Hey reminder to folks to allow your address to be used in sending you item! You'll need to go into 'list settings' then click the details on the list you want and add an address. It'll be kept private. But if you don't select one, people can't send you items!
yes. shiny. but i want to own things other than shiny in my life. #kicking myself for not hitting up the bargain priced halloween glow in the dark polish tbqh #oh well i was broke
I know I'm not really a well-known Kintsugijin (Kintsujin? lol, I'm not even sure of the term), but I have an etsy wishlist now.
Thank you to however sent me Rewind and his fellow Casstte! I will post pictures and squee when the death paluge leaves me
Does anyone know if steam removes things from wishlists when you buy them for people? Pretty sure amazon doesn't
Welp, I added my amazon and etsy wishlist (after condensing down like three tiny amazon wishlists into one). I'll probably add my steam at some point, but not right now because it's still filled with horror games from back when I was really into horror games and I just haven't had the guts to clear it out.
FYI I have sent a lot of gifts. If you get an amazon package from a 'Shaina' it from me. Also there are ebooks and Steams games set to go out on Christmas Eve. ^^
and here we see @Allenna, a proud and abso-frickin-lutely wonderful Emissary Of Holiday Cheer. the santa oracle holds you in great respect. *salutes* thank you for doing your part to make 2016 less terrible.