
Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Deresto, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I was leaving out Holly Whyte and Ciggma Khint because I wasn't sure if they entirely fell under "pun name" or "meaningful name" (and god, it took me so long to get Khint's, and then I groaned for like a minute). And I left off Alternis Dim because
    I'm not up to whatever big spoiler there is about him and alternate dimensions, so I don't know exactly what his deal is except that I'm 90% sure he's the one who wrote Ringabel's journal (probably in another dimension). :::PPP I assume it's related to the complaint I've heard that the game essentially makes you play the entire game over like five times to get to the ending.

    And since I made the post I've also met Fiore de Rosa the incredibly gross and terrifying PUA red mage and the team of Victoria F. Stein and Victor S. Court (the latter of whom is a healer supporting the former, because of course).
  2. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The joke is that the other three aren't actually data types. So you think you're looking at a list of data types at first and then it turns out that you're not.
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  3. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    one of the best bear-themed usernames i've seen: ursaminer, the minecrafter
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  4. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I got distracted by Liam O'Brien's voice, but Bravely Default pun update:
    • I forgot to mention player character Agnes Oblige because it's not as obviously punny as some of the others, but it's pretty clearly based on "noblesse oblige."
    • Zatz and Datz Mightee.
    • Zatz' name in Japanese was "Ratz," and guess what animal he looks like.
    • The guy who's the head of the Good Guy(TM) side of a civil war is named "Goodman."
    • The guy on the other side is named "Yewmire Astrae" I'm 90% sure it's a joke but I haven't met him yet so I don't know.
    • "Praline a la Mode" technically isn't a pun, but apparently it is in Japanese. (Prin -> Purin, so I guess a slightly more accurate translation would be something like "Pudin a la Mode.")
    • The swordmaster and pirate class representatives have the same names as a famous samurai and a famous pirate.
    EDIT: The bard Arca Pellar. I groaned very, very loudly.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    You know, I bet a modern doctor finds ancient Greek medical theories very humorous.
    Since the Greeks back then believed in the four humors.
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  6. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    (If you're not following Daily Bad Jokes you're really missing out)
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  7. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Why did the one handed man cross the road?

    Because the second hand store was across the street!

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  8. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    I, for one, enjoy roman numerals
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  9. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    My roommates brought home a set of contigo brand travel mugs. "Contigo" is the second person singular comitative Spanish pronoun, translating basically to "with you".
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  10. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I realized a good one this morning.

    People who use the idea of Devil's Advocate to be assholes deserve to be put in the Skeptic Tank.

    it's a joke on septic tank
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  11. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    it's hard to tell puns to kleptomaniacs because they take things, literally
    • Like x 10
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  12. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I saw a monthly newsletter about printer cartridge companies. It was called Inc.
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  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    this is the best blog thank u
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  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Speaking of punny names, Ace Attorney has a fair few...and the original Japanese versions did too, but I don't know enough Japanese to get those. :P A few examples:
    • Will Powers.
    • Lotta Hart.
    • Wendy Oldbag.
    • Sal Manella.
    • Ini Miney.
    • Luke Atmey.
    • Norma DePlume.
    • Herman Crab.
    • Cammy Meele.
    • Dustin Prince.
    • Candice Arme.
    • And my favorite, Winston Payne, who has a brother named Gaspen. Seriously.
    • Will Powers = willpower.
    • Lotta Hart = a lot of heart.
    • Wendy Oldbag = windy old bag. She's exactly that.
    • Sal Manella = salmonella. He's gross.
    • Ini Miney = play on "eeny, meeny, miney, moe."
    • Luke Atmey = look at me. He's an attention whore.
    • Norma DePlume = nom de plume.
    • Herman Crab = hermit crab.
    • Cammy Meele = chamomile. She's constantly drifting off.
    • Dustin Prince = dusting (for) prints. He was a cop.
    • Candice Arme = can disarm. She worked as a member of a bomb disarming squad.
    • Winston and Gaspen Payne = winced in pain and gasp in pain, respectively. They're both incompetent blowhards.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
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  15. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    What about the victim in AAI named Deid Mann?
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  16. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    i had forgotten omg

    Also, I haven't played all the games so for a few of these characters I just know the names and that they're blatant puns. :P
  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    The fan-translation of AAI2 has such masterpieces as "Jay Elbird," "Horace Knightley" (hint: he likes chess), Pat Roland the jailer, and a guy with a cooking show named Jeff Master.
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  18. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Not a pun per se, but please appreciate this post answering the question "So we all know the Least Bittern, but is there say.... a Most Bittern?"
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  19. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    visual puns are my fav puns
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  20. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    "i’m so glad we have the artist side of tumblr to put this in perspective"

    (The rest of the post is entertaining too, though not a pun)
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