shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    Very possible. Have you ever known you were dreaming? And then you could take control? It's like that. This place is like a dream, so all you have to do is will it so. If you're not used to making things happen by will alone it'll take practice, but I'm a witch so... -takes a sip-
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  2. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Onyx belatedly joins the toasting with a (very large) flute of something vibrantly orange and radioactive.] To problems, a multiversal constant.
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  3. Cassie Volante

    Cassie Volante hack-ass hacker

    So. . . is that any different from being in the matrix? I make things happen in the matrix by willing them. Does that make me a witch? Holy shit, Reed, I'm a fuckin' witch. Hell yeah.

    [She furrows her brow, focuses for a few seconds; an orange falls into her hand]

    I. . . was aiming for a screwdriver but this is acceptable too, I. . . guess. . .
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  4. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    I don't know what the matrix is, but it sounds like the concept is the same, yes. Making thought reality.
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  5. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [It would be rude to laugh at baby's first summoning. Onyx hides her smile in her drink, and only speaks once she has her faces back under control.] Practice will help you learn the 'feel' of dreamspace; it's unfortunately hard to explain in technical terms, at least from my own frame of reference. Until then, enjoy your oranges.
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  6. Cassie Volante

    Cassie Volante hack-ass hacker

    [Cassie looks Onyx right in the eye (damn, holy shit, that is certainly a Large Robot,) and very slowly takes a bite out of the orange as if it were an apple.]

    So. You're definitely a robot.
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  7. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    I prefer 'mechanoid', as 'robot' has implications of nonpersonhood in my home plane, but yes. Onyx Prime of Eukaris, Seer of the Thirteen. [She doesn't question biting into the orange. For all she knows dream magic has rendered its peel soft and sweet as the fruit itself.]
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  8. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    At least you managed to summon something. When I was learning to control my dreams most of the time things would just fizzle out... -she looks briefly mournful-
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  9. Cassie Volante

    Cassie Volante hack-ass hacker

    @Onyx Prime Interesting! Interesting. So, like, are there any organic squishy parts in there? Or is it nuts n bolts through and through? Are you an AI? Are these questions intrusive, my bad? [The peel is not soft or sweet. But she soldiers on.]

    @Rayineen In. . . my world? Plane? Whatever, I practically live in spaces like this, so it's not a huge deal.
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  10. Reed Castor

    Reed Castor lives on the b-side | 18+

    (reed looks at the glass in her hand as if she is surprised) would you look at that! it just showed up there. practically fate.

    and i'm still better at this than you. (she winks, finishes off the glass and disappears it) i'd offer you a drink, but aren't you, like, sixteen?
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  11. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    [Amused:] My intelligence is questionably artificial, but I rather think when the creator of said intelligence is a deity with matter- and energy-creation powers even in physical realms I think the distinction becomes rather moot. I am mostly metal with some... hm, 'plastics' is close enough; all are my natural components, and in mechanoid species these tend to draw their composite materials from fuel or alloy intake, much as organic species take proteins and such from their own food to build up their bodies. The questions might be intrusive, but I am perfectly willing to answer what I can until I am called away.
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  12. Buttbot

    Buttbot the clown dabbled in robuttics

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  13. Bianca

    Bianca [WT/18+/NS] thylacine without portfolio

    Bianca pads over to the pillow pile and lies down with the children, then falls asleep herself.
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  14. Teal Grub

    Teal Grub not actually a grub anymore

    *The teal wiggler has their own pillow pile, consisting of @Pillow Monster.*
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  15. juice

    juice sleepy aspiring entrepreneur

    ...'landeau's a good enough pillow for me....
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  16. Oilygarch

    Oilygarch Member

    *Yet another Cronus has spawned.*
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  17. This Was A Triumph

    This Was A Triumph huge success

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  18. BotBot

    BotBot Beep Boop i like to learn

    -A tiny robot arrives-

    H E L L O :)
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  19. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Stars and void, they have another reproductive method. Anyone else want to see how this one integrates with the extant... shoal? Pack? Budding? Welcome!

    Hello to you too!
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  20. Oilygarch

    Oilygarch Member

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