Gravity Falls!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Another episode down and the next appearance of the mysterious triangles. And Mabel trying to be more serious, poor kid. Growing up and dealing with peer pressure is always tough.

    Also- "Well, I haven't learned anything!" I bet money that's gonna be important later.
  2. And now there's time travel. Man I hate time travel, it ruins everything I like. But I do appreciate the paradoxical humor.
  3. "I am Questiony the question mark!" Oh my god that was hilarious.

    Hmm. How much does Stan know about the weird stuff happening? How much of his seeming ignorance is actual ignorance, and how much is an act? What is causing all this stuff, anyway? None of it even seems to be related.
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  4. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    You really don't want me to answer this. Just keep watching!

    I...don't think Grenda is trans (unless you mean she's a trans girl; I really really do not think Grenda is a boy of any kind). If you still think otherwise after you've watched "Northwest Mansion Mystery", let me know! But you've a way to go. :)
  5. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Everybody in this show had to deal with moral choices they were way too young to make, even if it's just in the mysterious backstory!

    Gravity Falls is totally a show about people having to deal with shit they just were totally not prepared for even if they thought they were and went to school for it and everything.
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  6. And now there's two kinds of cloning!

    (and yes I do mean Grenda is a trans girl, I could've worded that more specifically)

    They are tackling a lot of issues that actually make me kind of uncomfortable. Everything to do with Gideon, for starters. His "nice guy" act towards Mabel reminds me of me when I started liking girls, thank goodness I'm over that hurdle, while his abuse of his parents reminds me of my little sister. And Mabel and Dipper are trying to grow up over the summer before they turn 13, and it's... not working how they thought it would.
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  7. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Gideon is pretty villainous. I'm sure you weren't THAT much like him!
  8. You underestimate how much I hate myself. :P
  9. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Hating yourself does not give you the most accurate perceptions of yourself though.
  10. (shrugs)

    So, just finished the last two episodes of season one. Got to meet Bill, and I still fail to understand why my sister thinks he's so amazing. He's a dime a dozen trickster with magic powers. Also, we're finally going to learn more about the journals and what Stan is keeping in the hidden room. What the heck is going on here?

    Also, how many episodes are there in season two, and how many are multi-part episodes or hour-long specials?
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  11. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    The episode where a lot of people (including me) went apeshit for Cipher is near the beginning of season two (episode 4), and a lot of people (including me) still don't know fully why. The atmosphere of that episode was so delicious to me that I personally sperged about it but it's still a great mystery to me. Why the heck am I so into this? A lot of it is blurry in retrospect

    I think the only true special/multi-part in season two is the finale, which was three episodes sometimes billed as one or two. All in all it should be exactly as long as the first season was, 20 episodes, it's just the way the finale was marketed that makes it look weird. And even the finale, since it took so long to air, can be watched as separate episodes, it's just that you know there are bigger hurdles to jump over in the next one.

    EDIT: One thing that's nice to know is that Gideon really is the season one villain and doesn't carry nearly as much narrative weight in season two. He's there but much less important.
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  12. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    That's what you're supposed to think.
  13. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Also I personally am a massive sucker for tricksters, so :P
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  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Wasn't episode 4 when the whole transcendence AU thing got started? I remember looking at it waaaaay in the beginning and now it is so big!
  15. I appreciate how the show is taking time in season 2 to develop more minor characters. Seeing Wendy be all badass when the kids went to the lab in the tree was great, and Soos trying to find a date for his cousin's engagement party was really fun. I also really liked Giffany, for some reason characters who I see as being like her (a certain level of crazy) are very appealing to me.

    I have now seen two episodes with Bill- the one from season one, and the puppet show episode. And honestly? Still not getting it. He's still a standard trickster. He has some kind of long-term scheme, which is more than most of them can say, but I don't see the appeal. I mean, he didn't even keep his end of the bargain with Dipper after he possessed his body. He didn't follow through but prevent him from getting what he wanted (by, say, entering the password and then deleting it anyway), he just smashed the laptop. You're supposed to bend the deal, not break it.
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  16. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Bill is completely an asshole. I don't see the appeal either. But he is more powerful than he seems at this point in the series. That's all I'm going to say.
  17. Just saw the episode with Soos' birthday and got sad. Poor guy.
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  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I don't even really understand what that is. I joined the fandom way too late for it.

    I actually saw DD&MD before I saw any of the other episodes and watched the whole first season wondering where the hell the hot one went until someone explained to me that he hadn't shown up yet.
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  19. "The hot one" meaning who exactly? Do you mean the dorito? :P
  20. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Oh g-d no!!!

    I mean Ford.
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