I dunno if this belongs here or in General Advice, but yeah. So I plan to make five separate holiday card designs: A Homestuck one. A Steven Universe one. A Gravity Falls one. A Pokemon one. A general non-fandom one. Does anyone have suggestions for general design ideas for any of these? I'm trying to keep them religiously-neutral, and preferably fairly holiday-neutral (I'll likely end up skewing Christmassy, but yeah).
People in different dominations of Ugly Holiday Sweaters? General wintertime scenes (snow ? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like candlelit scenes feel very winter holiday-ish without being too specific. Maybe present exchanges? Hmm...
i really like the idea of a typical norman-rockwell-y winter/holiday scene becoming an absolute disaster, which would work for homestuck or gravity falls i think? like, squirrels in the tree (for leaning christmas-y), real candles catching decorations on fire, someone wearing a too-small/crop top ugly sweater for the holiday pictures and refusing to take it off, stuff like that?
Ugly holiday sweaters would be PERFECT, omg. That'd probably be too detailed for what I'm going for, but that last one would be perfect for HS especially.