Crossover Consideration Station

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I never fucking sorted my Kencyrath peeps here. WELL LET'S FIX THIS SHALL WE.

    • Jame
    • Dally
    • Bane
    • Marc
    • Brenwyr
    • Kinzi
    • Rue
    • Brier
    • Clepetty
    • Kindrie
    • Grimly
    • Ashe
    • Index
    • Adric
    • Tori
    • Greshan
    • Ganth
    • Gerridon
    • Caldane
    • Kallystine
    • Nusair
    • Rawneth
    • Gerraint
    • Aerulan

    BEHOLD. SORTING. There's some new twincest is wincest in town motherfuckers. Some details behind Potterath too. WHOO.

    The Knorths are a long line of prestigious pureblood wizards. Incest and strategic murder is key to the family's long survival. Tori is the current heir to his father's position as head of the family and he is not at all happy about this. Jame is the misfit who got sorted into fucking Gryffindor wtf why haven't we killed you yet.

    we do not speak of kindrie in the home

    Grimly is Tori's werewolf bff.

    Ashe is a creepy ghost who teaches at Hogwarts. Jame is one of the few people who seems to enjoy her classes. Greshan is also a creepy ghost. He wanders the halls of the Knorth's main estate. As do many of the dead Knorths. The home's Ghost Walks is very aptly named. Dead Knorths sticking around is just a family tradition at this point and as a result the family is occasionally accused of necromancy. Which the family is of course guilty of. It isn't all Gerraint attempting to bring his son back to life as some sort of horrible zombie thing though. A lot of it is simply divination with their dead, either the ghosts or those who moved on.

    Tori is exceptionally skilled at divination. Very. Very skilled. But not in the manners of which his father approves of, or at least not exclusively that. So he is super pissed at Tori. Especially since that is his main strength at school. The little bastard wasn't even on the quidditch team. ONCE. But Jame was. THE REJECT CHILD WHO LOVES MAGICAL CREATURES AND MAGICAL HISTORY CLASS LIKE A LOSER.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
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  2. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Jame would be the favorite of the teachers who like an unconventional, irreverent student who asks questions. And death magic is totally the right thing to have them involved in, that death-obsessed family.

    Hagrid would love her if the original HP teachers are still there, they could go seek out terrifying beasts to be nice to together.
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  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I would say Tori would like Hagrid but Hagrid hates Slytherins. So bad. I mean horrible danger he wants no part of aside he can pet thestrals in those classes. And Hagrid has tea.

    Jame makes McGonagal frown and grin wryly on a regular basis.
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  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Jame of course has stolen some of Tori's clothes and uses them to masquerade as him in the Slytherin common room at times.
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  5. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I wonder if it was a scandal that Jame sorted into Gryffindor?
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  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oh fucking definitely. The Knorths are a proud mostly Slytherin family. OUTSIDE OF HE WHO WE DO NOT SPEAK OF AND SECRETLY PLOT TO KILL. And here we have our heir's sister who we are going to have be the real actual mother of his kids secretly AND SHE IS IN GRYFFINDOR???

    the shame of it all
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
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  7. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I'm informed ffnet contains a crossover between Henry V and Walking With Dinosaurs.
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  8. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I turned this into an ask meme on Tumblr and I thought everyone needed to know that someone asked for Phoenix Wright as a joke and I decided that he has crappy stats, but his Noble Phantasm lets him raise Objections whenever someone isn't abiding by the spirit of the Grail War rules. He could potentially sail in to an easy victory because the general ethos of FSN is such that literally everyone is probably cheating.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
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  9. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Let's talk about TESrath too because fuck my life I have many AUs and more than Morven must know about them.

    So TESrath. The Knorth family was at some point a well off enough and powerful enough house of Dunmer living on Vvardenfell. They were never one of the big fancy ass council houses, but they did have a significant amount of clout. House Knorth was aligned primarily with House Telvaani in its doings. But then House Knorth did THE THING. Ganth was involved. Heavily. Which is to say Ganth caused a huge clusterfuck involving attempts at forbidden necromancy with his dead wife Jamethiel. Ganth was stripped of what titles and positions he had and exiled from the island. A lot of House Knorth's property was taken by council families. Greshan's marriage to a prominent woman in House Randiroc was called off. The political shitstorm was bad enough to get Greshan heading off the island as well. The children.

    The twins lived with their father for a very short period of time in the province of Skyrim. A very short period of time because Ganth was mysteriously killed a year within their arrival. Greshan had managed to successfully hire the Morag Tong to deal with his brother in revenge. Marriage and position allowing him to abuse cute boys ruined Greshan took to fucking dealing in Skyrim. VERY SADLY. He took in the twins. Seemingly out of charity but let's be real Greshan was pissed and these were his brother's kids.

    Life with Greshan fucking sucked and at some point Jame fucking left. Young and not yet an adult Jame disappeared and traveled about with Khajiit. Eventually she ended up in Cyrodiil and used her knowledge from living with Khajiit to join the Thieve's Guild. At some point in her life Jame was arrested and had a bag stuffed over her head. She was sent off to a prison sentence on Vvardenfell seemingly, only to find out that she was being used by the Emperor and the Blades to settle this whole Nerevarrine matter.

    Tori meanwhile put up with Greshan for years. Long. Painful. Horrid years. Eventually Greshan mysteriously died. Some of the more worldly types murmured that the family was cursed by that damn elf assassin's guild thing. Others mentioned the Dark Brotherhood. The truth was that Tori himself killed his uncle. He abandoned whatever life they had and eventually met a werewolf who went by the name Grimly. Having no other home he ended up a member of the companions.

    Jame meanwhile became a member of House Redoran. She eventually became the head of that family, the master thief of the Thieve's Guild in Vvardenfell, a hated foe of the Comorra Tong, the Hortator of the three houses and the Nerevarrine of the four tribes. She also had a lot books. So many books. Many of which she stole. They sit in her "home". Her "home" simply being the former home of a murdered man in Balmora. She lived there with her vast collection of books, the man's still living servant, and a corpse.

    Afterwards Jame fucked from the whole head to the damn island for Blades things because MEH. She went back to wandering the world and ended up in Skyrim. And found her brother who was very unhappy and blamed her heavily for what happened to him after her leaving. He refuses to speak about that. He refuses to speak about most things with her. She returns the favor because all he shows her is barely concealed hatred where her life choices are concerned at best. They have a tense and frankly awful relationship.
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  10. plant guardian

    plant guardian Local Sword Gremlin

    Von Zinzer=Karkat, supreme minion in denial.

    Are Jaegers a thing or do some characters become jaegers?
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  11. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Imagining godtier=jaeger because that's hilarious
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  12. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Instead of God Pajamas, you get... a God Hat
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  13. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

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  14. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    OK, this is so dumb but my brain threw Voltron with Muppets at me in my sleep and I woke up laughing my ass off over it.

    The actual scene involved the bad-of-the-week being trapped in a pit of actual maneating alien lions and Blue Paladin Cookie Monster going "I CAN'T STAND IT" and flying back to the pit... to rescue a box of cookies that had fallen in with the bad. To which the bad says "yeah ok man fair enough"

    Upon further poking of this thing, Cookie Monster is not really the best fit for Blue, even if one does open it up to Sesame Street Muppets, so...

    Black Lion: Kermit. I mean... obviously.

    Red Lion: Miss Piggy. "But Animal!" Yeah, I thought Animal too, and maybe he could be a backup for when Piggy is off doing Fashion Week or whatever but... you guys, Piggy's attitude, imagine the "I'M BONDING WITH YOU!" line in her voice, c'mon.

    Green Lion: Scooter. I thought Dr. Honeydew at first, because he is green and science-y. But upon further consideration, given that Honeydew's sciencing tends to go spectacularly pear-shaped, he'd actually belong on the Galra side. now occurs to me that like 90% of the Robeasts would just be Beaker after Honeydew's experiment-of-the-week went to shit (since nobody ever actually dies in this universe, getting beaten up by Muppet Voltron just turns Robeast Beaker back to normal)

    Yellow Lion: Fozzie. This was a tough one. Sweetums is another possibility.

    Blue Lion: Pretty much has to be Gonzo.

    Also, Muppet Zarkon and Haggar would have to be Waldorf and Astoria (Waldorf's wife, actually the Statler puppet in drag, which either raises a lot of questions or answers a lot of questions but anyway)
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  15. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I want Petstuck/All Creatures Great and Small with Jake in the Siegfried role.
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  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    mob from mob psycho and eleven from stranger things should be small psychic friends
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  17. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

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  18. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    Young Wizards/Homestuck

    IDK all the classpects because it's been a while since I've read the books, but the First Guardian is definitely the Transcendent Pig. Dairine's denizen and consorts are the Motherboard and its mobiles. Carmela fills the preternaturally-badass-normal person archetype of the guardians, naturally.

    (Nita's denizen is that fucking shark)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
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  19. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Related to my last few posts in this thread, I had a special-interest wire-cross while starting reading the second route of Fate/Stay Night yesterday and thought, "Oh god, how much of a disaster would it be if Shirou Emiya ended up on Roshar?"

    My conclusion was that he might actually be too dysfunctional to be a Surgebinder, which is genuinely impressive.
    #does literally anyone else on here know both these franchises? #probably not
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  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    First impressions, likewise haven't read in a while:

    Dairine : Light. She's all about info and knowledge, and there's that whole thing with light at the end of her ordeal.

    Ronan feels Knight of Rage

    Darryl is probably Heart because reasons
    co-location and using himself as a cage for the love power

    Abdal powers in general seem very muse-y, but I don't know that he is.

    Nita and Kit are harder for me to pin down since they've had the longest arcs...

    Actually, Nita might be a Bard or Thief. Like Lone Power pointed out, there's a tendency for other people to die or lose out in her vicinity, letting her scrape by to a win and continued life.

    Kit keeps getting echoes of other people's things (Darryl, Ponch, Mars) in a way that might be Heirish.
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