apparently this is similar, a bit chiller, some say (haven't checked myself, but am putting on my list).
hm... it seems like it is chiller-maybe only intone, and by the fact that it's a single person, so he won't actually laugh etc. By the tiles, the erotic-focused ones seem boring/uncomfortable, but the non-porn-related ones might be nice. There is " True Stories from Hotel Workers" " Lou Reads Tales of Things You Did as a Kid That You’re Ashamed Of" " Forums of Survivalist Boards" "how to fight demons" "sucky christmas presents" ... okay, maybe even the stories of awkward sex times may work.
episode 39 is beautiful. dirty jokes in classic literature is one of my faves and just... good episode
THE IRISH ACCENT SLAYED ME. I'M POSTING FROM THE DEAD why am i listening to burp fetishes right now, ivy. what did i do wrong in my life
i think you did everything right the question is why I spent three hours of my life remembering that fucking sword art online exists and then listening to vengeful youtube analysis of it instead of this here great podcast the answer is because I was reminded that sao exists and I had to get the passionate 'EH' out by listening to people tear it to shreds lol
portaxx is losing her shit during this pokegirls episode oh my god i mean to be fair she already hit her "fuck this shit i'm out" wall during the water episode but she's just fucking done now
Friends I thoroughly recommend the latest episode, Attack of the 50ft Episode. It contains dramatically read emoticons.
who is it that's doing the perfect bro strider voice in the paula deen episode (#58)? i need to know for reasons
re: angry angry hippos: i have listened to that one, and that is one that can be ymmv. I had no problem with it, mostly because they have Victor Laszlo in, and he's is an actual doctor irl, so the funniest moments are him bemoaning medical inaccuracy of silly tumblr statements no judgement if one decides to continue to avoid it, though, just giving my cents on it
Oh god oh god the pokegirls thing poor poor portaxx (Tho tbh some parts of that hit me straight in the kinks and I'd lie if I wasn't considering trying to come up with a xeno sci-fi thing which dials back the noncon stuff to at least like dubcon? idk gotta think some and then take my thirsty submissive ass over to the nsfw writing thread xP)
Which one of them laughs all high pitched for like ten seconds in the background while peeps are reading junk? I like that one, that one is my favorite.
A fetish website i've -cough- been around for a while whose main feature is masturbation instructions, sometimes with character/plot to them it also has forums! And a kink/sex terms encyclopedia! feel free to help me dredge up content tbh. i was reading over some of the stuff i saved after my first perusal and was still giggling at a lot of the things i saved so i am hopeful i can make a good doc oh! warning if you decide to dive into the site: some of the webteases run on a flash program that has some autosounds