Kintsugi Plays Dragon Age 2 (a winner is me!)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by blue, Dec 3, 2015.


Who should we bring to the Deep Roads?

  1. Carver

  2. Fenris

  3. Aveline

  4. Anders

  5. Isabela

  6. Merrill

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...okay, now I'm okay with his arc, an honorable death is acceptable. (What do you mean the whole game doesn't cater to my tastes how dare)

    >I will fight.
    • Like x 2
  2. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I mean, I assume refusing to fight gets us attacked anyway so. May as well.
    • Like x 1
  3. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Gets us attacked by literally every Qunari in the room INCLUDING the Arishok. It's a lot more difficult!

    The option to duel him only happens if a) you have earned enough secret Respect Points from the Arishok (yes, that's a thing) or failing that b) you bring Fenris along and he uses his knowledge of Qunari custom to propose the duel.
    • Like x 5
  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    D-does that mean the Arishok actually likes us and we did his dialogue stuff right? QuQ
    • Like x 11
  5. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Let's put it like this: he likes us about as much as it's possible for him to like anyone

    (I know what you're thinking: is there Arishok/Hawke smutfic? OF COURSE THERE IS)
    • Like x 8
  6. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    2016-11-12 21.24.15.jpg
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  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I love the internet.
    • Like x 5
  8. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I mean I know I was checking the wiki to try to keep us on track for respect points...
    • Like x 2
  9. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    • Like x 7
  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >I will fight you.
    This is an "if they catch you, they will kill you" situation, because his attacks do like 1/4 of my health in damage.
    Luckily I realized I could use my dog as a tank, l m a o. How do these qunari feel about Hawke just fuckin pulling a dog out of hammerspace to fight the Arishok?
    I can actually summon INFINITE DOG because whenever the dog runs out of health it just despa-
    CAN YOU NOT (feebly kicks legs)
  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    What, cool mages who you love? :3
    Hawke manages to knock him out with a fireball while getting knocked over by his giant fucking axe, so that is dramatic and cool.
    • Like x 3
  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    • Like x 1
  13. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Varric: "...and then Hawke called her other dog but while she was doing that the Arishok stabbed her and then flung her on the floor. There was blood everywhere. It was gross. The end."
    Cassandra: >8(
    • Like x 11
  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    All of Kirkwall's identical twin sets of nobles are applauding me. :D
    Haha fuck you too, lady. <3
  15. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    • Like x 4
  16. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    What the heck is that lady on the right doing?
    Cassandra: "Heart eyes, motherfucker."
    • Like x 7
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

  18. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    (People shake their heads.)
  19. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    As I recall, I wasn't doing the run-in-circles dance so much as 'layer on movement stopping spells, spam attacks until cooldown ends, run if necessary.' How'd everyone else do?
  20. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    >I can think for myself (assuming this is an anti-meredith option)
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