Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think trolls must have troll... autism? for karkat to use that line? and anyway why not have autistic aliens, that's cool.

    i think a component of their miscommunication is i write erskin as genuinely bad at stringing words together, especially when stressed or emotional. he really just plain does do a shitty job of communicating why he feels how he feels, and guessing what anyone else is up to, and self-pitying paranoia fills in the rest of the gaps.

    i think another component of their miscommunication is you and i will have different ideas about how a scene should go, and different perspectives on how previous scenes went! do you want to back up a bit in the RP, or hash out what you'd like to happen?
  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    let's hash it out. do let me know if i misremember something, btw, tho sometimes it's bel misremembering or not understanding.

    i think what's most important here is to keep them talking. if i can keep bel from flouncing for a few more exchanges, they might get somewhere. i'm leery of trying to build an autism diagnosis narrative for bel, that sounds like potentially a huge mess, but he does know he's bad at reading people and often kind of literal. having him bring that up would help. but he keeps getting stuck on the objective truth/falsehood of erskin's view of cloris. i guess it really creeps him out?

    idk man it's weird, whenever they fight bel kinda gets away from me.
  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, the way bel's hung up on the fact that erskin believes something that is demonstrably not true makes me both sympathetic and frustrated. poor kid needs to like... circle around it, or talk to his moirail about it or something, or accept that people will stubbornly and stupidly keep having feelings about their own subjective interpretation of events and you can't always 'correct' them. erskin isn't hearing 'look, buddy, she was a really, really bad person who was literally killing you', he's hearing 'hey so i killed the love of your life, but it's okay because my friends and i all hated her'.

    also trolls being... well, trolls, someone having a body count doesn't really make them a bad person automatically? it doesn't seem reasonable to me that a troll kid would hear 'your girlfriend is a murderer' and not go 'okay, so?'.

    and yeah erskin's still twisted up, like bel said. cloris has been punching his brain full of holes for a few months. that's not gonna resolve itself in a big 'AHA!' realization moment like, three days after she blows up in front of him. even if she wasn't fucking with his brain, i think killing someone's girlfriend and then being like 'well, she was evil, and i actually rescued you right now, so stop being sad' is not exactly the kind of thing that goes down well.
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, i dig. this is one of those times when i don't agree with my character. i keep trying to get him to drop it but he keeps being like NO THIS IS THE ONE IMPORTANT THING and when i write him ignoring it it feels ooc.

    not that she has a body count, obvs. bel's body count is probably in the high double digits. but he feels erskin is saying "you should have left me there, everything was fine, you should never have come looking for me" -- which sounds to him like saying "we should have stayed broken up and i'd be ok with jethro being dead" or that jethro almost dying was bel's fault, and also that he thinks bel is lying about his motives -- like just a few posts b ack he was like "you won she's dead" as if bel was seeing that as a victory over erskin? and like he still prefers cloris over bel even though cloris is dead. and he's jonesing for someone else's touch while actually making out with bel.

    ok yeah when i write it out like that i can see why the character won't drop it. jethro would swallow the hurt and make nice, because he's not that easily hurt anyhow. but bel's a flinchy sonofabitch and he's super duper butthurt about this and also proud.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah i think they can work erskin around in stages. like at first he thought bel just fetched him back like a stolen toy. then he was assured bel still wanted him, and he's approaching the idea that bel went and got him because bel genuinely believes, like everyone else, that cloris was killing him, and bel wanted to save him, and that's actually very flattering even though erskin wishes they could all have just gotten along. and erskin is really shocked and confused that cloris attacked jethro, but shit went down so fast and horribly that it's all mixed up with this sense of failure. it's a lot to process!

    and yeah i don't blame bel for being really hurt and insulted and confused that erskin's still so fixated on cloris, even when they're making out. that's gotta suck.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ngl i'm starting to doubt my own perception about how things went and how an outside observer would see it and stuff, i get worried that i'm white-knighting my character by letting him be butthurt about this stuff.

    i just want them to make ouuuuttttt ;_;
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  7. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    also i don't know how to resolve 'erskin's terrible
    I AGREE THEY SHOULD MAKE OUT i was like 'oh dang it's time for feelings dang' but it's probably good they worked some of the feelings out with each other? i don't think you're white-knighting bel at all, i think bel's a nineteen year old soldier-boy and enjoyably and realistically flawed, and also has an extremely exasperating seventeen-ish hateboyfriend. everyone's got their own areas of butthurt. their own... butts to hurt.

    i keep trying to resolve erskin's communication problems and social detachment with his sense of humor? but maybe it's that he likes to deflect being serious as much as possible, and put a cheerful spin on everything, or ignore bad stuff in favor of clowning around. i think by nature he's just a bouncy, confident, good-natured kid, and the paranoia and distrust and trauma factors of his personality are externally imposed by virtue of the poor fuck had to grow up on goddamn alternia.
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ahhhi just figured out why this is making ME butthurt and not just bel!!! it's because there are so many parallels with the ray-and-rhett drama! as in, false accusations, people not believing the truth and refusing to look at evidence, you say 'potato' and they hear 'hand grenade', abused matesprit defending malignant narcissist against the people who want to help him, etcetera.

    people being delusional and unreachable, and retconning reality is serious nightmare fuel for me. like i legit have wake-up-sweaty nightmares of trying to communicate and the people around me hearing things i didn't say, or playing a game of telephone with what i said until it's nonsense.

    yeah, i think he and bel are going to upset each other frequently until erskin's had a lot longer with jethro. and bel could really use some pancho time, too. he's still wound up pretty tight.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok i'm snoozing! see you around

  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aww cute kismet fish, they are happy again. :D

    k sleep good!
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    @roach roach roach i just had the best thought! i was going to sleep but then i thought of it and i had to get up and tell you. ok ok so you know how they're going to go shopping? and get lainey gawker to show them around? what if she takes them to the same shop where erskin had a meltdown and they're like uhhh. and the shopkeeper who tried to pick a fight with bel over the meltdown sees them and is like EY YOU and bel's like AWFUCK and erskin's like WUT WUT and gawker's like DO TELL and the benny hill music plays roach what if!
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    If it makes you feel better, I hadn't noticed the parallel either. I was operating off of a more traditional vampire trope? Like where the swooney maiden starts overtly dying and everyone's like 'ok you look really sick' and she's like 'la! i feel wonderful! and the handsome gentleman who visits me at night is totally honorable and we're gonna get married and live happily ever after!'. But yeah, dang, the ray-and-rhett stuff is... super similar, haha.

    For my part, unreliable and even delusional narrators aren't nightmarish to me, they're a really fun and interesting point of view? I mean, y'know, look at my writing, I'm always writing zealots or sick kids or paranoid kids or whatever, I like the doubled-up narrative that results from a protagonist who's clearly not in tune with what the readers get to figure out is actually going on. So that's basically why I was delighted to fry Erskin's brain and get him operating on a very different version of events. I can tone it down or have him recover faster, though, if it keeps being horrifying for you!
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like biased narrators, or unobservant ones, that kind of unreliable narrator isn't a problem for me. but delusional ones, yeah, that's more upsetting to me than i'd realized. i wouldn't mind if he was still stubborn and biased, but would you be ok with having him process observable reality a bit more? like, i'm totally cool with him being like "yes ok the leg she gave me was broken and i was sick and she did bite jethro which horrified me, but i still love her anyway ISN'T THAT TRAGIC??" i love him being a melodramatic teenager, and abuse narratives where the victim defends their abuser are only as upsetting as any well-written bad scene is.

    it's just the thing where he's like "I FEEL FINE AND LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL" while everything is on fire. it just gives me the huhs. D:

    edit: just for context, i saw 'jacob's ladder' when i was like 12? and am STILL having nightmares about it. every so often my brain is just like "oh hey by the way what if your back pain is actually because you've been cut in half by a land mine and all of this is the last flicker of dying neurons in your cooling brain hahahaha" D: D: D:
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Gotcha! I'll aim for that. I think it would help, actually, if he sorted through those issues with Jethro instead of Bel? He can clearly see that Jethro and Reggie got fucked up, and he's way more inclined to pay attention to Jethro and to listen to him and to be persuaded of unpleasant truths with him. He's been genuinely trying to modify his behavior around his moirail, even if haltingly and not well.

    In contrast, he's got the habit of suspiciously, or dismissively, ignoring the shit out of whatever Bel tells him about anything or anyone. And there's the whole issue of 'Bel killed my girlfriend, while my girlfriend horrifyingly tried to kill Jethro, what the fuck' that I don't think he can make headway on just by going over the same tired 'she's evil / you just didn't like her' ground with Bel. Also the whole issue of— it's got to be really hard to admit to weakness and infirmity in front of a pitch partner! Or to take them pointing out your weakness without taking it as a challenge or a rejection. Jethro would be able to say 'bro, you're really sick,' and have it be a more natural and ok part of the relationship to hear.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, absolutely. i've been thinking that when bel cracks cloris's computer and finds her creepy serial killer trophies, he's going to hand the decision of whether/when to show erskin to jethro.

    who, of course, has no goddamn clue and is really super freaked out. so that'll be fun. :D
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    wow i like this a lot

    (is there going to be a photo of erskin in there too? or does she only take pics of the corpses)
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    what aud gave me was only the dead ones, and was wonderfully awful. but i wouldn't be surprised if cloris kept a copy of the videos from the party, and maybe idk dressed him like a doll while he was unconscious or played with his raw stump before halfassing the leg install. @rainbowbarnacle what do you think?
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    if erskin is going to sleep for a while for reals, i'm thinking i'll have bel crack the husktop, very quietly freak out, and pass the buck before erskin wakes up. yes? no?
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    that sounds great! sorry about the break in the action, but it feels implausible for erskin to have a delirious fever and then sleep all of it off in one go. i think he should be easily tired out for a while yet.
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