shitposting rave 3: Dawn of the third rave

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by the fourth wall, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    You want it out, right?
  2. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

  3. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    -takes a step, and is very suddenly right next to him- Do you want to keep it? Or would you rather have it removed? -her voice isn't actually any louder, just bigger somehow-
  4. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    its FINE, im the CHOSEN ONE, i can do ANYTHING. if i vwanted it out itd be out.
    • Like x 1
  5. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    -blinks, expression blank as a very blank thing. A yes or no answer may work better. Maybe-
    • Like x 1
  6. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    vwill you GO AVWAY already.
  7. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "I'll tell her! And ... don't be embarrassed. You should be proud! A baby is the proof that the Universe wants to keep going."

    "I do know Clover. That Norm is my friend and he lives in my house." Ford smiles.

    "Sure, I'd be glad to know what you mean by 'apotheosis'."
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  8. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    -steps away and is back over by babby Norm. The knife, however, is left in her place. Not like she left it there- she hadn't touched it since it vanished the first time. Just there. Sticking in the ground where she was. Because that's not unsettling or anything-
    • Like x 1
  9. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    Bet @Norm the Genie a fiver he never thought he'd hear that a week ago.
    • Like x 1
  10. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    In your house?

    *giggles* Are you sure he's just a friend?
  11. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *sighs* *hands a five over to moira*
  12. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    -GRINS as she pockets it- And now a lesson: the correct answer was "fuck you, no bet." Never accept a wager you know you'll lose. Or one you don't already know you'll win.
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  13. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    vwhat if you knowv youre going to vwin evwery vwager but the other people alvways cheat.
    • Like x 1
  14. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *laughs* Eh. You were right, and objects aren't real in here anyway, so... what the heck. Might as well give you the cash.
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  15. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    Their cheating is ineffeckive.
    • Like x 1
  16. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    i vwish.
  17. The Unspoken Lady

    The Unspoken Lady Orchid covered deadwood breeze 18+

    I don't believe you were present when I explained; "gods" on Ethus are simply powerful Spirits, though many are worshipped because of that power. Because my siblings and I were all spirit-touched, we became more spirit than human, and the spirits we became were strong. Strong enough we could alter things outside of our spheres of influence, which is the technical marker for godhood, and when we demanded a place for ourselves and our kind we were granted it. At the edge of the aphotic zone, true, but we made do. We are also worshipped, because only the five-to-seven of us became gods so we had to do something about the whole "underwater" thing. We splintered the spirit-touched we could gather into another species, more suitable for ocean living, though many live above ground as well.
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  18. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    We call that "being a sad sack" and recommend you stay away from competition in general.
    • Like x 2
  19. Smol Norm the Genie

    Smol Norm the Genie babby genie|18+

    *hand raises into the air, preparing to snap*

    *he looks at it, realizes he doesn't have to grant the wish*

    *lowers his hand back down*
    • Like x 2
  20. crocellsApostate2

    crocellsApostate2 the better cronus

    im not a sad sack.
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