shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    The Omnic Crisis? What's that and how the hell did America being a fucking idiot help buffer them from it?
    Your... soul?

    *sighs* Do those even exist? And if they do, what the hell do the experiments the Director did mean about how they work?

    I mean, seriously, I don't even know if Alpha and the Director and Omega and Delta and the other AIs would share the same one, or are copies with different ones... If they're all really me or I'm the only one that's me.

    And I don't know if it matters.
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  2. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    [sticks he legy out real far sees no problem interrupting other peoples' conversations]
    Assuming this femme is from the same universe as the yellow-and-white medic from earlier basically some AIs called omnics got sentient (or... were already sentient??) and got mad and started a war against the fleshies on their planet for no reason that the humans understand. Dunno why this America is suddenly immune but hey not my planet not my problem.

    [Church has earned a rare jet grumble.] Yes souls exist yes everyone has their own it doesn't matter where they came from or how they were made. If someone split your spark to make more well congrats I guess your planet figured out cold-con welcome to the smelting pits we're all oppressed here.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
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  3. Mettaton EX

    Mettaton EX MTT, NS

    * Mettaton looks worried
    *Mettaton has graced you with a smile
    *Mettaton turns to an imagined audience
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  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *grins* Yeah, I guess you're right. Still... I look at myself and I look at them, and well... *sighs* I have trouble believing that my luck will last.
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  5. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    [juice shows back up groggily wiping an eye, their clothes somewhat disheveled. juice is not a morning person.]
    [in spite of their petty grudge against norm and current cranky temperament, juice's expression softens]
    ...i'm sure that they like those other people...well, "liked" in the case of the latter...most likely...but while they like those other people, they like you...and i'm sure that in the make them more happy than the other people even have the potential to...'cause you're most important to them now...
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  6. Sombra

    Sombra Everything can be hacked... and everyone. | 18+

    Not immune, simply less damaged. You know, with their xenophobic nature and fear of job loss due to robots. They tended to not actually have quite as many omnics, from my understanding. I was a child at the time though.

    Deprive? None. It is curiosity mostly, though I do not hack friends, but friends must be useful no?
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  7. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Okay good for you man but I'm more interested in prosthetics than porn right now I owe someone an anniversary present soon and my beautiful self does not actually count for that

    ...I hear ya man. Don't really have much experience feeling that way 'cos hello have you heard me talk for ten seconds I am beautiful and I know it and also my partners've had a long-aft time to work that kinda thing out. But like. Honestly? Talk to 'em! If you're worried about something they'll probably wanna help if they're actually any good for ya even if "help" is just saying again and again "no really I do still love you promise".
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  8. 707

    707 lol

    But it's hacking friends that makes for the most fun pranks!
  9. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    So, the... Omnics... all went Meta and decided to wreck everyone's shit?
    Yeah? And so? What?

    You think I don't believe people are people because I'm agnostic about this particular religious idea?
    I went to school. All the way from preschool to post graduate. And I never was taught that "souls exist and keep you together."

    ... well, okay, I did learn about them in Jewish school, but I'm not really the most observant Jew, so I'm not sure if that counts.
    Ah. Yeah. I can see how that would work.
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  10. Sala Walker

    Sala Walker NR, NS, Does not have tentacles

    yes we do

    for instance what she said made me start laughing
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  11. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    I dunno what Meta is but otherwise yeah basically. And then it cooled down 'cos the humans got their slag together and I thiiiiiink won the war?? And now there's intermingling between omnics and humans because peace is pretty great I think?

    Not you in specific but I've heard "your soul doesn't count 'cos it got chipped off someone else's before you were ever built" waaaaay too many times. Sorry for the preemptive salt o/
  12. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *smiles softly* Thanks. That is reassuring.
    I've talked to Sunshine about it and that has helped a bit, but... it is good to be reminded again that it's a thing I can do.
  13. Venture of Petrohex

    Venture of Petrohex Which Petrohex tho

    Asking your partners for support and affirmation is 100% a thing you can do. Promise. If they try to say it's not you deserve better anyway :P
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  14. Mettaton EX

    Mettaton EX MTT, NS

    *Mettaton seems worried
  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Every human, too.
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  16. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    Metastability is the fourth and final stage of AI rampancy, in which they become... fully human. Which is weird since I don't think I've gone Meta but... I still feel human. Apparently that rampancy process drives us insane but... that might just be an excuse to treat us like things. I don't know but it is weird, now that I think about it, that "becoming fully human" is synonymous with insanity for an AI.
    *sighs* People always manage to find reasons to make others not count, don't they?
    Monster child? What?
  17. Sala Walker

    Sala Walker NR, NS, Does not have tentacles

    and then theres me
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  18. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Uuuugh, just accept you're from a different universe and stop trying to tell us we're wrong about ours, asshole!
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  19. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *smiles softly* Thanks. And they haven't said that. I just never got much support and affirmation back when I was trapped in my lamp, before I met them. So it's still new...
  20. Leonard L Church (RvB)

    Leonard L Church (RvB) it feels more like a memory|18+

    You didn't specify that every human child in your universe learns about souls!

    And Mettaton's sure telling me I'm wrong about mine, so if I am doing that to you guys, I'm sure as hell not the only person guilty of it!
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