Comic Artists Support Thread

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by Codeless, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    So my energy and motivation ground to a halt and I've barely finished the second page after doing the first in a day... <-- that is what I have so far and right now the story looks like it's going to end up more than 20 pages and .. I just wanted to do a cute little smut comedy for halloween but I -- think i bit off more than I want to chew, idk. I mean I love the story idea I've got so far..
    but I went too detailed in the shading on the first page i think b/c now i so dooo not want to do that kind of shading again

    would it look too janky if I just did a little bit of minimal shading like I've done on the 2nd page...? this is the first page and I'm real proud of it but ... maybe it could be like..all detailed cos it's the opening page but then i can go directly to just doing a few blacks and mostly shading in the coloring... ? :D;;;;; could i get away with that ..
    I'm such a perfectionist i never get things done
    i really wanted to get this done by halloween feh
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  2. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"


    Did the easy stuff, time for cars. And backgrounds. Yay.*

    This would probably go faster if I would stop getting distracted by looking up Kpop mashups on Youtube.


    @rje I think the shading on the second page looks great too! It reminds me of the inking/shading in this comic, and I think that style is lovely so I don't think there's any problem with doing it for the rest of the comic.

    Also, if you have/are having trouble finishing things, I think it's okay to go with a style that's easier for you. That's what I did with my first comic and it gave me space to improve in other areas (drawing regularly, updating regularly, paneling, etc.) and I honestly don't think I would have been able to finish it if I had gone with the style I use for Maria, which is a lot more difficult for me.

    Anyway, I think both pages look really great but you should do whatever helps you progress and complete projects you want to complete! Something like that. Sorry, it's late and I'm not doing words too well. ^^
  3. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    And .. done enough! I can do the text stuff on Monday.


    Edit: There was no screaming because I was too tired to scream.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
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  4. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    *wheeze* I finished. The fucking. Background.

    I may finish this god pounded page sometime before the Apocalypse.
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  5. NumiTuziNeru

    NumiTuziNeru @#$%?

    i've been stalling over the last batch of pages for like 2 weeks like an idiot because brainbads

    8) death comes
  6. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    After I finish this page I'm gonna start doing lineart on actual paper with actual ink, style lock be damned. IDK why but my brain just goes "nope nope nope" at drawing shit 100% digital.
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  7. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"


    So a while ago CK from Studio CatBird messaged me on Tumblr to ask about dubbing A Girl & Her Shadow and I said they could and then pretty much forgot about it because stuff always happens so much and I don't have that much of an attention span, anyway. But CK messaged me again yestreday to let me know that the trailer was out and it's! so! cool! I actually got the shivers watching it. It's really neat because I'm never emotionally immersed in my own work, I guess because I'm always caught up in the creation process and calculating how to get the right emotional response from the audience doesn't leave me any room for feeling things about it myself? So yeah, I'm really excited, they did a great job with the music and voices. Here's the trailer:

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
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  8. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    *actual upset screaming*

    I! can't! focus!

    #i've drawn one panel in four hours #screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    oh god, i go to school for comics, i'll be using this a lot! (the major's named Sequential Art but...its basically comics)

    currently im not drawing any actual comics, but i'm scripting a 6-pager right now and i just cannot focus on it. its about a ghost dog, it caters to all of my interests! what the hell brain?!
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  10. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :flaps: that's the major I want to go for when I can manage to do the College thing someday. 8D and I'm looking forward to seeing the ghost doggo!
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  11. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    ayyyyy, def go for it if you have the means! lots of work, but if you like drawing its a fun time ;D (mostly. I have my bad days lol)

    ghost doggo is going well but I have no idea what to put between the beginning and the end. I know what points A and B are but no idea how to get there :T *sighs and turns on focus music*
  12. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    .o. hey friend i am going to a college that has a Sequential Art major. if u are comfortable saying, what college u at? o3o

    ETA: -whispers- im an animation major at scad
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
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  13. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    @amberbydreams winks @ you yes hello i go to scad ;) if youre comfortable with answering, what campus are you at? I'm in Sav ;3

    youre in animation?? geez how are u not dead (my housemate is in animation, theyre in the process of said dying. only a matter of time now)
  14. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I'm in sav too! actually taking drawing for sequential right now as an elective cause i wanna comic sometime if i can.. god i wish i could take an extra year
    thats my secret,, im already dead
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  15. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    oh sweet! i took that last year, it was super helpful. if youre on the market for another elective i REALLY recommend the environments class with Lowe, its 100% realtalk the most helpful class ive ever taken. and Lowe's fun. its hard but i actually kinda know how to draw believable city scenes and interiors now, its great

    and hmm maybe i should start planning my housemate's funeral sooner rather than later then
  16. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Awesome!! I have exactly one elective left for my final term at scad so it's got a lotta competitors (i was originally planning to most likely take the seqa character design & layout for anim class, if you've taken that i'd love to hear what you learn in that/how it is!)

    and yeah,, senior year is suffering and feeling inferior to classmates who have like, giant crews and actual production plans
    i just have six people and some vague collab project setup thing for my senior film, lol. fuck storytelling im gonna make somethin pretty with my friends
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  17. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    im taking character design right now, actually! and tbh, since youre a senior i really dont think you'll have much to learn from it. most of what we learn is covered with more depth in the animation major, its kinda like a "learn about animation without actually animating" class. but yo if you want a breakdown of the specific projects i could probably message them to you? im in Simpsons Hell right now that's all ill say

    and hey dude more power to you, and good luck! tbh id love to help someone with their film this year but i missed the soiree and im studying abroad over the winter, don't think itd be worth it ;(
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  18. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :roughs out ending of first chapter, starts roughing beginning of next chapter + cover shot after nearly a fucking year of stress/sickness/generally failing at things. starts roughing out designs for a oneshot project as well:

    not much progress given how long I was trying and spinning my damn wheels in the mud after coming back to the states and adjusting, but PROG R E S S :SHAKES FIST:
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  19. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    @TheMockingCrows Progress is good! Roughing things out after stagnating for a while feels great.

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  20. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Finally flatting the Page From Hell. if I ever decide to put this much furniture in a panel again please just punch me in the throat ok
    • Like x 3
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