Dreams thread

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Socket

    Socket fuzzy tabletop goblin

    Dreamt I was on a tour of a locally historic party shack out in the picturesque mountainside.

    It had been run by a middle-aged lady and it was literally just a huge barn, but apparently this lady really cared about bringing bangin' parties to the local people, and had set it up so it held these gigantic raves and general dance parties there. It was a club in a barn. She showed us the guestbook(??? it had a guestbook where people would sign themselves in and out of the club) - it was full of various handwritten entries in all kinds of different coloured pen and pencil. In retrospect this is entertaining because it implies everyone signed in with a writing implement they'd brought themselves...

    Apparently this was a real big deal back in the day when she did this, and her party-barn was a hit because her prices were so low to enter and she supplied tons and tons of cheap candy for the partygoers.

    Weirdly vividly, I remember the lady (who was still the same age as she was at the time she was telling us about, which I only just remembered...) holding up one particular wrapped candy and announcing it as 'leadwater taffy'. Which doesn't sound particularly nice, but it looked good, so whatever.

    She then told us that the law had caught on to her party barn (which I guess was illegal) and so she moved the entire thing to a roving bus, full of club tunes and cheap candy. She was clearly a bit of a local legend. This tiny, auntie-like old lady in regular countryside auntie clothes, so determined to supply quality nightlife that she'd evade the law in a rickety party bus to do it.

    Loved this dream, 9/10, wish I could have had more of it to conclude the tour.
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  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i just had a nightmare in which my professor chased me around the university throwing knives at me and i was flying and there were lots of weird interactive exhibits there and i thought the dream was real and i got such a fucking rush of adrenaline from it. it was so scary.

    and jamethiel from morven's fave book series was there, trying to get me down from the air of some weird store with big conveyer belts and lots of plushies.
  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i just had a dream in which three wishes (fairly oddparents, norm/jorgen, tw: non/dub-con, dead dove) updated, and in the update, there was a twist in which norm had time travelled and was using that to trick the tooth fairy somehow.

    of course, the fic didn't actually update but i wish it did.
  4. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Me: ok SO
    Me: i dreamed that alolan bidoof was this gigantic fucking furrybait thing
    Me: like putting loppuny and lucario to shame, here
    Me: except, when you looked closer
    Me: you realized that all this furrybait was just a fake, fluffy, multicolored tail on the back of a perfectly normal bidoof
    Eric Vilas OH MY GOD
    Me: which was like a tenth the size of it's sexy furrybait tail
    Me: which it was just dragging faceup along the ground
    Eric Vilas This
    Eric Vilas this is the best idea your brain has ever had
    Me: yes
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  5. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Long dream about our apartment door not latching and neighbors who kept pushing it open and coming in when we were trying to wash dishes and make dinner and eat.
  6. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    For some reason, I've had multiple dreams about the on-ramps to the highway being loop-de-loops, which scare the crap out of me even when they're on rollercoasters where they belong.
  7. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    So I dreamed about going to a job interview for a pizza place that was actually just the employees smoking weed and for some reason rehearsing a very short version of Hamlet that was basically just three snippets of his monologues. I managed to perform the 'play' quite well despite being way too high off secondhand smoke (I don't and have never smoked weed in meatspace, apparently my dream self is equally straightedge about that) but I lost a bunch of time and had to go home while still super high; then they sent me a package implying they were expecting me to do all the financial work for them to keep up the pretence of being a functional business. Then the dream shifted to me trying to train to be a cashier at a supermarket while simultaneously trying to persuade the pizza people that I never agreed to work for them.

    ...Brain, are you worried about something? /sarcasm
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  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Had a dream last night that was video-game-y but like. Okay.

    So I'm Sombra, because of course I am given Blizzcon, and I'm on Watchpoint: Gibraltr. But it's.... wrong, somehow. Worn down in a way that it shouldn't be. There's sheet metal and fencing, rusted and broken down, but blocking a lot of the open spaces that the payload should move through. There is no payload. Grass and weeds are starting to shove up between the concrete.

    Zarya is there too, looking for me. It's a game of cat and mouse, but only half of our attention is on each other; I'm teleporting like a loon, she's tearing apart fences with her bare hands and rippling muscles, and we're having fun but there's a tense quality to it. We don't want to catch each other, but we also don't want to lose sight. When I go invisible, it's never for long, and I never actually leave the area Zarya is in.

    And then the reason for the tension becomes clear when we get too close to a fenced up dark hallways. Motherfucking zombies. Motherfucking zombies. So our game of cat and mouse comes to a really abrupt close as we shift from "catching each other" to "getting the fuck out of dodge." I can't get past boarded up sections of the map. Zarya can't climb the walls or teleport to high places. We have to work together to get out, and we have to work fast.

    I don't know if we managed it. I woke up before we did.
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  9. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Last night, I had a dream that my parents' house had an attic (it doesn't), but I had to physically get out by the window and climb on the roof to access it.
    There were two levels, I first got to the lowest one, it was a small room cluttered with really old stuff. There were two computers, apparently from the 90s, the most recent-looking one still running with a note attached to it saying "Running some important server stuff, please don't turn off".
    So, I wanted to get to the higher level, but the stairs were mostly gone. Only a few inches closer to the wall remained, barely enough to put one foot. I managed to climb them, but at the top, the floor I had seen from lower wasn't there, only a weird-looking building with a wooden door and a sign nailed to it. It looked like some kind of poem, I still remember most of it, actually, but it was really weird. Essentially, it was some kind of binding spell for, apparently, the building itself. Probably referring to a spirit inhabiting it. It forced it to stay silent and not do anything supernatural while people were inside it, unless someone said a secret phrase, in which case the spirit of the building would appear and obey them. I opened the door and got inside, it looked like a church except there was no altar. I walked to the other end of the room, humming a song to try to get the spirit's attention. I wanted to break the spell, but without the "passphrase", it was going to be difficult.
    And then I woke up, but right after I did, I "heard" someone or something telling me a sentence that definitely sounded like it could be the passphrase.
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i was running old wow raids last night since i was stuck in bed, and i think it influenced my dreams.

    i dreamed i was soloing seige of orgrimmar from my demon hunter's point of view. i was on the first boss, with the corrupted droplets mechanic. sometimes the droplets were normal (aka big squelchy globs of liquid) but more often than not they were other things. for a few rounds they were socks of varying levels of filthiness, scooting forwards like inchworms. once they were just letters. close to the end they were disembodied liquidy faces.

    "man i wish they would just stick to the classic globs" i remember thinking while i dashed around cutting shit up. "someone's probably already complaining on the forum about the letters. blizz what the fuck are you doing"
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
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  11. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I had a dream that was an Ouran Host Club/Miraculous Lady Bug crossover.

    It might have been slightly more coherent if I knew anything about MLB except the characters, but I feel like Tamaki's magical girl transformation into Chat Noir was pretty spot on.
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  12. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

    I had a dream that I was in the grocery store and came upon this big display of every type of banana, and there was a Gros Michel banana there for $18! So of course dream-me was like "Holy shit! this is probably the only chance I'll ever have to eat one of these on account of them being extinct!" so i paid the cashier $18 dollars and ate that fantastic dream-banana with no regrets
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  13. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I dreamed Luka needed to move his trailer, and I was like, yo I can do that. So I grab the keys and drive around a bit. Completely too ADHD to drive. Wrong lane, no blinking, no looking, missing red lights, the whole works. Don't get into a single accident, but get horribly lost. Text Luka with "hey bro i have no idea where i am and where i'm supposed to go, the streets are so-and-so, can you tell me where the fuck i'm supposed to go"
    I wait at a signpost that has a map and stuff and take a short nap sitting on the bench, and then find a letter addressed to me from Luka in one of the little bag things there because apparently you can send and pick up mail from these. I'm like, dude, if you were here you coulda just talk to me. The letters are disjointed, include the phone number I texted earlier, and a 40 something year old set of directions. As well as a message to the effect of dude come home, don't do this, but i'm like, no no, i can do this for you, no problem.
  14. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I've got good news for you: apparently, they still exist!
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  15. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Dreamed about holiday with "family" (they were people I don't actually know) and there was so much food. Delicious food that didn't destroy me when I ate it. I have rarely felt so bereft at finding something was just a dream.
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  16. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

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  17. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I dreamed my boss had been put in some sort of prison? Or maybe i was and my boss was in a different prison. Shrugs loudly ??
  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    "if you're in prison and i'm in prison, then who's flying the plane?"
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
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  19. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Wow I had a weird dream last night... I was looking after this colony of sentient dust particles, and helping them rebuild their tiny society after my house flooded. They were like tiny little coarse grains and they would get everywhere but they would move and build little structures and roads out of themselves and were alive, and it was such a shame when some were lost to the flood but I helped some rebuild on a floating box.
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  20. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I went to a Girl Scout Bar with my last year coworkers.
    (i have had this location in my dreams before)
    There was no reason why it was a girl scout bar. in my head, it was a girl scout camp, but we went to the bar section, which was, of course only 21+
    There were a million dogs
    The also took us on a tour, but the tour was an interview. I'd done it before, so i kind of hung back. when we went to the bar, someone gave us kombucha
    i'd been there before, so i already had a "most comfy way of sitting at the bar", which is: you cross your legs and brace yourself from your elbows on the bar counter. no chair needed.
    ....apparently this was weird. one of the interview/tour guides recognized me & and started a conversation with his coworkers about how he'd "told you I'd seen her before"
    i heard it and leaned forward (on my elbows, drinking kombucha) to say "hey if you're talking about me, I use they/them"
    then someone let a bunch of dogs loose and handcuffed me to a chair

    ..............this is not out of the ordinary for this dream setting for me
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