Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I also cannot remember how the fuck to get Dorian's stupid ass. OH WELL. I'll just grab the assholes I do recall how to get and wander around uselessly hoping I will somehow find him and his damn timetravel plot.
  2. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    You get him in the course of doing the regular storyline, so don't worry about that.
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  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Also it triggers up in Redcliffe after you've gone to Val Royeuax the first time. If you don't head up to Redcliffe to trigger it, you don't get the map icon to hit the mage route.
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  4. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  5. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    guess who just tore themselves away from a FO4 run to start a new DA:I run because they never got half the achievements or played the DLC

    it meeeee

    (and then i promptly forgot to set the difficulty as Nightmare and didn't realize it until I was some hours in and DEFINITELY did not want to start over, argh so now I'll have to do ANOTHER run if I want the Nightmare achievement. oh well, only consolation is that this PC/build would not be the BEST for Nightmare (male human two handed Reaver) but still. boo. >:V)

    Still excited, though, this particular PC has been living in my brain for like. a full year now. :V so it's about time he got out, so to speak. weirdly enough, an EXPY of himself escaped first into Fallout 4 some months ago.

    Think he came out lookin pretty good appearance-wise (though that early armor and weaponry is doin him no favors, I might play with his scars later too- I miss how Fallout 4 did scars/markings) and I'm kinda miffed that this is as dark as I can get his skin tone without the next setting over being 'dark as it possibly gets', which isn't what I was going for with him. >:V He still looks moderately dark-skinned compared to most NPCs at least, so that's something. Need to try and get a screenshot with him being like >:( cause that's pretty much his resting state.

    feel free to ask me any questions about him, he is my precious asshole child <3

    Attached Files:

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  6. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    @The Mutant :O he's v pretty.

    What's his name and who is he romancing? How does he feel about Solas? These are the important questions.
  7. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '


    His name is Alaric Trevelyan Corvo (he's not on good terms with his family, okay :B spent half his life trying to get disowned by them, eventually fucked off and wandered for years and ended up at the Conclave via a chance meeting with one of the few Chantry notables he actually met and liked beforehand, and eventually gets Josephine to sort things out so he can lose the title permanently.)

    As for who he's romancing... that's trickier.

    PROBABLY Iron Bull- they get along fantastically and Alaric would definitely flirt at him for a while (he does NOT have a size kink, mind- he's big for a human anyways) but the trick with that is that I have to headcanon the shit out of the romance scenes cause there's no way Alaric would be interested in how a lot of the cutscenes played out- if Bull pinned his arms to the wall Corv would headbutt his nose through his face, and I figure Bull would know that ahead of time. Definitely no ropes involved, Alaric freaks when he's physically restrained by any means, even consensually, and goes into 'literally bite faces off' mode. He's just not into a lot of the BDSM-style stuff implied in canon Bull romance stuff except in very occasional moderation, so all the in-game banter about him being tied up wouldn't apply. He is seriously not a submissive sort or exclusive or nearly-exclusive bottom, either. And given Bull's dialogue/personality in general I don't think there's any reason his romance should HAVE to be that way and only that way, so.

    So yeah, Bull if I don't mind grumbling my way through the game's actual romance cutscenes (and Bull in my living headcanon of how the playthrough goes regardless of in-game restrictions), probably Dorian if not. :P

    As for Solas, Alaric likes him a lot. Treats him with respect, is genuinely interested and open-minded about his travels and magic and weird Fade shit and whatnot, snarks with him a lot, is fairly pro-mage, doesn't shy away from calling him out on the 'you are a credit to your species' sorts of things (which I think Solas would appreciate a little biting back instead of just being all 'yes senpai' to whatever he says), etc etc.
    Which, combined with his snarly aggressive nature means he's gonna just about go nuclear when The Thing happens, but will be privately pretty hurt under the rage, though he'd never let that on.
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  8. shame cube

    shame cube Active Member

    i found some varric/cass (and dorian/lavellan) art that is great and want to express my appreciation but i don't want to weirdly send my friends porn, so i'm putting it here instead (nsfw)
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  9. Rooks

    Rooks How Lost Are You on a Scale of 1-10? ... Zoro.

    @shame cube You can weirdly send me porn anytime. That was freaking adorable.
  10. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    So hey, I know Trespasser is a post game DLC, but whenabouts would you guys suggest I do the Jaws of Hakkon and Descent DLCs? Playing on Hard difficulty ftr.
  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Jaws of Hakkon is definitely post game - the enemies start at level 21 or so, and they're considerably harder than the ones in the main game. Descent you can do at any time after you reach Skyhold and it level scales past level 12, but it's pretty hard, and storyline-wise may make most sense post game. The items and schematics you get from it are really nice, though, so it may be worth doing earlier.

    Trespasser should be the very last thing you do.
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  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I did Jaws of Hakkon post game because it was best for me level-wise, then Descent after that. The scaling nature of Descent is really good if you need to get in some last minute level grind before Trespasser, and I think both of them make the most sense story wise if done post game.
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  13. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Oh, a note about party composition for JoH - Cassandra, Dorian, and Cole have lots of lines, and Bull and Sera apparently have some funny bits. I've not heard of anyone else having anything notable to say.
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  14. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    BAH. I'm at the point in the game where I really need to decide on whether I'm going to romance Bull with Alaric and have to go 'WRONG >:C' at half the cutscenes and the party banter, or just romance Dorian in-game and continue headcanoning the Bull romance with Alaric. (ftr, Dorian's definitely a possible romance for Corv, but I don't think it'd last too long- Dorian gets sharp when he's angry/worried and Corv snarls and escalates during disagreements so it'd probably go down in flames whenever an argument eventually went bad. And everyone in a several mile radius would probably know. :u).

    -drags hands down face- ugh I need to deciiiide. Don't want to put off these personal quests forever, plus I'm holding off on getting the Reaver specialization till I know one way or the other (cause if I do romance Bull in-game then I want the romance dialogue that you get when you talk to him after cementing the specialization). Luckily there's the respec pendants so all these levels spent on bad perks aren't wasted.
  15. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    after 60 something hours in I think I'm pretty sure I both love DA:I but am simultaneously disappointed with it, a lot.
    why do Bioware games always end up with this result lmao

    I freaking love the gameplay but the storyline/characters just...man it just feels like there could have been SUCH cool things done with them and just wasn't...

    Also the only two male choices I can romance as a male elf both kinda leave me cold, and two male choices I really want to romance were apparently supposed to be romancible but they just...didn't finish the job. for whatever reason. Same song and dance.

    Right now DA2 is still holding it's place as my fave of the 3, even with it's very big flaws. The story just felt idk...not better but...more immersive? Maybe DA:I is just too sprawling of a tale to really feel like my character has a part in it. Right now I just kinda feel like...a casual observer of stuff going on around me, and the Big Gun.

    Petty annoyance: I have to play an elf without any kind of Welsh-like accent. I feel so wrong.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
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  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Alright, I have given up hope of being able to play the thing myself due to time+money constraints, but I'm still really interested in Inquisition, so can someone recommend a good LP? Preferably Sera, Cole, Doiran, and/or Iron Bull centric.
  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I don't know of anything, but I think it's worth noting that it's not really possible to have a playthrough centered on those characters unless the player interacts with them and pretty much no one else - and even then, other characters are going to show up a lot because of their role in the story. A romance with one of the romancable characters will give them more screentime, but the game is very much centered on other things.

    /may be taking this too literally

    edit: actually, come to think of it - if no LPs exist, there are YouTubers who record all the scenes and banters with individual characters, so if you're primarily interested in those characters over other stuff that may be an option?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
  18. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    if you wait... at this rate... like six more months, and i finish my da2 thread and get a computer that can run inquisition, you can read mine? :P
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  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That's going to be one loooooooooooooooooooooooooong forum thread.
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  20. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    LOL yeah a little too literal. I've played DA:O through, so I know how the companion system works. I just meant like, any combo of companions favoring one or more of those characters being in the party as often as possible. Also, romance focus is optional (but omg Sera romance is SO CUTE).
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