stats so I can reference them better on paper
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm trying to get a number on distance from prospit to derse
    whimsy: good luck
    Wiwaxia (GM): although that can strictly speaking wait
    well, i found some old calculations from back in the day
    k m.: ooh
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright
    so i'm getting a figure of 45km from the center of skaia to the planets
    whimsy: brain!ilmatar suggests we should construct a highway made out of yellow bricks between the different parts of the incipisphere and procure some sort of vehicle
    k m.: omg yes
    Wiwaxia (GM): pfff
    anyways, i can finish the rest of the calculations later
    (btw, that means y'all need to build 45km of house)
    (have fun with that)
    k m.: jegus
    whimsy: high enough levels to bounce a few higher leveled monsters around, and copypaste
    it's exponential, so...
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's still a lot of grist
    and here i was worried it would be too cheap to build up to skaia
    k m.: ok
    we build a catapult
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways
    you ready to start, moss and whimsy?
    k m.: yeah, en route to starbucks
    whimsy: yeah
    although i dont quite remember where we left off, i think it was in prospit in a shoe shop
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, moss's friend the Taciturn Shoemaker was making you some tea
    here, do you want me to paste you the last bit of dialogue you were having?
    such as it was
    Wiwaxia (GM): the door rings and a carapacian lady walks in
    Wiwaxia (GM): TS: a moment, you two
    TS appears to conduct an entire business deal with some nodding, some noncommittal grunting and a few single words
    Moss Kaplan: ((oops, like 10 minutes left for me))
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((K))
    TS turns back to you
    TS: tea?
    Wiwaxia (GM): Ilmatar Nordwind: ((kk))
    Moss Kaplan: sure! thanks
    Ilmatar Nordwind: That'd be nice, thank you!
    TS nods, and puts a pot on, then gets back to setting up her workbench
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can't help but notice that her leather is almost entirely gold and white
    Moss Kaplan: Hey that looks very nice
    Wiwaxia (GM): Ilmatar Nordwind is looking around with big eyes.
    TS: mm
    Moss Kaplan: "so, how is the shop going?"
    TS: alright
    you keeping well?
    Moss Kaplan: "pretty well. this is one of my friends"
    TS nods

    whimsy perks up at being called a friend! Of course she knew that Moss was her friend, but it's still nice to be an official friend as well!
    Moss Kaplan: "she's, uhm. visiting"
    TS nods again, then gets up and pours three cups of tea
    TS: yours
    and yours
    Ilmatar Nordwind smiles. "Thank you!"
    TS: mm
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((whoops i goofed earlier, that shouldve been ilma about the friend thing and not her mun))
    Moss Kaplan: after drinking: "thanks, this is good"
    ((all good, I figured))
    TS nods
    Ilmatar Nordwind carefully sips her tea.
    TS: visiting from where?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Nordfriesland. This tea is delicious, by the way. What kind is it?
    TS: crystalanthemum
    Ilmatar Nordwind has never heard of that kind. Must be a regional thing.
    TS: that on the Lands?
    never heard of it
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ps guess what song i'm playing :D)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and the first two guesses don't count?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yep)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Well, it is land, although there's a bunch of Halligen, too.
    The Land of Steps and Storms doesn't have any of those, though.
    TS: ah, that one I know
    TS: never been, though
    should be overhead now
    Ilmatar Nordwind: It's a beautiful place.
    TS: mm
    Moss Kaplan: is basically just sipping tea
    kind of in awe how much TS is talking
    -multiple- -syllables-
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ehehehehe)
    (what can i say, she likes ilmatar)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((oo_oo))
    ((ilma should be chatterboxing on but im only drawing blanks, damnit.))
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can just give an executive summary of what you're chattering about, too
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((mostly that this all is very exciting, because hooray new places, new people, and people can see her here)) ((although i just managed to decipher two questions))
    Moss Kaplan: ((yeah moss isn't a big talker which is probably why when they run into ts it's so awkward))
    ((mostly moss talks to themself))
    TS: in the sky
    here, come
    TS leads you out the door and points up between the buildings to where you can just barely see a small, iridescent circle hanging in the black
    Ilmatar Nordwind looks up in awe, then assumes a pondering expression.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (did moss follow?)
    Moss Kaplan: (yep! still with tea)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Moss, does that mean that I'm in two places at once?
    Moss Kaplan: "...I don't actually know."
    Is kind of cheerful about this. Astral projection, while unscientific on a regular basis, is interesting when you're the one experiencing it
    Ilmatar Nordwind: How delightfully strange! I wonder what happens if the two places at once are close enough to touch.
    Moss Kaplan: -pleasantly surprised by ilmatar and scientific inquiry working together -
    "that would be interesting! either nothing...or something"
    "though i'm a little more interested in the something"
    TS gives the both of you a somewhat baffled, somewhat amused look
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Right? The challenge being making that happen. Hmmm....
    Moss Kaplan: "I wonder if there's a gravitational pull, and if you could take advantage of it"
    moss is not a math + science person anyway
    "oh! i'm sorry TS. we're being rude. the sky -is- beautiful tonight though"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: It might be easier with this body, this one can fly, although LOSAS looks quite distant.
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, btw, i apparently badly underestimated the angular diameter of LOSAS from Prospit
    it's about the size of your fist at arms length
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (aka... three or four times the size of the moon on clear nights? the moon is still fuck-off far away, and i don't think ilma is savvy enough to grok that the earth moon is MUCH larger than LOSAS)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, about
    Moss Kaplan: (cool)
    Wiwaxia (GM): wait shit
    TS nods
    TS: it is beautiful
    Ilmatar Nordwind resumes looking at the sky, and her appearance shifts a little - starry black butterfly wings unfurling from under her hair. She does not quite float yet.
    is TS had eyebrows, she would raise them
    TS: impressive
    Moss Kaplan: "huh.
    "are you aware you have wings?"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: -Ilma looks at Moss with wide eyes.-
    Of course I do! I told you I'm a fairy!
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((gm giggling in distance))
    Moss Kaplan: -moss is doing all the eyebrow raising needed in this area-
    ((i feel like this helps cement moss' eventual 'aliens. what' moment later, since _so much weird shit_ ))
    "right. so you did."
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((poor moss. poor moss's deeply ingrained skepticism))
    Arxon: ((you know Moss is just trying their best))
    Wiwaxia (GM): Moss: Mental breakdown.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((i am so glad that neither dream nor rain were viable aspects in this session because rain!ilma or dream!ilma would've been somewhere between hilarious and utterly terrifying)) ((sburb glitch faq for those who dont know))
    Moss Kaplan: (moss cannot help the skepticism. it is too strong. i'm just waiting for seriously weird stuff to start happening /because/ of moss)
    (they may crack. it'll be great)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (im looking forward to the ectobiology part so. much.)
    (or at least the frogbreeding, the ectoslime cloning could be anyone, theoretically)
    (technically session leader. who's our session leader anyways?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): Lemi
    ((more distant gm giggling))
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (ah i remember)
    Moss Kaplan: (pff. so weirded out. so much guhhwhut. isgonnabe great))
    Arxon: ((oh nooooooo))
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Oh! So, Moss, TS - may I call you TS? - how did you two meet?
    Moss Kaplan: "Well, it kind of feels like I've always been coming down for tea at TS'"
    "I was wandering around when i was a kid and just barged in. kids, right?" moss laughs, ignoring the fact that they are literally 16
    Ilmatar Nordwind giggles, and looks at TS.
    Moss Kaplan: "anyway, yeah, TS made me tea, and i've been barging in ever since"
    TS smiles
    TS: weren't quite so rude as they make it sound
    Moss Kaplan: "thanks, TS"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: You two are /adorable/
    TS: mm
    Moss Kaplan: -unsuccessfully hides slight blush behind tea cup-
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((the only reason ilma isnt pulling ts and moss into a group hug is that moss is holding a tea cup))
    Moss Kaplan: ((moss knows this and will use the tea cup possibly forever))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (TS is also holding a teacup, as a matter of fact)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((shucks))
    Ilmatar Nordwind smiles brightly at TS.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Thank you for being Moss' friend.
    TS gives you a polite, friendly but somewhat nonplussed blink
    Moss Kaplan: -beep beep beep moss' future-emotional warnings are all going off-
    "anyway! i promised to show ilmatar around!"
    TS smiles
    TS: mm
    don't fly off with my cups, though
    Moss Kaplan: ((oh no))
    "of course not!"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Thank you for your tea and your hospitality, TS, and I hope we haven't taken too much of your time. May I return in the future?
    -Ilma finishes her tea- Ah, where should I put this?
    Moss Kaplan: -takes the tea cup-
    "here, i'll take it back"
    ((into the shop))
    TS: thank you
    Moss Kaplan: "yup sure thing"
    -goes inside to drop off cups-
    TS also heads back inside and picks up her work where she left if
    Ilmatar Nordwind follows the two back in.
    TS: you heading out?
    take care
    come visit
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Thank you, we will. To both.
    Moss Kaplan: "yeah! thanks for the tea!"
    TS: mhm.
    Wiwaxia (GM): where are you two heading now?
    Moss Kaplan: "alright, come on, PS is probably still up and about"
    Ilmatar Nordwind waves at TS one last time, then catches up with Moss.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Where to?
    Moss Kaplan: "this way"
    -leads ilmatar to planless stenographer's-
    Wiwaxia (GM): *planless typist
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (not a very flattering job description)
    Moss Kaplan: *oh right i forgot that happened
    Wiwaxia (GM): i renamed him so his initials wouldn't conflict with pragmatic shopkeep
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((place description?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): PT works on prospit proper
    so you get a nice view as you fly away from the streets of the moon
    and circle round it towards the great Chain of Prospit
    it is massive, especially seeing it for the first time, like Ilmatar is
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Whoa!
    Wiwaxia (GM): the chain itself is thicker around than you are tall
    and you could comfortably float in the middle of a link
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((it's taking ilmatar enough willpower to not explore every nook she sees!))
    Wiwaxia (GM): around it flutter ships and what look like large floating patios full of milling carapacians
    Ilmatar Nordwind explores the chain. It's HUGE.
    Wiwaxia (GM): ferrying back and forth between the moon and the planet
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (while taking a bit of care not to get into anyones way)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you notice that half of them are oriented so the moon is "down" and half oriented so it is "up"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: clever!
    Wiwaxia (GM): some of the people on the ferry-platforms wave at you as you fly past
    the chain itself is hard golden metal
    pocked with thousands of tiny pits and scratches that glint in the blue light of Skaia
    Moss Kaplan: -moss has seen this before and while it is cool as hell, they're like 'come on, this way'-
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Naww!
    Ilmatar Nordwind makes a memo to herself to keep the wonderful pun she just thought of in mind and tell Moss later.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Is it always this busy around here?
    Moss Kaplan: "pretty much yeah"
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, i can't get it on the jukebox, but
    Moss Kaplan: "those are new though" - pointing at warships in distance-
    "it's probably because of the war"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: There's a war? Against whom?
    Moss Kaplan: "Derse, from what i hear"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Do you know why?
    Moss Kaplan: "...not really. I haven't really asked. we can ask PT though"
    Ilmatar Nordwind nods.
    Wiwaxia (GM): onwards?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (aye)
    Moss Kaplan: (yep! sorry, killing emails)
    Wiwaxia (GM): np
    you fly down towards Prospit, and around the curve of it
    a block of six massive towers rises over the horizon, crowned with orbs of glowing light
    below them spills a spiderweb of boulevards and plazas, cut deeply into the piled towers and spires of the city
    Moss Kaplan: "now _that's_ a view"
    Ilmatar Nordwind has huge glowy eyes!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also arxon, correction/retcon note, the palaces are in fact right below the prototyping towers)
    (so you were right about that)
    Arxon: (alright, thank you 0u0)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (please hold while I find a sufficiently beautiful library and color it gold)
    Moss Kaplan: (ysssss)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (you are aware that you wont be able to pry ilma from those books any time soon?)
    Moss Kaplan: (booooks)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (brb hanging up the laundry)
    Wiwaxia (GM): I'm calling this Official Snack Break
    while I prep the library
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (kk)
    Moss Kaplan: (sweet)
    Arxon: (I am apparently incapable of drawing Myrtha w/o making her look like a Disney princess :V)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (eheheheheheh)
    Arxon: (btw, whimsy, what is Ilma's build?)
    Moss Kaplan: (aww. disney princess forever)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (155 cm thereabouts, chubby, so 60-65 kg?)
    (even if i tend to draw her slimmer, which i should stop) (shes got some muscle from climbing around in the forest for shoots, but nothing special)
    Arxon: (thank you!)
    Moss Kaplan: (shoot, i'm going to have to leave internet soon. it'll be a weird little hiccup as i switch back to phone, but i should be able to still rp))
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (oh nooooo D::)
    Moss Kaplan: (at any rate, plan is to get to PT's, ask some questions about war maybe, and then figure out when we match up with timeline/when we wake up))
    k m.: (ok on mobile now)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (kk)
    Wiwaxia (GM): good timing, I am almost done!
    that glorious piece of architecture is what you see
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Wheeee :DD
    k m.: o my god I love you
    Wiwaxia (GM): whoops missed a spot
    Moss Kaplan: "ok no. _that's_ a view"
    Wiwaxia (GM): dear future people, click the second link, the first one's dead
    so yeah
    PT works in a small room off to one corner of the library campus
    are you going to actually go meet him, or will ilmatar be lured away by the siren song of books
    Ilmatar Nordwind: bookbooksbooksbooksbooks
    Moss Kaplan: PT!
    -a brief struggle of minds ensues-
    Ilmatar Nordwind vanishes between the shelves.
    Moss Kaplan: "godd-"
    considers the books
    "ok nevermind"
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d100
    = 9
    the first book you find is entirely in some sort of herptile-based heiroglyphics
    Ilmatar Nordwind: naw shucks
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d100
    = 28
    you grab another book
    it seems to be a treatise on battlefield surgery
    with a hefty section of full-color plates
    Moss Kaplan: I want that
    Ilmatar Nordwind looks around to see if she can find a map, and where the legends are.
    Wiwaxia (GM): are you looking for a book of maps, or a map of the library?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: a map of the library
    Wiwaxia (GM): you haven't the faintest idea of where that might be
    and some running around produces no librarians
    Ilmatar Nordwind is confused. She has been to quite a few libraries, and even the smaller ones have maps where the shelves, signatures, and topics are laid out.
    Wiwaxia (GM): just a hell of a lot of books
    shelves upon shelves upon shelves
    Ilmatar Nordwind: are the books sorted haphazardly? do they have a signature?
    (signature as in, a unique letter/number code that you use to locate a book if you have found the title in the catalogue)
    Ilmatar Nordwind tries to locate a catalogue. Are there computers? Book catalogues? Card catalogues?
    Moss Kaplan: moss wanders joyously
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((im sorry my librarian major is showing))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (did medieval libraries have any of those, though?)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (they did have written catalogues)
    (and for the time signatures came up i'd have to look that up, sec)
    (the written catalogues are title, author, etc, and which shelf)
    (blrgh, my google fu is weak)
    Wiwaxia (GM): mine's not bad
    it seems like you've got "shelfmarks"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (its almost 6 am i think thats part of the reason)
    Wiwaxia (GM): which are kinda precursors to the signatures you're talking about
    (fair enough!)
    I haven't been able to find anything suggesting an organizational system by content
    only by frequency of use if anything
    so let's say there's running shelfmarks
    and a written catalogue somewhere
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, and no spine titles
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (if it isnt sorted by topic, its probably numerus currens, and then sorted alphabetically either via author or title in the book catalogue)
    (ofc not, probably a consistent library binding, too)
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you say "golden covers on everything?"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (yeah, that sounds like consistent library binding)
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, numerus currens?
    not familiar with
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (running number. you put the books into the shelves as they come)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, yeah
    makes sense
    we'll go with that
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  3. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and those systems are why librarians were necessary for book location back in the day) (signatures and sort by topic and opac or even a card catalogue are so much nicer)
    catalogues are probably somewhere more central, so ilma is going to try and find the centre of the library
    (also from my internship at berlin state library, there are topic based catalogues)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (in medieval libraries, you mean? good to know!)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (aaaaayup. i held one of those in my own hands. it was coming apart.)
    (ok berlin state library was 18th century i think but) (close enough)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((holy shit. much envy, dude))
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (you wouldnt believe some of the stuff i was allowed to touch)
    (my main project was working through some documents etc that were over a century old and catalogue them)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((nice))
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (some of the older stuff we were shown by the librarians, literal centuries)
    (from some pretty damn famous people, too)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you make your way towards the center of the library
    as you walk by the shelves, you notice a couple of books that seem to be locked shut
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Huh!
    Ilmatar Nordwind wonders if she could procure the keys to those from somewhere.
    Wiwaxia (GM): you come to a central open atrium
    several floors down is a large reading room filled with radially arranged lecterns
    there are no stairs down, here
    this would be more of a problem if you couldn't fly
    Ilmatar Nordwind: heh.
    Wiwaxia (GM): descend?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: descend.
    Wiwaxia (GM): you land neatly among the lecterns
    around most of the edge of the reading room the shelves stretch back just as they did abover
    however, in front of you is an imposing brick archway labeled
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (irl laughing my ass off)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and behind you is a nice open corridor to a ornate gold and dark wood desk
    there's a tasteful little bell way off in one corner of it
    gold, of course
    Ilmatar Nordwind: pfft, that's too easy
    Ilmatar Nordwind takes a look at the shelves close to the desk.
    Wiwaxia (GM): are you just pulling out books and examining them?
    or looking at the shelves themselves?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (you know what? if youre asking like that, both)
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d100
    = 63
    you find a hefty book of general engineering
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ooooh
    ((personal guess as to what's in the forbidden section, it's books on loan from derse))
    Wiwaxia (GM): looking at the shelves themselves, you notice that the shelf numbers are getting pretty low
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (if they put in the catalogues via numerus currens, i'm going to slap them)
    (i am literally going to reach through the screen and administer a most righteous drubbing)
    (but yeah, going to look for the first shelf)
    Wiwaxia (GM): can I get an int check?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1D20+13
    = 14
    Wiwaxia (GM): you run around for like an hour looking for it
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and probably get distracted by other books)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and accomplish nothing but getting yourself really, really lost
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (hooray!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (honestly half the reason I went for a fuckstupid organizational system for this library was to facilitate people getting lost)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (its hilarious how the sburb glitch faq describes mages as fucking know it alls, and then we have ilma)
    (ilma got lost in between a bazillion books, i dont think she really cares.)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    here I'll roll up what's around you right now
    rolling 4d100
    = 262
    so the first book doesn't have any sort of title you can find anywhere
    but it's pretty clearly a recipe book
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (now untitled books can be very intere -- RECIPE BOOK)
    Wiwaxia (GM): packed full of tiny, handwritten script, with jostling marginal annotations in many hands
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (the best kind of recipe book)
    Wiwaxia (GM): are you gonna just sit and read through it for a while, or check out the other nearby books before you start really digging in to reading?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i'm going to check the others out first)
    (the best kind of recipe book is a huge part whimsy, because ive found the best kind of recipes turn out to be the modded ones)
    Wiwaxia (GM): afk for a second
    the next book you pick up, by contrast, has a very definite title page
    in large, stern black letters, it reads:
    The Solists Sinople
    Ilmatar Nordwind has no idea what those words mean, so she looks inside.
    of their origine, their might, and the dread chief of their number
    Wiwaxia (GM): there is no author listed
    you look inside
    most of the pages appear to be blank white
    Ilmatar Nordwind: Invisible ink. How rude.
    Wiwaxia (GM): every now and then, half a page, or a two page spread or several pages all together are taken up with elaborate diagrams
    like star charts, or bestiaries, or allegorical alchemical instructions
    Ilmatar Nordwind: oooooooh
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can't really tell without the text
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i ask the book nicely to show me the text.
    Wiwaxia (GM): these are all done in vivid color, usually on a black field
    the book, quite rudely, does not comply
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i tilt the book a little, maybe if the light angle changes i can see some more
    Wiwaxia (GM): that sounds like a good idea
    except that you suddenly realize you have no idea where the light is coming from
    there's no obvious light sources, the entire space is just suffused with a golden light
    Ilmatar Nordwind imagines herself wearing sunglasses.
    Wiwaxia (GM): you are now wearing sunglasses
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (nice. are they helping?)
    (like, different tint, less golden light that makes gold ink on white paper illegible?)
    (ooh, i try touching the pages and try to feel if there's anything on them)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, you can see faint white text showing up highlighted on the pages
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (a-ha!)
    (ilma is too adhd to remember the other books or the catalogue. she will try deciphering the book, probably until someone starts talking to her or she wakes up)
    Wiwaxia (GM): if you squint and lean over the page, you can just barely read the tine white letters
    ... except that they're all written backwards
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (bluuuuh)
    (ok, next book)
    Wiwaxia (GM): the next book is actually printed in a nice, reasonable, professional manner
    it's got a long technical title and an abstract on the first page
    from what you can tell, it seems to deal with genetics, cloning and the potential for genetically engineering soldiers and/or war monsters
    at the bottom of the front page is a little sidebar listing the author's affiliations
    you notice that they are split almost evenly between prospit and derse
    Ilmatar Nordwind: huh
    joint work, interesting
    but that's good news, because it means that peace between the two factions is possible
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
    = 52
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): continue reading or look at the last book here, or leave all these books behind and continue getting lost i mean exploring?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: four is a lucky number, so let's see what the fourth book holds
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's a book on the history, theory and techniques of prospitian fashion
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (FASHION) (that was brain!ilma by the way)
    Ilmatar Nordwind buries herself in the fashion book.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and now its 7 am idk if you guys will continue playing but i probably won't so i'll stop hogging screentime)
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a lot of interesting stuff in there about incorporating these recurring motifs into fashion and clothing
    "the vine"
    "the leopard"
    "the man of many eyes and many faces"
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (do it for the vine)
    k m.: (omg)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (also rude salbrak is a they)
    Karrin Blue: hi
    Wiwaxia (GM): "the standardbearing skeleton"
    Karrin Blue: Sorry
    Arxon: hi!
    Karrin Blue: i'm later
    whimsy: hi karrin ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, make that "the one of etc. etc."
    Moss Kaplan: (when do we wake up tho because I have had so much coffee now
    much tired)
    (I'm so sad and old, it's like almost ten here)
    Wiwaxia (GM): sorry, can't parse that
    can you rephrase, moss?
    Moss Kaplan: (yep hang on)
    (when, in timeline, do we wake up from prospit? because me, in realtime, is super tired because too much coffee turns my brains to mush. addendum of "I'm pathetic for being tired at ten pm")
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright
    so we already know when you wake up and what you do immediately afterwards
    Moss Kaplan: yup!
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wake up at t=23:00 and pick a fight with a giclops
    Moss Kaplan: just, in the story we're talking now, do we wake up soon?
    Wiwaxia (GM): aaaahh, gotcha
    Moss Kaplan: yup! sorry, coffee brain
    Wiwaxia (GM): no worries
    well, when we last saw you before ilmatar booked it off into the depths of the stacks was at about t=18:30
    sou you've got like four and a half hours before you wake up
    during which time you can go visit PT or whatever
    Moss Kaplan: ok!
    Wiwaxia (GM): but you ain't gonna run into ilmatar again unless you go hunt her down and find her
    because she has gotten her nose buried in a number of books and will almost certainly be there until she wakes up at t=24:00
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((theory: ilma comes across a book on architecture and thats the reason her building session doesnt end in outright disaster)
    Moss Kaplan: I'll wander for like a half hour, I figure, and maybe run into ilmatar and maybe not
    Wiwaxia (GM): you do not run into ilmatar at all
    you actually manage to find a librarian!
    but they haven't seen her either
    Moss Kaplan: oh hey
    yeah I figured
    well in that case, I tell them to let her know I'm going to pt's if they see her
    Wiwaxia (GM): they agree, in a way that suggests that they really don't expect to see her, and ask if you need anything else
    Moss Kaplan: "nah I'm good, thanks"
    and off to pt's
    Wiwaxia (GM): you find pt hammering away at his typewriter in somewhat of a panic
    whimsy: (i'm going to sleep now tho its 7 am)
    Moss Kaplan: (gnight!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    Moss Kaplan: "hey pt"
    Wiwaxia (GM): (dream of books!)
    PT: i uh what oh hey moss one sec
    Arxon: (opps night!)
    Moss Kaplan: "yeah totes"
    Wiwaxia (GM): ahfuck, i think i'm running out of steam, too
    do you mind if we stop here?
    k m.: yeah totally!
    Wiwaxia (GM): sorry for not getting to you, karrin and arxon
    Karrin Blue: me too
    sorry i didn't get here earlier
    Wiwaxia (GM): eh, no worries
    Arxon: it's fine 0u0
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    k m.: night!
    Karrin Blue: night!
    (Not) Literally A Bird: who's got two thumbs and managed to get a good night's sleep and is therefore well-rested?
    d(THIS GUY)b
    whimsy: hooray ::D
    i slept until noon today b/c its sunday and i didnt get much sleep on friday
    idk how long i can stay up today xxD
    but hooray for getting sleep and being rested ::D
    (Not) Literally A Bird: sleepins are good!
    whimsy: (im currently baking cookies) (but i keep messing up the nonplus and i dont know why) (they taste ok but the baiser head shrivels and dies the second i take them from the oven)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (i cannot help you. good luck.)
    whimsy: (thank you ::D the third batch is seriusly dark but hasnt shriveled) (i think i need to call grandma tomorrow and ask her what i did wrong)
    Arxon: hello!
    whimsy: sup::D
    Karrin Blue: Hi
    Arxon: ...actually bbs, just realized how bad I need food
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    sorry i'm a bit lat4
    (Not) Literally A Bird: not a problem
    altho i think i should ... probably move to my room? hrm. can i motivate myself to get up...
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, everyone ready to go?
    oh also bird, re: leon
    Karrin Blue: think I'm ready!
    Wiwaxia (GM): note that your starting Time thing can get you out of hypothermia
    actually, yeah, I think I'm gonna start with leon
    because bird hasn't done anything for a couple sessions and leon is the furthest back on the timeline right now
    leon is currently shivering in a flooded office building at T=19:30
    and has an appointment with a memo at a little before T=24:00
    Arxon: (um hello again)
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    Arxon: Buuuuuueller?
    (Not) Literally A Bird: dammit
    people were being Wrong on the Internet
    Wiwaxia (GM): haha
    Arxon: ahahahaaaa I know that feel
    Wiwaxia (GM): a perennial risk
    (Not) Literally A Bird: ayup. ok here we go
    also w/r/t the starting time thing, you mean the 'i put this thing Right Over Here' thing, right?
    and also i can only use that once
    Wiwaxia (GM): mm?
    no, you can use it as much as you like
    that just clutters up your Cosmic To-Do list
    and Bad Things happen if you ever become unable to do something on there
    Leon Gaspar: well then! as it happens, future!leon is going to remember the ignominy of this moment, and stash ... lemme think
    a fluffy towel, definitely, and then a change of clothes and underwear.
    is that too many items
    whimsy: (one of those heat pads)
    Wiwaxia (GM): hey, more items is just digging your own grave deeper, you put as much shit there as you want
    Leon Gaspar: (see i'm worrying about how he's going to procure things. i was gonna put 'actual swimsuit' on the list, but it's not something leon would own, and then i have to rely on him getting a code from someone else and alchemising it)
    Wiwaxia (GM): i mean what
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, let's just go with that for now
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, and you should now be able to see the cosmic to-do list sheet over in the journal tab
    Leon Gaspar: Okay. Since time is kind of wonky here, if I say that ... sometime in the future ... Future Leon is going to put some dry clothes and a towel behind that desk...
    I peer hopefully over the desk
    ((ahaha yeah, 'without being spotted'. this is gonna be fun.))
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, nothing future you can do can contradict previously played events, so if you wanna run around in the early hours of the game
    you're gonna have to do a lot of sneaking
    Leon Gaspar: ((can i take it as read that i've located the care package?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, jackpot secured
    Leon Gaspar: ((yeahhh. maybe i'll just...ask ilmatar reeeeeeeeeal nice if i can borrow some Breeze powers...))
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can even put some shades in there for yourself if you want
    Leon Gaspar: (...yes)
    I thoroughly dry myself off, then sort of make myself into a little towel-tent while i warm up
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's quite cozy
    Leon Gaspar: I try not to think about the fact that i'm going to have to swim to get out of here again. sigh.
    Wiwaxia (GM): now that you're not losing all that heat from shivering immediately, you warm up fairly quickly
    yeah, and the wind's still picking up
    thin, sleet-grey clouds are sliding over the horizon in the direction of the highway you haven't explored yet
    with just the faintest touch of peach light on the tops of their leading edges
    Leon Gaspar: I look out the window, straining to see something, anything over the really close horizon.
    I also consider whether or not I've warmed up enough to be considered not in danger of hypothermia
    Wiwaxia (GM): you see the snaggletoothed algae covered tops of similar skyscrapers breaking around you
    the highway you walked here along goes straight over the horizon, but you thiiiiink you might be able to make out an offramp or interchange or something right on the horizon
    Leon Gaspar: Man. It's kind of pretty, in a desolate sort of way. Well, I kinda like that abandoned city aesthetic...just with less water, usually.
    Off-ramp is promising, though! I take note and hope that I'm not seeing things
    Wiwaxia (GM): (and i've actually got a cruddy reference map for this area, so it's not all improv)
    Leon Gaspar: Alright. I'm warmer now, so I'mma get dressed again
    Wiwaxia (GM): (:D)
    Leon Gaspar: (neat! also i like your prospit picture :P)
    (and ilmatar's symbol never fails to amuse me. it's just so...ilmatar.)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, i'd plop you on a LORAM page, but i don't have anything really presentable for it
    Leon Gaspar: (nah, no problem. i mean i'm just hanging out in an apartment building anyway)
    I'm also gonna take this here towel and fashion it into a cape
    And for good measure, I will eat a bug snack, because I'm feeling run down and Tia always said to eat something sugary when you're run down. ...I'm not sure what the sugar content of bug snacks is, but it's worth a shot.
    Wiwaxia (GM): i believe there was some candied cicadas in one of them
    your cape kinda flops fuzzily rather than billowing in the wind, and it's heavy enough to tug on the neck of your shirt, but other than that, it's great!
    and goes nicely with your collander-helmet aesthetic
    Leon Gaspar: I feel ... childish. But also somehow heroic. More importantly, I can improve upon my aesthetic when I'm not in the middle of nowhere.
    Onwards! I look around to see if this room is any different from the one I just escaped
    Wiwaxia (GM): well
    it's less wet
    Leon Gaspar: yeah that's pretty much what i was expecting. another office room
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: any neat lockers i could prod around in?
    or cupboards, or the like.
    Wiwaxia (GM): some locked filing cabinets
    although you could brute-force them open without too much trouble
    Leon Gaspar: hm. might come back to that later if i have no luck elsewhere
    gonna try the door now
    Wiwaxia (GM): you push on the knob
    your hand, and the knob, go through the doot
    Leon Gaspar: uh
    Wiwaxia (GM): *door, that is
    Leon Gaspar: i flail for a minute
    okay, gonna try pressing next to the handle, see if that's any more solid
    assuming i can get my hand back out
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can, and it's not
    Leon Gaspar: excellent
    welp! i'm assumign this is a rotting wood problem i've got here, or a rotting...something problem
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's wood, yeah
    and yeah, seems pretty rotten
    you've got some greenish slime on your wrist where it went through
    Leon Gaspar: blech. i start yanking at the wood, trying to make the hole bigger and tall enough for me to climb through
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's pretty easy work
    the door comes apart in big rotting slabs that crumple and fold and splinter as you tug at them
    behind the door is a narrow hallway
    erstwhile flourescent lights are in varying degrees of hanging from the ceiling
    including a couple shattered on the floor
    Leon Gaspar: any doorways?
    Wiwaxia (GM): lots, up and down the hallway on both sides
    Leon Gaspar: any open?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    although a number look fairly rotten as well
    Leon Gaspar: can i see the stairs from here?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, but the corridor goes round a bend in one direction
    Leon Gaspar: well that seems just as promising as opening all these doors
    i head that direction
    while i'm going that way, i keep an eye out for any doors rotten enough that i could peek in without having to break them
    this is definitely because i'm trying to be cautious and sneaky, and not at all because i'm still kinda grossed out by the slime
    Wiwaxia (GM): pfff
    one sec, I'm gonna go grab an office building floorplan off the internet to reference off of
    Leon Gaspar: go for it
    ((ooc i am suspecting there's fuckall here, but ic you better bet leon's going to explore this whole building if it'll delay getting back into the water and, by extension, back onto Hell Highway with the demon seagulls))
  4. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Arxon: (ya know, I just realized that we should hold off on any romspec until we find out if/what the goblins romance system is)
    whimsy: (eheheh) (youd better believe ilma is going to gobble up everything that expands romance beyond classic flushed)
    Leon Gaspar: ((lbr i'm super excited. personally i am hoping for a romance system based off the entire major arcana))
    whimsy: (oh man thatd be hella complicated and hella yes want)
    Leon Gaspar: ((that was mostly a joke because i do not hate wiwaxia, but also, hella yes want))
    Arxon: (we have already taken our chumhandles from the periodic table of elements, why not our romantic systems)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (wow, it's surprisingly hard to find anything suitably dismal)
    (it's almost like the architects are only putting their best work online or something)
    Leon Gaspar: (i'm just imaginging a periodic table romance system being 'if there's one person in the relationship, it's hydrogen. two, helium, three, lithium...)
    (fancy that! :V)
    Arxon: (Yes but what about ionization?)
    Leon Gaspar: (hello yes you have reached the limits of my high school chemistry knowledge)
    Arxon: (same actually)
    Leon Gaspar: (:P)
    (ugh i gotta move, brb)
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, that should do
    image quality's a bit cruddy, but whatever
    Leon Gaspar: (ah yes thank you)
    ok! off down the hallway
    sorta thisaway i guess?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 4d4+2d6
    = 18
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 4d4+2d6
    = 14
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4+2d6
    = 11
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, there's what looks like a glassed-in atrium/lightwell in here
    Leon Gaspar: oh, neat! alright well i'll explore that
    Wiwaxia (GM): whoa hold on
    because there's a pair of basilisks in there
    Leon Gaspar: i got too excited
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 1
    Leon Gaspar: ah yes there they are
    well there goes that plan
    if i go toe-to-toe with just one of them i will certainly die
    Karrin Blue: Yes.
    Wiwaxia (GM): also yes, one of them is notably larger than the other
    Leon Gaspar: yeah i was wondering about that
    okay. mooooving on. quietly.
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh jesus fuck
    Leon Gaspar: ((...))
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolled prototypings for those and boy are you lucky they didn't notice you
    Leon Gaspar: ((hoo boy))
    okay. i am now going to be extra careful before i go charging in anywhere!
    i am also now on the lookout for something that might make me feel a bit less, uh, shit
    considering i am at 0 HP
    Wiwaxia (GM): you hear something moving around in here
    doesn't sound too big, but there's a few of them
    Leon Gaspar: ok. state of the door?
    Wiwaxia (GM): rotten but not broken yet
    whimsy: (bets 14 boondollars on finally consorts)
    Leon Gaspar: hhhh. i really don't wanna be making too much noise with those basilisks nearby, but...
    alright. collander on, flail in hand. i reach for the doorknob and attempt to geeeeently push the door open
    Wiwaxia (GM): the door's locked
    you can push it through
    but you won't be able to get it closed again
    Leon Gaspar: i...fuck.
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, should give you a look down at the end of the hallway now that you're closer
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, i was about to ask
    alright. well, i'm just gonna go for it. push dat door open
    Wiwaxia (GM): time to cough up those boonbucks, whimsy
    Leon Gaspar: well, at least they're on the other end of the room!
    have they noticed me?
    Wiwaxia (GM): hmmm
    nah, they're too busy tipping over computers
    and wheeling office chairs through ankle-deep puddles
    Leon Gaspar: wishing i had a long-range weapon right about now
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm honestly shocked that none of you do
    well, except Sera
    Leon Gaspar: dammit
    you know what, for now im gonna creep down the corridor a bit further and just. see if there's a room with fewer imps
    ((so many conflicting feelings rn. i want the exp....but i also dont want leon to die...also leon is a weenie....))
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, on further examination of the floorplan, those basilisks are a story down, and retroactively have fins
    Leon Gaspar: welp
    that is slightly better
    so now im sorta hereish
    hey, is anyone online?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, literally everyone other than you is asleep
    there is Terhanu
    Leon Gaspar: i...yeah. hrm. ughhh decisions. potentially deadly decisions!
    what have i sensed just now?
    assuming that was a 'leon has sensed something' ping
    or rather, what is that i see down that corridor?
    Wiwaxia (GM): what, do you want an answer or something?
    Leon Gaspar: siiiiigh
    creep creep creepin' down the hallway
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, that's what you see
    Leon Gaspar: do i hear anything?
    after that near-miss with the basilisks i am in Full Paranoid Baby mode
    Wiwaxia (GM): can't hear anything immediately obvious
    grace check to listen for more quiet/subtle things
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 + 15
    = 26
    i am guessing that's the correct roll
    flexin' the old memory muscle
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    yeah, there's something small and still lurking around the corner
    Leon Gaspar: left or right?
    alrighty then. once more, with feeling: collander on, flail in hand, i step forward and brace myself for combat!
    Wiwaxia (GM): this fucker jumps on your face
    Leon Gaspar: OW FUCK
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 16
    wow, and actually hits
    Leon Gaspar: gdi
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d4
    = 1
    you get a clawed foot in your mouth and it's got it's nastly little hands truing to grab at your hair through the collander
    Leon Gaspar: bluh!!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, it's literally on your face
    so i would suggest maybe not with the flail
    whimsy: (bite it! kick it in the balls!)
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, i.
    i get as much of said foot between my teeth as possible and bite the fuck down
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, that's gonna be at -2 for a seriously awkward attack
    Leon Gaspar: hey worth a shot
    Wiwaxia (GM): and only do d4-2 damage
    whimsy: (foot in mouth?) (::D)
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 -2
    = 13
    Wiwaxia (GM): unlike most attacks on things climbing on you
    can't hurt you
    yep, that hits
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d4-2
    = 1
    haha i still did damage
    Wiwaxia (GM): you taste copper
    Leon Gaspar: take that fucker
    bluh!!! x2 combo
    Wiwaxia (GM): and it dies
    Leon Gaspar: ... i just ate an imp to death
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get the distinctly odd sensation of picking up grist inside your mouth
    Leon Gaspar: tastes like gushers, except not
    also kind of like popping candy
    Wiwaxia (GM): 20 build and 3 copper, which i believe you have not seen before
    Leon Gaspar: i don't think so! i was...amber, mostly, i think
    alright, now, about this grist-looking stuff in the corner
    Wiwaxia (GM): looks like more copper grist
    Leon Gaspar: attempted yoink
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take 4 damage
    Leon Gaspar: :/
    how much soul bruising is that
    Wiwaxia (GM): stunned
    you lose your next turn, get -1 protection until you heal above zero
    also save versus being knocked over and versus being dazed
    Leon Gaspar: having succeeded with the copper imp, i grew too confident, and flew too close to the sun...
    uhhh what's that, fort?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    all death and dismemberment saves are fort
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 9
    another one?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    you are not dazed, though
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 9
    i am nothing if not consistent
    Wiwaxia (GM): or knocked over!
    Leon Gaspar: now i am going to scrutinise this shit
    Wiwaxia (GM): you bend double hacking at some sort of copper dust, and lose your next turn
    Leon Gaspar: ok i do that first
    Wiwaxia (GM): whereupon you take another 4 damage
    Leon Gaspar: oh for fuck's sake
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit
    whimsy: (please dont die)
    Leon Gaspar: i would rather not
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, two more saves and you still cant do shit
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 4
    i hope that's ok, it's mildly faster than rolling 1d20 twice
    i, uh. i think future leon might have to come save the day soon
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, it's fine
    rolling 2d4+1
    = 7
    alright, roll 1d5
    for a stat
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d5
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): so grace
    you would normally take 1d8 temporary damage to your grace
    Leon Gaspar: but i got insanely lucky and rolled the stat sera saved me for
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    and now you can actually move!
    Leon Gaspar: sweet!
    Wiwaxia (GM): i would suggest away
    Leon Gaspar: yep
    the fuck IS that shit
    is there anything else in this room
    what even is this room
    besides the death room of unpleasantness
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallway, actually
    whimsy: (you activated a trap card, duh)
    Wiwaxia (GM): the one thing you noticed there is that you couldn't "pick up" the grist like normal
    it was actually solid to the touch
    for any more info, you're gonna have to investigate more
    oh also, all that damage ignored your sweet colander protection
    Leon Gaspar: yyyep i figured
    Wiwaxia (GM): due to being, you know, copper dust
    Leon Gaspar: okay, yeah, sorry future leon, you're gonna have to do some sneaking
    ((remind me what items can heal?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, there's healing goo, but you can't stockpile it or carry it around, just use it on the spot
    and then a full meal will get you 2d6 hp
    Leon Gaspar: ok, define full meal
    Wiwaxia (GM): if you sit down and take like an hour to relax and eat it
    not snacks
    Leon Gaspar: i knowwww
    im thinking thermos of soup
    Wiwaxia (GM): something that would actually fill you up after a hard day of adventuring
    so maybe like a stew or chowder or something
    but probably not just like tomato soup
    Leon Gaspar: ((help me out i don't eat real food))
    whimsy: (-gazes lovingly at sburb glitch faq and then remembers that she does not want to play a session that is bugged to hell and back)
    Leon Gaspar: stew it is
    Wiwaxia (GM): you know, I've never actually read that
    Karrin Blue: gilled cheese sammich?
    Leon Gaspar: i tried that earlier :P
    Karrin Blue: oops
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, you might alchemize some healing shit in the future, but then you've got to make it
    Karrin Blue: well mkay
    Leon Gaspar: ok well, you see this desk-looking situation over here
    i am sure that, if i look behind it, there will magically be a thermos of beef stew!!
    this will definitely not come back to bite me
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh hey would you look at that
    Leon Gaspar: at least they're in the same building
    now to find somewhere safe to eat it
    what's up here to the left, can i see anything?
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, this here is a window
    you manage to scrub off enough of the grime to see that there's a conference room or something inside
    Leon Gaspar: anything moving? also i try to listen hard again, because that helped me so much last time
    Wiwaxia (GM): grace check?
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 + 15
    = 28
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, some stuff moving in the next conference room
    nothing in this one, though
    Leon Gaspar: okay well then i attempt to enter the conference room without things in it!
    Wiwaxia (GM): door's locked
    and unfortunately this one doesn't look quite as rotten
    Leon Gaspar: aaaaalrighty
    how about up this corridor then
    uh, crouching just in case whatever's moving in there thinks to look out the window
    so stealth, much sneak
    Wiwaxia (GM): crouching successful, dex check to be quiet, too
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 + 13
    = 26
    Wiwaxia (GM): you sneak the shit out of that
    which is good, because as you crawl past you note that this window is broken open
    you manage not to cut yourself on anything, though
    over here, there's a little cubicle right up against the wall and some more doors
    Leon Gaspar: ok that is very good
    doors! what sort of doors? rotting doors?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    this half of the building seems to be much less rotted overall
    one's not locked, though
    Leon Gaspar: ooh
    gonna sneak up to it and listen
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, another set of windows, so you can see that at least one of the doors is yet another goddamned conference room
    (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also
    your cell phone gives you a little "battery starting to run low" beep from inside your sylladex
    Leon Gaspar: oh goody
    okay so this unlocked door, can i hear anything suspicious
    Wiwaxia (GM): nothing immediately
    are you rolling to listen carefully?
    Leon Gaspar: yep
    rolling 1d20+15
    = 24
    Wiwaxia (GM): can't hear anything
    Leon Gaspar: alright welp
    third time's the charm, right?
    i, uh, push open the door
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get treated to a niiiiiiiice long corridor or doors
    empty, though
    Leon Gaspar: hhhh
    ONE of these has to be empty. surely.
    i step into the hallway and close the door behind me
    Wiwaxia (GM): checking doors?
    Leon Gaspar: yep
    Wiwaxia (GM): this side's got a lot and they've all got windows, although you can't see through all of hem
    the other side just has a couple doors
    that window is broken
    if you feel like climbing through a broken window again
    all the doors are locked
    Leon Gaspar: can i see anything through said broken window?
    Wiwaxia (GM): conference room
    Leon Gaspar: empty?
    Wiwaxia (GM): shocking, I know
    Leon Gaspar: :P
    time to do this shit again
    this time i wrap my hands in my towel
    creating a sort of connected oven-mitt situation, but with a towel
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, it's a good thing you've got that, because this one is a lot nastier
    Leon Gaspar: like these bad boys http://tj-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/homemade-thumbs/double-oven-mitt-tutorial.JPG
    alright, what've we got?
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a big fin of sharp glass well anchored to the bottom of the window
    large enough for you to gut yourself on, you can't help but notice
    Leon Gaspar: naturally. can i wiggle it loose?
    Wiwaxia (GM): it wiggles, but doesn't come free
    Leon Gaspar: leon considers his options
    you know what? fuck it. fuck everything. i'm going to kick that door in.
    or at the very least i am going to try
    Wiwaxia (GM): kicking or flail?
    Leon Gaspar: at this point i am hungry and tired and i just want to rest and eat my goddamn soup
    flail actually
    Wiwaxia (GM): normal, or Knife Day to Die?
    Leon Gaspar: aiming for the lock
    uhh probably normal just because i dont need the extra pointies
    especially not if this goes pear shaped
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, you hit, roll damage
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 11
    wait is that right
    i forgot
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, d20 is to hit
    Leon Gaspar: i used all my remembering on the grace check
    Wiwaxia (GM): normal flail does d8 damage
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d8
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's didn't really do anything, other than make a dull wet knocking sound
    Leon Gaspar: sturdy door, i guess
    ...what does Knife Day to Die do, again?
    Wiwaxia (GM): you don't know, haven't tried it
    Leon Gaspar: eh, fuck it. i equip knife day to die, say a prayer to anyone listening, and try hitting the door with it
    Wiwaxia (GM): controlled swing or wild swing?
    Leon Gaspar: hoo boy
    controlled, but just barely
    Wiwaxia (GM): gotta pick one, mate
    that is, there is an actual mechanical difference here
    Leon Gaspar: ah
    he's annoyed but he's still leon, master of overthinking things
    Wiwaxia (GM): doesn't seem any more effective than a regular flail this way
    roll 1d8 damage
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d8
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): that does it, though
    the door splinters and you can kick your way the rest of the way through
    also, your Knife Day to Die card in your sylladex has been updated with additional info
    Leon Gaspar: sweet!
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a low table with nice-looking but cheap wood paneling that's peeling away
    revealing the moldy plywood underneath
    and four once-comfy chairs
    you can see the springs poking through their tattered upholstery and clouds of mildewed stuffing
    Leon Gaspar: alright. grab nearest chair, push up against door as much as possible. if nothing else it will make some noise when someone comes barging through
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's also some exterior windows in the far wall
    (To GM) rolling 2d20
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d20
    = 24
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: nice
    ok, is the chair in place?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: nice
    imma situate myself in the corner
    put my towel down on the ground to sit on
    and eat some motherfucking stew
  5. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, time to check for things that happen while you're eating
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    4 You are starting to feel a bit worn down. Lose a pip of endurance.
    = 4
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    2 Environmental Hazard
    = 2
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    5 Roll twice
    = 5
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    5 Carapacian
    = 5
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    5 Carapacian
    = 5
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    2-3 Underling
    = 2
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    6 Alien Contact
    = 6
    Leon Gaspar: whoa
    Wiwaxia (GM): well then
    Leon Gaspar: jesus fucking christ on a cracker
    im so sorry everyone else
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    2 Hazard
    = 2
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    really now
    Wiwaxia (GM): see this is the problem with exploding tables
    Leon Gaspar: mmhmmmmmmm
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    2 Hazard
    = 2
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    2 Hazard
    = 2
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    2 Hazard
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: so what i'm getting from this is that the entire population of LORAM is coming to meet me
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, so let's sort all this out
    whimsy: (and that's why you barricade the door)
    Wiwaxia (GM): alien phones you, you get visited by underlings and meet two different carapacians
    and then in addition to that
    you get three hazards and two encounters blowing in the door at once
    Leon Gaspar: hold on im gonna need a glass of water before i deal with this shit
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, i'm gonna need a moment to sort this all out
    Leon Gaspar: pfft
    great minds
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 11
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: @everyone who ever told me to step outside my comfort zone
    LEON: i blame you
    Arxon: (Now he knows how Lemi feels)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (they can commiserate)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 3
    Karrin Blue: (Myrtha sympathizes with her basilisk bruises and burns)
    alliterationx3 combo!
    Wiwaxia (GM): dont forget the lich
    Arxon: Derse Team "I am starting to think this game was a really bad idea" Go!
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3
    = 3
    (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 3
    Karrin Blue: (Myrtha: sorry, can't hear you over the tentahorror dreams)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (im crylaughing)
    (and then it turns out that we're ectobiologically related and that it runs in the family)
    Wiwaxia (GM): christ, and i rolled up three totally new carapacians, too
    rather than anyone we know showing up to see you
    granted, most of the people we know aren't on the lands, but
    (Not) Literally A Bird: im so sorry
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, so
    the order this much-interrupted lunch is gonna go
    is first a hazard
    then a carapacian
    then that everything happens at once clusterfuk
    then another carapacian
    Wiwaxia (GM): and then after all that
    leon gets a call from an alien
    (Not) Literally A Bird: that's assuming he's still alive
    Leon Gaspar: alright guys let's do this
    Wiwaxia (GM): all those hazards coming in quick succession like that say "storm" to me
    Leon Gaspar: sounds about right
    Wiwaxia (GM): especially because there's been one on the horizon for a bit
    Leon Gaspar: so, are we gonna tackle this clusterfuck now?
    Wiwaxia (GM): hmm, i'm up for it
    but i should give other people a chance to play tonight
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, that's what i was thinking
    Wiwaxia (GM): arxon, karrin?
    Leon Gaspar: this could take a while
    Karrin Blue: Yes
    Arxon: 0u0
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm gonna give priority to arxon, cause she hasn't done much for a bit
    (Not) Literally A Bird: sounds good to me
    Wiwaxia (GM): and also because myrtha's like a good six hours ahead of everyone else on the timeline
    (Not) Literally A Bird: i'll be here for a bit longer but i'll probably fall asleep at some point
    Arxon: mk
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, but before that
    i wanna show off the new partial LOSAS map
    (Not) Literally A Bird: owo
    Arxon: ohhhhhhhh
    (Not) Literally A Bird: niiice
    whimsy: ooooh
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's the consort village, btw
    where we last left Lemi
    she had just woken up from going to see the Queen
    participated in a conversation about aliens, kingdoms and spying
    and then left in ah, somewhat worrying way
    Wiwaxia (GM): you are in a bed in the consort village, under strict orders from the healer to not even think too hard while you recover
    Lemi Malloy: How long was I asleep?
    Wiwaxia (GM): about four hours
    twenty hours until you lose that one point of temporary grace damage
    Lemi Malloy: and still have to worry about the rest of my decreases Grace score
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Lemi Malloy: Is my HP at 5 after sleeping?
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, that's from levelling up, you get another 1d6+4
    Lemi Malloy: alrighty
    rolling 1d6+4
    = 8
    See, healer?! I am basically at full health now!
    healer: no. rest.
    if you can sit up, you can dip candles if you need something to do
    but i wouldn't recommend sitting up just yet
    it's frankly a miracle you're still alive

    Lemi Malloy bites her lip, wondering if she should protest or just wait for the healer to forget about her and make her escape then
    Lemi Malloy: "Yes, ma'am."
    healer: good
    you should get more sleep, if you can
    i'll need to wake you in about an hour to check your bandages
    Lemi Malloy: (Did Lemi ever get a timeframe for the ball?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): "the eclipse after next"
    Lemi Malloy: (alrighty)
    She hesitantly asks the healer if she knows when the next eclipse is?
    healer: the next what, dear?
    Lemi Malloy: "Uh, nevermind, sorry..."
    She lays there until she feels the healer's attention is off of her
    the healer fairly quickly busies herself with dipping candles and checking on the iguana child in a cot next to you
    Lemi Malloy: As soon as she does, Lemi experimentally tries to sit up
    Wiwaxia (GM): your everything hurts
    but you manage
    the healer whips around and gently but firmly pushes you back down into a lying position
    Lemi Malloy: If is obviously going to be harder to divert the healer attention then Sis's
    whimsy: (ahahahaha) (its as if she saw it coming)
    Lemi Malloy: Oh hey, while she's here, she decaptachalouges the Candle Stubs, The Basket, the extra Lantern and the Candles for the Iguanas that she has in her
    Wiwaxia (GM): did she also captchalogue the dead iguana's body
    Lemi Malloy: yes but she is unsure if she should just whip that out in the middle of the healing place/ meeting place
    Wiwaxia (GM): fair enough
    Lemi Malloy: She would ask the healer but she is trying not to call attention to herself
    She places the stuff she just decaptachalouged on the floor next to her
    the healer seems slightly baffled but grateful
    Wiwaxia (GM): she takes the candle stubs and adds them to the tallow pot for dipping
    healer: i know you didn't have those in your pockets when they brought you in
    Wiwaxia (GM): she seems genuinely confused, but mostly amused and gently trying to joke with you
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, they were in my sylladex..."
    healer: you must have come a long way, traveller
    you have so many things i have never heard of
    Lemi Malloy: (Lemi has trouble understanding jokes that aren't about the daily habits of various vengeful spirits, weird quadrupeds, and various mothmen)
    "Um I suppose. It's weird to think about- I'd never been outside of a few miles away from my house. Well, um, I guess I'm still fairly close to my house...."
    "Oh, while we're on the subject, how do you....um, take care of your. Fallen?"
    healer: the dead?
    too often, we cannot do anything
    if we manage to recover the body, we render down their fat to make candles
    so they can continue to protect us in death
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, well, um, I have the body of the...that...."

    Lemi Malloy trails off awkwardly
    healer: [solemnly] thip
    Lemi Malloy: "thip"
    "Should I give them to you?"
    healer nods

    Lemi Malloy decaptachlouges the Fall Down Iguana
    Lemi Malloy: (....Fallen

    Wiwaxia (GM) as the healer gives a slight, somber bow as she takes the body from you, and carries it off somewhere
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi looks at her, and then stands up as quickly as she can
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, that's gonna take a fort save to not fall right back down on your ass
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20
    = 12
    ...Lemi falls right down on her ass
    Wiwaxia (GM): you sit down heavily on the bed
    it thumps and creaks
    the iguana child turns over in her sleep
    you don't know if the healer heard or not
    Lemi Malloy: ....second time's the charm?
    Or maybe I should just. Slither my way. Out of the village
    ....Yeah ok I'm going back to sleep
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wake up back in your room on derse
    lemme check the timing, actually, this might be the middle of the eclipse
    Karrin Blue: how far off from my time is it?
    I mean, i floated off during said eclipse
    Wiwaxia (GM): hmm, it's after your waking self went to sleep but before your dreamself half-woke and sleepwalked (sleepfloated?) off
    and just a few minutes until the eclipse
    Lemi Malloy: Time to escape feelings of inadequacy via flying!
    Lemi wonders if it would be odd to go straight back to the castle
    She also wonders how long the interval between eclipses are, because hell if she know
    Wiwaxia (GM): the streets are empty
    a cold wind curls around the spires and crenelations, and sets dust and scraps waltzing slowly on the cobblestones
    at the edge of hearing there is the soft susurrus of the melody that madness sings
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi makes her slow way over the streets, watching the eclipse
    She makes her way down the chain, to the towers, and then flies down to the palace courtyard, touching down softly
    Wiwaxia (GM): above you, you see the moon swing into somehow yet deeper darkness, like a slowly falling leaf slipping into the lightless depths of clear water
    you feel as though your feet have only a tenuous grip on the ground, and the vast abyss is pulling you down, down into its fathomless maw
    Karrin Blue: (myrtha: hey come check out the music, it's neat)
    Wiwaxia (GM): when you look away, everything seems small, and filled with brittle brightness, like a dream you don't want to realize isn't real
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi hugs herself a little, as if fighting off a chill, and glances upwards, unable to stop herself from listening to something that isn't quite there
    She wonders where everybody has gone- are they at the ball, and she's missed it? Were they wiped out by Prospit in between her last dreaming and now? Have they been replaced by this song?
    Karrin Blue: (everyone is in the void, at the void party)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (and here we see the difference between a Hero of Void's reaction and somebody else's :P)
    Karrin Blue: (ain't no party like a void party because a void party is of dubious existence and doesn't stop until someone is channeling horrorterrors)
    Lemi Malloy: Is there anybody in the courtyard?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, it's deserted
    Lemi Malloy: Are the doors open?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    Lemi Malloy: Can she open them?
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, but a wooden latch behind a small metal grate at eye level on one of the doors rattles open
    guard: Who goes th- princess?
    What are you doing out in the eclipse?
    Karrin Blue: (oh hey complete tangent but. is there a time limit on how long a corpse can go before being smooched before resurrection or god tiering doesn't work)
    Guard: Here, come in, come in.
    Karrin Blue: (like, if someone died and we didn't get to the body for a week, or something?)
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, thank you! Um, why should we not be out during the eclipse?"
    Wiwaxia (GM): (mortal injuries to your waking body start to appear on your dreamself after what appears to be a delay of only a few minutes, ruling out kissing or quest bed ascension unless the dreamself is somehow not eligible to receive those injuries cf. Jadesprite, or hypothetically if they were time-locked or something)
    (as for quest crypts, who knows)
    (well, I know what i'm going with for this game, but i ain't telling)
    whimsy: (well, we know aradia's dreamself was on her cryptslab for quite some time)
    Wiwaxia (GM): she's also kinda a special case, you'd be justified in arguing it either way
    whimsy: (aye)
    guard: It's not safe out during the eclipse.
    The Moon moves out of the edge of the Medium and skims the Furthest Ring.
    The astrologers can handle it, of course, and it's apparently the best time to commune with our allies the Noble Circle.
    But you have to know what you are doing.
    Even the Her Majesty the Queen stays inside most eclipses, and so should you.
    Karrin Blue: (myrtha: lol i do what i want)
    Wiwaxia (GM): people who have absolutely no sense of basic eclipse safety: myrtha, ilmatar
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh! That does sound dangerous."
    (Says Lemi, feeling worried though she doesn't quite know why)
    "Um, how often are these eclipses?"
    guard: Every sixteen and a half hours
    You can set your clock by them. Most folks do.
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi makes a note of this, then thanks the guard profusely for letting her in and answering her questions
    the guard is not quite sure what to do with effusive thanks from a Princess of the Moon
    Lemi Malloy: She asks him if there is anything she can do around the castle to help out
    the poor guard is completely taken, well, off guard
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also afk for a moment)
    Lemi Malloy: (kk)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (back)
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, um, also, is there a dress code for the ball? Do I need to find nicer clothes? Balls need those, right?"
    guard: ah, I am not the one to ask.
    Lemi Malloy: "Is there anyone I could ask that I wouldn't be bothering?"
    guard: Uh. You could try asking a butler or a maid, or seeing if you can find a tailor?
    I can't leave my post, but I can ring for another guard to escort you.
    Lemi Malloy: "Um, if it isn't a huge hassle...."
    guard is still not at all sure how to deal with deferential and apologetic royalty but goes into the guard's booth by one side of the main doors and pulls on a black velvet bellpull

    Lemi Malloy tries to make herself unobtrusive
    Wiwaxia (GM): Another guard comes along shortly and escorts you to the room of one Dersite Clothier
    you don't think you have ever seen so much purple fabric
  6. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Lemi Malloy: (THIS IS LEMI'S JAM)
    She does ask, nervously, how she could pay, though
    DC: pay?
    My dear, I am in the employ of the Royal Palace of Derse
    You have no need to worry about payment.
    Of course, your garb as Princess of the Moon is more than adequate for even the most formal ball.
    But there's never any harm in experimentation, is there!
    Lemi Malloy: "Um, yes, right!"
    (says Lemi, who doesn't really ware anything pretty. Sis's taste's tend towards more urban ninja/ warrior lady type stuff, not anything flowing or pretty)
    DC: Delightful
    So tell me, my dear, what did you have in mind?
    Lemi Malloy: "Um, if it's possible, something really pretty? And flowing? And sleeveless?"
    DC: My dear, I will have you know that I never make anything less than extremely pretty. Flowing and sleeveless I can most certainly work with, though.
    Are you thinking sheer fabric, or something more opaque?
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, um, something sheer? Or maybe with tiers- I've always thought dresses like that looked nice."
    DC: Oooh, yes, very good, very good.
    and before we get started, i should ask where you want your concealed weapons.
    I always put those right in the design from the very beginning,
    I can't tell you how many perfectly good dresses or suits I've seen with their lines ruined because some careless tailor had to rework their design to get a knife in.
    Quite defeats the purpose of "concealed" as well.
    whimsy: (ok dc just jumped way up in my list of fave characters)
    Karrin Blue: (I want myrtha to get stuff from her now. She is into ballet after all. pretty dresses go along with that)
    Lemi Malloy: "Um, it seems hard to conceal an hatchet. And now that I think about it I'm not actually sure if I have it on me..."
    (can the dreamself access your sylladex and specibus?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (no, no it cannot)
    (also @ whimsy, they've got scary good stat rolls, too. And are nb.)
    DC: Oho! Axes, is it? Not afraid to get our hands a bit dirty? I like that in a princess, and I'll have to make sure to try to find you some stain-resistant fabrics.
    you are right about them being a little tricky to conceal, but I do believe I have some filigree dress axes around.
    Not to worry, they are quite functional
    Karrin Blue: (ask if they deliver to the Lands!)
    DC: and the long handled ones are good for leaning after a long ball of dancing, ohoho!
    Karrin Blue: (myrtha could use a dress suitable for a desert-trekking monster-fighting void princess)

    Lemi Malloy 's eyes are sparkling
    Lemi Malloy: She spends a minute trying to stammer out thank yous
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yeah, I'm gonna need to look up a bunch of fashion stuff before next session aren't I. I love what this game makes me research)
    DC: You are more then welcome, my dear! Now, I do think it is good sense to have a couple concealed weapons on you even if you have a dress weapon. Never know when one might be caught unawares!
    I can look into getting you some concealable throwing axes, but I'm afraid those might have to be made-to-order so I can't say how long that will take.
    Lemi Malloy: ( tbh I can see Myrtha in this http://hellyeahrihannafenty.tumblr.com/post/103496519951/rihanna-at-zac-posens-studio)
    "O-of course, um, if it'll be a hassle it's fine..."
    DC: what do you say we plan those in now, and also set you up with some nice reliable daggers in case they aren't ready for the ball?
    Ooooooooh no, no customer of mine is going to skimp on a ballgown out of fear of causing hassle. Nothing but the best! I've got a reputation to maintain here.
    Lemi Malloy: "Ye-yes, you're right! You're the best there is!"
    (says Lemi, trying to match their energy)
    whimsy: (ok everyone its 7 am here and i have trouble keeping my eyes open) (n8)
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    DC: You're damn right I am, my dear!
    Arxon: Night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): I'm think I'm about good to wrap up for tonight, too.
    Karrin Blue: ok
    gnight guys!
    Wiwaxia (GM): besides, DC and Lemi are obviously about to do a kickass dressmaking montage, so that seems like a good place to break
    Lemi Malloy: mk!
    ....I am kinda feeling very sorry not sorry about Lemi's Fashion Adventure
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, this is great!
    DC was originally gonna be a throwaway character and then they... weren't
    Lemi Malloy: I am so pleased
    Wiwaxia (GM): :3
    Arxon: night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    Karrin Blue: night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, for recordkeeping purposes
    leon dealt/took 17 damage this session
    for 340 xp
    putting him painfully close, but not quiiiiite at level 3
    Karrin Blue: Hey
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    Arxon: Hello
    Karrin Blue: How are things going?
    Arxon: Bluuuhhh I've had a headache all day
    Karrin Blue: it's my birthday!
    Karrin Blue: by now it's past midnight
    so it's not technically my birthday
    but whatever
    Wiwaxia (GM): happy birthday + 9 minutes!
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Hap birth karrin!!
    Arxon: Happy birthday!
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Also i request not to go first, my brain is still waking up
    But i forgot about mobile app so i can be aroind longer than i thought anyway
    Wiwaxia (GM): cool beans
    alright, looks like moss and whimsy may or may not turn up
    so i think we're about good to start
    Karrin Blue: woo
    Arxon: 0u0
    Wiwaxia (GM): so karrin, do you wanna do some stuff, or do you not wanna get too far ahead?
    Karrin Blue: I do want to do stuff!
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    Karrin Blue: last time... I was floating in the void?
    Wiwaxia (GM): this'll be after you wake back up as your waking self
    at like t=28 hours
    one sec, though
    Karrin Blue: mkay
    whimsy: (morning)
    Arxon: (hello!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (hallo!)
    (sorry bout waking you up early)
    (was a schedule mishaps, will try not to do that next week)
    whimsy: (7 am might work better from my end) (but it took me until half past midnight to go to bed and then i couldnt sleep and then i missed the first alarm) (6am is an ugly time to stand up for me)
    (maybe it was also bc earplugs, but those are necessary bc one of my neighbours doesnt understand the concept of moderate noise levels at 2 am. oor headphones.)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (noted)
    (also augh)
    and am ready to start, karrin
    whimsy: (ive been ragging on him for that since 4 fucking years. ::/)
  7. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): Myrtha wakes up from strange, half-remembered dreams in her bedroom in the dark
    it feels like it should be morning, but there is still no morning to be had here
    Karrin Blue: (can I do the grace check thing?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): to remember the song?
    Karrin Blue: ys
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure, but note that it will be at roll twice take lowest while you're awake
    Karrin Blue: ok
    d20 plus grace?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Karrin Blue: rolling 1d20 + 8
    = 9
    rolling 1d20 + 8
    = 24
    Wiwaxia (GM): huh, gimme a second to figure out what to do with that one
    Karrin Blue: yeah i was not expecting a critfail
    Wiwaxia (GM): you seem to remember a snatch of music at the edge of memory
    you try to sing it to yourself under your breath, to hear how it sounds
    you start to retch up black, writhing, gooey tentacles

    Myrtha Oscurr thinks: MOTHER OF FUCK
    Myrtha Oscurr: or something to that effect

    Myrtha Oscurr has fallen off her bed and onto her knees, trying to prop herself up with her hands
    Wiwaxia (GM): you keep retching up tentacles over your hands and arms
    you can't breathe
    the tentacles flop on the ground around you like dying fish
    what are you going to do?
    Myrtha Oscurr: hmm

    Myrtha Oscurr attempts to open headband chat client and ask for help, though any message sent would be more keysmashy than anyone could decipher

    Myrtha Oscurr tries to remember where Flagcoonsprite got to
    Myrtha Oscurr: (this in between trying to stay conscious btw)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (i figured, but you've probably got a good minute before you start having to make fort saves to stay conscious)
    either through panic or interference, you fail to open your chat client
    you know that flagcoonsprite was downstairs when you went to sleep, but he may have wandered off since
    the tentacles are starting to pile up around your hands and knees

    Myrtha Oscurr does not want to die here, like this.
    Myrtha Oscurr: (hmmm, trying to focus on the void would either be too hard in this mindstate or might actually make things worse, plus it wouldn't be what Myrtha'd think to do)
    chat client doesn't work
    isn't like I have a void power to help here, or a weapon
    and at the same time, Myrtha is probably just thinking 'shit shit shit' so complex plans are probably not going to happen
    Wiwaxia (GM): time for desperation ideas?
    Myrtha Oscurr: yes

    Myrtha Oscurr tries to crawl forward out of the growing pile of tentacles because oh god
    Wiwaxia (GM): the tentacles squish and write under you. time takes on a nightmarish, icy slowness
    the panicked pounding of your heart fills your ears like storm swells pounding into rocks

    Myrtha Oscurr tries for the chat again, hopelessly
    Wiwaxia (GM): you actually manage to get it open this time, but the letters twist and squirm in front of your eyes like the death throes of worms pinned live to a board

    Myrtha Oscurr tries to send anything at all
    Wiwaxia (GM): can i get a grace check?
    Myrtha Oscurr: rolling 1d20 + 8
    = 25
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, you can successfully send something
    probably not anything intelligible, but you can't win them all, can you?
    Myrtha Oscurr: hee
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also fun facts: if you had crit failed that roll too, you would have sent a message that made whoever read it start vomiting tentacles too)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (wellp)
    (good thing I didn't critfail!)
    Arxon: ((horrorterror fun for the whole family/friendgroup!))
    Myrtha Oscurr: (yuuup)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Myrtha?! Are you ok what's wrong?!!!
    aG: Wait, wait, um
    aG: This'll sound wierd if that was just an accident or something, but
    aG: The tentacles are literally the song, ok? Um, if you remember the correct song, that will stop them, and if you use your unsong that will stop them too!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (hoooooooope bullshit!)
    (if anyone was wondering)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (as much as I want to see what'd happen if I sang the song even worse...)

    Myrtha Oscurr unsongs
    Wiwaxia (GM): the tentacles vanish instantly
    Myrtha Oscurr: (assuming that doing it properly would be just as hard the second time)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you gasp in sweet, fresh air

    Myrtha Oscurr falls over and curls into the fetal position
    Wiwaxia (GM): as you stop unsinging, the tentacles return, but you're not puking them up anymore, and they've stopped moving

    Lemi Malloy checks her server window thingy to see if Myrtha's ok
    Lemi Malloy: (....If Myrtha is in her house, which I just realized I'm not sure is true)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (she is)
    Lemi Malloy: (Can Lemi pick up the tentacles?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): she's curled up in the fetal position on a floor a couple centimeters deep in black, goopy tentacles
    you can pick them up like one at a time with the cursor
    and they're rapidly losing coherence, so they mostly drip and dribble away down to the floor

    Myrtha Oscurr stares suspiciously at the tentacles. "Oh god. Now what?"
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, Lemi flings them away from Myrtha and out a window or something
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: is that you?
    whimsy: ((we need one of those, enter thing receive grist, things)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (are you sure you want that grist?)
    whimsy: (yup)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Yeah! Are you alright?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: no
    cO: not sure yt
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, that gets most of the goop out, but there's some residue on the floor that's too fallen-apart to pick up with the cursor
    also there's eldritch goo-spatters all down the side of myrtha's house
    aG: Um, if Leon's right then Ilma should have the best chance of getting to you, right? Should I tell her?
    aG:....or maybe it would be easier if I fell asleep and then flew over. I don't know if that's possible though.
    aG: Um, unless you want to be left alone, of course!
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: no, I
    cO: i don't really want to be alone right now, or go asleep, or anything
    Lemi Malloy: aG: If you want I can keep talking?
    aG: Sorry if I'm being annoying about this
    aG: Or I can contact someone else and they can talk to you while I see if I can get over to your planet?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: no, you're not, it's
    cO: i don't want to go back asleep, so keep talking?
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um, alright!
    aG: Did something happen while you were asleep? Did you wake up?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: i'm awake now, but
    cO: i dreamed of something and when i tried to remember all of it
    cO; this
    Lemi Malloy: aG: That...doesn't sound like Derse?
    aG: Maybe Prospit, but I think Moss is awake there and they've never, um, that
    aG: Um, it's all gone now, right? You'll be fine, it's not going to happen again, you're safe...
    (Lemi has zero idea how to comfort people, unfortunately)
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: it was dark and
    cO: very far, i don't know
    Lemi Malloy: aG: ...Maybe it was during the eclipse? I don't know if it's related, but during the eclipse I
    aG: hm
    aG: Almost heard this weird kind of half song?
    aG: That's not quite it.
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: eclipse?
    cO: ...maybe
    cO: there was a song but
    cO: it was everywhere
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Next time I sleep, I could ask someone about it?
    aG: Um! But that probably isn't helpful!
    aG: Do you. Want a blanket? Or something?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: yes
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi starts the delicate process of grabbing towels to sop up the remaining gross and then collecting every single blanket and pillow she can grab and depositing them with Myrtha
    ...As best she can
    Wiwaxia (GM): the ooze just kind of wells up in big globs through the towels and doesn't really get sopped up at all
    Lemi Malloy: >:[ gross
    Ummm can she just kinda push the globs away? If not with the cursor, then trying to use something in the house like a scoop for a broom, something like that
    Wiwaxia (GM): they'll come with, mostly, if you pick up the towels
    although good luck ever getting those clean
    the goop's all over myrtha's clothes, too
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I will, um, alchemize you some new towels someday
    Lemi figures it is probably NOT the best idea to, like, grab a hose and spray her down
    Myrtha Oscurr: yeah no
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I can look away if you wanna change...
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: i think i have clothes in my sylladex
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Oh, yeah, that's a good idea!
    She sheepishly gets back to collecting blankets and pillows

    Myrtha Oscurr decaptchas her most comfortable clothes
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi goes looking in Myrtha's kitchen to see if there is anything that a) doesn't need to be heated up or prepared in any way and b) looks better than Sis's food
    Wiwaxia (GM): nothing out
    you're gonna need to make a dex check to open the fridge with the cursor without like tipping it over or something
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+12
    = 13
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take the door off the fridge
    Lemi Malloy: Fuck
    aG: Um, sorry!!!!
    ....Is there anything in there, now that it's all going to spoil within the next couple hours?

    Myrtha Oscurr has stumbled downstairs

    Myrtha Oscurr looks at the door

    Myrtha Oscurr 's shoulders shake
    Myrtha Oscurr: For some reason, this is the funniest thing she's seen in ages.
    whimsy: (whats it today with all the fumbles? ::D)
    Arxon: (You say, as if crit fail isn't my middle name)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Are you ok! I, um, I can realchemize that too, once I get back home!
    ...She then realizes Myrtha's laughing, and feels like an ditz
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: it's ok
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I'm just gonna stop messing around before I break anymore furniture
    (Is anyone else online atm?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): who knows
    Myrtha Oscurr: yeah, it's a few hours ahead of everyone
    Lemi Malloy: (riiight)
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyone can opt to be online rn and pin down their future some, though
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um, is there anything else you need?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: Just company. And a lot of caffeine, I think.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I can do the first! ...The second seems a bit too delicate for the cursor.
    whimsy: (can i get a T+? ? i know what im planning to do with ilma but im not sure where exactly id be in the timeline)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ilmatar's just finished moving moss's balls at t=25 h
    whimsy: (espc since i'm going to torrent grist like whoa to mess with moss' tower, so that's an anchor) (after that it's out adventuring)
    BI: did i miss something?
    Wiwaxia (GM): all this is going down starting at around t=28:20, but it's been almost an hour since that
    whimsy: (at t=28 ilma should be out adventuring "_")
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (disregard the line made via whimsy)
    BI: did i miss something?
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um, Ilmatar! Um, Something happened to Myrtha and she's not doing too well and I am really bad at being comforting
    aG:....Although she probably didn't want me to tell you, um, shit
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: i'm checking the log rn
    BI: -all the internet hugs for myrtha-
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: Thank you
    Wiwaxia (GM): (note that the only reference actually in the chatlog to what happened is lemi's apropos of nothing comment about "the tentacles"
    whimsy: (shouldnt i see the keysmashes?)
    (and "myrtha is not feeling well" is enough of a reason for ilma to send internet hugs ::D)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (oh yeah, that too, although ilmatar won't know what's up with those. and I figured, just making sure you know what's actually said in the logs)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: what happened? ::O
    (ffff ignore the quadruple eyes my personal quirk ended up in there)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um, I think Myrtha sang the wrong Song?
    aG: ....I have a theory, I think, but I don't know if I should mention it before I can confirm.
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: Go ahead
    Lemi Malloy: aG: On Derse they talk about something called the Noble Circle? And apparently they're the Gods in the Outer Rim, or something like that, but they can be super dangerous to commune with?
    ((I thiiiink Lmi knows all that?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yep, i believe she does)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Maybe Myrtha just half woke up on Derse? Or something like that, and heard their song? And was drawn to it?
    aG: It's just speculation, though. I wasn't listening to it, but that seems like the kind of thing that would happen, if you weren't fully awake.
    ((Things Lemi is basing this speculation on: what the guard told her, and come on, in stories the creepy music of the outer gods always entrances the listener!)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: oh dear
    BI: i hope you feel better soon, Myrtha!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((ilmatar. ilmatar plz))
    (( :D ))
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: Maybe?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ((what? ::D)
    BI: what you told me sounds a bit like Fairy Songs, they have a similar effect...
    BI: a shower should help, for a start
    BI: and listening to a different song, something that roots you
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: Mm.
    cO: Yeah. I think I will.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Good!
    ((Lemi is so thankful for Ilmatar rn))
    Myrtha Oscurr: (and since it is 3 am here, I think that is a good stopping point for me)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (n8 ::) )
    Wiwaxia (GM): K!
    Arxon: night!
    Myrtha Oscurr: let me know what happens!
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (you know what wll happen.) (shenanigans)
    Wiwaxia (GM): i can go for about another hour, so do you wanna go, whimsy?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (sure)
    (dream!ilma will read until she falls asleep, so, tower building shenanigans and then adventuring)
    Wiwaxia (GM): k!
    turns out you don't even need to torrent grist to get the balls moved, due to what moss has managed to accumulate
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (niice)
    but i wanted to copy up the tower up to the... first gate? second gate? whichever one is the lowest one that is still hanging up in the air
    Wiwaxia (GM): first gate
    lemme go dig up the grist number we calculated for that way back
    Ilmatar Nordwind: kk ::D
    hm, arrivals from other lands wll arrive through the second gate, though, no? then i hope i can build up to the second gate
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's fairly trivial to build up to the first gate at this point, and only sucks up 20 grist
    i needa figure out how far up i want the second gate to be, though
    one moment
    Arxon: (Um, would it be the same cost to build up to Myrtha's second gate as it is to Moss's?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): probably not
    this is a super thin, bare-bones tower
    building something on top of a house is gonna take a bit more grist
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i am so glad im building up moss' house)
    Arxon: mk
    Wiwaxia (GM): hmm, fuck, the distance between gate 1 and gate 2 is definitely not 5km as if they were evenly spaced
    Ilmatar Nordwind: that still looks like a hundred metres or two
    but increasing distances would kinda make sense?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, i'm gonna go with 200m for now, and sort out the spacing on the rest later
    and it took 20 grist to go 50m, so this'll be another 80
    which moss can afford no problem
    Ilmatar Nordwind: neat
    and there i feared i'd need to wait ages to torrent the necessary grist xxD
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, that's the one thing ogres are good for :V
    anyways, i assume you're taking another two build grist to put a floor under the second gate so people don't immediately fall down the center of the hollow tower
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ofc
    im pondering moving some of the transportalizers
    Wiwaxia (GM): 'kay
    they're 20 build to move each
    and if you put em down somewhere and then want to move them again, that's another 20 build
    Ilmatar Nordwind: on the other hand moving those was also awfully expensive
    (blrgh, i was offline for a second) (my wifi is spotty again)
    if it's just 20 grist, then i want to move the second one from the bottom to directly under the first gate, and the third one from the bottom directly under the second gate
    aka: a bit more sensibly placed now that the tower is a bit taller
    yes that one
    Wiwaxia (GM): and pulling the one from the garden atrium, too?
    or the one from where moss's room used to attatch
    Ilmatar Nordwind: probably? or how far is the one where moss' mom's room was from the first gate?
    Wiwaxia (GM): 50m down, and you already put one at the first gate
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i did?
    Wiwaxia (GM): just now, i mean
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i dont remember that "_" but ok, then i'll only move that one
    not very awake, sorry
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, no worries
    just that the grist is already burned for that move
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::D
    as long as the gates are accessible somehow
    Wiwaxia (GM): so which one are you moving to the second gate?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: the one from moss' mom's room
    because there's nothing else there, and the garden atrium is still a thing and there might be stairs but i'd rather take a transportalizer where it doesn't do any good
    Wiwaxia (GM): sounds eminently reasonable!
    anyways, that leaves moss still with 74 build grist
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i'll be magnamonious and let them keep those
    and go gear up for adventuring, because i remember having a quest ::D
    (currently checking the alchemy excursus, why are some of the recipes struck through?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (that's "oh shit, i haven't come up with something yet")
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (eheh, kk)
    (what's my grist tally?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): speaking of which, i should really go through all those recipies
    (it kinda fell by the wayside cos nobody was alchemizing for a while and maps were more pressing)
    one sec
    98 build, 9 bismuth, 11 phosphorous
    for just you
    and then a bunch of other grist you can torrent
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i want to mooch 3 cobalt and 3 amber from someone and make a laptopband. hands-free communication device! ::D
    and i'm trying to figure out how to make a compass that points to my house, but that can wait another week
    (i really shouldve thought about that beforehand)
    Wiwaxia (GM): laptopband get!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: whee ::D
    and i'm going to get the sturdiest, storm-resistant clothing out of my wardrobe, including the longest coat i have
    Wiwaxia (GM): that'll be worth +1 def, too
    Ilmatar Nordwind: other gear: sandwiches, thermos with tea, a compass, some of those bug snacks, binoculars (do i have a pair of those), a heating pack (do i have one of those?), a lantern
    can i mooch 15 rust grist from someone to make another blade fan?
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, i added laptopband and storm coat as separate cards to your sylladex
    you can keep track of what you're wearing and appropriate modifiers to def and so on however you want
    Ilmatar Nordwind: kk
    , thx
    Wiwaxia (GM): nobody has any rust grist right now
    Ilmatar Nordwind: naww
    ok, then this one i have will need to suffice for now
    and, checking my backpack, i already made bug snacks "_" when did that happen?
    but i'll also pack a fresh blanket
    Wiwaxia (GM): heating pack is 4-in-6 chance of finding
    binoculars is let's say 3-in-6 for actually good ones
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d6
    = 2
    thats the heating pack, binoculars is next
    rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): nice
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::DD
    Wiwaxia (GM): do you wanna make a couple more bug treats or just go with what you've got?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: theyre 1 grist apiece, right?
    then i think ima make 2 more
  8. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Ilmatar Nordwind: and i think im prepared as i can be, so "_"
    what's the compass doing, btw?
    Wiwaxia (GM): the bug treats are actually like 3 grist apeice, but you've got enough that it doesn't really matter
    swinging round idly
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i need to figure out a way to apply it to this place here
    Wiwaxia (GM): (bismuth is diamagnetic, so i don't think it would pull on it, so the needle's basically just swinging free)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: well, as long as i dont end up in another one of those clouds, i should be good
    Wiwaxia (GM): the sea doesn't seem to be sending up any tall clouds right now, at least
    Ilmatar Nordwind: then, onwards to the lizard farm, offer some treats to tide them over, and then ask in which directions the imp infested bug grounds are
    i'm going to take panoramic shots every once in a while, so i can make a map later
    or like, a set of 8 shots per stop
    Wiwaxia (GM): good idea
    anyways, i think i'm gonna call that good for tonight
    Ilmatar Nordwind: kk ::3
    then i'm gonna cook up some more recipes and we can see which ones i can make/take next week
    Wiwaxia (GM): sounds good
    and i'll try to figure out an xp value for barfing up tentacles
    Ilmatar Nordwind: have fun ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): probably just a flat 100 between "seeing new thing" and emotional trauma not covered by actual experience-earning damage
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::D
    Arxon: 0u0
    whimsy: n8 y'all who're going to sleep now
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Why am i so bad at staying awake...oh well. Next week.
    whimsy: morning ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    whimsy: it has ocurred to me that i fucking forgot the alchemizing recipes
    in my defense, i was busy plotting the game im gonna write for our class on video games
    Wiwaxia (GM): no worries, i forgot to work on my side of alchemizing, too
    in my defense, new years
    Karrin Blue: Hiya
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also that sounds awesome)
    hey hey!
    whimsy: sup ::D
    Karrin Blue: Heads up, my internet may be wonky today
    whimsy: -offers fistbunps- wonky internet is stupid

    Karrin Blue bunps
    whimsy: and it appears mine is wonky today, too. i hate you, internet provider ::/
    Arxon: hello all
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo!
    Karrin Blue: so uh my mom might unplug the router
    sometimes she does
    whimsy: why D::
    hi arxon ::D
    Karrin Blue: sooo if i don't come on for a while, that'll be why
    cause it's late? though really idk
    it's not like i'm keeping anybody up
    also it's not a school night
    so WHO KNOWS
    whimsy: "its late" isnt a valid excuse D::
    ok maybe im too used to my own parents who used to play mmorpgs way past my bedtime
    and still do oo00
    Karrin Blue: well, i should've remembered to close my door and turn off the lights so she'd think i was asleep
    i've been playing dragon age lately
    on inquisition now!
    I miss da2 controls
    whimsy: ::D
    considering some of the parents mentioned on kintsugi and their stance on their offspring being able to communicate with other people, i am so fucking glad ive got my own place with my own internet
    Karrin Blue: yeah that is definitely one of the things I am looking forard too
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh hey, i'm finally getting around to spriting sprites, so if i could collect guardian text colors (as per a hypothetical scratched session) that would be great
    no rush, though
    Karrin Blue: ooooh
    whimsy: Mama Nordwind has a dark, foresty, emeraldy green
    Karrin Blue: I think Dad Oscurr would have a nice dark blue
    I'll find a specific hex code
    whimsy: (also i have inhaled a piece of lasagna and am not hungry anymore ::D)
    Arxon: hmmm, we have a bunch of green in our session already, don't we?
    Then I am thinking either #DC6214 or #8C2937 for Sis
    k m.: hola
    whimsy: (if theres too much green mama nordwind could also be burgundy) (unless thats also taken i forgot)
    sup ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo
    Arxon: (also Karrin I don't know what to say but that sucks and you don't deserve it)
    Karrin Blue: (ah thanks)
    (I'm kind of just used to it, I guess? like objectively I know it's not normal but)
    k m.: I'm catching up on what i missed from last time unless one you moved my house again :D
    one of* you
    Wiwaxia (GM): hrm
    where is bird, I wonder
    they liked my ping post on the forums like 20 minutes ago, but...
    do people wanna go ahead and start?
    Karrin Blue: Y
    k m.: OK I'M ALL CAUGHT UP
    unfortunately, since i have been organizing a library since 2ish, my brain has retained almost none of it
    Arxon: If you want to start then yes
    whimsy: +
    Wiwaxia (GM): alrighty then!
    first order of business: everyone's current time and position
    ilmatar's preparing to go do some exploring at around t=25:00
    moss was last seen being rudely awakened from an attempted flight to derse to intercept lemi's self-loathing spiral, also at about t=25:00
    lemi and myrtha were last seens dealing with the aftermath of tentaclebarf at t=29:00
    whimsy: and it has ocurred to me that ilma still has something to tell myrtha! does she remember what happened on prospit?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Bird fell asleep again whoops. Here now.
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh hey there bird!
    whimsy: ITS A BIRD
    k m.: IT'S A PLANE
    no wait nevermind it is a bird
    whimsy: told you so! ::D
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Pfft
    Good to see you guys too
    whimsy: yknow bird when you followed me on kintsugi i was half asleep and there was the phrase "an actual bird is following you" and
    (Not) Literally A Bird: >=D
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways, leon's got a storm comin in many senses at about t=22:00 that he needs to be finished with before t=23:30, so he can have a chat we already saw
    Karrin Blue: test
    ok internet fizzed out for a sec because i moved around a bit :b
    k m.: ugh internet how dare
    (Not) Literally A Bird: For a second i thought that said he only had half an hour and i was worried
    I mean im still worried but
    Ooh hey it's raining. Also I'm by the actual seaside! Very IC
    whimsy: ::O -quietly jealous-
    k m.: oooh nice
    (Not) Literally A Bird: right! yes. where were we?
    Wiwaxia (GM): right right!
    so, who wants to start?
    i'm gonna give priority to karrin and bird because of real-life timezone and in-game timeline position, respectively
    (Not) Literally A Bird: karrin, you want first dibs?
    whimsy: (who was playing myrtha again) (one of these days i will keep the characters traight)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (karrin)
    whimsy: (kk) (then ilma will interject herself with a pesterchum message once myrtha starts)
    Karrin Blue: Yes
    k m.: (kk good, I"m going to grab food real quick then. its just downstairs so i should be back)
    Karrin Blue: Test
    Yeah I can go first
    though the timeline thing still needs to be fixed
    Wiwaxia (GM): which timeline thing?
    Karrin Blue: Where myrtha's pretty far ahead ot the others, i mean
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, gotcha
    here's the last few lines of chatlog
    BI: oh dear
    BI: i hope you feel better soon, Myrtha!!
    cO: Maybe?
    BI: what you told me sounds a bit like Fairy Songs, they have a similar effect...
    Wiwaxia (GM): BI: a shower should help, for a start
    BI: and listening to a different song, something that roots you
    cO: Mm.
    cO: Yeah. I think I will.
    aG: Good!
    k m.: (back)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: Oh yeah!
    whimsy: (wat)
    (scratch that)
    (i messed up myrtha for lemi im dumb)
    (its way too early)
    (that oh yeah doesnt happen until it's lemi's turn)
    Wiwaxia (GM): well lemi is also in that convo
    but waking ilmatar may have enough tact to contact her in a side chat rather than in the one where myrtha's still kinda flipping out :V
    Arxon: we could do it in whisper and then repost at the end? can GMs see whispers in between players?
    Wiwaxia (GM): can't, no
    but if you mention which chat it's happening in i should be able to sort it out
    because i'm copy-pasting all chatlogs into the timeline as they happen
    whimsy: waking ilmatar is on T=25, that combo is 3 hours later
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    whimsy: *CONVO
    damn it what is it with me todaY??
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (the following happens in a private window)
    BI: oh, yeah!
    BI: i've got good news and bad news!
    BI: good news: your sister is still alive, although i don't know how long in the past my vision was? she got a candle with her and everything, somewhere in the bog.
    BI: bad news: she's out of bullets, you should probably carry a spare pack for her if you get the chance.
    BI: good news #2: the shade thingies can be killed. they bleed and don't drop grist, but they can be killed.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: wait, vision? You saw Sis?
    aG: um, wow....
    aG: Sis out of bullets seems kinda unbelievable.
    aG: (not that I don't believe you)
    aG: That really means I need to get home, though.
    aG:...I'm gonna see if I can stand. Thank you, Ilma.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: :)
    BI: don't overdo yourself!
    BI: your sis is a tough cookie
    Wiwaxia (GM): @ lemi you've also gotten 1d6+2 more hp back
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d6+2
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): and i think you can stand up now with a fort save at advantage
    (roll twice, take the better)
    Arxon: Alrighty!
    I'll give that a try when it's my turn
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I know.
    aG: She's probably handling herself way better then I am.
    aG: It just feels kind of like the world isn't right?
    aG: (which is a weird thing to say in a candle forest with a blood red ground, I know)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: :D
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (...huh. the shades don't drop grist? interesting. lemi's our hope player, isn't she?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yes and yes)
    Arxon: (...Fun fact: Before I met the iguanas I was kind of convinced that the shades were my consorts)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (pfft. that would have been...unfortunate.)
    (i do suspect they might be your version of angels, though)
    Arxon: (Maybe the iguanas are Leon's consorts, and Lemi's planet stole them somehow :D)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i am going to preemptively apologize if the shades are also somehow typheus' fault)
    whimsy: (bc, father of all monsters and all that)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (well i think leon's supposed to be meeting his consorts in the Great Clusterfuck of T=22:00, so we'll see :P)
    whimsy: (::DD)
    Arxon: (my friend has money on them being crocodiles)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (he's certainly very striderlike, so it fits :P i realised that after i did his profile and was like 'welp hope this doesn't seem like a total ripoff')
    Arxon: (...tbh it was just another silly punk croc joke)
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (.........gdi)
    whimsy: (sadfgfhg)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (omg)
    k m.: (how dare that pun)
    Arxon: (the other part of the suggestion was "and they should tell lots of puns")
    whimsy: (....)
    Arxon: (lemme just slowly retreat into the trash cave, and apologize)
    whimsy: (i think the second one falls a little bit flat because it's punning on the same thing)
    Arxon: (the way it was delivered to me was
    "hey are Leon's consorts crocodiles"
    "he hasn't met them yet"
    "Well they should be. And they should tell lots of puns")
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (oh shit i should point out that i'm going out in three hours' time! i might still have phone access but it's spotty)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (kay)
    karrin, how's your internet doing
    Karrin Blue: pretty ok right now!
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    what's myrtha gonna say/do?
    Karrin Blue: well
    she said she as gonna take a shower, i think
    so that
    after that, hm.
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also the door's off your fridge
    Karrin Blue: oh yeah
    idk how to fix that though
    whimsy: duct tape
    Wiwaxia (GM): fortunately, the nasty black goop washes off in the shower, although it stays in little icky floating globs that crowd round the drain
    looks to be staining the ceramic, too
    k m.: (toothpaste. or baking soda)
    whimsy: (salt is traditionally used for purification, too ::D)
    (but year, baking soda. and vinegar.)
    k m.: (come to d&d for all your housecare tips apparently :D )
    Wiwaxia (GM): (howto.com how to clean up eldritch tentaclebarf goop stains)
    Karrin Blue: wikihow in a pinch
    But anyways yes
    Myrtha is showered and has on comfy soft pajamatype clothes, I think
    what is there to do
    (and also it is rather late here so I maaay just hop off to bed soonish? I do want to get SOMETHING done tho)
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, let's see
    eat perishable food
    Karrin Blue: hee
    well myrtha probably SHOULD get some solid food into her
    Wiwaxia (GM): attempt to Do Science to remaining eldritch goop
    or go exploring outside
    Karrin Blue: recover that last 8 hp
    Wiwaxia (GM): or build ilmatar's house some
    Karrin Blue: so I shall pick the most perishable-looking food item out of the fridge and cook it
    and start meddling with Iln's house via computerband
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, that's 2d6 health
    Karrin Blue: rolling 2d6
    = 11
    Wiwaxia (GM): and ker-drop
    Karrin Blue: hm ok so
    CO: So
    CO: What do you need in your house?
    whimsy: BI: wait what
    Karrin Blue: CO: Well I don't think I'll be up to adventuring in the ghost desert for a while, so I figured I'd see if your house needed anything modified? Since that's apparently my responsibility
    whimsy: BI: I think the general consensus was up
    Myrtha Oscurr: CO: Then up it shall go

    Myrtha Oscurr checks grist levels
    whimsy: BI: at least to the first gate?
    BI: make sure there's stairs or sth tho
    BI: i built up moss' home up to the second
    Myrtha Oscurr: CO: Got it
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ilmatar has like 86 build, total avaliable given gristtorrenting is around 750 build)
    Myrtha Oscurr: how much would it take to start stacking mediumish rooms that are empty except for stairs atop the house
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, let's see
    aaaand roll20 just pissed out on me
    Myrtha Oscurr: disconnected from the server?
    that just happened to m too
    Ilmatar Nordwind: dito
    Wiwaxia (GM): so building costs
    building rooms is 2 grist + 2 per 9 sq m of area covered
    for each story
    same for stairs and the like
    it's 5 stories/ 15m up to the first gate
    and then from there like 67 stories/ 200m up to the second gate
    Myrtha Oscurr: sooo
    is 9 sq meters a good size, d'you think
    Wiwaxia (GM): if you'r just gonna go for bare-bones stairwell
    you also need to consider load-bearing walls
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (at some point physics fucks off anyways) (if i remember the towrs from canon)
    Wiwaxia (GM): although cos of the handwavey bullshit way sburb handles gravity, only the loading of the few stories immediately overhead matter, not the whole damn (eventually) kilometers high tower
    Myrtha Oscurr: yeah
    i was just gonna make a big stairwell, i think
    i don't think physics holds much sway here
    k m.: (now i kind of wish i'd attempted an elevator when i built. i mean, it would fail. but it would fail Dramatically)
    Myrtha Oscurr: ok it's 4 am here
    Wiwaxia (GM): gnight!
    Myrtha Oscurr: think I have enough grist to make the stairwell up to the first gate
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (n8)
    Myrtha Oscurr: can i safely assume that worked?
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you give me the footprint of it and where it's sitting over the lower stories of the house?
    Myrtha Oscurr: that x however many you need to get up?
    does that work?
    Wiwaxia (GM): hm, i'll get back to you on workability after i've had a chance to confer with my Engineering Advisor
    (my sibling)
    Myrtha Oscurr: hee
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    Arxon: night!
  9. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): so 4 for area +2 for each staircase *5 is -30 grist
    so, who wants to go next?
    probably not arxon, sorry, cos timeline
    (Not) Literally A Bird: i volunteer as tribute
    Wiwaxia (GM): aallright, gimme a sec
    Leon Gaspar: sweet
    do i get that health back from the stew yet or do i have to wait until the clusterfuck is over
    imaginign leon taking bites between fending off imps and consorts and aliens
    k m.: pff, like skyrim
    "and then i ate 36 cabbages!"
    Leon Gaspar: 'let's all pause while i scarf an entire grocery's worth of food'
    k m.: "i'm just gonna eat this cheese wheel here rill quick"
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm gonna say roll the 2d6 now, and you get a bit of it in between each gale of bullshit
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d6
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): so 2hp per bit of bullshit weathered, lessay
    you start to eat the stew
    it is really good, and warming and relaxing
    Leon Gaspar: feels good man
    Wiwaxia (GM): you start to feel almost cozy as the wind starts to rise from a whisper to a whine to a howl
    waves start to slop noisily against the side of the skyscraper below
    Leon Gaspar: it's actually a little relaxing, if i forget where i am
    i like the sound of storms
    although the waves are new
    ~on an old ocean highway, sea breeze in my hair~
    ~cool smell of salt and brine rising up through the air~
    Wiwaxia (GM): there is a sharp cracking noise from somewhere above, but you see no flash of lightning
    the waves redouble and set the old flourescent light above you swinging worringly
    Leon Gaspar: okay, slightly less relaxing
    i instinctively duck and press myself up against the wall, away from the light
    Wiwaxia (GM): you think you can hear a grinding, whining sound above the wind, but you're not sure
    the light continues to swing, but hasn't fallen yet
    Leon Gaspar: i concentrate and try to make out that whining sound
    Wiwaxia (GM): grace check to try to get more details, or int check to try to identify
    pick one
    Leon Gaspar: grade
    is it 1d20 + grace?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 + 15
    = 22
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay let's see if this works
    should be broadcasting noise from my mike to get the sound effect across
    Leon Gaspar: iiiii can't hear anything, hold on
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you hear now?
    Leon Gaspar: no :/ i'll go poking around in settings
    Wiwaxia (GM): go to "i want to receive from others" in the settings tab and get "voice"
    and lemme know when, so i can restart the thing
    Leon Gaspar: it's set to video and voice. i'll set it to just 'voice'
    Wiwaxia (GM): and is your volume on?
    Leon Gaspar: yep! but i'm not getting the little 'this user is broadcasting sound' symbol that sometimes pops up on the site
    Wiwaxia (GM): huh weird
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and ofc when i want to listen in my internet connection dies) (==_==)
    Wiwaxia (GM): is anyone else getting the noise?
    k m.: whoa, well i'm getting it
    dark time zone magic probably
    Leon Gaspar: well now that's just weird
    Arxon: I am too
    Leon Gaspar: ok what do you guys' settings look like
    k m.: i'm thinking...mechanical gibbering.
    lemme check the settings
    Leon Gaspar: oh
    Arxon: Nothing for broadcasting, voice only recieving
    k m.: video and voice
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (no broadcast, receive voice)
    Leon Gaspar: squints
    k m.: for both actually, i'm super fucking lazy and i just turn off the microphone thing in my avatar every time
    Leon Gaspar: frustrated noises
    troubleshooting time
    Wiwaxia (GM): any luck now?
    Leon Gaspar: imma open it in firefox, hold on
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm also poking at soundcloud to see if i can pipe something ~equivalent through the jukebox if that doesn't work
    (Not) Literally A Bird: aha!
    firefox to the rescue
    k m.: didgeridoo? didgeridoo
    Leon Gaspar: well that sounds like....construction, or a helicopter
    k m.: (a cyborg gargling while playing a didgeridoo)
    Leon Gaspar: exactly
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes exactly
    good job, you figured it out
    Leon Gaspar: my consorts are frillnecks
    Wiwaxia (GM): what's leon gonna do?
    Leon Gaspar: is there a window to the outside from this room?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: well then i'm gonna look out the window
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're standing right in front of it
    you see nothing but scudding sheets of dark grey clouds overhead, and rising whitecaps among the teeth of broken skyscraper-tops
    the noise continues, inconsistently, wavering in and out of the noise of the wind
    Leon Gaspar: out of curiousity, how far down is the water?
    Wiwaxia (GM): couple meters
    Leon Gaspar: and do i have any sense of where the noise is coming from, or is it just omnipresent?
    Wiwaxia (GM): overhead, definitely
    and not omnipresent
    like it's coming from a specific source
    as you look and consider, there's a series of snapping noises on the edge of hearing
    Leon Gaspar: snapping like rubber bands, or snapping like crocodile jaws?
    Wiwaxia (GM): neither, really
    Leon Gaspar: huh
    i am Thoroughly Bonetrousled
    can i open the window?
    Wiwaxia (GM): like series of short, sharp but mostly drowned out, cracking or popping noises
    like a firecracker, almost
    not without breaking the glass or the frame
    Leon Gaspar: frowns
    from the same direction as didgeridoo cyclops?
    Wiwaxia (GM): mmm, probably?
    you don't have much time to ponder, though
    from above, there is a colossal, dull boom that lights the thinnest areas of the scudding clouds a deep, ruddy orange
    then settles into a low, flaming roar
    Leon Gaspar: JESUS
    i instrinctively reel backwards
    Wiwaxia (GM): something big - bus sized at least- and flat and boxy and purple breaks through the clouds, falling, shrouded in thick smoke that whips away in the wind as soon as it billows from the thing
    Leon Gaspar: what
    Wiwaxia (GM): flames flap like ragged fringes of torn cloth in the wind, too stiffly blown to fan out, but too fierce to be extinguished
    the thing falls fast, and slams into the waves, breaking up as it strikes the water
    whimsy: (... i feel reminded of romantically apocalyptic) (/r schoolbus)
    Wiwaxia (GM): steam hisses and billows up, then races towards you on the wind
    Leon Gaspar: D=
    oH GOD
    Wiwaxia (GM): the "didgeridoo cyclops" grows louder, and you see a flash of gold dipping below the clouds
    then the wake of the impact hits and breaks through the window
    i hope you put the cap back on your thermos
    k m.: (those didgeridoo cyclopses, i tell ya.)
    Leon Gaspar: yeah somewhere between 'loud noises' and 'big ol' fireclap' the thermos was safely stowed
    meanwhile i cover my face and scramble outta the way
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm taking that to be bringing your face down to your raised arm and managing a quarter turn away from the window when the wake hits
    it's not tall enough to get all the way up to the window directly, i don't think, but it slams into the wall of the building below
    Leon Gaspar: that works
    Wiwaxia (GM): the building shakes, the window breaks, the ceiling light breaks off at one end and swings free towards the wall
    and the wave striking sends a bunch of water more or less straight up through the window
    also, 1 the light is swinging towards you, 2 away
    rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: augh!!!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): so the worst of the wave and the broken glass it's carrying are going up behind your back, then falling down
    water about knee deep is slopping through the window on the floor
    the light hits the table, snaps in half, then the remaining half continues into the far wall where it shatters
    so effects on poor leon
    first off, can i get a fort save to avoid collapsing from the water hitting the back of his knees?
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): nice
    you manage to take a solid step forward and brace yourself against the water
    next you've just gotta deal with all that water and glass currently hitting the ceiling
    Leon Gaspar: yaaaaay
    Wiwaxia (GM): does (d4-1)*d4 damage sound fair?
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    i don't even know how to roll that
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling (1d4-1)*1d4
    = 4
    well that could been a lot worse
    lemme see what that is on the death and dismemberment table
    Leon Gaspar: i gave him +2 from the bit of food he had early, was that the right thing to do
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    which is good, because otherwise you'd be saving vs. KO
    instead of just saving vs. -2 to everything for d4 turns
    Leon Gaspar: fort again, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 17
    rolling 1d4
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay you're kinda dazed
    whimsy: (.... könnt schlimmer sein, könnt regnen) (could be worse, could be raining)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're seeing all these nice stars and pinwheels against the water rushing over the floor
    Leon Gaspar: also i'm back down to 0hp again, yeah?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: it IS RAINING
    or uh
    raining seawater and glass
    whimsy: (thats why its funny)
    Leon Gaspar: >:/
    Wiwaxia (GM): also a) you are now soaked b) the wind is whipping in through the now open window c) the floor is covered in glass
    and d) the room is filling with steam and smoke blown off the crash
    what do?
    Leon Gaspar: let's get out of here!
    by which i mean, out the way i came
    Wiwaxia (GM): you mean the door you propped shut with a chair?
    Leon Gaspar: ok i remove the chair first
    possibly in a frustrated manner
    Wiwaxia (GM): wait wait, hold yer horses
    first off, i'm gonna need a dex check to actually traverse the room without falling over
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20_13
    = 1
    wrong button
    rolling 1d20+13
    = 17
    Wiwaxia (GM): -2, because dazed
    so that's a straight failure
    you trip over some rotten wood in the confusion, probably a broken-apart bit of chair, and go down hard
    fortunately, your arms are still up in front of your face, so they're what gets filled with glass
    Leon Gaspar: auuuUUUUGH
    Wiwaxia (GM): can i get a grace check for luck and general poise to see if you fall on the broken half-light or just on the scattered glass shards from the window?
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20+15
    = 27
    Wiwaxia (GM): nice
    Leon Gaspar: phew
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take 3 damage
    Leon Gaspar: also i don't mean to interrupt but i gotta go get dressed soon lmao
    Wiwaxia (GM): and have little bits of glass pressed into your forearms
    Leon Gaspar: hooray! ... i need tweezers
    Wiwaxia (GM): incidentally, the result for 3 damage on the death and dismemberment table is...
    knocked over
    Leon Gaspar: hah! you cannot knock me over, for i am already knocked over!!!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): now what?
    gonna try to pick yourself back up with a minimum of kneeling on glass or what
    Leon Gaspar: yeah pretty much
    i mean the alternative is 'lie in a pool of glass-water and cry until i bleed out' which while tempting is not something i'm gonna pursue right at this juncture
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, you could try to crawl
    or try to clear the area around you of glass without getting cut
    or throw down your towel and roll over onto it
    Leon Gaspar: actually crawling sounds pretty good tbh
    let's crawl to the door while avoiding glass
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, that's gonna be 3 (1d3-1)! damage
    and i'm gonna say a cap of 2 on the exploding cos really, it's just glass lying around
    Leon Gaspar: sounds fair
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling (1d3-1)!
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: and after this im rly gonna needa take a break unfortunately
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: i might be able to keep going via phone, we'll see
    Wiwaxia (GM): so 4 damage for 1
    rolling 2d3-2
    = 2
    and 0 damage and 2 damage for the others
    so that comes out to, you put your hand on a piece of glass super painfully and stop short
    Leon Gaspar: noooooo :c
    Wiwaxia (GM): save vs. further dazing and collapsing to lying from pain
    (seperate saves)
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 5
    rolling 1d20
    = 6
    thumbs up
    while bleeding from hand
    Wiwaxia (GM): nice, you successfully avoided faceplanting into broken glass
    after that, it's just another dazing nick on one knee and you've made it to the door and accompaning chair
    Leon Gaspar: wheee!!!
    ((and with that bird needs to go be an actual human, i'll be back in probs 10 minutes with an update on whether i can keep going or if we should switch over))
    (i can stay in the session either way, it's just a pain to type on my phone browser lmao)
    (ok but brb!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (kay!)
    (poor leon)
    (today is not his day)
    (so much broken glass)
    k m.: (Man, i gotta go to bed. talk to yall laters?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): later!
    whimsy: (n8)
    Wiwaxia (GM): will try to get to you next week
    k m.: (night! I should be good for it next week)
    Arxon: (night!)
    Leon Gaspar: (ooh, night!!)
    also hi hello
    here i am at the door
    imma grab that chair and shove it outta the way
    (in the 5 minutes before i gotta go)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take 1d4-1 damage from the pressure against various bits of glass lodged in your hands and arms
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d4-1
    = 0
    Wiwaxia (GM): haha nice
    it doesn't even hurt
    Leon Gaspar: tv-vt
    can i reach the handle from here
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes
    Leon has exited the GLASS-STREWN CONFERENCE ROOM
    Leon Gaspar: yeah!!!!
    ((alas, time to switch to phone. does someone else wanna go? now that i have successfully completed an objective))
    Wiwaxia (GM): whimsy?
    whimsy: (maybe?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (sorry arxon, you're still a bit far up on the timeline)
    (although if whimsy doesn't wanna go rn, you're up)
    whimsy: (the question would be, how long would you be willing to dm? should be hella late your place too)
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's like 3 am
    buuut i'm willing to go like another hour probably
    because i'm nuts
  10. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    whimsy: ::D
    arent we all
    but ya id be willling to have a go
    even without interesting new items xxD gotta collect more greest
    the plan was, go back to the rice paddy fields, and take pics of the surroundings like, ever 5 min or sth)
    (or 10)
    Arxon: IIII am pretty sure I gotta sleep anyways, I just sent five minutes staring into space vacantly
    whimsy: n8 ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): gnight!
    whimsy: so ilma is going to brave her odd and arcane adventures with no extradimensional spectators
    Wiwaxia (GM): ehehe
    well, almost none
    whimsy: well, save the world
    but yeah, all geared up from last session, although, can i locate a first aid kit?
    Wiwaxia (GM): that'll be 4-in-6 by the syllable rule
    whimsy: rolling 1d6
    = 6
    we actually dont have a first aid kit????
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, apparently not
    whimsy: thats disturbin
    Wiwaxia (GM): guess ilmatar's mama isn't super safety-minded?
    or neglected to replace a lost or used-up one
    whimsy: with ilma running around the forest all the time, i'd rather guess it's freshly empty and we didn't get around to getting a new one yet
    oh well that's what friends are for xxD
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, so you have an empty-of-anything-useful first aid bag
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: oh dear
    BI: if any of you come across a first aid kit that is not empty, can you send me the code? i appear to be fresh out
    i leave it at the house, if it aint of use
    and start trecking towards the rice paddies
    Wiwaxia (GM): you make pretty good, uneventful time
    no sign of underlings on this side of the mountain
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (blrgh internet connection died again) (its stable until i need it)
    (brb gotta restart the tablet my keyboard ceased fnctioning)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (kay)
    whimsy: (sorry about that, but rping on touch keyboard is awful)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, i can imagine
    whimsy: (at least its not 9 keys phone keyboard)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: so yeah! what are my lizards glubbing?
    Wiwaxia (GM): salamanders, excuse you
    also one sec, figuring out a horizon thing
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i was under the impression that salamanders are a subset of lizards
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope!
    they're amphibians
    more closely related to frogs than lizards
    and more closely related to ceacilians than lizards, for that matter
    Ilmatar Nordwind: "_" ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, so you're coming up towards the rice paddies when you can see this guy over the horizon
    Ilmatar Nordwind: this. guy.
    binoculars to the rescue
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get a good look at it through the 'nocs
    it's wearing a white kimono, but it's left rust brown stains all over it
    and all over the ground, too
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hm
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's climbing up the mountain, slowly but steadily, on all fours
    Ilmatar Nordwind: fucked up monster i guess
    over the horizon means still a ways away i guess?
    the one im on right now? oh dear
    in the direction of the consort village?
    Wiwaxia (GM): not really, except insofar as being further up the mountain implies getting close to it
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hrm
    i'll keep half an eye on it so it wont sneak up on me or my darling salamanders
    Wiwaxia (GM): doesn't look like it's intentionally heading there, at any rate
    more like (see arrow)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and am currently quite cross that i dont have some kind of ranged weapon
    except my bladefan but im so not throwing that
    Wiwaxia (GM): hoop, time is finally catching up with me
    you good to wrap up?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): later, then!
    i'd say night, but it isn't for you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: n8 ::DD
    no, not really
    more like almost 1 pm
    Wiwaxia (GM): leon took 13 damage
    for 260 xp
    which rolls him over to level 3!
    rolling 5d4
    = 13
    rolling 3d4
    = 5
    rolling 3d6
    = 12
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
    = 3
    Arxon: (hello)
    Wiwaxia (GM): heyo!
    whimsy: hi
    not sure how long i'll be online today
    i got a train to catch tonight
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, i'll start with you once a few other people get here, then
    whimsy: and stuff to do before
    thank you .._..§
    next week i'll be back at home and able to just sleep away monday, but not today >>_<<
    and fuckdamnit i forgot the alchemization again aaaaargh
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wanna just give em to me now so i can put them into the handout?
    whimsy: as in, i forgot to cook some up
    as ive been meaning to do for a month
    Wiwaxia (GM): ahhhh, gotcha
    k m.: heyyo I'm gonna be in and out for a lil
    Arxon: hullo
    Wiwaxia (GM): heya!
    and karrin said she'd be a bit late

    whimsy repeatedly kicks the vm she's running ilmatar on, but the damn thing won't start
    Wiwaxia (GM): so wait like say, completely randomly, 5 minutes for Bird to show up and start
    4 minutes
    still completely random, though
    and not tied to any sort of number on the clock
    also i did manage to update the alchemy excursus a wee bit
    Karrin Blue: Hi
    Arxon: hi
    whimsy: morning
    (brr, its cold, my parents dont heat as much as i do, the place is larger, and the door to the hallway is always open so the dogs can go through
    (i wanna be back at home in berlin ;;_;;) (TONIGHT) (HALF PAST MIDNIGHT AND THEN UNTIL I GET MY ASS HOME)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you good to start, whimsy?
    also should i give everyone timechecks?
    k m.: I would like a time check!
    Karrin Blue: yep!
    Arxon: yes please!
    whimsy: im present and i will try to be as ilmatar as i can be, but vm!ilmatar is asleep and i cant get her to wake up
    (vm!ilmatar = virtual machine!ilmatar = brain!ilmatar = the copy of ilmatar occupying part of my brain who tells me what to say)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, so
    Lemi was last seen talking to Myrtha and Ilmatar at T= 29:30
    Moss was last seen being rudely awakened by Ilmatar's construction in the middle of trying to fly to Derse to shake some sense of self-worth into Lemi at T= 25:00
    Leon was last seen scrambling from a wave of glass and water that interrupted his nice lunch at about T= 22:00
    and has a conversation waiting for him at about T=23:45
    Myrtha was last seen doing some construction work at T=30:00
    Karrin Blue: hm so I'm pretty far ahead of everyone...
    Wiwaxia (GM): and Ilmatar is climbing up the mountain by her house and just spotted an Ogre at T=25:30
    and has convos waithing for her starting at about 29:00
    whimsy: for combat, being over your enemy is an advantage yes?
    Wiwaxia (GM): depends
    but yeah, ususally
    whimsy: oh dear ::D
    hmm kk
    Wiwaxia (GM): concrete advantages of height: allows you to drop things on them, wherepon they and the thing dropped both take full falling damage
    may force them to roll 2d20 take worst if they've got a really hard time reaching you
    usually protects you from jostling damage by dint of not being next to them
    Ilmatar Nordwind: how far until i reach the first rice paddies halfways up? or did we shortcut there last week and i just forgot
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, you are where you are
    and i think i got the scale calibrated
    okay there we go
    scale bar is calibrated
    d'you want me to throw down a few labels too?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: YES PLEASE
    like, pretty colours are pretty, but theres more to my land than them
    even though i -- ooooh i just got an endgame idea
    (endgame!ilma needs to ask endgame!moss to shrink her world to a manageable size, and then insert it into a crown)
    k m.: (oooh yes)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (main reason i dont wanna fight the rust ogre on this side of the pyramid is that it could throw me into the sea of storms)
    Wiwaxia (GM): that better?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (or into a scepter)
    (ilmatars gonna end up king of skaia lul)
    i think ima go towards the edge of the side above where the rust ogre is, and meanwhile look for a nice high step i can stand on and wail on the ogre
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're standing on the highest step for a long ways
    the intermediate steps you walked up disappear as you move towards the "top" corner of the mountain
    Ilmatar Nordwind: so i cant run either
    can i see off the side of the pyramid i'm approaching?
    Wiwaxia (GM): whoops, sorry may have phrased that badly
    going straight up the mountain from your house, there's a lot of small steps just below you
    over where i just pinged they're gone, so it's a 3 or 4 m cliff
    dipping at probably like 60 degrees
    Ilmatar Nordwind: how tall is the ogre?
    Wiwaxia (GM): bout 3m
    Ilmatar Nordwind: nice, so i can dance a jig on its head while it's flailing abouts
    Wiwaxia (GM): also one sec, i'm gonna display your horizon rn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (memo to future self: once ilma can fly, make a sled or sth, wait until another cloud passes from the sea of storms, and then sled down the pyramid)
    oh hey more mist :D who wulda thunk
    Wiwaxia (GM): which, uh actually, now that i think about it
    means you shoulda seen the whole map when you were on the peak last time
    Ilmatar Nordwind: but i wanna be at least lvl 6 before heading down under. (lvl 6 is the level you get out of the starter areas in wow)
    so, single crystal over the the sea of storms?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, that jagged stuff on the bottom connects to more stuff over even that horizon
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ah
    Wiwaxia (GM): that is also not, in point of fact, on this map
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::DD
    so anyways im gonna intercept that ogre on its way up because theres NO WAY IN HELL ITS GONNA HURT MY SALAMANDERS
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, so that takes you about 3 minues to walk over there
    Ilmatar Nordwind: memo to self: alchemize a marble or two hundred. roll under big monster feet. hope they don't just break them
    Wiwaxia (GM): in which time the ogre has gone
    Ilmatar Nordwind: damn that bastard is quick on his feet
    Wiwaxia (GM): nnot really
    you outpaced him pretty handily
    and that time assumed normal walking speed
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah but im not going up
    Wiwaxia (GM): were you running?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: nope
    maybe a brisk walk because tryng to intercept sth and having it cross the point where you were trying to intercept it is just embarassing
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, alright
    i'll set him back a touch
    fort save for being winded, but roll twice, take the better
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (brisk walk is my standard walking pace, but thats irl)
    rolling 2d20
    = 32
    take better would be 12
    but i have fort 8
    jegus fuck ilma
    ok then i need to catch my breath before the damn thing arrives xxD
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, so -1 to literally everything on a d4 minutes spindown timer
    Ilmatar Nordwind: also, what prototypings do i see on it?
    should i start rolling d4?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, and then it gets a minute of movement, and then roll d3 and so on
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d4
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh hey, you're good
    Ilmatar Nordwind: HAH im not that out of shape yet
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways, it's got a leopard face, is sprouting leaves all over, and is wearing Arashi Matsuri's getup
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hrm
    memo to self: rig a flamethrower
    Wiwaxia (GM): you've got a good few minutes before it reaches you
    you gonna to anything to prep?
    also it's currently splashing through what look to be abandoned rice paddies
    Ilmatar Nordwind: take out bladefan, take a step from the ledge, and the second one of its hands goes on the ledge im on rn to climb on it,ima start hacking away at it
    (and i really, really dont want to fight it in the ricepaddies)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, i think i'm gonna sketch up a more detailed battlefield real quick
    right-o, there we go
    ogre is there
    ilma is here
    3 2 1 STRIFE
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::D
    i told you what im going to do
    the second it starts climbing up that slope in front of me im gonna hack away at it
    Wiwaxia (GM): well it's not headed directly for you
    honestly you don't even know if it's paying any attention to you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: thats good
    Wiwaxia (GM): looks like it's trying to go up past you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: but im going to try and stand in its way anyways
    yeeeeah no no way im gonna let it past
    Wiwaxia (GM): k! you've got 6m of movement a round, and you can trade in your attack for another 6m
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and i think i said earlier that i was gonna stand IN ITS PATH, so i shouldnt be that far from it)
    (not if i watch it coming up and can adjust my position)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ahkay, fair uff
    wanna reposition yourself?
    it starts going faster
    (traded it's attack for more movement)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (same)
    (ilma guesses it's headed for some sort of event, but she's not gonna let it get there)
    Wiwaxia (GM): it puts its head down and breaks into a run
    Ilmatar Nordwind: up a 60 degree slope as tall as it is?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    what are you gonna do?
    note that you can prepare an action to do if it does some given thing on it's turn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: afaik perpendicular is the best way to go up a slope, so if it goes any different angle it should get slowed down hard
    quick question, did it just walk up the slopes, or did it grab the ledges on its way up to help itself up?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (one moment, consulting Parkour Advisor)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (meanwhile i try to come up with more than "actually an imp in disguise and avoiding me bc level difference" and "on its way to a scripted event" for solutions) (although "dont let the ogre reach the gazebo" could be an event/quest)
    Wiwaxia (GM): most of the smaller steps it could clear a few at a time just walking up, the larger ones it grabbed the ledges and hauled itself up
    the running charge is new, as is running at all, in truth
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and pretty damn stupid to boot
    unless its trying to get me off balance from tremors
    Wiwaxia (GM): so, your turn?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and since this one is a step it needs to haul itself up, it needs to g perpendicular
    ready to hack away at it the second it puts its hands up
    and a slightly wider stance in preparation of it hitting the slope
    Wiwaxia (GM): actually, this slope's drawn too wide, one se
    Ilmatar Nordwind: the fuck
    how is that thing standing on there oo00
    Wiwaxia (GM): it runs about halfway up the wall under momentum, then starts to slip
    Ilmatar Nordwind: well yeah its also going 45° instead of 90°
    Wiwaxia (GM): the near hand comes up and grabs the edge of the ledge about a meter away from you, far enough that you can't hit it without throwing your fan or pouncing
    Ilmatar Nordwind: whats the pouncing mechanics?
    Wiwaxia (GM): hm
    well going off the leopard prototyping
    jump, gets resolved as a charge (+2 to damage, -2 to your def next turn), if you hit you are either grappling the thing or climbing on them
    depending on relative size
    probably a str check to jump
    but even a critical failure would be like "fall on ass" not "fall down cliff"
    Wiwaxia (GM): low risk
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah, and the ledge situation and me then propably crouching on its hand or sth would add stuff to my def
    i pounce, tell me what to roll
    (standard attack roll?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (no bonuses, but it can't attack you without risking hitting itself)
    (see climbing rules in thread)
    first d20 + str, then standard attack if that works
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20+8
    = 21
    Wiwaxia (GM): (incidentally, karrin, why myrtha didn't need to make a str check when jumping on the basilisk was that she was jumping straight down, not horizontally like ilmatar's doing here
    yep, sucessful jump!
    Karrin Blue: ok
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): limited range, but more than adequate to get to it's hand
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i couldve used that earlier
    and now the 20
    Wiwaxia (GM): you miss the hand entirely
    do you want to be there or 1m off right on the edge of the cliff?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: there is good
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, now your turn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: right on the edge sounds like a bad idea
    face the hand again and attack again
    Wiwaxia (GM): K!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 17
    now thats better
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 2D4+1
    = 7
    Wiwaxia (GM): holy shit, ilmatar
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::3
    Wiwaxia (GM): hmm, let's see
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (can i glare at it as a free action?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    it lets go of the ledge and starts backing away
    Ilmatar Nordwind GLARES at the ogre
    Ilmatar Nordwind: unless it starts backing down the next edge
    im not gonna follow down, because thatd just be asking for trouble
    Wiwaxia (GM): just gonna wait out your turn, then?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: probs yell at it some
    (and im playing undertale rn loling so hard)
    Wiwaxia (GM): it rolls it's head at you and starts walking away, towards the next ledge down
    Ilmatar Nordwind: does it turn its back to me?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ahahhahaha
    can i skid down the slope without too much trouble to follow it?
    (like, sit on butt, use as slide)
    Wiwaxia (GM): can i get an int check?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20+13
    = 15
    Wiwaxia (GM): you don't see why not
    Ilmatar Nordwind: what is it with me and 2 today
    Wiwaxia (GM): (according to parkour advisor not hurting yourself doing that is mostly a matter of technique)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: then ima kindergarten slide down the slope, 2 movements
    Wiwaxia (GM): slope doesn't take up any of your movement, that's just gravity
    Ilmatar Nordwind: would i be able to attack it within one move?
    Wiwaxia (GM): you land hard on your ankles, taking 3 falling damage
    Ilmatar Nordwind: nice
    then grin, grit my teeth, bear the pain, and merrily hack away
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you move yourself?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: wait a sec
    blrgh, touch screen controls
    that should be it "_"
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, you get to there when the ogre whips around with it's palm out at your head height
    Ilmatar Nordwind: why did i know this was a trap
    and why did i walk into it anyways
    reflex save?
    Wiwaxia (GM): cos it only used one move last turn?
    rolling 1d20-1
    = 16
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ouch
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm assuming that beats your ac
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yyyyep
    Wiwaxia (GM): *def
    rolling 1d12
    = 8
    Ilmatar Nordwind: motherfucking OW
    Wiwaxia (GM): did you remember to take the fall damage, too?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: if i dont kill that fucker fast its gonna kill me and that'd be suboptimal
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, now you can resolve your attack
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 16
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah that hits
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 2D4+1
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, there's little flags of rust in your arm
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and now i gotta pray it doesnt 12 damage me until i manage to hit it
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take an additional 1d4 damage
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i hate rust enemies
    Wiwaxia (GM): (spindown, the effect ends if you roll a one, blah blah)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d4
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): it bends down and bites at you
    rolling 1d20
    = 4
    Ilmatar Nordwind: bite the AIR motherfucker
    Wiwaxia (GM): which still doesn't hit

    Wiwaxia (GM) The monster's bulk jostles you!
    You take 0 damage!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: HAH
    you cant HIT air
    Wiwaxia (GM): your turn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i try to stab it in the face
    or whichever bodypart i can hit
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, you can't manage face from where you are, but you can manage crotch
    Ilmatar Nordwind: not like theyve got reproductive parts, so, standard stabbing
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh yeah, it also moved away form you, not that that's all that much of an issue
    because you outpace it handily
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 17
    rolling 2D4+1
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get it with a nice horizontal swipe that takes one leg clean off below the knee. before the whole thing collapses into a pile of grist and rust shavings
    take 1d3 ongoing rust damage
    (from before that is)
    (not it collapsing)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d3
    = 2
    why does the rust damage me anyways when it's nowhere near my skin though?
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's _in_ your skin
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i try to swipe it off with my bladefan
    Wiwaxia (GM): embedded
    Ilmatar Nordwind: my arms are completely covered
    ah, so i can try and pull it out?
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's assumed in the duration
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ah
    Wiwaxia (GM): rust monsters are nasty
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): gotta be, with that name
  11. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Ilmatar Nordwind: i know that i wont be able to take one f those motherfuckers again any time soon
    Wiwaxia (GM): pick up the loot?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ya
    Wiwaxia (GM): '47 rust grist', '102 build grist', '44 build grist', '3 rust grist', '14 build grist'
    Ilmatar Nordwind: niiiice
    BI: oh booyeah
    BI: i just kicked an ogre to the curb and collected enough grist to make another bladefan or two
    and i think ima head to the consort village now "_"
    rolling 1d2
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): and you're free!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hm
    can i put one of the rust flakes into my sylladex?
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure
    Ilmatar Nordwind: then im gonna do that
    because i wanna try cross that into a weapon
    or armor "_"
    or both ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): ya!
    just make sure you write it in
    Ilmatar Nordwind: added it to inventory list
    Wiwaxia (GM): excellent
    you wanna go a little bit longer or are you good to switch?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: good to switch
    because next is interaction and i cant ilmatar very well atm
    Wiwaxia (GM): fair nuff
    Ilmatar Nordwind: will be around for pestercombos tho
    Wiwaxia (GM): first though, i think i'm gonna tally up your damage/exp
    37 total damage dealt and taken
    so 740 exp
    you wanna add that or should I?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: you do it, please
    Wiwaxia (GM): illmatar is now only 160xp away from level 3
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hmm
    looks like i really need to get to bashing some more imps post-haste
    Arxon: Alternatively: get the shit beat out of you. What could possibly go wrong?
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh nothing, nothing at all
    lemi definitely wasn't a point of damage away from losing a hand or foot ever
    Arxon: Look if she looses a hand she can just get it replaced with a hook it'll be fine
    Wiwaxia (GM): fiiiiiiiine
    anyways, moss, you wanna go?
    kay, no word from moss, so arxon?
    Arxon: sure!
    k m.: shit, just got back, go ahead arxon
    Arxon: oh no it's fine I'm way ahead in the timeline
    k m.: if you're sure then :D
    Arxon: ye!
    k m.: kk, so I'm working off phone, but I have my character info on my notebook
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright
    so you'd been trying to fly to derse an account of lemi signed off of the last group chat in a rather worrying way
    and you were woken up by ilmatar announcing that she was going to "move your balls"
    your tower is now much taller and much, much more phallic
    with like, a hook on the side where your room used to be
    k m.: good lord yep
    Wiwaxia (GM): it looks like your tower now goes up to your second gate, like 300m above you
    k m.: alright cool
    ...what if I drugged myself to sleep to fly to derse
    Wiwaxia (GM): what with?
    k m.: uhhh
    hm, either I draw on my mom's gardening knowledge to find a plant outside that could coma me
    or I space power retcon
    ok I'm gonna attempt to find a plant like twice, and then I'm just gonna retcon
    Wiwaxia (GM): right-o then
    can i get an int check?
    k m.: int is 11, so
    rolling d20+11
    = 18
    Arxon: (I am going to feel very bad if Moss does something dangerous to get to Lemi and meanwhile Lemi is like "Pretty Dresses! :D")
    k m.: (it'll be pretty funny though)
    Wiwaxia (GM): the scene in the Wizard of Oz with the sleeping poppies rises to your mind
    Moss Kaplan: "huh, poppies, right. well, I'm going outside and looking for some poppies.maybe in a big field"
    Wiwaxia (GM): you see dust, dirt, mudcracks, dying bushes and some trees
    (psst dismiss the chat window for a sec so you can see the map)
    Moss Kaplan: I go towards the forest! carefully. still thinking about things that could make me sleepy
    shit, ok, I cant dismiss it
    here ill send to you on skype what I can see
    wait ok turning it sideways lets me see a little more
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, you can bump down the size of the avatars under the gear tab
    Moss Kaplan: ok this might be the best I get. hey, terrain!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (afk momentarily)
    Moss Kaplan: (kk)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (back)
    Moss Kaplan: (k)
    Wiwaxia (GM): so what are you doing now?
    Moss Kaplan: I'm again rolling to try and remember something about knockout plants?
    calling on the spirit of my mom to help me
    concentrating super hard
    rolling d20+11
    = 23
    Wiwaxia (GM): (please hold, the gm is researching)
    you're pretty sure, on reflection, that anything strong enough to knock you out in a timely way is also likely to kill you
    a horrible image of your Mom's dead body fills your mind's eye and won't go away
    Moss Kaplan: I shudder
    ok fuck it, ret con for...sleeping pills?.....my other option is to run myself into a tree
    Wiwaxia (GM): what manner of sleeping pills, what would you have seen to make you know you needed them, and where would you have procured them in advance?
    Moss Kaplan: damn. yep. well, I basically have no access to those
    I genuinely feel like I've hit a road block. I message this to my fellow sburb players
    Wiwaxia (GM): aka ilmatar and leon
    Moss Kaplan: yep
    Wiwaxia (GM): (can you actually write that message out for timeline chat records, btw?)
    Moss Kaplan: sI: well, this is pretty funny. I was all pumped to go rescue mission to derse. but there's no real way for me to be out long enough to get there
    sI: so much for all that gardening knowledge, right? I'm surrounded by pants and none of them are
    (whoops accidental enter)
    (fuck, I'm laughing so hard. *plants. not pants)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: maybe if you ask nicely?
    BI: the plants, i mean
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ilmatar. ilmatar plz)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (it was the most ilmatar thing i could think of)
    Wiwaxia (GM): btw, timelinewise, ilmatar's putting the finishing touches on her renovation of Moss's tower rn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (kk)
    Moss Kaplan: miss sighs
    fuck fumble fingers today
    misspelling my own name
    sI:sure. maybe if I am super polite to the plants, one of them will knock me out for a few hours
    "hello plants I was just wondering if you could help me go to derse" moss tells the plants
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d2
    = 2
    the Breeze picks up
    a dead branch of a drought-worn tree is blown loose in the canopy above
    it falls
    Moss awakens on Prospit with a start, the back of their head still feeling a phantom pain
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (ilu wi)
    Arxon: (omg amazing)
    Wiwaxia (GM): Breath special thing best special thing
    Moss Kaplan: "....ok what the goddamn hell"

    whimsy sing-songs "it's a kind of magic"
    Moss Kaplan: "whellp. guess I'm going to derse"
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're in luck, the moon is about on it's furthest reach from skaia
    Arxon: (they have 3 hours to get to Derse before Lemi wakes up, right?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): closer to two and a half
    Moss Kaplan: I can fly there right? I think I actually spend more time walking around in this place than I do anything else
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Moss Kaplan: at any rate, I start off
    Wiwaxia (GM): prospit and it's moon drop away rapidly behind you
    ahead, a colossal red planet swathed in blackness looms against the void
    Moss Kaplan: "whoa. cool."
    I continue onwards, remembering everything that I was told about derse
    like the likelihood of a friendly mugging
    ok is anything crazy gonna happen on my way there or am I just in for a two and a half hour trip
    Wiwaxia (GM): sorry, was afk for a moment
    also, hm lemme check some orbital speeds
    Moss Kaplan: (no worries,I was too, we're packing tonight)
    Wiwaxia (GM): on account of i appear to have gotten my math catastrophically wrong
    like, three orders of magnitude wrong
    k m.: shit
    whimsy: (better catch a shuttle then)
    k m.: well, I actually do have to go to sleep soon, we have baseline pt in...7hours? but, I should have better schedules soon
    whimsy: (seconding the sleeping thing, im falling asleep in front of the tablet again zz_zz) (n8)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (night!)
    Arxon: (night!)
    k m.: night! yep, doing the sleep thing, talk to yall next week from petaluma
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    arxon, do you wanna go for a little bit, or just call it a night?
    Arxon: Going for a little would be night but if you're tired then I don't wanna, like, pressure u into anything if that makes sense?
    ...nice, not night
    Wiwaxia (GM): well i can confidently say that it would also be night
    anyways in that case, i think i'd rather wrap it up, on account of i think i'm running a tad low on dming juices right now
    Arxon: alrighty!
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, i've been meaning to ask
    did anyone in your iteration of the game pick a hero of blood?
    Arxon: nope
    Wiwaxia (GM): probably just as well for you, really
    Arxon: I didn't even tell them not to!
    (...I gave them an option (b/c half the players haven't read Homestuck ever) to not know what the special starting things were before they choose, because the boys like surprises :I Thankfully, neither of them chose blood)
    Wiwaxia (GM): ooh, fun times
    youuu should give me updates, because i'm really interested to hear how it plays out with a different group
    if you're willing, of course
    Arxon: alright!
    due to scheduling we only really started on Friday, so there's not much to report yet
    I don't have excel, so I did have to fuck with the carapace gen you sent me so that I could get a bastardized, extremely simplified version to work on google sheets
    Wiwaxia (GM): glad you got it working, though
    what classpects did you wind up with?
    only half the players had selected last i heard
    Arxon: Page of Space, Mage of Time, Rogue of Void, Sylph of Life, Witch of Heart
    we only have 5 people who are able to make it nowadays so there is a phantom 6th player who they lost communication with, just to make it even and patternful and just in case, who is a Knight of Breath
    Wiwaxia (GM): ahahaha, that situation doesn't sound even a little familiar
    Arxon: ya know it might :V
    it's mostly b/c I am a huge stickler about patterns- part of the reason Homestuck appeals to me is because it's so symmetrical. I didn't force them to do 4 letter/ 6 or 7 letter names, but I did suggest that it would make me very very happy
    Myrtha Oscurr: gnight then!
    Karrin Blue: there we go
    Wiwaxia (GM): gnight
    Arxon: night
    (there was technically a blood player among the alyuns, but they're straight up dead so :D)
    Wiwaxia (GM): what manner of alyuns have you got?
    Arxon: I decided to go w/ elves, because a full half of my group goes fucking crazy about elves of some kind
    Wiwaxia (GM): pfahahaha
    fair nuff
    just don't let them near any shiny rocks, i guess
    or do
    Arxon: that's inevitable, one of the Rogue's interests is shiny things
    alright I am gonna sleep, probably
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
  12. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    k m.: gello hello, I'm in the van for another 6 minutes and then we're at the campground, where the wifi _theoretically_ works, just letting you know what's up
    whimsy: morning
    k m.: God why are my thumbs so fat on this keyboard.
    mirning! it's 6pm here in nocal :D
    Arxon: hello
    whimsy: 3 am ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo
    k m.: I am continuously impressed with your dedication to playing this game
    3 am, jesus
    hello wiwaxia
    ok testing wifi connection
    whimsy: getting to play ilma in this group is a gift that keeps on giving
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, my "who's online" monitor seems to be borked
    so could everyone who's actually online right now call roll?
    Arxon: Present
    k m.: christing FUCK
    ok well I guess im on data then
    also, here, on phone, because my computer will load halfway on roll 20 and then give up, because I am Literally Trapped in the Wilderness
    whimsy: present, and my internt has been stable since wednesday
    Wiwaxia (GM): sweet
    is karrin actually on or is roll20 just lying to me?
    whimsy: theyre online for me to but i havent seen them post anything, maybe theyre afk "_"
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, cool
    next question
    whimsy, can you yell loud enough for bird to hear you from the UK?
    whimsy: uhm
    i dont think so, no
    my throats been hurting
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, well, wouldn't want you to strain your throat
    perfectly reasonable reason to not be up for international yelling, that
    also, alchemy excursus has been updated a bit
    y'all should go look at that while we wait to hear back from karrin and/or bird
    Karrin Blue: Hey
    Wiwaxia (GM): heyo
    whimsy: sup
    Arxon: hey
    Karrin Blue: not much
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, i think we're just gonna have to start without bird
    dude's probably asleep
    which he honestly needs
    any questions before we get going?
    Arxon: Nah
    k m.: nope
    Wiwaxia (GM): i do have a thing to point out re: mechanics you guys could be taking advantage of but haven't so far
    your interests give you best of 2d20 on rolls related to them
    so try to set up situations or thing of solutions where they're relevant
    whimsy: oooh
    Wiwaxia (GM): and everyone wants timeline check, i assume
    Karrin Blue: yes
    k m.: that would be fabulous
    Arxon: yes please
    Wiwaxia (GM): lemi''s still at about T=29:45, chatting with ilmatar
    leon is still at T=22:00
    moss is at about T=25:30, flying full speed away from prospit
    ilmatar just killed an ogre, also at T=25:30
    and has several conversations waiting in her future, starting at about T=29:30
    myrth is still way out ahead of the pack at T= 30:00
    Wiwaxia (GM): hallo, bird
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Hi hello i'm awake
    Sorry bout that!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): no worries
    you wanna start?
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Ey why not. Lemme get my laptop
    Wiwaxia (GM): seeing as you missed the last session or two and are the furthest back on the timeline
    (Not) Literally A Bird: haaaa yeah
    my schedule's been kinda haywire lately, hopefully from here on it'll settle down
    i'm really sorry about all that
    anyway, yes, let's get going
    Wiwaxia (GM): so, you have just crawled across way too much broken glass and are sopping wet
    Karrin Blue: man everyone in this rp really needs to get in a cuddlepile don't they
    Wiwaxia (GM): the broken glass is there because something crashed outside and the splash broke the window
    your hitherto very nice lunch is rapidly becoming less so
    on the plus side, you climbed your echeladder!
    Leon Gaspar: yeah!
    also for reference, how many floors above sea level am I?
    Wiwaxia (GM): 1 and change
    Leon Gaspar: aight
    do i get anything neat from this recent level up, like for example more health
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes!
    to both current and max
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d6
    = 3
    eyyy! i'll, uh, go ahead and add that if that's alright
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep yep
    Leon Gaspar: aaaaalright
    still storming outside?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    (you also got +1 attack)
    Leon Gaspar: neat! is that just +1 to any attack i make?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    just to hit, not to damage
    Leon Gaspar: ah, gotcha
    anything else i should know?
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, you added that hp to the wrong bar :V
    also, your new echeladder ruung is PICKING AND FLAILING
    Leon Gaspar: wait, which is my hp bar
    you've turned my world upside down here
    ohh neat! =D
    Wiwaxia (GM): blue
    Leon Gaspar: well, huh
    welp that's fixed so
    good to go!
    Wiwaxia (GM): you added the three to max hp too, right?
    Leon Gaspar: yep!
    Wiwaxia (GM): also there's 6 hp left in that stew, for reference
    Leon Gaspar: gotcha
    well, better than nothing
    Wiwaxia (GM): i think you can stop and eat some of it and pick the glass out of your everything before the next wave of bullshit hits, though
    for +2 hp
    Leon Gaspar: yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea
    gonna just. crouch here in the hallway for a minute and try to get the glass outta my arms
    also more stew
    tastes like healing
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6+1
    = 3
    Leon Gaspar: while i'm doing this, can i check to see if i can hear anything that's not the storm? for example, any imps/other nasties that mightve been dislodged by the crash?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8+1
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): screaming
    Leon Gaspar: uh
    from....from what direction
    Wiwaxia (GM): direction of the crash
    it's faint over the sounds of the storm and frequently interrupted
    sounds like multiple voices, but you don't know how many
    Leon Gaspar: hrn
    if i head sorta westaways down the hallway towards that meeting room i might be able to get a better look
    i mean they're in the ocean, i'm not going out there
    i wouldn't be much good anyway
    Wiwaxia (GM): heading down over there?
    Leon Gaspar: ayup!
    the last few times i moved without running it by you i nearly went face-first into a basilisk so
    Wiwaxia (GM): the door's locked and not rotten enough to push through easily
    you can see through the window into the room, but tattered curtains obscure your view through the exterior window opposite
    (also, for the record, running it by me first will not save you from nearly going face-first into a basilisk)
    Leon Gaspar: hmmmmm
    (well yes but i needa give you time to reveal the map is what im saying)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (fair nuff)
    Leon Gaspar: well it probably won't hurt so
    gonna try breaking down that door with my regular flail
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay
    you hit, roll damage
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d8 maybe
    = 6
    i forgot what to roll
    Wiwaxia (GM): that is the correct roll, but the door stands firm
    Leon Gaspar: dang
    tough door
    Wiwaxia (GM): you just broke through the plastic fake-wood veneer and into the plywood beneath
    Leon Gaspar: man i got really lucky critting that metal door all that time ago, huh
    Wiwaxia (GM): it was actually just as sturdy as this one
    thin sheet metal
    Leon Gaspar: fair
    can i hit it again
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure thing
    (To GM) rolling 1d4
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 1
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d8
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can just keep whaling away at the thing, but do note that it makes noise
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    well i'll give it one more shot probably
    rolling 1d8
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): the door splinters
    some imps start piling out of the broken window of the room you snuck past earlier
    Leon Gaspar: mightve forgotten about that
    gonna duck in there reaaal quick assuming there's enough room for me to get through
    or, can i smack the closest imp and then bolt for the room?
    Wiwaxia (GM): ohhh yeah, that door is a complete non-entity now
    and nope, that would involve moving twice
    could move and wait to smack the first one to come next to you, though
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, sounds good
    er i'm snapping to the grid there but imagine i'm next to the door
    Wiwaxia (GM): (holding alt lets you ignore grid snapping. at least if you have advanced shortcuts on)
    Leon Gaspar: ah gotcha
    aight what's going on here
    Wiwaxia (GM): your turn, that's all they're moving right now
    you notice that there's less screaming now
    Leon Gaspar: i try to ignore that fact and focus on the imps
    i kinda wanna stay near the door tbh
    hm. hmmm.
    wishin i had a ranged weapon riiiight about now
    what if i threw a chair at the imps
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure
    you can probably only chuck it about 4m, though
    and i'm gonna say a -1 penalty to hit for every meter traveled
    1d6-2 damage on a hit
    Leon Gaspar: eh, i'll just lob it at this copper imp here
    if nothing else it might slow them down
    1d20 to hit?
    Wiwaxia (GM): 1d20+1
    cos you're level 3 now
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 +1
    = 6
    i like the +1 thing though that's nice
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a chair there now
    Leon Gaspar: neat!
    where'd he go
    Wiwaxia (GM): copper imp ducks out of sight
    Leon Gaspar: :/
    Wiwaxia (GM): there we go
    shoulda just drawn the fucking chair on the map layer to start
    and your turn
    nobody's attacked yet
    Leon Gaspar: gonna quickly look around the room
    is there anything relatively small and heavy
    a book maybe
    a desktop pc
    a....fuck it, i dunno what office people have
    a paperweight
    Karrin Blue: A desk knicknack?
    Leon Gaspar: one of those clicky things
    Wiwaxia (GM): roll for it
    2 or lower on d6
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d6
    = 3
    ah, so close
    Wiwaxia (GM): no dice
    lotsa chairs, though
    Leon Gaspar: eyyyyy
    it seems kinda silly to throw another chair but again, puts something else between me and them
    let's do it
    yeah, just at the nearest one
    Wiwaxia (GM): so it'll be 1d20-1 overall
    +1 from you, -2 from distance with something that clumsy
    Leon Gaspar: gotcha
    rolling 1d20-1
    = 16
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits!
    damage is gonna be 1d6-2
    minimum 0, duh
    nobody ever got healed by having a chair thrown at them
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d6-2
    = 4
    whimsy: (nice)
    Leon Gaspar: for which i'm grateful
    the minimum-0 thing, that is, but the crit is also nice even tho i'm not sure if it counts?
    actually it's not even a crit is it
    you crit on a d20
    rules are hard
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    you got it
    that is, you have both grasped the essence of the rules, and have struck down the imp
    Leon Gaspar: eyy!
    i am momentarily surprised, then pumped! something has gone my way today!
    whimsy: (leons superhero alias: the chairman)
    Leon Gaspar: hey where did they go
    Wiwaxia (GM): the rust imps decide they want no part of this and book it
    Leon Gaspar: well....fair
    Wiwaxia (GM): i think that's actually the first time any of you have seen an enemy fail morale
    Leon Gaspar: i am filled with determination
    time to check out that window
    whimsy: (leon, just asking, but undertale refrance?)
    Leon Gaspar: (you got it)
    Wiwaxia (GM): although to be fair my algorithm was fucked up and miscalculating for a while there
    whimsy: (::d)
    Leon Gaspar: ('seeing your enemies turn tail and flee because you threw a chair at them fills you with determination.')
    whimsy: (maybe the morale dropped because it wasnt just propaganda and that the kids are noncombatant pushovers, and then the plan met us)
    Leon Gaspar: (you say that like imps have a plan. ...do imps have a plan?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): no i'm pretty sure it was the grievous order of operations error
    whimsy: (maybe not the imps) (but the shadowy presence behind them)
    (naw come on im giving you ideas ::P)
    Leon Gaspar: (leon does not need to be any more paranoid than he is right now)
    alright, what can i see from here
    inb4 'nothing more than what you saw from the other one, idiot'
    Wiwaxia (GM): well you didn't actually look out the other one post-crash, so
    doubtless because of all the intervening glass
    Leon Gaspar: oh yeah
    forgot about that
    Wiwaxia (GM): you see black bodies struggling in the waves
    Leon Gaspar: well! let's do it!
    oh, huh
    my internet crapped out for a minute there
    Wiwaxia (GM): torn and shattered chunks of purple stuff still float on the water, but the majority of the crashed thing seems to have sunk
    Leon Gaspar: ugh ok think fast
    Wiwaxia (GM): stray steam and smoke still soars up into the storm
    but most has been blown away
    also, there's an imp behind you
    Leon Gaspar: agh!
    ok gonna deal with THAT first
    ugh and i was thinking 'i'm not gonna forget about him!' too
    (weather update: not storming here, but apparently snowing. too comfy to get outta bed to check)
    whimsy: (snowfall
    (naw shucks it killed my heart emoticon)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: (it does not like the arrow thingies) (assuming you were attempting less-than-three)
    whimsy: (ayup, it was a lessthanthree)
    (or rather, a less than 3333)
    (because i have a thing with 4s)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (i hadn't noticed :P)
    anyways, it's leon's turn
    (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: its flailing time!
    by which i mean i'm gonna try out my new flail if that's alright
    Wiwaxia (GM): of course!
    are you attacking normally or recklessly?
    Leon Gaspar: recklessly, natch
    gotta see what it does!
    Wiwaxia (GM): question: are you wearing your collander?
    also, roll to hit
    Leon Gaspar: uh, good question. i...lemme think about that one while i roll
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 6
    i took it off at some point because swimming but it's reasonable that it would be back on if i'm exploring
    Wiwaxia (GM): your backswing carves a bite out of the edge of the table
    sounds reasonable to me
    collander: on
    Leon Gaspar: sigh
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit, shoulda mentioned before you moved there
    Leon Gaspar: this is why i ask you before i move
    Wiwaxia (GM): this thing is wearing a white kimono with a green castle in six parts
    Leon Gaspar: ahhh
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, fair, mea culpa
    Leon Gaspar: nah it's alright it's not a big deal
    Wiwaxia (GM): do you still wanna do that with that information or not?
    Leon Gaspar: i thought you were gonna be like 'also the floor's caving in'
    maybe not
    that thing's kinda spooky looking
    but is that ok?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, i failed to give you all the necessary information
    Leon Gaspar: alright then, i might move slightly less forward and try the chair thing one more time
    Wiwaxia (GM): so like there?
    Leon Gaspar: yeah looks good
    what's my penalty?
    Wiwaxia (GM): -1, so just 1d20 overall
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 13
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits!
    Leon Gaspar: =D
    Wiwaxia (GM): damage is still 1d6-2
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d6-2
    = 0
    Wiwaxia (GM): also i'm gonna refresh, my cursor's misbehaving
    one sec
    Leon Gaspar: aight
    hows everyone else doing?
    Wiwaxia (GM): the imp is now under the chair
    also i can probably run someone else simultaneously with leon if anyone wants to
    the imp hunkers down in a vaguely aggressive posture but otherwise does nothing
    so it's leon's turn again
    Leon Gaspar: welp there's not much really to do i suppose
    try to hit it and pray real hard
    Wiwaxia (GM): flailing it?
    Leon Gaspar: ayup
    maybe controlled this time though, since it's under the chair
    any penalties?
    Wiwaxia (GM): i was thinking about that
    i think since you technically hit it, no
    so it's not just straight profiting from your success there
    also, where are you moving?
    Leon Gaspar: thereish
    Wiwaxia (GM): it jabs at you as you move next to it
    Leon Gaspar: i don't have rude
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 19
    Leon Gaspar: hey! rude!
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d4
    = 4
    Leon Gaspar: ruder!!!!
    at least i'm not in the negatives again
    and at least it didn't crit
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're at 2hp, actually
    Leon Gaspar: oh yeah!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): attacking recklessly or nah?
    Leon Gaspar: nah, not this time
    rolling 1d20
    = 14
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits, yep
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d8
    = 2
    i forgot to +1 my hit, oh well
    i really have ups and downs on this whole luck thing
    it's like it's completely arbitrary or something
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, lemme think
    this thing didn't move on it's last turn after you threw the chair at it
    and you did that immediately after it entered the room, yeah?
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    so it is dead
    Leon Gaspar: whaaa
    thing was made of paper
    or cloth, i guess
    Wiwaxia (GM): copper, actually
    Leon Gaspar: close enough
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get 14 build grist and 8 copper from its remains
    Leon Gaspar: gotta go pick up chair dude's grist too
    Wiwaxia (GM): another 14 build
    what now?
    you gonna sit and eat, try to turn your attention back to the crash, or chase after the imps that fled?
    Leon Gaspar: sorry yes
    gonna see what's going on outside
    i feel like there's not much i can do for them though
    do chairs float
    i could throw them a chair
    Wiwaxia (GM): the seas are p high, and these chairs are more plush than wood
    also, the window doesn't open and wasn't broken
    also, the crash site is a good like 40 meters away
    when you look back outside, you see a lot fewer people in the water
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): some seem to have climbed up onto the buildings poking up
    Leon Gaspar: i can't exactly dive in to save them, that wouldn't help
    Wiwaxia (GM): but you really doubt that was everyone onboard
    Leon Gaspar: i'm glad some of them have survived at least
  13. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also
    fort save vs. hypothermia
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 14
    ugh not again
    i liked having clothes
    ok if i just take off my shirt
    Wiwaxia (GM): won't help until you get dry
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    wait have i still got that towel
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: hah!
    Wiwaxia (GM): also this is a reminder to me to get that more robust hypothermia system going
    Leon Gaspar: ok imma take off my wet clothes, dry myself off, and also get some food
    also we've been going for 3 hours does anyone else want a go
    k m.: I am actually running to the bathroom, so I would go, if it was cool, but it would be in like ten minutes as I have to hike across the campground
    whimsy: (id be up for getting ilma somewhere)
    Arxon: (I would like to if that is ok)
    k m.: otherwise, anyone else can go, please
    Arxon: (But I'm second farthest ahead so)
    k m.: brb then
    Wiwaxia (GM): i can run moss alongside someone else p easily, too, so
    why don't we wrap this bit up, bird and then switch to ilma and moss?
    Leon Gaspar: sounds good!
    so: wet clothes off, towel on, apply food to piehole
    Wiwaxia (GM): these motherfuckers have got some of there courage back, but not enough to come in the door after you
    Leon Gaspar: gdi
    ok forget the food
    Wiwaxia (GM): so they're just kinda milling around outside, looking fighty
    Leon Gaspar: what if i just screamed at them
    whimsy: (if i appear a little distracted im writing & concept arting for my video game) (but i can totally play ilma bc i need to be in the madness place to write good stuff anyways) (and if im there i can do both)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (good)
    also, you can hear swearing from down the hall
    Leon Gaspar: deep breath
    Wiwaxia (GM): grace check?
    Leon Gaspar: doing my best impression of onryousprite
    is that d20+grace
    Wiwaxia (GM): ayup
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20+15
    = 28
    Wiwaxia (GM): imps fucking book it
    Leon Gaspar: im laughing. good.
    also where's that swearing coming from
    as far as i know imps don't talk so
    i am intrigued
    Wiwaxia (GM): swearing is coming from hereabouts
    Leon Gaspar: well then i'mma chase after that imp and see what's what
    i forget what my movement range is
    so sorta eastwards
    Wiwaxia (GM): 6m/round
    can trade in your attack for another 6m, but that shout counted as it for this turn
    Leon Gaspar: so hereish
    that's alright
    i mean what i really want is to check out that noise
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's a lady in sodden overalls, with pitch-black skin that looks shiny and hard and has seriously exoskeleton-looking joints
    she does not look happy
    Leon Gaspar: where is she?
    like, in the hall or in a room
    k m.: (back, also ngl I can probably only manage an hour or so of rp, I'm being useless awake so it's probably better just to hit the reset button tonight.)
    Leon Gaspar: (ack, sorry for taking up so much time! at least leon's closer to being caught up...)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    moss, you've been flying for about 15 minutes
    k m.: (srs, no worries dude)
    Moss Kaplan: delightful, I continue flying! unless I'm in danger of dying I guess
    Wiwaxia (GM): sounds good
    one sec, i'm gonna try to see how much of the sky prospit takes up
    so you can get an idea of how far you've gone
    Leon Gaspar: (actually have i picked a bad place to leave leon for tonight? i'm hella tired)
    (also continue to be in awe of whimsy's ability to stay awake)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (it's not all that much farther along, but it's not a bad place to stop and you probably need sleep)
    in any case, prospit is visually about the size of your fist held out at arms lengt
    Leon Gaspar: (yeah i know ... blech)
    (next time i won't be coming off three nights of next to no sleep so hopefully that'll go better :P)
    (new years resolution: get to sburb on time)
    Wiwaxia (GM): little bit smaller in the sky than the planet ahead of you, actually
    Moss Kaplan: nyoom
    Wiwaxia (GM): ilmatar, you've just kicked the shit out of an ogre
    what are you up to now?
    Leon Gaspar: (alright yeah im gonna....sleep. night all! less-than-three)
    Arxon: (night!)
    Moss Kaplan: (gnight! get so many sleeps)
    whimsy: (fff i just dozed off for a second sry)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: I'm going to head to the consort village
    Wiwaxia (GM): (kay gimme a sec to dig up the salamander logs and get the voice)
    salamander: glub!
    hello again not-yellow one!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: "Hello hello, yellow one! I was on my way to your bug hunting grounds, when I remembered, silly old me forgot to ask where they were! Can you tell me?"
    salamander: gosh, butterfly hunting?
    , well you want to go around to the other side of the mountain
    there's a few little boxy valleys on the far side of the mountain where the butterflies gather!
    they're right above the rice fields of the village on the other side of the mountain!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: "Sounds like I can't miss them! Thank you. I heard there were imps there, and I just can't abide these vile creatures harassing you. And if an ogre can't stop me, a few lousy imps won't, either! You'll have your bug hunting grounds back."
    (is there sth i can plant my butt on and eat something to regenerate some health, besides the ground?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): sitting down and having a meal would get you 2d6 health
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (yeah, question is, do i plant my butt on the ground, or is there a little wall thing bc i vaguely remember more rice paddies in the village)
    Wiwaxia (GM): well first off, do you have any real food on you?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: im pretty sure i packed sandwiches
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a little bismuth wall on the race paddy steps keeping the water in
    and then there's houses and paths across the flooded areas in the village
    or you could just sit on the ground
    Ilmatar Nordwind: im gonna plant myself on one of the little bismuth walls and inhale a sandwich
    and probs some tea from the thermos
    Wiwaxia (GM): a bunch of salamanders working nearby stop and take their lunch breaks with you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: the more, the merrier!
    Wiwaxia (GM): their food seems to be mostly rice with little bits of what you assume are bugs for flavor
    Ilmatar Nordwind: :D
    i grab a bug treat bag from my sylladex and ask the closest salamander if they also eat these (and check how many bugs are in a treat bag)
    salamander: !!!!
    well, I've never had them but gosh that looks good
    glub glub glub glub
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's enough to give everyone one or two
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i'm going to share a bag with the lunch takers :D
    and make sure everyone gets at least one "_"
    Wiwaxia (GM): there is a lot of happy glubbing
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and theres a very happy ilma
    Moss Kaplan: (well, that's adorable)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and that gets you 2d6+1 from the company and general lifted spirits
    Ilmatar Nordwind: nice
    ima nibble on one of the bug treats, too, what do they taste like?
    rolling 2d6+1
    = 7
    Wiwaxia (GM): crunchy, mostly
    other than that, a bit fatty
    Ilmatar Nordwind: fatty bugs "_" deep fried or what?
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a touch of bitter, and then the sweet and spicy seasoning on them
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i ate larvae before) (dried, and then fried in oil and spices) (kinda salty, little own taste)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah probably. deep-fried grasshoppers are what i'm going off of here
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (which is something i wanna try irl at some point) (considering locusts fried with honey was/is a delicacy in the middle east)
    once they're starting to trail back to their work, i'm going to go follow the directions the salamander gave me to the bug hunting grounds
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    where to?
    that was probably a good half-hour eating and chatting, so i think I'll advance moss by that much, too
    Moss Kaplan: much nyoom, very wow.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i think ima go to the gazebo first and take some shots, and then take a close gander for where the bug grounds should be)
    Wiwaxia (GM): moss, you've seen two glimpses of purple go by over your right shoulder
    and there looks like a third coming up in the distance, just on the edge of vision
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (sounds like battleships) (considering one of those already crashed on leons planet)
    Moss Kaplan: moss is horrifically bored and wishes they had brought a ds or something. at least there are purple things to make this experience feel not entirely like that one space screensaver
    Wiwaxia (GM): uh no, the purple things are making it feel more like that if anything
    hard to tell, but they don't seem to be moving, or if they are, they're going the exact opposite direction from you
    Moss Kaplan: curses. moss descends into the slow entrenching insanity of boredom. also they resolve to check the purple deals out later. possibly with lemi.
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also oh shit, my computer's making me restart in 5 minutes. will be back asap)
    Moss Kaplan: kk
    whimsy: (im gonna take that time to wash my hair)
    Wiwaxia (GM): I return!
    whimsy: i knew we hadn't seen the last of you yet!
    Moss Kaplan: (delightful! Computer done with its totally necessary maintenance then? :D )
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    so ilmatar
    where were you heading?
    also moss, are you trying to keep your course straight, trying to keep prospit directly behind you (not the same, as prospit is also orbiting)
    which would require periodically slowing or stopping and looking back
    or trying to keep the bigass red-and-black planet ahead of you?
    Moss Kaplan: red and black ahead of me, honestly. hadn't really thought about prospit since I set out
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (i couldve sworn i said twice what i wanted to do)
    (head to the gazebo, take some picturs, then follow the directions the salamander gave me to the bug hunting grounds)
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit, forgot that while i was rebooting
    sorry bout that
    (also afk momentarily)
    k m.: guh, sorry, I have to do the sleep thing. last night I literally fell asleep in my clothes and I don't want to do the same thing tonight
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, night!
    Arxon: night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): ilmatar, can you show me path you're taking to the top of the mountain?
    k m.: night, see you guys next week
    Wiwaxia (GM): press space right before you move your icon and you can plot out paths
    Ilmatar Nordwind: basically the path i took last time
    Wiwaxia (GM): well you get to there before you get ambushed by...
    a thing I don't have a sprite for yet!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: what
    that can either be very, very bad
    or my own sprite doing shenanigans
    whats it look like
    Wiwaxia (GM): looks like a screaming bird underling
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and i presume ambushes me = tries to attack me?
    Wiwaxia (GM): going for a flyby, yep
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 18
    rolling 1d8
    = 4
    okay, yeah, no, 1d8 is too much damage for that attack
    rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Ilmatar Nordwind: asshole! a wanna try and attack back
    rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 7
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's flown up waaaaaay back out of range
    Ilmatar Nordwind: bluuuuh
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can prep an attack to try to hit it if it goes for another flyby, though
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah that sounds like an idea
    Wiwaxia (GM): you got a better look at it as it swooped you, too
    it's a "Aluminum Harpy"
    and appears to be prototyped with a flag and a bunch of leaves
    in any case, it ain't coming by for another flyby this round
    it's wheeling up high
    and screaming
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d6
    = 4
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 16
    i hope that hits
    and i had just regenerated thse 6 hp!
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ah wait
    i misread
    Wiwaxia (GM): sorry, clarity, that wasn't damage it just rolled
    shoulda been more clear
    Ilmatar Nordwind: fuck my reading comprehension is shit
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's a different thing
    you can keep that roll if you want, though
    for your next attack whenever
    Ilmatar Nordwind: thank you "_"
    i hope that wasnt a call for more monsters to arrive
    Wiwaxia (GM): :3
    Ilmatar Nordwind: gdi
    Wiwaxia (GM): it doesn't seem to have got what it wanted, so it's going for another flyby
    now you hit it
    successfully, with that 16
    roll damage?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 2D4+1
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): fuckit, this circle is standing in for the harpy so i've got something to stick the health bar on
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): and it's attacking you
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 17
    rolling 1d6
    = 4
    Ilmatar Nordwind: fucking beast i just regenerated that
    im preparing another attack
    Wiwaxia (GM): and pchooo off into the air again
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and hum something under my breath
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, roll to hit it before it hits you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 15
    Wiwaxia (GM): that does not hir
    Ilmatar Nordwind: oh dear
    (quick question, you get the first +1 on hit at lvl 3?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Ilmatar Nordwind: but wow, 1/4 chance to hit the damn thing and i'm probably not going to survive another two of its hits
    not the way its rolling
    i dont like this at all :://
    Wiwaxia (GM): actually, lemme check something
    wait, actually!
    you get 400xp just for seeing the damn thing
    because new type of underling
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ooooh
    Wiwaxia (GM): which puts you up to level 3
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and a 16 hit earlier
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    also you get another 1d6 hp
    to current and max
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d6
    = 6
    Wiwaxia (GM): did you add that to max hp too?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: aye
    so, 16 hits, and it gets a bladefan to the face again
    Wiwaxia (GM): that doesn't look right, your character sheet says you have max 20
    Ilmatar Nordwind: whut, i put 26 there
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, roll damage for that
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 2D4+1
    = 6
    Wiwaxia (GM): that kills it, fortunately
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 5
    disregard that roll
    the 1d20 i mean, just checked a button "_"
    bu damn, at least they dont have that many hp
    fragile speedsters
    Wiwaxia (GM): in any case there's a hugeass cube of healing gel
    fragile, dodgy, speedsters
    Ilmatar Nordwind: you should try to snack on something that has the wind in its veins, little flying underling
    Wiwaxia (GM): 191 phosphorus grist and 157 aluminum grist
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i prod the healing gel, because my character doesnt have any idea what it is probably
    ooooh nice
    Wiwaxia (GM): it vanishes and you immediately regain 4d4 hp
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 4d4
    = 10
    well that looks better ::D
    and look i rolled a street
    Wiwaxia (GM): noice
    also, aluminum is a new grist type
    so lemme go see if there's any ? grists that need to be changed on the alchemy excursus
    yep, and edited
    Ilmatar Nordwind: mostly highlevel stuff from what ive seen
    mucho aluminium needed
    Wiwaxia (GM): also from here you can see a bunch of underlings hanging out in the distance
    lemme place em
    (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Ilmatar Nordwind: let's check out the three imps
    i was about to say thats one huge basilisk
    Arxon: (suddenly the god basilisk descends)
    Wiwaxia (GM): i mean it's still a huge motherfucking basilisk
    just uh
    not that huge
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yyyyeaah im not going to pick a fight with a basilisk just yet
    BI: oh wow!
    BI: i just came across a particularily nasty underling!
    BI: they're pretty fast and hard to hit, and they scream
    BI: but they're pretty fragile
    BI: a bit like flies, only bigger and louder and more capable and willing to hurt you
    Ilmatar Nordwind: BI: but i squashed it :)
    Arxon: (...that is one hell of an underling party)
    Wiwaxia (GM): note that there's some fairly major distances between these lots
    all of you have similar on your world maps, ilmatar's just got a better vantage point to see em from afar
    useful things, mountains
    Ilmatar Nordwind: three imps i can take
    an ogre i can take
    an imp and an ogre, i do not know
    a basilisk, probably not
    so i'm going to check out the three imps first
    Wiwaxia (GM): uuuuuugh, fuck me and my bright ideas
    one moment please
    Ilmatar Nordwind: :D
    Wiwaxia (GM): fuckit, that'll have to do
    Ilmatar Nordwind: we try things, sometimes they even work? ::D
    and im gonna try and sneak up to them ::D

    whimsy sees the grid and holds up a crucifix
    Wiwaxia (GM): grid's gone, don't worry
    hex grid was being a butt with the ruler for some reason
    whimsy: it was the square vs hex thing
    my d&d group hated the hexes, and i hated the squares
    but they insisted on tabletopping
    Wiwaxia (GM): also note that those dark swatches are cliffs
    betweeen 60 and 80 degree slopes
    whimsy: how higH?
    Wiwaxia (GM): jesus, like 10m
    whimsy: thaaat looked like a "too high to jump down"
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, gonna say those slightly ligher bits are substeps
    so, staircases that tall and steep, not sheer slopes
    whimsy: iiim gonna keep to the cliffs going up, not taking any chances of toppling down
    Wiwaxia (GM): d'you want an arrow for which way downhill is?
    whimsy: i assumed from where ilma is standing top right is down
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    whimsy: bc its still on the same side of the pyramid
    (and owch i just flipped the depth illusion in my head)
    (it reverts whenever i blink tho)
  14. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): k, so how are you gonna sneak?
    whimsy: silent, smooth movements as to not alert the imps by sheer flashyness
    Wiwaxia (GM): the imps aren't paying you any mind at this distance, but there's no cover between you and them as you approach
    whimsy: i am one with my surroundings "_"
    yeah but if theyre distracted they might not notice me ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, fine
    whimsy: (mind ya 90% from what ilma is doing is certified bullshit) (feel free to go "no thats not gonna work" when you think it fits)
    Wiwaxia (GM): that will be 2d20 take worst on your grace check not to get noticed, though
    eh, grace is partly the "bullshit the universe" stat, soooo
    whimsy: heh
    grace is 10, ima add after the roll
    Wiwaxia (GM): also pst, you're switched to whimsy
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 2d20
    = 23
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, at least that's just a straight failure
    Ilmatar Nordwind: eh, cant have everything
    bladefan at the ready, the first one to get in range gets it into its face
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay
    i'm gonna roll 1d10*10 for the distance in meters at which they notice you
    rolling 1d10*10
    = 20
    damn, you almost made it
    (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 3
    Ilmatar Nordwind: oh dear, three of those
    Ilmatar Nordwind is sporting a slightly maniacal grin.
    Ilmatar Nordwind: why did i prototype a shapeshifter again? or rather, why did i not tell you arashis limitations
    probably because i thought itd be funny
    seriously with this setup of a session im surprised we're still whole and alive
    Wiwaxia (GM): the giclops has four eyes, fins and is covered in spots
    one of the others has a long neck with a raccoon skull on the end
    and the last has a long neck and has a green castle in six parts on its front
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (ugh, sorry wi, but im having serious trouble not to fall asleep in front of the tablet)
    (can we save here and do the battle next week?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure thing!
    i don't blame you for being so sleepy either
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (my eyes keep falling shut and i know if i just rest them for a bit i'll wake up in 4 hours when my medicine alarm rings)
    Wiwaxia (GM): i am seriously, seriously flattered by the stupid times you are willing to be awake to play this game
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (pfft i wanna play!) (seriously being able to play ilma with this group is a gift)
    Wiwaxia (GM): nevertheless, i am flattered
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (and you should tell bird that, too, because they have similar times)
    Wiwaxia (GM): will do!
    also the rest of your exp tally for this session
    12 damage
    for 240 exp
    which i'll add
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and the 6 damage i received from the damn thing? ::D
    or is just total hp of it counted
    Wiwaxia (GM): that puts you at 2480 exp total
    Ilmatar Nordwind: aka it had 6, dealt 6?
    Wiwaxia (GM): all damage you dealt or took
    whoops, you're right, missed an attack
    so 4 more damage
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ::DD
    Wiwaxia (GM): and thus 80 more exp
    Ilmatar Nordwind: how much until 4?
    Wiwaxia (GM): so 2560 total
    4 is at 4000
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hm, thats a way off
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's powers of 2*1000
    up til the last couple levels, at least
    clarification: (powers of 2)*1000
    not powers of 2000
    Ilmatar Nordwind: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000?
    because thats the only way i can think of it making sense atm
    Wiwaxia (GM): 0, 1000, 2000, 4000 actually
    don't need any experience to get to level 1
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah or that way
    .... its 9 am ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): well technically it is 500 xp for level 0 underlings to get to level 1
    herp a durp brain
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (well if i see johns destructive power once he goes tiger its not difficult to rack up that kind of damage)
    Wiwaxia (GM): or carapacians
    and there's a lot of lump sums to be got by exploring or seeing new enemies
    or looting dungeons
    Ilmatar Nordwind: 1440 more xp, meaning 72 damage dealt
    Wiwaxia (GM): dealt or taken
    Arxon: Ohh, you should try critting yourself!
    Double the exp!
    Absolutely no consequences!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: let me think
    Wiwaxia (GM): and the xp calc gets a bit fussier once you start teaming up
    Ilmatar Nordwind: imps have about 8-ish hp iirc?
    Wiwaxia (GM): 1d4, actually
    Ilmatar Nordwind: naw
    how cute
    and they retain those even transformed?
    Wiwaxia (GM): thpoiplers
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i vaguely remember the "ogre" in my basement going down faster than the one on the pyramid
    (otherwise this fake giclops is gonna be all sorts of trouble)
    Wiwaxia (GM): i can tell you the exact amount of damage it took, if you like
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i think ima look it up when im not falling asleep
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay
    Ilmatar Nordwind: n8 zz_zz
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    Arxon: night!
    Wiwaxia (GM): arxon, you wanna go for a bit?
    Arxon: yeah!
    Wiwaxia (GM): k!
    so you are at about T=29:45
    there's a couple hours of dreamself shenanigans presumably with DC that we're not gonna play in case Moss shows up in there
    Lemi Malloy: iirc, I had advantage on a fort check to get out of bed?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Lemi Malloy: alrighty!
    rolling 2d20
    = 19
    I do not make either
    Wiwaxia (GM): so you are still bedridden
    whatcha gonna do in bed?
    you could go back to sleep on derse
    although that might run into consequences of as yet unplayed stuff
    or dip candles
    or crawl around
    Wiwaxia (GM): or do server player stuff
    or something else you can think of, of course
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, first I am gonna eat a serving on Iguana Food
    ((-squints at Sylladex- not sure if that is supposed to be assorted colors or if it means associated colors of the group))
    Wiwaxia (GM): the latter
    a platter of such has been left by your bedside while you slept
    it is mostly a heaping pile of salad, with a small side of some sort of gruel
    with uh
    you hope those aren't maggots
    Lemi Malloy: Beggars can't be choosers!
    ...And besides, I'm like 100% sure there are maggots in the protein bars
    Wiwaxia (GM): you get 2d6-1 health from the humble meal
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 2d6-1
    = 6
    That brings me up to full hp!
    Alright, so, it's 50 build grist to make a story, and I don't know how many stories to the gates
    How much build is available over gristtorrent
    Wiwaxia (GM): 5 stories from the top of myrtha's house to the first gate
    Lemi Malloy: mk, so 250 build grist total
    Wiwaxia (GM): and then 61 stories from there to gate 2
    Lemi Malloy: ...And then around 3000
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's about 1000 build grist availible
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, then I'll build about 3 stories on top of Myrtha's house
    In case other people need to build up as well
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm gonna double check that 50 figure, though
    Lemi Malloy: It's what you said in OP
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, i'm aware
    just double checking my old math
    Lemi Malloy: kk
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh balls, yeah
    i forgot that multiple stories are counted towards the "square meters" of a house
    not just the footprint
    in any case, assuming you're using more or less the second story footprint for myrtha's house
    it's about 30 build per story
    Lemi Malloy: well
    Then I'll build 5 stories
    Wiwaxia (GM): 'kay
    myrtha has 0
    so who are you leeching off of?
    Lemi Malloy: (has Leon built any stories while I was there? I forget)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (i can tell you how much everyone has)
    Lemi Malloy: (that'd be nice, yeah)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (and yes, that's how you got up to your first gate and away from your house)
    Lemi Malloy: (right!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you have 548, ilmatar has 216
    (no worries! it was a while ago)
    leon has 81 and moss 74
    Lemi Malloy: Then I'll leech from myself
    Wiwaxia (GM): you tap your fingers and twiddle your thumbs for a couple minutes while you leech the grist
    Lemi Malloy: I start humming something aimless and meandering
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wanna plot out a few floors or nah?
    Lemi Malloy: ...Lemi doesn't know much about architecture- she would probably copy the previous story as closely as possible just to make sure it is still structurally sound
    Then I'll shoot a quick message to Myrtha
    aG: Ummm jsyk, I built up to your first gate.
    Wiwaxia (GM): that all look good?
    Lemi Malloy: Yes!
    Wiwaxia (GM): i am amused by the fact that this creates a horrifying deathchute from every hall straight down to the ground floor foyer
    (there is a railing, but...)
    Lemi Malloy: ...Is there a way that Lemi could put a board/floor over that? To stop it from being deathchute?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (actually, i think there's gonna be another 6 grist per floor for stairs and railings )
    and yes
    it's gonna be
    2 grist/floor
    Lemi Malloy: Alright
    lemi torrents the additional grist from herself as well
    Wiwaxia (GM): you putting it every floor or every other or what?
    Lemi Malloy: Every floor
    Safety first!
    Wiwaxia (GM): there you go
    Lemi Malloy: Alright!
    ...did that+meal kill enough time that I can try for standing again, orrrr
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    you stand up
    Lemi Malloy: oh wow!
    Do any of the iguanas notice me>
    Wiwaxia (GM): hm, let's see
    grace check for dumb luck?
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+8
    = 15
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, spotted
    but not by the healer, thankfully
    (that woulda been a crit failre)
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, well
    .....It's probably best for them all if I don't stick around anyway, and now I need to help Sis
    I'm going to try and slip out the door as quietly as possible
    iguana: are you sure you are well?
    I can go get the healer for you
    Lemi Malloy: "No, really, I'm feeling almost completely better!"
    iguana: well, if you're sure...
    just don't wander too far
    and make sure you;re back in bed soon
    don't strain yourself!
    Lemi Malloy: "Um....yes...of course....thank you...."
    Wiwaxia (GM): (ehehehe >:3)
    Lemi Malloy: aG:...I just lied to an iguana.
    aG: I feel like the Worst.
    Alright, I slip out of the hut and try to creep through the town
    Wiwaxia (GM): "south," really
    alright, let's see
    so the village is about 20 iguanas
    nobody is outside the village limits right now
    there's just a few people in the main hall
    so let's say 5 in other buildings
    Wiwaxia (GM): and 10 out and about to try to sneak past
    do you have a candle lit?
    Lemi Malloy: Not at the moment, no
    (that reminds me, I leave a candle on the ground for them)
    Wiwaxia (GM): k
    mark it off
    Lemi Malloy: Already did
    Wiwaxia (GM): nice
    and i'm gonna roll
    rolling 1d6
    = 4
    to see how bad an idea that was
    not that bad, it turns out
    Lemi Malloy: well
    Wiwaxia (GM): so let's see
    trying to sneak through the village without being spotted
    there's only like three buildings to hide around
    but people will be looking for candles moving
    so i'm gonna call that just a straight dex check to sneak?
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+12
    = 32
    Wiwaxia (GM): you breeze out of the village like you were never there
    Lemi Malloy: (...I'm glad I get this nat20s when they matter)
    ok, as soon as I leave the village I'll light a candle
    Wiwaxia (GM): i assume you're just gonna light it off one of the perimeter candles as you go past?
    Lemi Malloy: Yes
    and then put it in the lantern that I just stole
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 3d8
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, why don't you move yourself where you're going
    Lemi Malloy: To about there, if I can
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, that's about what you see
    to the "northeast" there's an open plain where you can see farther
    without the trees blocking your veiw
    you notice that there's no candles on the trees here
    Lemi Malloy: ...Can I see that Ogre that I can just barely see?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    just barely
    what you see is what you see
    Lemi Malloy: I don't like how close that is to the iguanas
    I move towards it, trying to stealth if it hasn't noticed me
    Wiwaxia (GM): your attempt at stealth fails catastrophically, on account of the fact that you are carrying a goddamned candle
    Lemi Malloy: Right, yeah, that makes sense
    Wiwaxia (GM): hoo boy
    okay, it's wearing a white kimono with a green castle in six parts on the front, is covered in leopard spots and leaves and has a long nessie neck
    Lemi Malloy: .....well
    Alright, I'm gonna try and attack it
    Wiwaxia (GM): charging, yes or no?
    Lemi Malloy: mmmmm that's +2 to hit and -2 def, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): +2 to damage, not to hit, but yes
    Lemi Malloy: right
    no, not charging
    Wiwaxia (GM): right-o, roll to hit
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+1
    = 19
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes i think i can safely say that hits
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d8+1
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): that does nothing
    Lemi Malloy: goddamn 3 or more protection
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    you take 1 damage from an evil presence
    and the ogre's gonna try and punch you
    rolling 1d20-1
    = 6
    it punches the air about half a meter above your head
    your turn
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+1
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): nnnnnope
    gonna move?
    Lemi Malloy: I'll move between it and the village
    Wiwaxia (GM): how far away from it?
    Lemi Malloy: is there good?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (cos scale bullshit)
    Lemi Malloy: ummmm my movement is 6 meters per round while still having attack, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Lemi Malloy: then as close to 6 meters away as I can get
    Although it I'm doing it like this I should move away from the village and sraw it to me
    So yeah, moving 6 meters back from where I was at beginning of round
    Wiwaxia (GM): it doesn't move
    Lemi Malloy: fuck
    my turn?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Lemi Malloy: alright, I go back up to hit
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope!
    Lemi Malloy: asshole!
    (not u, the ogre)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and it's biting you as you get close
    within 2m, that is
    rolling 1d20
    = 14
    Lemi Malloy: kk
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits, yeah?
    Lemi Malloy: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d4
    = 1
    it's turn
    you take 1 damage from it's evil aura again
    and it's trying to grab you
    rolling 1d20-1
    = 9
    Lemi Malloy: Does not hit
    Wiwaxia (GM): your turn
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+1
    = 13
    Wiwaxia (GM): that does hit!
    Lemi Malloy: yay!
    rolling 1d8+1
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): plink
    moving away?
    Lemi Malloy: not giving it a change to ready an action again
    Wiwaxia (GM): (invest in some throwing axes, girl)
    note that if you stay next to it, it'll just attack you on its next turn rather than readying an action
    Lemi Malloy: (I will attempt this, once I am near alchemiter)
    Wiwaxia (GM): staying put does not avoid an attack
    Lemi Malloy: oh, and plus I'll be evil presensed
    alright then, moving 6m back
    Wiwaxia (GM): it still ain't moving
    rinse and repeat or try something new?
    Lemi Malloy: It's just a plain, yeah?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    open, grassy plain
    some stray trees around the edge
    lights of the village shining in the distance
    Lemi Malloy: ....starting a fire would be a class A terrible idea
    Yeah, rinse and repeat
    I do not have a tactical mind

    Wiwaxia (GM) quietly pulls up object saving throws table in background
    Lemi Malloy: (I am too worried about throwing my axe past the ogre and having to look for it in darkness to throw the axe
    unless there are any stones on the ground?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): 5 in 6 on d6
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): you got A Stone
    does d6-2 damage
    Lemi Malloy: ...but that would be an improvised weapon, meaning 1d6-2, meaning that I would have a 1 in 6 chance to maybe damage it
    unless I crit, which I'm not gonna bet on
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit, i also forgot a couple jostles
    eh, i'll just say you avoided the both of them
    on account of i forgot
    Lemi Malloy: :')
    Wiwaxia (GM): but yes, jostling is a thing that will happen if you get close
    Lemi Malloy: alright, so just gonna Hit Wood With Axe
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 6
    (muffled Lemi shrieking)
    (....a)can I split up my move action into before and after attack and b)what is this guys physical range)
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, but charges move as part of the attack, so you can charge and then move
    gotta keep moving in about the same direction, though
    cos charges also limit your maneuverability
    Lemi Malloy: how far can a charge go?
    Wiwaxia (GM): same as your normal movement
    Lemi Malloy: alright
    Wiwaxia (GM): and assuming standard ogre movement, this guy can move 4m a round
    if that's what you meant by physical range
    Lemi Malloy: yeah
    alright, so his turn
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep

    Wiwaxia (GM) The monster's bulk jostles you!
    You take 1 damage!
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d4
    = 3
    for evil presence
    and he's gonna try to grab you again
    rolling 1d20-1
    = 2
    Lemi Malloy: alright, I am gonna Hit Him With Axe (or attempt)
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 16
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits!
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d8+1
    = 6
    please tell me that at least hurts it
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, I move 6m back
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you see it's health bar?
    Lemi Malloy: Yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): iiiiit's still not moving
    Lemi Malloy: alright
    I am going to do a Smart Thing and charge
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 18
    rolling 1d4
    = 3
    bites you on your way in
    and that charge misses, unfortunately
    Lemi Malloy: yeah
    can I move back or no?
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, but you can keep moving forward
    and get to 4m away on the other side
    Lemi Malloy: ...yeah sure
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's still just fucking standing there
    Lemi Malloy: jerk
    charge again!
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit
    you wanna do the honors of rolling on the table or should i?
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20
    = 14
    oh wait I need to just press the table button, huh
    Wiwaxia (GM): goooooodbye axe
    yeah but i'd keep that roll if i were you
    Lemi Malloy: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): roll 1d6 for direction
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d6
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm gonna roll meters flung in secret
    cos dark
    Lemi Malloy: (I literally sighed in relief when I saw the number)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, one sec, gonna move this to a more detailed grid
    cos relative position just became more important
    one sec
    Lemi Malloy: alright
    Wiwaxia (GM): right, there you go
    Lemi Malloy: Well um
    that axe didn't go very far
    It's turn, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    turns it's head to look at you on its long neck, but otherwise nothing
    Lemi Malloy: Alright
    I get ye axe?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep and that's your turn
    it continues to not move
    Lemi Malloy: Alright then
    SO CLEARLY this Charge this has been working out, let me do that again
    rolling 1d20+1
    = 14
    Wiwaxia (GM): where do you wanna hit it?
    one of those two spots
    Lemi Malloy: First ping
    yeah that
    Wiwaxia (GM): and yep, that hits
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d8+3
    = 10
    Wiwaxia (GM): Loot: '51 ash grist', '36 mahogany grist', '13 mahogany grist'
  15. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Lemi Malloy: Yay!
    Wiwaxia (GM): that was kinda a hilarious fight
    little bit with the attrition there
    Lemi Malloy: Running back and forth is totally a viable strategy
    Wiwaxia (GM): where to now?
    Lemi Malloy: Alright
    iirc, the hill I passed out own is to theeeee relative east?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    relative northeast, really
    Lemi Malloy: so the first gate is generally in that direction
    Wiwaxia (GM): first gate output
    Lemi Malloy: ...Did Leon ever tell me whether or not these gates or both ways?
    Wiwaxia (GM): they don't
    he didn't tell you, but there was very clearly not a gate behind you when you went through
    Lemi Malloy: ah ok
    well then, I have no actual idea which way my house is
    Wiwaxia (GM): cf. Act 4
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d4
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): or where the second gate to leon's land is
    Lemi Malloy: well then, I will head west, I guess
    Wiwaxia (GM): towards the village?
    Lemi Malloy: I'll go around the village to the north
    Wiwaxia (GM): can i get a grace check to not get spotted?
    Lemi Malloy: rolling 1d20+8
    = 21
    Wiwaxia (GM): you don't get spotted!
    because the iguanas are busy
    Lemi Malloy: yay!
    Alright then, continuing west
    Wiwaxia (GM): hoooold yer horses
    Lemi Malloy: mmmkkk
    Wiwaxia (GM): can you actually see any of that junk i just placed from there?
    Lemi Malloy: the shadows?
    Wiwaxia (GM): crawling horrors, technically
    anyways, the iguanas are mostly concentrated right around where they are, making sure the candles stay lit and trying to herd them away with lanterns on poles
    Lemi Malloy: .....
    I'm gonna charge them
    Wiwaxia (GM): the crawling horrors?
    Lemi Malloy: Ilma told me I can hit them!
    I think
    Wiwaxia (GM): you break into a full tilt run and get ready to swing
    you never have a chance to, because they are shoved away by the edge of your candlelight as soon as it touches them
    Lemi Malloy: fuck
    into the village?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    they bounce off the circle of candles as if those were walls
    one gets caught between your candle and the perimeter candles and gets pushed like a meter into the air between them
    Lemi Malloy: ..that is strangely adorable
    Wiwaxia (GM): an iguana with a candle on a pole pushes it away and rolls it over the top of your candlelight
    Lemi Malloy: I move towards the others, pushing them away from the village
    Wiwaxia (GM): they keep scrabbling back around as soon as you move one away
    Lemi Malloy: .....what if
    I did something super super super dumb
    I hand an iguana my lantern, axe at the ready
    Wiwaxia (GM): the iguana refuses to take it
    iguana: you can't fight these things!
    they bite through walls!
    Lemi Malloy: "But it's not like they're just going to go away, are they?"
    iguana: they can't get in if we keep the candles lit
    and sometimes they lose interest and wander off
    or follow anyone who leaves the village alone
    Lemi Malloy: Lemi looks doubtful, and kind of frustrated, as if she feels like she should be able to fight them
    Then she perks up
    "So I might be able to lead them away?"
    iguana: don't do it!
    if your light flickers for even a second, you'll be torn apart!
    Lemi Malloy: "But it will make things safer for you all, right? I've lost one of these before..."
    (at least, if I' remembering correctly)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    you trapped it behind candles and booked it while it was stuck
    these thing's pathfinding is kinda cruddy
    Lemi Malloy: ....Again, setting a fire would be such a bad idea, and yet
    There are no trees with remaining candlestubs nearby, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    and no trees at all on the side of the village you're on
    Lemi Malloy: and all I can see around here is the plain, right?
    When I first came to the village, about how far was the walk?
    is that from the hill?
    Wiwaxia (GM): you mean the direction of the arrow?
    yep, more or less
    Lemi Malloy: alright
    I step into the village light, decaptchalouge the broken candle, and ask if I can ligh\t the part that still has a wick
    oh wait, nevermind, I don't need it to be lit
    iguana: don't do this, it's not worth it!
    Wiwaxia (GM): correct
    Lemi Malloy: and I can store this, or do I have to use it immediately
    Wiwaxia (GM): store it
    you can only have 1 stored, though
    no stockpiling
    at least not yet
    Lemi Malloy: ok
    so I decaptchalouge the broken candle, give them the half without a wick for spare tallow, and then steal the potential light of the other half
    Wiwaxia (GM): it crumbles into ashes that fall through your fingers
    several nearby iguanas start or lean away in shock
    iguana: w-what?
    Lemi Malloy: ...If I am dead to them for the sin of candle wasting, then that'll make this easier
    alright, so to the east, somewhere, is forest+ a ravine
    to the west is forest
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes to the second
    to the first, there's also a bunch of hills up
    the ravine is in the side of the hills
    Lemi Malloy: alright
    and the area of the forest to the west with candle remaining is definitely closer then the alternative, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's about equidistant
    the west is flat ground, though, not a climb
    Lemi Malloy: Alright, then
    to the west
    walking as confidently as I can towards the trees
    Wiwaxia (GM): shitfuck, sorry
    i got east and west flipped
    god fucking damn it
    east is flat ground, northwest is hills, ravine and first gate output
    a durr
    Lemi Malloy: It's fine, I got it flipped to
    To clarify

    Wiwaxia (GM) offers the saddest high-five
    Lemi Malloy: (I once got lost in a literal grid for 45 minutes getting from P and 24 to R and 24, so that's my sense of direction)
    So the other side of the village is still the direction away from first gate output
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Lemi Malloy: ok!
    Then I confidently ect ect that direction
    Wiwaxia (GM): at first the crawling horrors ignore you and go back to futility trying to crawl into the village
    then one by one the move round the outskirts of the lights and start following you
    Lemi Malloy: Alright
    I am ready to deploy Emergency Hope Magic Light if my candle dies
    I am still not in the area where there is candle stubs, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): just moving out of the picked-clean area now
    although you're moving through the area your previous expedition harvested, so the easiest candles are all gone
    Lemi Malloy: Alright
    I am going to look for an area where there are 4 trees fairly close together, that all have candles
    close enough that the candlelight halos, at their brightest, would touch
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, that'll be moving slowly
    2 on d6 to find such trees
    you can repeat as often as you like, but every time, that's 10 minutes and an exploration die roll
    sound fair?
    Lemi Malloy: yep
    rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    2 Environmental Hazard
    = 2
    well, you found your trees
    Lemi Malloy: somehow that sounds ominous
    does anything happen immediately?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    one of them is oozing...
    sap? oil?
    Lemi Malloy: this
    is fine
    People who are totally not going to blow themselves up today: Lemi Malloy
    alright, so I am going to light three of the candles on 3 of the trees
    the ones facing closest to the village
    Wiwaxia (GM): right, i'm gonna roll 1d4 clockwise from "north" for the oozy one
    rolling 1d4
    = 3
    Lemi Malloy: k
    Wiwaxia (GM): so it is one of the 3 you want to light first
    Lemi Malloy: .....alright, maybe not that one
    Unless it is set in stone
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    which ones are you lighting the candles on?
    Lemi Malloy: the three that aren't that one
    (question: does hope light give off heat)
    Wiwaxia (GM): as much as a normal candle flame
    Lemi Malloy: .....ok so this tree is going to blow up if I light it, possibly
    which would start a forest fire
    which a bear told me not to do
    Are there other trees with candle stubs around?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, but not so close the lights would overlap
    Lemi Malloy: Can I place a candle on the ground that could overlap the others w/o touching the dark stuff?
    Wiwaxia (GM): it'll take more than one
    let's say... 5?
    4 if you're willing to get a bit closer to oozy tree
    Lemi Malloy: Thaaaaaat is a lot of candles
    dammit, responsible fire practices
    (she says, placing candles on the ground)
    Alright, I will sacrifice 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay
    gonna try to harvest any
    or just burn ones from your sylladex
    Lemi Malloy: I already took them out of my sylladex
    Wiwaxia (GM): the former runs the risk of letting the crawling horrors wander out of you trap
    oh, ok
    light em up?
    Lemi Malloy: yep!
    Wiwaxia (GM): the snare is complete!
    where to now?
    Lemi Malloy: Further west, I suppose
    After eating my other serving of Iguana Food
    Wiwaxia (GM): if you stop to eat right now, the candle stubs on the trees will burn out and let the crawling horrors out while you're still right there
    Lemi Malloy: then I will get a move on
    and continue to the west
    Can I go this way or is there wall?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, just more trees
    Lemi Malloy: which was that yep to?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep to you can go this way
    Lemi Malloy: ok
    then I shall
    ...I will just walk in that direction for either 30 min or until something stops me
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[THE-ADVENTURE-DIE-OF-ADVENTURE!!(and/or-misery)]
    5 Roll twice
    = 5
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    3 Light burns down
    = 3
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    Lemi Malloy: ..............................
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, i think i'm gonna stop that explosion right there
    4 results, any more doubles count as nothing
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    Lemi Malloy: ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    4 roll twice
    = 4
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    2 Hazard
    = 2
    rolling 1t[Geez-billy-TWO-encounters?]
    1 Encounter
    = 1
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    5 Carapacian
    = 5
    rolling 1t[okay-but-what-KIND-of-encounter]
    5 Carapacian
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): iiiiiiiinteresting
    Lemi Malloy: hmmmmmmmmm
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3
    = 1
    rolling 1d2
    = 2
    well then
    first off, you can see the beginnings of a worn path
    (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 12
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 6
    Lemi Malloy: Like a dirt path?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 6
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    you hear a horrible creaking noise
    and a tree falls on you
    well, almost
    someone grabs you around the waist and spins you out of the way just in the nick of time
    Lemi Malloy: I squeak
    voice: greetings, my dear, my darling!
    I am ah.. Intrepid Profiteer
    there is an audible silence that leaves you with no doubt that IP is winking flamboyantly
    IP: and I am completely at your service
    Lemi Malloy: "Oh, well, um, thank you for saving me, M.... kind Profiteer"
    IP spins you around to look at you
    Wiwaxia (GM): she's a tall, moderately built dersite woman in a fucking three-corner hat with red and black feathers jutting out
    instead of the standard-issue dersite kimono and sundry other prototyping accessories
    she's wearing a long, green coat with gold buttons, some spirograph-y blue flower on the lapel and what looks like a stuffed parrot pinned to the shoulder
    it's flopped over forwards
    it has a little three-corner hat sewn onto its head, too
    Lemi Malloy: "....I like your hat, and also your parrot, and also your parrot's hat."
    Wiwaxia (GM): (god bless the random carapacian generator)
    IP: why thank you, thank you, my dear!
    I knew you as soon as looked at you that you were a lady with a taste for high adventure!
    "here's a born corsair" i thought to myself
    "a buckaneer sure as the Queen shits on her throne"
    Lemi Malloy: "A buckaneer...doesn't that mean pirate?"
    IP: nothing other!
    for you see...
    I am none other than...
    Idiosyncratic Pirate TERROR OF THE VEIL'S SKIES
    Idiosyncratic Pirate poses dramatically

    Lemi Malloy gives an appreciative gasp
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're pretty sure she's surreptitiously flapping her coat with one hand
    Lemi Malloy: Why do I get to meet all the best carapacians
    Wiwaxia (GM): I was literally just about to ask that
    Lemi Malloy: I don't even know if there are exiles in this game but even if there are I don't know who I'd want to be Lemi's
    Wiwaxia (GM): still gotta figure out exiles, actually
    Leon should actually be able to hear his directly, because Seer
    but who gets exiled is yet to be determined, soooo....
    time problems
    Lemi Malloy: ahhh time problems
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'll probably pose the question in thread sooner or later
    Lemi Malloy: "So what brings a fearless marauder of the- the Veil, you said?- here?"
    "....And as a follow up, what's the Veil?"
    Wiwaxia (GM): before IP can answer, another dersite woman, carrying a candle in one hand and a notepad under the other arm comes walking down the path
    Tireless Author: generally speaking, one is supposed to keep an eye on their hostage
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: ehh
    you weren't gonna run off anyways
    now, as you were saying!
    the Veil...
    the beating heart of Derse's war machine!
    ten thousand forges, ten thousand vats, churning out guns as fast as bodies to hold them!
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: ships, forged!
    munitions, packed!
    abominations, mutated!
    and full of ships, plying supplies and workers back and forth
    full of the enterprises of industry and the seeds of war!
    fat with boondollars!
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: Ripe for the taking!
    Idiosyncratic Pirate clenches her fist and grins widely
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: and that is what I do!
    ... which, admittedly, led to my being shot down over this hellhole of a planet by my own countrymen, hostage or no hostage
    but as soon as my plane's back in working order, they'll rue this day!
    Lemi Malloy: "So you're going to sabotage the entire Derse fleet?"
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: what? nah, I couldn't do that much
    and Prospitian boonbucks glitter just as glintingly, if you catch my meaning
    Let them have their stupid little war
    all it is is more industry!
    more industry for me to prey on!
    ...and admittedly, more escorts and guards
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: probably shoulda sprung for that big gun last time i got my plane tuned up
    Lemi Malloy: "Where is your plane?"
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: right over the hill!
    my companion-
    Tireless Author: hostage
    Idiosyncratic Pirate: -and i set out into this valley in hopes of procuring repairs
    Lemi Malloy: "Hmmm....my sister has an interest in Mechanics, but I don't even know where my house is anymore..."
    (By the way, Sis now has an interest in Mechanics)
    (if that'll work)
    (yep yep!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): fucking hell
    that yep was from me, if it wasn't clear
    anyways, mark that on your character sheet
    Lemi Malloy: Done and Done!
    Wiwaxia (GM): unfortunately, i've gotta go scamper and pack
    Lemi Malloy: and yeah, it was clear 0u0
    Wiwaxia (GM): because i just realized my plane leaves in two hours
    Lemi Malloy: thank you so much
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    also ping me in the thread to remember to tally your xp for this session
    and y'know, get all these shenanigans into the timeline
    Lemi Malloy: alright, I'll do that sometime during the week
    best not tomorrow?
    Wiwaxia (GM): eh, tomorrow could work
    i should have some slack time in the evening
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  16. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Lemi Malloy: night!
    (Not) Literally A Bird: ah! arxon! hello!
    i am very glad to see you
    i was worried i'd got the date wrong again
    Arxon: Same here! I was getting very worried
    (Not) Literally A Bird: yeah, i've been obsessively refreshing to see if i've been pinged
    whimsy: evening
    Arxon: Yeah I've been debating whether or not to post a "hey we on?" in the thread
    (Not) Literally A Bird: hey whims!
    Arxon: Hi whimsy!
    Wiwaxia (GM): heya
    sorry bout that
    got hit with a sudden attack of the sleeps
    (Not) Literally A Bird: i know that feel
    whimsy: me too
    still sleepy
    Arxon: Yeah I was sleeping basically all of yesterday
    (Not) Literally A Bird: i feel GREAT
    (that was a joke)
    whimsy: (i'll be back in 10 min)
    Wiwaxia (GM): so did those bonus xp numbers look about right to everyone?
    (Not) Literally A Bird: leon's looked fine. i'm still not 100% on the rude grist but i will continue investigating, when the storm subsides
    Arxon: Yeah, Lemi looked fine
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, added those all
    (Not) Literally A Bird: so......who's up first? i went first last time iirc
    Arxon: (hey wi, quick q: The eclipse is every 16.5 hours, right? and it's been 7 or 8 hours since the last one?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): one moment
    lemme get the timeline up
    whimsy: (do i get the name of ilmas current echeladder rung? bc she leveled up last week but shes still on still believes in fairies)
    Wiwaxia (GM): shit, forgot to do that
    will get that to you ASAP
    Karrin Blue: Hey
    How much did I miss?
    ...apparently nothing!
    Arxon: hey Karrin!
    whimsy: sup
    Karrin Blue: not much!
    procrastinating on vocab sheets
    how're you?
    whimsy: sleepy
    so sleepy ive got my alarm on 10 min snooze that if i fall asleep again i wont be asleep for too long
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, forgot to enter last sessions events for lemi on timeline, so had to do that before answering question
    Karrin Blue: is anyone getting closer to myrtha on the timeline
    Wiwaxia (GM): where lemi is now on the timeline (T=31:30) it's been almost exactly 6 hours since the eclipse ended
    yep, lemi juuust passed her
    Karrin Blue: FINALLY
    Wiwaxia (GM): i think i'm gonna start with leon again, in the hopes of getting him caught up, though
    Karrin Blue: of course!
    Arxon: Thank you for times, wi!
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure sure!
    also, for reference
    moss and ilmatar are both at T=26:30
    (Not) Literally A Bird: aight if you're sure
    i'll try to go a bit faster this time :P
    ah fuck there are those basilisks again
    Karrin Blue: wellp
    Leon Gaspar: alright, last time on 'my life is shit', i was chasing that imp and heading for the person that was swearing
    am i close enough to get a swing in on it?
    Wiwaxia (GM): one sec, i'm getting that poor person a proper token
    did everyone else get kicked too?
    Leon Gaspar: i didnt
    Arxon: no
    Wiwaxia (GM): huh
    Karrin Blue: I had a server disconnection
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways, where were we?
    Leon Gaspar: imp, lady, running
    oh hey there she is!
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Leon Gaspar: alright, can i smack dat imp?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, not close enough
    Leon Gaspar: is it my turn? i got confused with all that running
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can move up to it, but then it'll be the imp's turn
    Leon Gaspar: ahh. i'm not a fan of that plan. and i gotta watch out for the other imp too. blech.
    ok i'm gonna stay put and yell 'HEY LADY LOOK OUT!'
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d0
    = 0
    Leon Gaspar: uh
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 19
    Leon Gaspar: what does that die even look like
    Wiwaxia (GM): mistype
    Leon Gaspar: ah
    Wiwaxia (GM): it
    Leon Gaspar: non-euclidian dice
    Wiwaxia (GM): although i do have a couple macros that use it :v
    anyways, the imp blows its reflex save catastrophically
    and trips over the lady's outstretched foot
    Leon Gaspar: haha i was wondering what that was
    Wiwaxia (GM): then she stomps on its head
    Leon Gaspar: i like her already
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 18
    Karrin Blue: i also like this lady
    hopefully she will not try and murder us!
    Wiwaxia (GM): one moment, lemme check a thing
    Leon Gaspar: i mean right now we're united in killing imps so!
    and lemi seems to be having a good time on derse ... maybe the walkthrough was exaggerating? /ic reaction to ooc chat
    (ugh why am i so dehydrated all the time? i don't wanna go downstairs to get water ughhhhhhh)
    (ugh ugh ugh brb)
    Wiwaxia (GM): hydrate or diedrate!
    whimsy: (i know why i always have a bottle of water next to my bed)
    (on the other hand i have a grand total of 30 square metres of living space and my kitchen where the water is is just through the door)
    Leon Gaspar: (ok i'm back)
    (yeah normally it wouldn't be a drama but my laptop died so i'm on my desktop, which is in like a loft-ish sorta area up like 2 flights of stairs)
    (anyway i am hydrated)
    whimsy: (died died or just empty battery)
    Leon Gaspar: ('something, probably the cpu but i'm not certain, suddenly crapped out and the computer stopped responding at all' died)
    whimsy: (naw shit) (that sucks)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, that'll do for now
    Leon Gaspar: ((yeahh. but i salvaged all my files! and it was dying anyway))
    Wiwaxia (GM): i needa get my rules for carapacians together somewhere
    Leon Gaspar: (so i'm mostly just annoyed at the inconvenience lmao)
    Wiwaxia (GM): because they don't use the same rules that you guys do
    Leon Gaspar: carapacians! they're cool dudes
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways yeah, that motherfucker is dead
    the woman kicks the grist away irritably
    Leon Gaspar: heart eyes, motherfucker
    'er, uh, nicely done!'
    Steadfast Mechanic: who
    are you.
    Karrin Blue: oh she's a carapace lady
    Leon Gaspar: i'm, uh, leon. leon gaspar. and you?
    Steadfast Mechanic: mmrph
    what the hell are you doing on a dead planet?
    Karrin Blue: (...leon IS still on his land right?)
    Leon Gaspar: i've been asking myself that for the past twenty hours
    uh, well, my friends and i were playing a game and then suddenly i was here
    and i made the really smart decision to explore this building which
    has not been going well
    ...were you on that ... thing that crashed just now?
    (er, i assume he is)
    Steadfast Mechanic narrows her eyes
    Steadfast Mechanic: ...
    Leon Gaspar: did...did anyone else make it?
    Steadfast Mechanic: yes.
    why do you want to know, anyways
    Leon Gaspar: i just...i dunno. i saw people in the water...
    i dunno.
    -shrugs helplessly-
    anyway, this place is crawling with imps and, uh, bigger things
    Steadfast Mechanic: ugh
    stupid fucking agents
    stupid fucking queen
    Karrin Blue: ...?
    Steadfast Mechanic: stupid fucking war
    whimsy: (i like her already)
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: (the queen? lemi mentioned a queen...)
    uh, wait, 'war'?
    Steadfast Mechanic: stupid fucking white-shells
    you know, the place all the fucking troopships are going?
    swear to fucking B Slick we're just a buncha bait
    Leon Gaspar: i've kinda been stuck down here
    Steadfast Mechanic spits derisively on the ground
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: (mumble mumble stupid friends and their stupid dreamselves mumble mumble why don't i get to fly around in cool pyjamas)
    okay uh now i'm kinda glad i'm stuck here. with the monsters, and the seagulls, and the water. so much water.
    Leon Gaspar is a little afraid of the cranky carapace lady
    Leon Gaspar is also not really mad at his friends, just sort of affectionately envious
    Karrin Blue: (myrtha: solidarity fistbump)
    Leon Gaspar: (leon and myrtha are gonna have their own cool pyjama party ok it's gonna be great)
    Steadfast Mechanic gives leon a withering stare, then stands for a minute lost in thought
    Karrin Blue: (awww. pls be kind to us, carapace lady, we are confused and traumatized children)
    Leon Gaspar really does not want to piss her off any further. she seems real mad
    Leon Gaspar is holding back from asking her just what the hell is even happening around here
    Steadfast Mechanic: (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 9
    Arxon: (plz SM Leon does not deserve this)
    Leon Gaspar wonders how you even make conversation with bug aliens?
    Steadfast Mechanic: :disgusted noise:
    Steadfast Mechanic grabs the door next to her by the handle and the hinges
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1d20+16
    = 36
    Leon Gaspar: huh
    Leon Gaspar flinches
    Steadfast Mechanic rips the door out of the wall and tosses it on the ground
    Steadfast Mechanic: fuck
    more glass
    Leon Gaspar flinches even further
    Leon Gaspar groans
    Karrin Blue: (oh god poor Leon)
    Leon Gaspar: i do not need any more of that in my arms
    Steadfast Mechanic: hmph
    well, i suppose i'm stuck with you until you turn out to be some goldshit bioweapon
    or a product of my deteriorating mind
    or the miserable tentacular fucking gods know what else
    Leon Gaspar: a gold....uh, nevermind. alright, sure
    Steadfast Mechanic: you know any way out of here?
    Leon Gaspar: i came in via a window on the other side of the building
    Steadfast Mechanic: gods, do i even want to make it offplanet?
    Steadfast Mechanic slumps against a wall
    Leon Gaspar: it's near a road which leads...well, back to my house on one side, and to Seagull Hell the other side
    Steadfast Mechanic: your
    Leon Gaspar: uh, yeah
    it came with me when i got here
    Steadfast Mechanic: yeah, that sounds legit
    your house that somehow didn't get drowned with the rest of the planet
    pull the other one
    Leon Gaspar: oh
    well, that explains all the sunken buildings
    but yeah my house is a new arrival
    it's built on top of one of the roads
    Steadfast Mechanic slow blinks
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1d20+16
    = 17
    Leon Gaspar: i can...show you? but maybe we should see if anyone else made it out?
    Steadfast Mechanic kicks the wall and
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1t[The-Ya-Done-Fucked-Up-Table]
    2 You hit your nearest friend, or yourself if there are no friends you can hit. Go directly to the Children-Fucking-Around-With-Deadly-Weapons-Table-of-Despair-and-Very-Probable-Death, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 boonbucks. You should probably get your kissin lips ready.
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: (SM please stop picking fights with the scenery)
    (SM NO)
    Steadfast Mechanic: no, you are not
    Leon Gaspar: (I DONT COUNT)
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1d8
    = 3
    Leon Gaspar: oh ok
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1d6
    = 3
    Leon Gaspar: uh
    Karrin Blue: (oh my GOD)
    Leon Gaspar: (i s2g if she dies)
    whimsy: (does anyone have a hug me jacket)
    (because i think this lady needs one)
    Steadfast Mechanic: rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: (it's time for trauma hour with leon and SM!)
    Steadfast Mechanic: a ceiling light snaps free
    Wiwaxia (GM): shitfuck
    swings down like a blade
    and cuts SM's left hand off
    Leon Gaspar: nononoNONONO
    shit shit shit
    Leon Gaspar rushes over
    Leon Gaspar: holy shit!!!
    (do carapacians bleed. they bleed right?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Karrin Blue: yep
    red blood
    spades cuts his hand to show karkat he's not alone
    Leon Gaspar: (thought so, wanted to make sure)
    (is it my turn)
    (has the pain train pulled in at the station)
    whimsy: (sm stop hitting yourself)
    Karrin Blue: (what kind of light fixture even WAS that)
    Leon Gaspar: (consort interior design: not health and safety approved)
    Wiwaxia (GM): long flourescent light tube, already shattered
    so sharp-edged
    Karrin Blue: (new from mr Guillotin's new interior decoration catalogue)
    (and yes i did look up the inventor of the guillotine to see if i got the spelling right)
    Leon Gaspar: (well done :P)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (nerd)
    Steadfast Mechanic is standing still in utter shock
    Leon Gaspar decaptchalogues his Sodden T-shirt which I believe he took off last session because he got soaked again
    Leon Gaspar grabs SM's arm and clumsily tries to bandage the end
    Steadfast Mechanic snaps to her senses and starts correcting you with her remaining hand
    Leon Gaspar watches intensely, feels as though this might be useful to know
    Steadfast Mechanic: fuck fuck fuck fuck not like that you imbecile fuck fuck
    Wiwaxia (GM): (int check to remember it for later)
    Leon Gaspar: fuck sorry uh have you got it? i'll uh let you do it. fuck
    Karrin Blue: (D:)
    Steadfast Mechanic: no, you idiot! i need two hands!
    give me that!
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20+12
    = 32
    Leon Gaspar does what he's told
    Steadfast Mechanic grabs your wrist and shows you somewhat roughly where to put it
    Leon Gaspar: (really? NOW i get a nat 20?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): that is a damn good place to get a nat 20
    Leon Gaspar continues following her lead! also trying not to feel queasy from all the blood
    Wiwaxia (GM): mark that down on your character sheet
    Leon Gaspar her perfunctory nature is helping
    Wiwaxia (GM): leon knows how to staunch bleeding wounds now
    Karrin Blue: (leon you're th time playr, get used to corpses and blood)
    Leon Gaspar: (neat!)
    (i wonder when we're gonna get our first leoncorpse)
    (both aradia and dave prototyped themselves)
    (oh god)
    Karrin Blue: (.....???)
    (uh, what did you prototype)
    whimsy: (we get the first leoncorpse once leon creates his timturner)
    Leon Gaspar: (onryousprite, but i haven't second-prototyped her)
    Wiwaxia (GM): when you're done, SM awkwardly tries to give you a hearty slap on the back
    with her left hand
    Karrin Blue: (wellp. guess we're gonna get creepy ghost-leon!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): and screams in agony
    Leon Gaspar: agh!
    Karrin Blue: (also... shouldn't a dead lemi have shown up? since like. at some point. the time turner WILL be made, and things will go back in time, and auuugh)
    Steadfast Mechanic: ouch ouchauuuuuugh fuck shit gods fucking tentacle beakfast SHIT
    Karrin Blue: (er, dead leon)
    (hopefully no dead lemis)
    Leon Gaspar: (i guess it's hard to tell since the future hasn't been determined)
    Steadfast Mechanic: fuck
    gotta learn to not do that
    Leon Gaspar winces
    Steadfast Mechanic: well, you just got me a discharge, kid, so thanks i guess
    Leon Gaspar: er, you're welcome, probably. sorry about your hand
    Steadfast Mechanic: hand off's better than being shot as a deserter, eh.
    Leon Gaspar: that does sound better, yeah
    Steadfast Mechanic: funny though
    Leon Gaspar attempts a wry smile
    Steadfast Mechanic: always thought if i lost a hand it would be from getting it stuck in the machinery
    not from a fucking
    what was that, anyways
    Steadfast Mechanic looks
    Steadfast Mechanic: office light?
    stars below
    Leon Gaspar: yyyep. i nearly got brained with one earlier
    hence all the glass
    whimsy: (so, leon being brainy came in handy just now?)
    Leon Gaspar: anyway. we should probably get you to ... fuck, i dunno. somewhere that's not here. i sure as hell don't wanna be here anymore.
    whimsy: (sees self out for stupid pun)
    Steadfast Mechanic: too right
    Leon Gaspar: (:getout:)
    Leon Gaspar: (oh no!!!!!)
    yeah. so, well ... do you wanna try checking your ship, or just go out the way I got in?
    Steadfast Mechanic: (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 2
    Steadfast Mechanic: ship sank
    Leon Gaspar: uh, by the way, are you gonna be okay to swim?
    ah. yeah.
    Steadfast Mechanic: ugh, i doubt it
    Leon Gaspar frowns
    Leon Gaspar: we might be able to build a raft outta something here
    or i could try to pull you
    which could go well, or spectacularly badly
    Steadfast Mechanic: kid, i'm pretty sure i weigh more than you do
    Leon Gaspar: (i don't even remember where leon's entry is on this map)
    ...fair point.
  17. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): (here, i'll ping you)
    Leon Gaspar: (cheers!)
    ...the chairs! is there foam in the chairs?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (also, for the record, SM is now at 0 hp)
    (so any damage she takes is straight to death and dismemberment)
    Leon Gaspar: (considers having future leon leave 'an entire fucking liferaft' somewhere)
    Wiwaxia (GM): there is foam in the chairs, yes
    Leon Gaspar: (eesh. well, leon's not looking too hot either. broken buddies!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): or some of them, at least
    Leon Gaspar gets excited!
    Wiwaxia (GM): the one in the room you were eating in was mildewed so much you doubt it would float, but there may be chairs in better shape elsewhere on the floor
    Leon Gaspar: i'm gonna go check out this room down the hall for foam chairs
    Arxon: (Future Leon is going to have to spend a day just scrambling around this one office complex)
    Wiwaxia (GM): which room down the hall?
    Leon Gaspar: (future leon
    (oh, huh
    (no less-than markers
    (that was future leon [spades] present leon])
    also, leon looks around for imps, since that was the whole reason he even went into this room in the first place
    Wiwaxia (GM): this one's still there
    but bolts through that broken window as soon as it sees you
    Leon Gaspar: good. -glares at it-
    oh, right! i totally threw these chairs around earlier
    Wiwaxia (GM): all wooden chairs in this room
    Leon Gaspar: ach
    i'm gonna need more of an officey area
    well, i was in a computer room when i started...
    Wiwaxia (GM): or a room like the one you were eating in, which had a plush chair
    Leon Gaspar: (is that the one that got smashed up by the crash?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: @SM hey, did you check any of the other rooms down that hall? did any of them have chairs in good condition?
    Leon Gaspar is on a mission!
    Steadfast Mechanic: nope, just climbed up through this one
    Steadfast Mechanic gestures
    Leon Gaspar: nods
    alright, i'm gonna just ... oh yeah, do you mind if i take the grist from that imp you squishes?
    Wiwaxia (GM): 7 rust grist
    Leon Gaspar: gonna start peeking in the other rooms in this hallway
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a chance of hurting yourself on broken glass if you try to walk over where that light fell down
    Leon Gaspar: ach
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, the doors haven't stopped being locked
    Leon Gaspar: what about on the opposite wall?
    yes well that's why i have a flail
    Wiwaxia (GM): door there, also locked
    Leon Gaspar: mrr. considers imps.
    ugh i'm gonna go back and try the computer room first.
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, move yourself over there
    Leon Gaspar: is SM following?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: a brief pause
    hey, you see that stuff over there?
    -gestures to the rude grist-
    Steadfast Mechanic: yes...?
    Leon Gaspar: what is it
    it fucked me up earlier
    Steadfast Mechanic: more of that stuff you wanted for some reason, yeah?
    Leon Gaspar: well, that's what i thought it was
    eh, doesn't matter. moving on!
    are these cubicles in here?
    Steadfast Mechanic: in there?
    Wiwaxia (GM): in there?
    yep, yes they are
    with computers
    Leon Gaspar: (do i have a ping button? gdi)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: (i meant in the area west of leon)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): looks like a water cooler corner, then cubicles, yeah
    Leon Gaspar: sweet! chair investigation!
    Wiwaxia (GM): wheely chairs with some foam
    Leon Gaspar: alright. i'm gonna try to pull the foamy bits out in one piece, as many as i can
    this is as far as i've gotten with this plan
    right now i am considering just strapping them to SM and hoping for the best
    SM: what are you doing?
    Leon Gaspar: these things should float
    gonna use them to get you to shore
    er, if that's ok
    Leon Gaspar realises he sorta charged off there
    Leon Gaspar got too excited about getting the fuck outta here
    Leon Gaspar: (uh)
    prospitian: GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU SCUM!
    Leon Gaspar: UH
    Karrin Blue: (D:)
    Leon Gaspar instinctive flinching
    Wiwaxia (GM): she is wielding a ruler and shaking noticably
    Leon Gaspar instinctive flail equip
    Leon Gaspar: ...
    are...are you okay, miss?
    Leon Gaspar still braced
    the prospitian looks bewildered, sags, then starts to look horrified
    prospitian: you... you're a Dersite collaborator?
    Leon Gaspar: er, i'm not really an anything collaborator
    i'm a 'let's get outta this building' collaborator
    prospitian: but but, you are, but
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: (so she IS dersite. ok good. i wasn't sure. text-only walkthroughs are suffering)
    the prospitian gestures wildly at SM
    Leon Gaspar: uh, she's my...uh...she crashed here. we're trying to not die
    did you crash here too?
    prospitian: what? no! no i
    okay, i don't have time for this
    Wiwaxia (GM): she charges SM
    Leon Gaspar: whoa WHOA NOT COOL
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 10
    Leon Gaspar: VERY NOT COOL!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (no worries, that was a ref save, not an attack roll)
    (needa check if she made it)
    Leon Gaspar: (leon: interplanetary diplomat)
    (ok good)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, she blows that
    Leon Gaspar: whoa whoa whoa whoa
    [this is an audible noise]
    Leon steps between SM and the prospitian, or at least attempts to
    considering she appears to have fallen over
    Wiwaxia (GM): (SM tripped her)
    (hence the save)
    (someday, people will stop trying to charge SM)
    Leon Gaspar: (ah gotcha)
    whimsy: (sm is all kindsa awesome)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (but today is apparently not that day)
    Leon Gaspar: (sm is real good with her foot)
    uh. what the hell is even going on here.
    whimsy: (someone suggest to chuck the prospitian into the water, maybe that will cool her off)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Leon Gaspar looks between SM and the prospitian
    Leon Gaspar: this, uh, wouldn't be that war you were talking about, would it?
    Wiwaxia (GM): the prospitian looks at her life
    looks at her chances
    and bolts
    Leon Gaspar winces
    Karrin Blue: :(
    Wiwaxia (GM): (fucking amazing, you befriended the person with the hostile reaction roll and alienated the person with a friendly reaction roll)
    Karrin Blue: (poor poor leon)
    Leon Gaspar: (leon: the best at carapacian politics)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you gonna try to run after her?
    if you don't do it now, she's goooone
    Leon Gaspar: yeah fuck it why not
    Wiwaxia (GM): she can run as fast as you
    (leon: try to save everyone)
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 7
    Leon Gaspar: is that me or her
    Wiwaxia (GM): neither, as it turns out
    anyways, you can move up to 12m if you're not taking attacks
    more if you start sprinting
    but that limits your maneuverability
    Leon Gaspar: oh hey i figured out how to ping
    well i'm gonna
    'sorry! i'll be back in a minute - i don't want her to get hurt - the exit is this way anyway - '
    and i'm off!
    Leon Gaspar: just regular running probably
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay
    and now
    can you roll 1d6 for initiative
    rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d6
    = 2
    okay, you first, then
    Leon Gaspar: ok uh
    can i try to grab her hand
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure
    Leon Gaspar: ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): attack roll with no damage attatched, probably
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 13
    'hey! wait up, you'll get hurt!'
    Wiwaxia (GM): you have grabbed her hand
    prospitian: fine! you want to fight?
    Leon Gaspar: UH
    (vinyl holy shit)
    (i love it)
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh god i am so sorry about this
    it has skeletal raccoon paws and long stringy hair
    Leon Gaspar: okay.
    i know you don't like her
    but none of us are gonna get out of here if we don't work together
    Valiant Librarian: i...
    Leon Gaspar: alright
    ugh shit shit shit okay
    how did you get in here? is there a way out?
    Valiant Librarian: broken window in the room i came out of
    Leon Gaspar: close enough
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, and i think it's been about another 10 minutes which meeeeans
    Leon Gaspar: (hey, people who have fought basilisks. how did that go for you?)
    Karrin Blue: (well)
    Leon Gaspar: (...you gotta be shitting meeeeee)
    Karrin Blue: (i got set on fire)
    (my one lead got killed)
    (i only survived cause i had carapace knife-wielding backup)
    (is this a teleporting one?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): spoilers!
    Arxon: (I survived because there were iguanas)
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, you could go look up the protypings on the one you fought
    Leon Gaspar: @VL do you have a weapon? ...besides the ruler?
    Wiwaxia (GM): but I don't think anyone is online to be able to relay info to leon
    Leon Gaspar: (yep. also idek if leon got the memo on teleporting enemies)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you do know from the walkthrough that all basilisks can breathe fire, though
    Leon Gaspar: (he probably did, but)
    Valiant Librarian: no, i don't
    Leon Gaspar: okay. well we probably want to avoid fighting it anyway but
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, you get like two more sentences of conversation before it the basilisk's turn again
    Leon Gaspar: okay fuck let's go
    (can i move again this turn?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, but not attack
    Leon Gaspar: ok welp guess where we're going!
    Wiwaxia (GM): only 6m
    because only one action left
    Leon Gaspar: fair
    @sm we gotta go dude
    Wiwaxia (GM): SM snags the ruler as VL runs past
    Leon Gaspar: white lady's coming with us
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20-2
    = 12
    hm, what sounds about right for the def of a thin wire?
    Leon Gaspar: depends what it's made out of i guess? and if it's like, a single strand or a woven thingy
    Wiwaxia (GM): let's see, it's "fine" so by 3.5 rules that gives it +8 def
    but it is also not a moving target
    Leon Gaspar: wait where's sm going
    hey hey HEY
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, -5 for inanimate
    Leon Gaspar: (i cannot help you at all i'm sorry)
    Wiwaxia (GM): so that comes out to 13
    so she hits
    rolling 1d6-2
    = 2
    right then
    Leon Gaspar: ? ???
    Wiwaxia (GM): SM grabs the ruler, charges out towards the basilisk, and throws it sidearm towards the cord of a light fixture between her and it
    Wiwaxia (GM): the ruler hits, the cord snaps
    Leon Gaspar: ?!
    Wiwaxia (GM): the basilisk gets to make a reflex save
    rolling 1d20
    = 3
    which it does, so only half damage
    rolling 1d10/2
    = 2
    the light swings free and crashes into the floor just in front of the basilisk
    Leon Gaspar: i mean still. that was cool.
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, glass hazards
    Leon Gaspar: welp guess we're fighting it
    @VL stay back, okay?
    Leon Gaspar decaptchalogues his plain flail
    Leon Gaspar: and take this. i don't know if you'll be able to use it but - it might help
    Wiwaxia (GM): and that's all it can do for this round, it double moved to get around the glass
    where too?
    Leon Gaspar: i can't do the hit 'n' run technique, can i
    Wiwaxia (GM): mmmnope, too far away
    Leon Gaspar: then i'm gonna go here
    is there anything i can do on a free turn? defensive stance or something?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes, or ready an action to perform on a trigger
    defensive stance is, let me se
    Leon Gaspar: and i'm still wearing my colander right? we had that discussion last session
    Wiwaxia (GM): +2 to def, protection and all saves
    yes, you are
    Leon Gaspar: good, good
    can i ready to hit the basilisk if it comes within range on its next turn?
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure
    Leon Gaspar: or...hrm
    no, let's go with defensive
    Wiwaxia (GM): SM is backing away
    good call, honestly
    Leon Gaspar: (i still laugh at the basilisk's back half trailing behind it tbh)
    whimsy: (same)
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay we need meter level resolution for this
    one sec
    that look about right?
    Leon Gaspar: christ
    yeah that looks, i mean
    but about right
    Wiwaxia (GM): anyways, on a successful reflex save, you can jump 1m in any direction
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): i suggest jumping out of the fire, tho
    Leon Gaspar: yes
    so that was successful yes?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, saves are roll low
    Leon Gaspar: gonna go 1m south, so out of the cone
    beep boop
    Wiwaxia (GM): good call
    yeah, if you'd blown that
    Leon Gaspar: fire to the face
    Wiwaxia (GM): that would have been 3d6 damage, ignoring protection
    Leon Gaspar: eeeeeeeeeeesh
    let's not do that
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, and the light fixture above that blast has to make a save
    vs. thermal shock
    Leon Gaspar: hooray
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 6
    (To GM) rolling 20-11
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): which it makes!
    so you are not all showered in hot, broken glass
    Leon Gaspar: hooray!
    Wiwaxia (GM): your turn
    Leon Gaspar: haha yeah i think it's time to get outta dodge
    wait do i get 6m or 12m
    Wiwaxia (GM): 12 if you're not attacking, readying an action or defending
    Leon Gaspar: ah, right, well then
    Wiwaxia (GM): you hear no sounds of pursuit
    (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Leon Gaspar: does that mean i'm outta combat or
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, but it is your turn again
    Leon Gaspar: nice!
    chairs in this room - foam or wooden?
    granted wood also floats and is better than nothing
    Wiwaxia (GM): two comfy, two wood and two wooden tables
    or, well, plywood and veneer
    all varying degrees of rotten
    Leon Gaspar: fuuuuck
    ok quick team meeting
    @VL can you swim?
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4
    = 2
    VL uh, I've never tried
    Leon Gaspar: me neither until today!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 6
    Leon Gaspar: help me grab this table
    (the smaller one, that is)
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, that is gonna be a strength check at -20
    but with your combined strength
    Leon Gaspar: 1d20+strength?
    (i am bad at rememebring)
    Wiwaxia (GM): +16+5
    from SM and VL
    Leon Gaspar: neat
    rolling 1d20 + 12 + 16 + 5
    = 48
    Wiwaxia (GM): -20=28, which is an unqualified success
    Leon Gaspar: haha!
    alright gang this is our new floatation device
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4
    = 1
    Leon Gaspar: so out the window it goes, i guess
    Wiwaxia (GM): splash!
    Leon Gaspar: woohoo!
    is there glass in the window?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    now lemme check if rotten plywood floats
    Leon Gaspar: :/
    Karrin Blue: (hey i am gonna go get snacks, will try and get back quickly, just so you know!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    alright, looks like
    Leon Gaspar: whoa
    are you SHITTING ME
    Wiwaxia (GM): gueeesss whoooo's clinging onto the side of the building?
    Leon Gaspar looks at SM
    Leon Gaspar looks at VL
    Leon Gaspar gestures like 'DO YOU SEE THIS SHIT'
    Wiwaxia (GM): (tail's going straight up)
    (which i can't really represent, here
    your turn, though
    Leon Gaspar: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
    ok where is it in relation to the window?
    Wiwaxia (GM): outside
    Leon Gaspar: but like
    directly outside?
    Wiwaxia (GM): grabbed onto the building above it
    and sticking its head in
    Leon Gaspar: christ almighty give me strength
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh and btw, it's still storming out
    Leon Gaspar: oooookay gimme a minute here
    so can i smack it from here
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    right in the jaw
    Leon Gaspar: goood
    uncontrolled swing from knife day to die, right in that motherfucker's jaw, thank you very much
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, roll to hit
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 3
    are you kIDDING ME RIGHT NOW
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit
    bird i am so sorry about this
    Leon Gaspar: yeah, i know
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's fire breath recharged
    Leon Gaspar: can i reflex save
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): where are you jumping?
    you can jump out the window onto your raft, btw
    Leon Gaspar: wait really?!
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar:
    Wiwaxia (GM): also that chair
    rolling 1d20
    = 11
    bursts into flames
    Leon Gaspar: 'course it does
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also, almost forgot
    falling damafe
    Leon Gaspar: leon goes through the five stages of grief every session
    Wiwaxia (GM): you fell a little over 3m so
    you take 1d6 damage
    Leon Gaspar: who rolls, me or you?
    Wiwaxia (GM): you could also opt to land in the water beside the raft and take no damage
    Leon Gaspar: yeah let's do that
    don't want ot break the raft either
    Wiwaxia (GM): fair nuff!
    lessay thereinsh
    SM receives the Normal Flail from VL
    and charges
    you will note that where she is charging to is not actually in the building
    Leon Gaspar: sm
    sm nooo
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 2d20
    = 37
    holy shit
    Leon Gaspar: hoooooly shit
    what even is that
    Wiwaxia (GM): (that was 2d20 take low)
    and both hit
    Leon Gaspar: holy shit giiirl
    did you ever know that you're my hero
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d6-1
    = 3
    Leon Gaspar mentally composing a power ballad to SM
    Wiwaxia (GM): and then falls into the water
    VL takes a controlled jump onto the raft, taking no damage
    Leon Gaspar: sweet
  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): and now the table in there gets to make a save
    rolling 1d20
    = 4
    which it makes
    so the fire isn't spreading yet, at least
    you know what?
    the basilisk
    Wiwaxia (GM): let's go of the side of the building
    Leon Gaspar: ? ??? ?????
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's got fins
    it can swim
    also you all got moved by the splash
    now before anyone does anything, waves are attacking the lot of you
    Leon Gaspar: hooray
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 4d20
    = 64
    Leon Gaspar: WHAT
    whimsy: (oh deaR)
    Wiwaxia (GM): leon gets hit, raft gets hit, SM does not get hit, basilisk gets hit
    Leon Gaspar: (someone needs to get their ass to loram quick-smart)
    Wiwaxia (GM): everyone hit takes 1d3-1 damage and gets pushed towards the wall
    Leon Gaspar: (and/or onryousprite needs to show up and eat a leoncorpse)
    Wiwaxia (GM): protection does apply
    Leon Gaspar: ok that's good
    Wiwaxia (GM): and then basilisk is gonna
    let's see, it's probably a whole move action just recombobulating itself enough to do anything useful
    oh and
    rolling 1d3-1
    = 2
    for leon
    Leon Gaspar: neat
    Wiwaxia (GM): for leon
    rolling 1d3-1
    = 1
    Leon Gaspar: huh
    Wiwaxia (GM): basilisk takes no damage
    Leon Gaspar: they're both me?
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, misclick
    second one was for basilisk
    Leon Gaspar: ah gotcha
    Wiwaxia (GM): but stopped bu protection
    Leon Gaspar: also does leon get another -1 for protection?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Leon Gaspar: eyy
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're not gonna get killed by waves
    not directly, at least
    anyways, basilisk is gonna bite at VL
    Leon Gaspar: this suuuucks
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20+1
    = 12
    rolling 1d8
    = 5
    VL is now at 0 HP
    Leon Gaspar: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
    Leon Gaspar is somewhere between paralysing fear and overwhelming hopelessness
    Leon Gaspar and just a tinge of DETERMINATION
    Wiwaxia (GM): your turn
    it's a str check at +5 to move anywhere
    Leon Gaspar: how far can i move in the water
    Wiwaxia (GM): and you can move 3m
    Leon Gaspar: god this sucks
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 2d20
    = 20
    rolling 5+16
    = 21
    for SM's swim check
    Leon Gaspar: ah
    ok so i'm closer
    Wiwaxia (GM): SM climbs aboard the raft
    Leon Gaspar: actually that's a good idea i'm gonna do that too
    Wiwaxia (GM): are you sure you want to climb on to that side?
    good call
    Leon Gaspar: forgot we were in hyper-detailed mode
    @SM any ideas?
    SM: row!
    Leon Gaspar: got it!
    Leon Gaspar for some reason this didn't occur to him
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's gonna be another str check
    Leon Gaspar for a seer he can be remarkably shortsighted
    Wiwaxia (GM): +5, but 2d20 take lowest
    Leon Gaspar: so ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): (+5 prevents crit fails for anyone of str over 10)
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 39
    and it's +11 + 5 to the lower?
    also can we all appreciate my completely useless crits
    Wiwaxia (GM): +your strength+16+5
    whimsy: (well better now than never and better you than the enemies)
    Leon Gaspar: oh neat!
    so 19 + 11 + 16 + 5 + 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): oop nope, sorry
    Leon Gaspar: ah gotcha
    (also thanks whimsy)
    (like genuinely)
    (trying to have perspective)
    Wiwaxia (GM): also which way
    i can move you all at once
    Leon Gaspar: (about fictional characters)
    southwest i think
    which way did i come from
    Wiwaxia (GM): southeast
    but you can see the road to the south
    also, iiiit's
    wave time!
    rolling 2d20
    = 25
    Leon Gaspar: yeah! wave time! we're all excited!
    Wiwaxia (GM): raft gets hit, basilisk does not
    (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 6
    Wiwaxia (GM): basilisk swims to try to bite you, but you get pushed away by the waves
    it gets a mouthful of water
    Leon Gaspar: hahaha t-.-t
    Wiwaxia (GM): y'all's turn
    same deal
    Leon Gaspar: i think we're gonna keep rowing
    rolling 2d20
    = 28
    Wiwaxia (GM): but you can do it twice
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 29
    Wiwaxia (GM): eh, fuck it
    i'm gonna rule that that 20 cuts through the disadvantage
    you can move 9m
    whimsy: (its a slinky basilisk)
    Wiwaxia (GM): but first
    Leon Gaspar: aaaugh
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 16
    Leon Gaspar: :/
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope!
    Leon Gaspar: ...nope?
    Wiwaxia (GM): wave hits it in the mouth
    Leon Gaspar: oh! oh!!!!!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): it just sends up a colossal cloud of steam
    Leon Gaspar DETERMINATION increases
    Leon Gaspar HOPELESSNESS reduced
    Wiwaxia (GM): also
    rolling 1d3-1
    = 1
    takes no damage but is pushed back
    and waves versus raft
    rolling 1d20
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): (raft has def 10 vs. waves, btw)
    Leon Gaspar: ah gotcha, good to know
    more rowing? still 2x?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep!
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 20
    rolling 2d20
    = 24
    Wiwaxia (GM): 42
    Leon Gaspar: not too bad
    Wiwaxia (GM): 42-20 is close success
    and the other
    Leon Gaspar: ([h2g2 joke goes here])
    Wiwaxia (GM): is two better
    so you can move 4m this round
    Leon Gaspar: (i assume 'off the map' is an option lmao)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: (neat!)
    Karrin Blue: I return!
    Leon Gaspar: (christ)
    Karrin Blue: has leon died yet?
    Leon Gaspar: (not yet)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Leon Gaspar: (you get to watch it as it happens)
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 2d20
    = 32
    Leon Gaspar: :/
    Wiwaxia (GM): so basilisk just got wavecrit
    Leon Gaspar: oh
    whimsy: booyeah
    Leon Gaspar: (i dfeinitely thought that was a crit to hitting me)
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3!
    = 1
    Leon Gaspar: better than nothing
    Wiwaxia (GM): uh, that is nothing
    because protection
    Leon Gaspar: well yeah
    but like, at least it didnt crit me
    Wiwaxia (GM): fair nuff
    Leon Gaspar: listen i am trying to stay positive here
    whose turn?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yours
    you can keep rowing
    or try to jury-rig a sail
    Leon Gaspar: ok uh how to boats work
    Wiwaxia (GM): int check
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20 +12
    = 26
    (bird needs to roll one too)
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can move at an angle to the wind if your sails are set at an angle to the wind
    Leon Gaspar: well right now 'away from the basilisk' is looking good so yes let's do that
    what...what do i have to jury-rig with. what're VL and SM carrying?
    Wiwaxia (GM): their clothes and your regular flail
    and you've got whatever's in your sylladex
    fort save vs. hypothermia
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 18
    and now i'm freezing
    Wiwaxia (GM): you have moved from shivering uncontrollably to shivering uncontrollably
    Karrin Blue: D:
    Leon Gaspar: sounds about right
    Wiwaxia (GM): shivering controllably to the latter
    Leon Gaspar: (can i phone a friend)
    Wiwaxia (GM): actually, yes
    cL: hey-o!
    are you really an alien!
    cL: Terhanu said you were!
    Karrin Blue: these are goblins right?
    Leon Gaspar: NI: what??
    cL: she was very excited about it
    Leon Gaspar: NI: SHE????
    cL: oh, sorry!
    whimsy: (pfft)
    Karrin Blue: man i want to chat with a goblin
    Leon Gaspar is weirdly surprised by that
    Karrin Blue: is this the nepeta
    cL: yeah, i'm not her!
    i'm her sister
    Leon Gaspar: NI: sorry!!! sorry!! uh can i call you--back -- what?!
    Wiwaxia (GM): and that's that for that round
    Leon Gaspar: NI: do you know anything about fighting basilisks in the water!
    (that's next round)
    agh fuck
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 2d20
    = 14
    waves do nothing
    whimsy: (the waves are loafing around)
    Wiwaxia (GM): basilisk has to move to recombobulate
    and then move to there
    but no actions left to attack
    cL: beam em!
    Leon Gaspar: ok about that sail
    NI: 'beam em'?? what beam??
    cL: buuuuuut that won't work if you aren't a sprite
    Leon Gaspar: @SM/VL ok maybe if we hold up a piece of cloth
    cL: sooooorry ":c
    Leon Gaspar: NI: that is in fact a minor obstruction yes!
    ...my towel!
    cL: throw something in it's mouth!
    Leon Gaspar towel!!!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (i was wondering when you'd think of that!)
    Leon Gaspar: (it wasn't listed in my written-down sylladex so i forgot it existed!)
    is there a bit of wood jutting out impudently?
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's why you write things down
    you don't have time to attatch it to anything
    but you could hold one and and the others hold the other
    Leon Gaspar: yep let's do that
    eastward we go!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): aaand waves time
    first is you, second basilisk
    rolling 2d20
    = 12
    keep hold of the sail?
    Leon Gaspar: yep
    Wiwaxia (GM): the basilisk stops chasing you
    and creepily sinks below the waves
    it's long, ragged hair spreading out in the water
    Leon Gaspar: hhhhh
    cl: : hello?
    cL: : mr. alien?
    ms: . alien?
    Leon Gaspar: NI: hi
    Karrin Blue: (pls give the alien the rest of the group's contact info)
    Leon Gaspar: NI: sorry uh there was an issue
    (dry land first!)
    cL: : terhanu didn't say....
    Leon Gaspar: NI: gimme a minute sorry!
    Wiwaxia (GM): (note that this is chronologically before you've had a chance to tell anyone else about the aliens
    Leon Gaspar: yep
    Karrin Blue: (do it anyways, i wanna chat with a goblin!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): although you've gotta do that pretty soon
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: ok yes let's focus on getting to that road! it should dip into the water up here somewhere
    Wiwaxia (GM): (well, remember the timeline shenanigans)
    are you dropping the sail or sailing straight into the side of the building?
    Leon Gaspar: oh dropping it yeah
    Karrin Blue: don't drop it in the water!
    Leon Gaspar: sorry couldn't see the building edge
    Wiwaxia (GM): ah, fair point!
    Leon Gaspar: more rowing!
    Wiwaxia (GM): yes that is what that unrevealed area is
    Leon Gaspar: ahh gotcha
    okay! recaptchaloguing the towel for safekeeping
    time for rowing
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit, you know what i've been forgetting to do
    table saves
    rolling 5d20
    = 56
    row, row, row your table
    through the choppy waaaaaves
    Leon Gaspar: yaaay
    same as before?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 20
    rolling 2d20
    = 30
    Wiwaxia (GM): 15
    so one fails and you are blown off course
    and then you can move 3m
    and then waves
    Leon Gaspar: yaay
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 7
    (To GM) rolling 1d4+1d6
    = 6
    Wiwaxia (GM): the waves slop more peacably
    you think the wind may be dying down
    Leon Gaspar: hooooo boy
    Karrin Blue: uh oh
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3
    = 3
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 2d6
    = 8
    Leon Gaspar: i swear to fucking christ
    Wiwaxia (GM): you make it that far towards the bridge before, well
    Leon Gaspar: how much further is it?
    the bridge, not the basilisk
    Wiwaxia (GM): road is right at the bottom of the screen, let's say
    but then you still need to get up onto it
    Leon Gaspar: yeah
    what about the ramp thingy?
    Wiwaxia (GM): this is the ramp thingy
    Leon Gaspar: wait do it again
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's like half a meter above the water
    instead of a couple meters
    do what again?
    Leon Gaspar: the 'this is the ramp thingy' thing
    i assumed you pinged it
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, nope
    the whole road is sloping down towards the water in this area
    Leon Gaspar: ahhhh
    well if it's only half a metre
    if one of us gets up they can pull the others
    so that's what i'm gonna do probably
    Wiwaxia (GM): who's going up first?
    the lady with one arm, you or the lady with 5 str
    Leon Gaspar: ...me
    i should be able to clamber up there
    what, uh, what should i do, in order to do that
    Wiwaxia (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
    = 1
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, either row the table over
    Leon Gaspar: ah yes
    Wiwaxia (GM): or jump off and swim over
    Leon Gaspar: sorry i confused the order of actions there for a minute
    rolling 2d20
    = 3
    welp goodnight everyone it's been fun
    Karrin Blue: wellp
    sooo isthat capsizing
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wanna do the table honors?
    oh yeah whups
    and no, that ain't capsizing
    the table breaks up into a million rotting shards
    Karrin Blue: ouchh
    Leon Gaspar: yaaaay
    swimming it is
    Wiwaxia (GM): aaaand basilisk's turn
    and waves
    clockwise, starting from leon
    rolling 4d20
    = 29
    Leon Gaspar: this is an emotional rollercoaster
    Karrin Blue: yes it is
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3-2
    = 0
    Karrin Blue: please don't die, we can't corpsesmooch you if you've drowned
    i mean it's a moot point as none of us could gete there in time
    but we couldn't even throw a corpse party
    Wiwaxia (GM): an i guess a wave critfailing moves you in the direction you want to go?
    your turn
    Leon Gaspar: swimming towarsd the bridge
    rolling 1d20+11
    = 20
    Wiwaxia (GM): close success
    you can swim 1m with that action
    Leon Gaspar: tadaaaa
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 2d20
    = 25
    oh hey, that works out nicely
    rolling 1d20+5
    = 21
    and waves
    rolling 4d20
    = 54
    oh shit
    Leon Gaspar: yaaaaaaaaaay
    Wiwaxia (GM): k, leon, you take 0 damage
    before protection
    VL takes
    rolling 1d3!
    = 1
    -1 so none
    and SM takes
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d3-1
    = 2
    and is dazed
    and the basilisk is gonna
    shit, sorry
    Wiwaxia (GM): reflex save, only direction you can go is down
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 1d20
    = 20
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh no
    Leon Gaspar LEON! Stay determined!
    Wiwaxia (GM): you take
    rolling 3d6
    = 9
    how much overflow is that?
    Leon Gaspar: 8
    whimsy: (uh oh)
    Wiwaxia (GM): KO'd no save
    Leon Gaspar: goodnight, sweet seer
    Wiwaxia (GM): and 2 fort saves versus temporary stat damage and temporary loss of usefulness of limb
    nnnnnot quite
    Leon Gaspar: i'm gonna 2d20 that if tha'ts ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): you've got shit to do in the future
    Leon Gaspar: rolling 2d20
    = 20
    Wiwaxia (GM): what's your fort save?
    Leon Gaspar: his fort's 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): k
    rolling 1d4
    = 4
    right arm is useless for the next 1d6 hours
    Leon Gaspar: we're gonna need all the forces of paradox space to keep this boy alive
    rolling 1d6
    = 2
    Wiwaxia (GM): you wake up, on the road, in blankets and dry clothes
    Karrin Blue: that's suspicious
    whimsy: very
    Karrin Blue: or possibly future self intervention?
    whimsy: did his consorts finally deign to show up
    Karrin Blue: but probably something bad
    whimsy: (yeah or future self intervention=
    Wiwaxia (GM): there is no sign of SM, VL or the basilisk
    Karrin Blue: well it was nice while they were alive
    Leon Gaspar: LEON: ...
    LEON: ... ...
    LEON: ...SM? VL?
    Wiwaxia (GM): i'm not gonna railroad bird into future self intervention
    Leon Gaspar: (we'll work that out in the future :V)
    Wiwaxia (GM): all timeline fuckery's gotta be his choice
    Karrin Blue: yeah i mean that's what i figured
    whimsy: (well what do i know what youre discussing behind closed whispers ::D)
    Leon Gaspar: I ... I check my phone.
    and also my arm
    how long have I been out for...?
    is terhanu's sister still online?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    your phone's fine
    you see the following message on your phone
    sI: update, giants are to be feared
    Leon Gaspar: how long's it been since my conversation with her?
  19. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Wiwaxia (GM): and then have this whole conversation we already saw
    nI: i
    aG: Well um
    aG: I wasn't planning on giving them a hug but thanks, Moss
    nI: do i wanna know
    sI: 1. I'm an idiot. 2. good strategy lemi
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: well you're alive so i'm assuming nothing too bad happened
    aG: Well that's the first thing that anyone's ever said that to me
    aG: Are you ok rn? how much did the giant hurt you?
    sI: all good. have house. not dead! protip-hittem in the eye
    nI: well hey good job
    sI: yeah! go me! I'm so dumb! anyway hows it going for you guys?
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: I got an innocent iguana killed by my own stupidity :/
    aG: and then got saved by the iguanas I was supposed to be protecting
    nI: oh yknow
    nI: talking to aliens
    nI: nbd
    nI: oh lemi
    Wiwaxia (GM): sI: that's a tragic story dude. iguanas. .....wait, aliens
    sI: what
    nI: uh well yes
    nI: a very nice alien messaged me
    sI: so by alien, you -really- mean....?
    nI: their name is terhanu and theyre hopefully gonna come hang out with us
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: yeah apparently their species is 'goblin'
    nI: which, i can't wait to tell ilmatar
    aG: goblins are aliens....?
    nI: as it turns out, yeah!
    sI:uh. so. uh. you. /aliens?/
    nI: look at this point i'm just rolling with it
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: Where are they from?
    nI: lowkey freaking out because they lost their session and are hanging out in the middle of literally fucking nowhere
    nI: i... uh. i forgot to ask
    nI: i will report back later
    nI; if anyone else has any questions for the aliens, let me know
    aG: what can we do to help them out?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: mostly theyre locking onto my phone signal and are gonna try and fly into our session
    sI: Aliens.
    aG: Good!
    sI: how do they even have analogous equipment to our phone signals
    nI: so yes, hopefully we can hang out with them and fight monsters and not lose our session
    nI: i will also ask them that
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: Oh um!
    aG: I have something I should report, I think?
    nI: reports are good!
    aG: So after I, um, fell asleep I woke up in a tower on this weird purple city moon attached to a weird purple city planet?
    nI: derse!
    sI: yeah seems legit
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: I went and waited for hours and eventually met the queen, and she says I'm one of the princesses of that place? She also called me a Rogue, which seems like its the opposite of a Princess
    nI: oh. huh. well, there you go
    aG: (um, if it isn't too much trouble could you ask the aliens if they know what that means?)
    aG: anyway the Queen told me that this other place, Prospit, is trying to bring this false god to life, or something like that?
    aG: And that I and the other princess need to stop them???
    aG: She offered to train me to be stronger....
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: (um, if it isn't too much trouble could you ask the aliens if they know what that means?)
    aG: anyway the Queen told me that this other place, Prospit, is trying to bring this false god to life, or something like that?
    aG: And that I and the other princess need to stop them???
    aG: She offered to train me to be stronger....
    aG: (well not personally but have me trained by her people)
    nI: i mean on one hand training is good
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: but on the other hand i'm ... pretty sure prospit is also good? idk i'm not too sure about this whole dream thingy
    sI:yeah uh hi prospit is a thing
    aG: The queen didn't seem like she was lying. She did tell me that the Prospitians would try and tempt their...heroes? Or something like that, to their side, and eventually try to get me and the others on Derse
    nI: ok so both of you have woken up on your dream planets? neat
    nI: uh
    nI: hrm
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: ok lets go with it and just
    nI: keep an eye on things
    aG: I was invited to a ball at the court?
    aG: So maybe I should go and....try to spy? I'm not sure if I'll be good at that, but I can try.
    nI: i mean information is always good
    nI: just do your best, yeah?
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: Look where that's gotten me
    aG: Ugh, srry, I should leave. Probably fall back asleep or wait for an opening to run away.
    nI: (moss help me out here)
    nI: doing your best is better than not trying at all
    sI:you should totally try!
    sI:we can help give you tips too
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: If I hadn't tried someone would still be alive.
    nI: oh man we'll be like those spy movies
    sI:there are a lot of historical spies you know
    nI: me and moss are in the van feeding you lines through your headset
    nI: ... or that
    nI: okay but consider: if you hadn't tried it's equally likely they would all have died
    Wiwaxia (GM): aG: They would have stayed where it's safe, if I wasn't there, and they wouldn't have been put in danger if they didn't have to save me after I got my ass kicked.
    aG:....I should go before I say anything else stupid, sorry
    aG: And I was too afraid to tell them I was hurt, so we kept on going until I could barely stand and they had to carry me back.
    --aphoticGaze[aG] has left the chat!--
    sI: shit
    nI: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): nI: im running out of pep talks
    nI: when we all get together we gotta organise some kind of, like
    nI: 'lemi you have worth as a human being' party
    sI: you know what. I'm bringing the party to lemi
    nI: oh shit
    nI: shit just got real
    Leon Gaspar: I sorta. lie back down.
    and think about my conversation with terhanu's sister. that's right, terhanu's a 'she'. everything was so confusing, I ...
    I look down over the side of the road
    is there any trace of...?
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, nada
    you don't think this is quite the same segment of road, either
    Leon Gaspar: ...
    i wanna go home.
    Wiwaxia (GM): you can do that!
    Leon Gaspar: (that was IC btw! actual bird is not traumatised)
    (er, mostly)
    whimsy: (theres only one thing left to do, search their pockets for loose change, or however the quote goes. check your sylladex?)
    Karrin Blue: (darnit, so now the rest of us still can't talk with the goblins!)
    (this is obviously the most important thing)
    Leon Gaspar: do i have any sense of where i am? Does it look familiar?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep, same road, just like
    20 or 30m down
    away from the wrecked buildings a bit more
    the clouds are clear now
    Leon Gaspar: towards or away from my house?
    Wiwaxia (GM): towards
    Leon Gaspar: then...yeah. i'm going home.
    Wiwaxia (GM): i think i'm gonna switch to whimsy before we wrap, so
    Leon Gaspar: (sounds good!)
    (that was a serious rollercoaster tho, jesus)
    whimsy: whimsy is currently facing two imps and an imp who decided it wants to be a giclops when it grows up
    or rather, ilma is
    Leon Gaspar: (i'mma transition to my phone since it's hella cold up here. brb!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): by the way, leon is now at T=25:00
    Leon Gaspar: (eyyyy, i'm all caught up!)
    Wiwaxia (GM): iiish
    Karrin Blue: (well, arxon and i are still a few hours ahead of you guys)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, that
    of course, leon's probably gonna wanna sleep, which'll eat up some of that time
    Leon Gaspar: (ahaha yeah that's priority no.1)
    Wiwaxia (GM): in any case
    Leon Gaspar: (falling into bed)
    Wiwaxia (GM): what's your plan, ilmatar?
    Leon Gaspar: (okay yes NOW i'm going, brb)
    whimsy: hm
    Ilmatar Nordwind: bismuth were the ones with the nasty aura iirc
    how high is the ledge next to me?
    Karrin Blue: (hey - lemi, leon, and myrtha are the derse royalty, while ilma and moss are prospit, right?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    but leon is mia on derse
    and sera is ????
    Karrin Blue: well so is myrtha
    considering last time she was off in the void
    Wiwaxia (GM): no, more so
    Arxon: Leon's dream tower is striaght up wrecked
    Karrin Blue: ah.
    well that's worrying!
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Karrin Blue: and sera is of course ???
    Wiwaxia (GM): ilmatar did stumble across her sleeping dreamself on prospit, though
    Karrin Blue: well ok then
    Wiwaxia (GM): also note that ilmatar is still like 20m away from these imps
    Ilmatar Nordwind: aye
    im trying to gauge my options rn
    because im not sure i can actually fight a giclops even if its just three imps in a trenchcoat
    or one imp on stilts
    i know i fought one of those transformed bastards earlier, but whimsy doesnt remember if they had imp HP or transformed mob HP
    Ilmatar Nordwind: as ive asked
    how high is the ledge to the right of me
    Wiwaxia (GM): that-un?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: aye
    ... that looks to be, too high to scramble up on even if i take the split ledge a bit back
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    (Not) Literally A Bird: (back! And a lot warmer.)
    Wiwaxia (GM): quite a bit too high, in fact
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ah well thats what i get for being shit with the sneaky stuff
    Wiwaxia (GM): although there are further splits further back that are hidden by low-res
    but yeah, the whole thing's like
    10m tall
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah no not before i learn to fly
    Wiwaxia (GM): twice as tall as that giclops
    's big
    Ilmatar Nordwind: im gonna go ready an attack and wait for the first monster to get into hitting range
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's low angle enough that you could maybe run up it a ways, with good traction
    45 degrees
    you sit and wait as the lot amble towards you
    giclops gets there first
    Ilmatar Nordwind: stabbity!
    rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 8
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    Ilmatar Nordwind: +1 which i havent added yet
    but probably still nope
    Wiwaxia (GM): still nope
    rolling 1d20
    = 14
    the giclops swings a collosal fist towards you, dealing---!
    rolling 1d4
    = 3
    Ilmatar Nordwind: well at least it doesnt do biclops damage
    because its just an imp on stilts
    Wiwaxia (GM): one of the imps hangs back while the other runs at you
    rolling 1d20
    = 19
    rolling 1d4
    = 3
    your turn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: i figure the giclops should be a bit easier to hit because its a bit larger
    so i try hacking the giclops again
    while doing that, i insult it!
    "You're just an imp on stilts in a trenchcoat! You don't scare me!"
    rolling 1d20 + 0
    = 4
    Ilmatar Nordwind: oh COME on
    (yo wi where do i add the one that adds to my attack roll)
    Wiwaxia (GM): whoops, forgot that
    just did it
    anyways, you can play keep away because you're faster than all these louts, or you can stay put
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ooh, run and prep attack?
    that sounds like a sensible thing to do
    Wiwaxia (GM): make that two rounds of funning
    because you used your attack for the first
    and these chumps can't catch you until you want them to, p much
    Ilmatar Nordwind: nice
    (do we need to play that on the board? because always fiddling with the distances on this zoom and without a grid is a BITCH)
    (or rather, an uncooked shotglass full of vinegar)
    (amounts to the same)
    Wiwaxia (GM): nah, don't need to
    unless shit gets super detailed
    in any case, the one with the green castle on isn't coming after you at all
    "giclops" gets in range first
    Ilmatar Nordwind: the green castle guy seems to be
    holding the fort ||D
    so, the readied attack goes off and i hope that third time's the charm and i finally hit`?
    rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): hey, you aint rolled a one yet
    Ilmatar Nordwind: all the high rolls were used up earlier apparently
    Wiwaxia (GM): :D :D ;D
    Ilmatar Nordwind: hey wi LETS TRADE DICE
    Wiwaxia (GM): sure thing

    Wiwaxia (GM) hands over virtual rattly sound effects
    Arxon: (please don't roll a one I've started to have mini heart attacks whenever the crit fail table comes up)
    Ilmatar Nordwind receives virtual dice simulations because shes got the visuals activated)
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh nooo, poor arxon
    anyways some imps bein dicks
    rolling 1d20
    = 10
    what's ilmatar's def?
    rolling 1d20
    = 7
    Ilmatar Nordwind: higher than that
    Wiwaxia (GM): and that one definitely doesn't hit
    higher than the 10?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: 11 i think? 10 natural and 1 from the coat
    Wiwaxia (GM): right, yep
    so both those whiff
    your turn
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (quick question, the attack, run, prep, is that 2 rounds?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (just for personal reference) (but since the mobs play catching up in between...)
    rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 9
    (run, prep)
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    not-giclops gets to you first this time
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 5
    Wiwaxia (GM): holy shit wow
    rolling 1d20
    = 15
    rolling 1d20
    = 3
    rolling 1d4
    = 2
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 13
    at the giclops
    Wiwaxia (GM): that does indeed hit!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: wow, finally something larger than 10 i am amazed
    rolling 2D4+1
    = 7
    Wiwaxia (GM): 's very dead
    Ilmatar Nordwind: I HOPE SO
    Wiwaxia (GM): (it had literally 1 hp)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: jesus
    it appears ilma is not used to fighting large enemies
    smaller ones are more her thing
    Wiwaxia (GM): playing keep away with the remaining one again?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah
    (ugh sorry if im a bit slow its 5 am)
    Wiwaxia (GM): no worries, i'm gettin a bit slow too
    Ilmatar Nordwind: so i bail before it can hit me, and then i wait for it to come after me, and attack
    rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 9
    whats it today with me and rolling 8s
    im not vriska
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope
    you suuuuuuuure????????
    Karrin Blue: thank every god for that
    Ilmatar Nordwind: you wouldve gotten vriska had i played a thief. you guys wanted the loopy mage instead
    Wiwaxia (GM): juuuust as well, probably
    anyways, imp's
    rolling 1d20
    = 16
    rolling 1d4
    = 1
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 7
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 8
    Ilmatar Nordwind: aint my day today
    rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 12
    Wiwaxia (GM): that hits!
    Ilmatar Nordwind: fucking finally
    rolling 2D4+1
    = 4
    ilma you need to learn to aim
    Wiwaxia (GM): ['5 bismuth grist', '6 build grist', '4 build grist', '8 build grist']
    : ['4 bismuth grist', '2 bismuth grist
    Ilmatar Nordwind: sweet, loot
    now lets see whats KEEPing the other one
    Wiwaxia (GM): mnuh
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (tbh im kinda glad the third one decided to stay back and keep watch)
    Wiwaxia (GM): how close are you getting?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: if youre asking like that, im approaching with drawn fan ready to react to whatever its doing
    like, inching closer if thats whats necessary
    Wiwaxia (GM): prepped attack jab
    rolling 1d20
    = 14
    jusuuuust barely hits your 13 def
    Ilmatar Nordwind: why did i know that would happen? ::D
    Wiwaxia (GM): (+2 from approaching defensively)
    Ilmatar Nordwind: getting ogre deja vu
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 16
    Ilmatar Nordwind: it was worth a try "_"
    please dont tell me that as its attack oll
    Wiwaxia (GM): that is not the dice i wanted
    rolling 1d4
    = 1
    Ilmatar Nordwind: (meant damage roll)
    yeah that looks more manageable
    Wiwaxia (GM): actually, no damage
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 14
    Wiwaxia (GM): +2 protection from approaching defensively, too
    that hits
    Ilmatar Nordwind: ah
    rolling 2D4+1
    = 4
    Wiwaxia (GM): rolling 1d20
    = 12
    rolling 1d4
    = 2
    Ilmatar Nordwind: rolling 1d20 + 1
    = 20
    rolling 2D4+1
    = 9
    Wiwaxia (GM): damn
    if you'd rolled one higher on the attack that woulda been a hell of a damage roll
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and i cant even say i stormed that castle
    Wiwaxia (GM): because both d4's woulda exploded
    Ilmatar Nordwind: tbh with my earlier rolls im glad i hit at all
    Wiwaxia (GM): heh
    's late, you good to call it there?
    Ilmatar Nordwind: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh also
    ['12 build grist', '2 bismuth grist']
    Ilmatar Nordwind: it had a treasury ::D
    n8 ::D
    Karrin Blue: gnight!
    Wiwaxia (GM): i think i'm gonna have to tally up xp later
    Karrin Blue: probably a good idea
    Ilmatar Nordwind: and think of a new echeladder rung ::D
    Arxon: night!
    Karrin Blue: also i want to talk with a goblin next session pls
    Wiwaxia (GM): 's on the encounter chart man

    Arxon chants 'goblins goblins goblins'
    Wiwaxia (GM): just gotta wait for the dice to throw it up
    Karrin Blue: :b
    Wiwaxia (GM): but yes, we've finally got leon out of being stuck in ye past
    so i can get back to you next session
    Karrin Blue: yaaay
    alright sleep well guys!
    Wiwaxia (GM): night!
    tallying xp from last session
    leon took 10 damage (and dealt none)
    so 100 xp from that
    and another 93 xp from the total of damage dealt and taken, divided three ways with VL and SM
    and ilmatar pockets 620 xp from that bullshit attrition-fest
    whimsy: morning
    stable since an hour, let's see how long it keeps
    Arxon: Hello!
    Karrin Blue: Hey
    Wiwaxia (GM): heyo
    Karrin Blue: so whaddaya think is going to happen once the drowtales chapter wraps up
    since there's going to be a timeskip
    Wiwaxia (GM): death
    Karrin Blue: well YES
    i'm still wondering about what the long term plan Anahid has
    Wiwaxia (GM): i like to play my plot predictions safe, what can i say?
    Karrin Blue: is
    also i am still worried about kil
    whimsy: dito
    kiel has nothing left now
    Karrin Blue: she has Chrys and Nau and... friend demon?
    btw SO DISAPPOINTED that it's apparently nauXkiel
    and not chrysXkiel
    who is even this random Balv chrys hooked up with
    whimsy: yeah, but no actual support structure, her clan was at the bottom and now its gone in a real bad way
    Karrin Blue: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): as in
    Karrin Blue: her house FELL INTO THE GROUND
    Wiwaxia (GM): literally at the bottom
    Karrin Blue: the only way she MIGHT have family left is if that engineer guy really was her dad
    Wiwaxia (GM): wasn't he in the thing when if fell?
    Karrin Blue: and she could probably hold together a gang out of force of will but
    she is in no position to do that
    he left
    and got a sandwich
    whimsy: engineer guy had a floater
    Karrin Blue: he left one of Senekha's crew to fall into the rift
    whimsy: and left nibai to fall into the rift
    Karrin Blue: because screw that
    whimsy: oh oh oh!
    Wiwaxia (GM): right, gotcha
    whimsy: i want kiel to join anahid
    Karrin Blue: .....

    Karrin Blue tilts head
    Karrin Blue: well i mean
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's uh
    Karrin Blue: i think Anahid's view is that tainting is like a war wound
    it is not something you like or seek out
    Wiwaxia (GM): theologically dicey
    whimsy: anahid would be the most amenable to taking her in
    Karrin Blue: but it is NOT what you die for
    whimsy: hilarious clashes between chiri and kiel
    Karrin Blue: and kiel is pretty bluntly not sharessian or whatever
    whimsy: details, details
    Wiwaxia (GM): even so, kiel is more or less a literal demon at this point
    Karrin Blue: yep
    whimsy: why do you think i think itd be hilarious
    Karrin Blue: though i will be honest
    Wiwaxia (GM): and also was probably tainted intentionally back in the day
    Karrin Blue: Kiel could use Anahid-therapy
    Wiwaxia (GM): okay, fair nuff
    Karrin Blue: oh yeah Kiel probably got tainted back when Ven was in charge, IIRC?
    with a safe ritual
    whimsy: probs
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah
    Karrin Blue: to some plain they knew wouldn't have horrorbeasts in it
    whimsy: one of the reasons she didnt have that many problems to merge with her seed
    Karrin Blue: *plane
    cause Ven was a smart lady, I think
    Wiwaxia (GM): man, i should get back to my Fire Emblem: Moonless Age sprite edits sometime
    (Not) Literally A Bird: Evening
    Karrin Blue: evening
    whimsy: morning ::D
    Karrin Blue: also
    (Not) Literally A Bird: That too :P
    Karrin Blue: I will be VERY surprised if Zala doesn't try her damnedest to get Nau married off to someone for alliances
    She wouldn't have supported him and Kiel when Kiel was more or less an Illharess
    now that she's just some insane mostly-demon drow?
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh god, nau x ariel arranged marriage?
    the Worst Idea
    Karrin Blue: hmm
    maybe that kid of Mel's
    once she's grown up
    still creepy age differences
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's a good like 30 years before you have a baby to seal the alliance, though
    Karrin Blue: yeah
    Wiwaxia (GM): dicey, politically
    Karrin Blue: I am hoping soemthing goes well for Waes
    and that we get another cool Beldie character

    Karrin Blue still mourns Naal
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh, same
    whimsy: naal ;;_;;
    Karrin Blue: and i feel like some of Kiel's feels toward Nau are... not super unrelated to her Naal issues
    she has said he looks a bit like naal
    though idek
    naal keeps dying
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh shit, how's sillice gonna react to the alliance?
  20. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Karrin Blue: ....daaaaaaamn
    and one of her kids DIED
    and the other is tainted by Snadhya
    or Snadhya's insane kid
    rip in peace kalki
    Wiwaxia (GM): *pieces
    Karrin Blue: yep
    also i want more driders, if memory serves we've gottn tidbits about there being some actual drider hive but nothing in the comic yet
    show m the spiderpeople, kern
    Wiwaxia (GM): ide/theory: post timeskip kiel is a drider, just to cram another damn species into herself
    Karrin Blue: ...the artificial driders usually go insane, don't they?
    though who knows if thatd make a dent in her
    i am a touch disappointed that, since Kiel's seed is a human, she wouldn't even get cool fangs or horns or anything
    but i like monsterpeople
    Wiwaxia (GM): also, whimsy, finally got ilmatar her new echeladder rung title
    which is just as well, because she's getting within spitting distance of level 4
    k m.: yo
    Wiwaxia (GM): yo
    Karrin Blue: (oh btw. chiri's new hair is still p darn cute)
    (even all ashy)
    Wiwaxia (GM): chiri's hair care tips: just fucking light yourself on fire
    Karrin Blue: just do it
    Wiwaxia (GM): ideally, scream something about purging unbelievers in flame while you do it
    k m.: i'm making dinner tonight so in 20 minutes i'll be off for like ... 10 minutes while we go to the kitchen, fyi
    Wiwaxia (GM): 'kay
    Karrin Blue: also wondering what Diva has even been up to
    whimsy: (im sorry if im a bit slow today my forum rp group has made a skype chat and its so FUCKING FAST and the rp is going fast and this here is going fast and i cant even look at my tiling work without getting a million notifications AAAAAAH)
    Karrin Blue: therethere
    Wiwaxia (GM): alright, i think i'm about ready to start
    Karrin Blue: ok
    Wiwaxia (GM): timeline check?
    Karrin Blue: yes
    Wiwaxia (GM): lemi just ran into IP and TA at T = 31:30
    Leon has had the long conversation that started with giants and ended with lemi signing off worryingly at T= 24:30 and is heading home
    Moss is flying from prospit to derse again following that same convo at T=26:30
    Ilmatar just had an exteremely annoying, whiffy fight with a bunch of imps, also at T-26:30
    and myrtha just finished adding a tower to Ilmatar's house and eating a proper meal at T=30:30
    and Sera is of course still ????
    Arxon: mk!
    Wiwaxia (GM): karrin, you wanna start?
    cos you haven't been able to go for quite a while
    Karrin Blue: No, I actually have to leave in a few minutes
    and be mostly on phone
    so not just now, but my phone is fully charged so i will be able to game on that
    Wiwaxia (GM): so come back to you later tonight?
    Karrin Blue: yes please!
    Wiwaxia (GM): right then
    the other person who hasn't had a chance to go in a while is moss, but they mentioned they probably can't go rn either
    so let's try to get leon a little more caught up and then switch when someone else becomes available?
    k m.: i just got back on
    whimsy: (switching to tower, brb)
    Karrin Blue: ok, leaving now, will be back as soon as i can
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    moss, you up to go?
    k m.: yeah! might be back and forth, but shouldn't be too spotty
    Moss Kaplan: i'm still flying, i assume, and slowly drifting into insanity
    ((not literally))
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    you've been flying for
    lemme check
    bit over an hour
    Moss Kaplan: yep, attention span is Down the Drain
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's really really fucking empty out here
    Moss Kaplan: i stare into the boring vastness of space and pretend i can see things in it
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, you can see the lands
    they're pretty fucking huge in the sky
    the big red and black one front and center, of course
    but also on either side of it
    one deeeep blue and black
    with what you think might be distant twinklings of blue-green
    Moss Kaplan: yep. boring boring boring oooh planets
    Wiwaxia (GM): and the other the greens and blues and desaturated browns of muddy water
    wreathed in peach clouds and a glowing golden haze of atmosphere
    Moss Kaplan: i play I Spy with myself until i've answered "clouds" to every single color and been right
    Wiwaxia (GM): ehehehe
    one sec, lemme check some angular size shit
    Moss Kaplan: kk
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, if you look hard and block out the light from the water-and clouds planet, you can see a fine line of drifting grey dots behind the lands, blending into the black
    you think there might be some motes of purple moving in there too, but you're not sure
    Moss Kaplan: I look hard, blocking out the light from the water and clouds planet.
    "huh. Purple"
    i wonder what the drifting grey dots are
    Wiwaxia (GM): you're not seeing any sign of derse proper, but you're not sure if you're supposed to
    what with distance and size and planets in the way
    Moss Kaplan: well, i probably can't stop and ask for directions. unless i can. no i probably can't
    Wiwaxia (GM): who would you even ask for directions?
    it's just you, the empty medium, and some dots on the edge of vision
    Moss Kaplan: that's definitely why i can't. i certainly can't ask that pumpkin for directions.
    no sirree
    Wiwaxia (GM): what pumpkin
    Moss Kaplan: ((eyyyyyy)
    Wiwaxia (GM): another twenty minutes passes
    there is what is very definitely a Gate coming up dead ahead
    Moss Kaplan: Huh.
    a gate?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    all spirograph-y and glowy and opening and closing and all
    Moss Kaplan: i take a picture
    or would, if i had a camera
    wait no, my phone
    Wiwaxia (GM): no dice, unfortunately
    Moss Kaplan: ugh terrible
    Wiwaxia (GM): for reference
    it looks like the loading screen of this
    except lavender
    gonna stop and investigate it, or dodge it and continue on?
    Moss Kaplan: I am Absolutely gonna stop and investigate
    Wiwaxia (GM): the thing is maybe a meter and change in diameter
    glowing softly and pulsing as it changes shape
    it's a perfectly flat disk
    Moss Kaplan: ((i totally have a keychain doohickey of the sburb gate, which i had forgotten until recently))
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's moving sideways at a pretty good clip, you've gotta fly to keep up with it
    presumably orbital velocity, that
    Moss Kaplan: oh so lemi's planet is on the other side of that? right? ((i really really should reread homestuck))
    whoops wait am i going off track
    Wiwaxia (GM): it is directly between you (and by extention skaia) and the bigass red and black planet
    if you peer straight through the center of it, you think you can see the next gate in line in the distance ahead
    Moss Kaplan: huh, cool. but today i am going to derse because LEMI, so i skip the gate experience.
    Arxon: (wouldn't gate 8 dump them at the denizen or am I misremembering?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): seven, there is no gate 8
    also, they can't go through your seventh gate
    also, this ain't gate 7
    but other than that, remembering correctly
    Arxon: (kk)
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay, going around the gate and continuing dead ahead?
    or are you starting to thing about skirting the giant hunk of rock in your way
    Moss Kaplan: giant hunk of rock? oh right
    hmm i guess i could detour
    the red and black planet was the giant hunk of rock you were referring too, right?
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, for reference, the planet is now taking up over a third of the sky
    Moss Kaplan: *to
    yup, whoops, detour
    Wiwaxia (GM): well, in terms of degrees on the great arc
    not sure exactly how that translates to apparent size across the sky in 3 dimensions, but eh
    it big
    you are starting to be able to pick out the outlines of hills and coasts
    not very well, though, because of the whole "covered in shadow" thing
    which way round are you going?
    Wiwaxia (GM): ahead of it (orbitally), behind, or going "up" or "down" out of the plane of the planets?
    Moss Kaplan: hmmmm
    Wiwaxia (GM): it takes about another 20 minutes to start rounding the curve of the planet
    you can see past it to what, from this angle and distance, is very clearly an asteroid belt of some kind
    Moss Kaplan: neat!
    i don't really want to go in there
    is it, like, in my path?
    Wiwaxia (GM): eh
    it's a flat, thick ring, more than anything
    you can go "under" it fairly easily
    there is a slightly more pressing problem, though
    namely, you can't see derse on the other side of it
    Moss Kaplan: huh.
    well i can't go back
    Wiwaxia (GM): whatcha gonna do, then?
    Moss Kaplan: sI: Lemi. Lemi seriously help i may or may not be lost
    Wiwaxia (GM): no phone, remember
    you're dreaming
    Moss Kaplan: ....i think very hard with my Brain.
    yeah dammit i keep forgetting
    well, on one hand, Accepting Defeat. On the other hand, Possibly Getting Fucked up by the Vagaries of Space
    Wiwaxia (GM): you could try to like slap yourself awake
    Moss Kaplan: I'm gonna go under the asteroid belt, take a breather, and turn myself around to see if i can see anything vaguely derse-like from there
    and then i'll consider slapping myself awake
    Wiwaxia (GM): as you approach the belt, you notice the whole place is absolutely crawling with flying (?) ships and aircraft
    purple, gold but mostly unmarked grey
    Moss Kaplan: you know what i'm gonna try to find out what's up
    Wiwaxia (GM): (oh fuck me, i left my veil meteor geomorphs back in seatlle)
    (please do not go inside any meteors, thank you)
    Moss Kaplan: hokay! plan is to go for a ship, honestly
    Wiwaxia (GM): as you get closer, you can see huge blocky buildings sticking out of be-cratered asteroids
    sometimes smaller grey ships dock at these
    there's a huge dersite warship floating upside-down with respect to you "above" the meteor field
    Moss Kaplan: i'm...going to avoid the dersite warship, as i'm pretty sure i'm in prospit colors
    Wiwaxia (GM): there's a sudden disorienting moment where this forces your frame of reference to flip, so you're suddenly "descending" from "above" the meteors instead of going "below" them
    probably a good call, that
    you are very gold
    Moss Kaplan: super shiny. yep,
    prospit ship, while ducking any derse ships i can
    Wiwaxia (GM): no prospit ships super close
    at least not big ones
    you can see what looks like a golden wwii fighter jet flying around one of the meteors, though
    Moss Kaplan: any small ones? or, well, i can duck around till i see a big one
    i want to go to there
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's moving a lot faster than you, but it also seems to be flying in circles, so you are able to approach
    it's interesting
    the pilot's only turning the propeller on intermittently, and mostly coasting
    Moss Kaplan: huh. i go up to it
    Wiwaxia (GM): it's still going a lot faster than you
    that's a great way to get hit by a plane
    Moss Kaplan: using my knowledge of history, i devise a semaphore code to say HI
    ...provided they're looking at me
    Wiwaxia (GM): the pilot does a series of loops in various different planes with their ailerons out to air-brake
    so they can come to more or less rest close to you
    and pops open the canopy
    Moss Kaplan: yesssssss
    "Hi! I like your plane"
    pilot: what the HELL are you doing out here, son?
    Moss Kaplan: "Also I am Super lost"
    pilot: you don't say.
    Moss Kaplan: "I mean, that's probably pretty self evident there"
    "anyway, i have this friend who for Some Reason is stuck kind of DerseWays, and
    I was on my way there"
    the pilot slow blinks
    pilot: let me get this straight
    you decided to take a little joy flight out to Derse
    on your lonesome
    and somehow wound up on almost the exact wrong side of the Medium
    Moss Kaplan: "I am SUPER lost, then"
    pilot: oh, right, in the middle of a war
    what the hell were you thinking?
    Moss Kaplan: uh
    yep. friendship.
    pilot: has many virtues
    bullet-proofing is not among them
    Moss Kaplan: ...I was trying to be out of the way. I didn't really bring a change of clothes-
    wait no, start over. I hecked up. can you point me away from here and to derse?
    so I Dont get hur-
    no ok that doesn't make sense at all
    pilot: yeah, no
    Moss Kaplan: yep. didn't think so. well, at any rate, your plane is, like, really cool
    the pilot slow blinks at you
    pilot: right, then, i can't just leave you out here
    can't leave my position either, so I'm gonna radio for someone to come fly your dumb ass back to prospit
    Moss Kaplan: does not entirely succeed at suppressing sheer excitement at prospect of hitching a ride in a similar plane
    is a history nerd
    Karrin Blue: Hi
    Moss Kaplan: wow, well, yeah, can't have you leave your position
    Karrin Blue: ((What'd i miss?))
    Moss Kaplan: ((I got super lost, saw a COOL plane, and got yelled at))
    ((it's a really cool plane though))
    Wiwaxia (GM): want a fun meta-knowledge fact?
    Karrin Blue: Yes
    Wiwaxia (GM): for moss, won't make sense to you unless you read the backlogs some
    Moss Kaplan: I actually did! but stuff blends together
    Wiwaxia (GM): oh no, clarity, the fact is for you, won't make sense to karrin without reading your little sojourn
    in any case
    going through that gate would actually have gotten you significantly closer to derse than not
    Moss Kaplan: ....DAMMIT
    Wiwaxia (GM): that's was the output for myrtha's fourth gate
    Karrin Blue: You gound a spirograph gate?
    Wiwaxia (GM): so you woulda gotten dumped somewhere on the surface of LOWAW, which was the Land closest to derse at that time
    Karrin Blue: I cant see the first five letters of the chatbox
    Wiwaxia (GM): jeez :/
    Karrin Blue: aww, then we couldve actually met IC! Ah well
    Wiwaxia (GM): nope, wrong side of the planet
    Karrin Blue: Oj well that would be bad
    Wiwaxia (GM): also an area both of you are seriously under-leveled for
    especially because dreamselves don't get level-up hp
    Moss Kaplan: well,I haven't died yet which is way better than my last game soooo
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah!
    nobody's even died once yet
    and I haven't been pulling my punches
    see also: every basilisk fight thus far
    Moss Kaplan: my last game, I went crazy, and my group had to cut off my head and resurrect me to fix me
    and then I died two more times
    so thks is way better!
    Karrin Blue: Well ive nearly died
    Wiwaxia (GM): you know, thinking about it, i think ilmatar's the only one who hasn't had the shit kicked out of them by a basilisk
    Arxon: ahahahahahahahahaha I have no idea if we've been absurdly lucky or if the group I'm running for has terrible luck
    Moss Kaplan: basilisks are literally so scary
    Wiwaxia (GM): bit of column a, bit of column b, i think
    Karrin Blue: Well we do want to get our characters to god tiwr, right? So death will at least happen there
    Thats probably best case scenario
    Also i think my autocorrect has left me
    Wiwaxia (GM): yeah, looks like
    you good to switch to someone else, moss?
    Moss Kaplan: yeah!I think I'm going out later, and this seems like a good point :D
    k m.: not for a bit, though, so if you need texts from me I'm still good on here for a bit
    Wiwaxia (GM): karrin, you wanna go?
    Karrin Blue: Sure!
    Keep in mind i cant see the map, please
    Wiwaxia (GM): kay!
    you hear noises above you
    wait, did i ever charge you the grist for the tower you built up to ilmatar's first gate?
    Karrin Blue: I think so but I'm not certain
    Wiwaxia (GM): to the logs!
    one moment please
    grist already charged
    anyways, there's some very satisfying "chunk" sounds coming from above
    and accompanying shakes to the house
    Karrin Blue: Construction noises?
    I will go check those out! See what has been afded
    Wiwaxia (GM): you go up the stairs to the upper floor
    there's a new set of stairs going up
    Myrtha Oscurr: Ascend
    Wiwaxia (GM): the new floor is a carbon copy of the former top floor of your house, with a few notable differences
    notably, the rooms are all completely empty and there are no doors in the doorways, only blank white walls
    second, the lightwell open to the foyer has been covered over, presumably by someone feeling safety-minded
    as you look around, there is another "chunk" and more stairs up appear behind you
    Myrtha Oscurr: Co: That huilding is you, right?
    ((Pretend thats properly spelled please)
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um, yeah! I'm kinda bedridden right now so I figured I'd get some building in.
    Myrtha Oscurr: CO: Thanks!
    cO: Wait, what happened to you?
    Lemi Malloy: aG: Um. Not much, just kinda fucked up in a fight. I feel better but last attempt at standing was not a success.
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: A fight with what?
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I just messed up in a fight against some imps. The iguanas had to rescue me.
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO Huh. Well, as long as you're OK now
    cO: Wish I could head over there, just so I'd be somewhere other than the planet of blue and gjosts or whatever.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: My planet is
    aG: um
    aG: kinda evil?
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: How so?
    cO: And mine's haunted anyways.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: The ground is all blood red and the shadows are everywhere and if you don't have a candle the shadows attack you and even if you do they stalk you.
    aG: And I have no idea how to get home, I went through my gate so for all I know I could be halfway across the planet and Sis is in danger
    aG: And I've gotten the shit beat out of me in every fight I've been in so far I can barely get a hit in
    aG: and
    aG: um
    aG: Anyway, your house is up to the first gate now. You should probably make sure you're prepared before you go through it, if you do.
    Lemi Malloy: aG: I should go
    Arxon: ((....sorry for tl;dr))
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((oh lemi, noooooo))
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: No wait
    Wiwaxia (GM): ((and don't worry about tl;dr, that was great))
    Myrtha Oscurr: (My gate goes to Lemi's house right?)
    Wiwaxia (GM): (your second gate on your planet)
    (your first gate takes you to the "start" of the area you can find your second gate in)
    Myrtha Oscurr: cO: How far are you from that gate?
    ((I want to have these kids meet, they need in person hugs)
    Arxon: ((see the thing is that Lemi had always lowkey assumed that if she did find monsters in the forest, she could take them. The fact that she can't has really shaken her, among other things))
    ((when everyone gets together it's just gonna be one big group hug, everything will be golden, nothing will hurt))
    Myrtha Oscurr: ((Also wiwaxia did you calculate the grist costs for that stuff?))
    ((Armor and such?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (oh fuck, forgot to, sorry)
    Myrtha Oscurr: ((Nah its cool))
    ((OK SO if Myrtha went through her gate, might she be in roughly the same place as Lemi?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (eventually. your gate will take you somewhere else on LOWAW where ther will be another gate some ways away that will put you out of the second gate above Lemi's house. then if you go through her first gate, you'll wind up in the same general region she's in, although she's wandered away from the exact gate output)
    (i'm gonna say you know that in character, because Leon knows it from the walkthrough and explained it in a chat a few hours before and you can go back and reference that)
    Myrtha Oscurr: ((...that does not sound like i could go and say hello to Lemi so quickly. Darn.))
    Wiwaxia (GM): (yeah, the game makes you work for meetups)
    (also note that that memo set up a plan for everyone to go through their gates to meet up at myrtha's house on LOWAW)
    Myrtha Oscurr: (Yeah...)
    ((Ugh i dont want to go adventuring right now because phone but IDK what else to do!)
    Arxon: ((@wi is this correct timeline for Lemi to get up and leave conversation btw?))
    Wiwaxia (GM): yep
    a couple more minutes of chat and i would kicked lemi off to go sneak out of bed, actually
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