shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -Sawbones steal the dataslate and puts a paw over it. Nichrome Can reach it to take it back if she really wants to- Nope. No workin allowed.
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  2. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    -Nichrome laughs and uses her now free hand to scritch her favorite Nurse's ears.-
    You just have to insist on me taking breaks don't you?
    • Like x 3
  3. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    No, we only classify them by Color and non-Color aspect. Really they're just jumped-up Spirits with enough Color and power they affect things outside of their aspect or area of influence. My family are exceptions, since we were spirit-touched who became more Spirit than human and we needed to eat a god to do it. To explain, spirits can... not possess but exist parallel to mortals, feeling what they do and doubling up in their souls. Usually it's voluntary but when a human is experiencing high enough emotion they become an open door unless they set up wards. Weak Spirits are drawn to strong emotions, so sometimes they'll 'ride along' during sex. Once the human's back in emotional control they get kicked out, but if a child was conceived while they were present it ends up with a soul that's part Spirit. They- we- were treated monstrously, so we decided to become gods so we could take a bunch of our kind and keep them safe.
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  4. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    What exactly is Color, if you don't mind my asking. Is it similar to our merit? Its through great enough amounts of merit that the Hun soul is ascended to the Heavens for us. Merit being what is gained for the positive acts one makes in their life. For example, you help a child with their schoolwork. This is a kind act and it took some time out of your day. As a result a "seed" is planted and one day that "seed" will bear a "fruit" that falls. When it does you find that something positive happens for you. This is merit. The flipside is demerit, of course. And are spirits sentient at all?

    Also riding alongside mortals sounds interesting. Some of us are capable of possession, usually when mortals aren't properly blessed and protected by wealthy stores of merit. Typically though we prefer to speak through dreams, which is an easy enough feat for any god. Yes, you have to get certified to prove that you'll be on your best behavior but it's not like anyone needs the classes to learn how to do it. Speaking to mortals in dreams just comes naturally to you. As do setting up idols that you can watch their world through.

    Which plays into our relationships with the mortals. As Above, So Below is how the saying goes. The mortals are watched by us and are supposed to imitate our actions. Not just in admiring and acting like particular individual gods they are fond of or respect, but to modeling their very society of our own societal models. We meanwhile receive payment from them in the form of prayers, idols, and worship. We don't need this. A god exists with or without a mortal that prays to them as we exist in spite of belief. However our currency runs off belief. I can run through a few prayers directed towards myself right now and transmute it into celestial coinage right this instant!
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  5. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    Color is... hard to describe to someone who hasn't been around it. It's a force in our world, a source of magic, and the stuff souls are made of. Human souls have a little bit of all seven Colors, though they're dominated by only two or three, while most Spirits are only one or two Colors and one or two are poison to them. All Spirits are sentient, though the weakest may be only barely so. As they gain power they become more intelligent, until you reach the gods who are clearly sapient.

    My siblings and I are only close to mortals because of our unique circumstances. Some gods are worshipped, because humans recognize their power, and some of them interact with or at very least watch over their followers. Others may be worshipped but simply don't care. A lot of it has to do with their Colors, as a god who carries trusting Gold is more inclined to favor its followers while a god of solitary Azure and unkind
    Violet would interact less.
  6. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    Ah? Souls where I am from are made up of two souls. These two souls meanwhile contain stores of qi and carry with them karmic stores too. Or the Hun carries karmic force anyway. However when broken down even further the souls are made up of Kalapas. You might know the word atom better? That tends to be a good enough translation for Kalapa. The Kalapas themselves meanwhile are comprised of the Mahabhuta. Elements is usually used for English. Elementally speaking there are six types of Kalapas. There are five elements of qi however. I feel this might all get a bit confusing and muddled, so I suppose we can leave it at there being a variety of kinds of energies that can then be broken down even further into smaller and smaller parts.

    I will say that the humans containing some of all colors and the divine only one or two does sound strikingly similar to our Hun and Po situation. As does the barely sentient spirits progressing along to godhood with sapience. That being similar to how Ghosts who gain sapience become Devils, which are a type of deity.

    What does your color do exactly? As a Tianshen my karmic merit was enough that I was born into a life of extreme, perhaps even excessive, bliss. All of us tend to be defined by an overabundance of a particular emotion as well. Whereas a human expresses many emotions my sort only tends to express and feel one primarily. Hence the difficulty with Tianshen reaching the status of Fo or even Arhat. My primary feeling being pity and concern, if you're curious.
  7. scopusQuarrels

    scopusQuarrels Leirus Akkadi, Heir of Rage | 18+

    Wha7 7he FUCK iz 7hiz place? Am I dead? I 7HINK I'M DEAD.
  8. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    You might be dead. You might be dreaming, or simply travelling. There are many paths to a crossroads. [Onyx is still a dragon curled up like a sleepy cat, but one pair of optics focuses on SQ.]
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  9. scopusQuarrels

    scopusQuarrels Leirus Akkadi, Heir of Rage | 18+

    Are you from a video game? you look like zome monz7er or zome7hing.

    Very uh, zmar7 zounding 7hough
    • Like x 2
  10. Itch


  11. scopusQuarrels

    scopusQuarrels Leirus Akkadi, Heir of Rage | 18+

    oh good ano7her 7roll. I'm Leirus.
  12. Itch


    didnt ask, buddy!
  13. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [She laughs.] I have been many things in the different turnings, but never yet a video game character. 'Monster' depends on one's point of view, of course. My most common designation is Onyx Prime.
  14. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -Soundwave has woken up from his nap and stolen moms dataslate to nose through.-
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  15. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [One eye for watching smol, two for showing Proper Attention to the new organic, and the other three for vaguely pretending to nap. Yesgood, this is totally how one acts like a normal person.]
    • Like x 5
  16. Mara

    Mara The Evil One

    Is it safe for me to come? Is that annoying fox gone?
  17. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    She's currently at work to my knowledge, if that's what you're asking. The thirsty of Heaven can't well serve themselves, can they?

    You would be?
  18. Mara

    Mara The Evil One

    Gwahahahaha! I am Mara, The Evil One! I once more have opportunity to penetrate the minds of those who dwell within this space and fill them with my essence!
  19. Xiaohe

    Xiaohe Duchess Bonds

    -she's still smiling, but you might have noticed the corners of her lips fall. just a bit. she is smiling solely out of politeness' sake now-

    Oh. Well, that just sounds...ravishing.

    -one of the hands is forming a mudra idly. she glares at it with one of her three faces. stop that you. we are trying to be polite here-
    • Like x 3
  20. scopusQuarrels

    scopusQuarrels Leirus Akkadi, Heir of Rage | 18+

    Leirus, 7ha7'z my name. I do 7he video game 7hing for a living.

    WOW!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!
    • Like x 1
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