Reasons My Kintsugijin is Crying, or; The Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Choco, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    No poking the troll. We want it fucking gone.
  2. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    tbh ive spent the past five hours on the verge of an anxiety attack and it slowly faded to bitter shitposting apathy as things went from bad to Total Hellhole

    whats the Point anymore might as well have some fun before the inevitable
  3. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    *looks at all the wasted libertarian and green votes in michigan, screams*
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  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I just have a sinus headache and I'm thinking on different things now. My anxiety potential is dead. I'm too annoyed about a headache.

    So what I'm saying is. Get a headache. Right now.
    • Like x 2
  5. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it's whistling in the dark. we all need something to keep us from falling into complete despair, something to release the pressure and ease the tension. little bits of light in the vast dark abyss, stars in the pitch black void of space, you know...

    bad things happening doesn't mean we have to stop being silly and memeing and joking and loving. it's stuff like memes and love and jokes that makes life worth living, that makes it matter.

    it's not gross.
    • Like x 3
  6. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Seriously though what are you poking us for my dude

    I know yeah fun strife and all but don't you have anything better to do on election night
  7. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    crying is good for that. :P
  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Good. Cry harder. Everyone. Join me in my bliss.
    • Like x 1
  9. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    • Like x 4
  10. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    tell me to fuck off if its seriously pissing anyone off. i need an easy target rn
  11. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    i humbly request that everyone keep this thread on topic & just ignore whatever this silly idiot is up to pls, or at least take it to another thread, this is now declared an argument free zone.

    in other news, i know tonight is so hard guys, but i love you all v much
    • Like x 6
  12. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i cant even see what youre responding to and one sided convos are usually funny b/c context is gone, so more power to ya from me, i suppose
    • Like x 4
  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits


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  14. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    You know what, sure. We live in Homestuck now.
    • Like x 11
  15. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    was homestuck the mayan calender all along
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  16. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    if homestuck's right, i want a sylladex

    and a transportalizer

    and alchemization

    and to meet aliens

    and to meet all my internet friends (and girlfriend) in real life
    • Like x 13
  17. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    I said it earlier.

    The US elected a clown, 8 years early.
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  18. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Honestly, ICP 2024 doesn't even seem absurd any more after this. It could happen. The world is near matching Hussie's level of ridiculous satire.
    • Like x 8
  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    So long as I get to fuck aliens I'm ok.
    • Like x 10
  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'd prefer it if that clown and those businessmen ruled the world

    or if kids did
    • Like x 2
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