Forest Run: Warrior Cats DnD (OOC/Planning)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by keltka, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    oh right lol it's been way too long since i read these books :P
  2. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Ah shoot, I need to add in a description about Cloverpaw @_@ but yeah, that's about right! Amberpaw might end up being the oldest one ^ ^
  3. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    OKAY I actually managed to figure out a way to get the character sheet all done!


    Rhinopaw is unusually stout for a RiverClan cat. He has a broken (and therefore crooked) tail which was an injury he received as a new apprentice when his tail got crushed between two rocks. As a result, he was forced to spend several days/weeks in the Medicine Cat Den, where he befriended the Medicine Cat and eventually began helping just so he had something to do. This led to him beginning to question whether being a Warrior was truly what he wanted to do, and often spending much of his free time in the Medicine Cat den. He's fairly quiet most of the time, unless he truly has something to say in which case he tends to be fairly blunt and straightforward. His sense of humor is pretty dry and sarcastic. But despite everything, if there's something he really believes in, he will stand up for it with everything he has.

    His Warrior mentor, at the moment, is Duskstorm, a lynx point siamese tom (aka siamese/tabby mix).
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  4. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Alrighty let's do this!



    Amberpaw is fiercely proud of being a ShadowClan cat, and will defend her Clan’s reputation and choices to a fault. She’s a smaller cat than most of the best fighters, and doesn’t have any ambition to lead her clan in the future, but she wants to become as strong as possible to defend and support her clan. Her mentor, Sootfur, has a much more relaxed personality to compliment her eagerness, whom she looks up to despite being frustrated by his slower pace of things sometimes.

    So am I the only non-riverclan cat so far?
    edit: whoops i totally misread one bio and missed the windclan one- nevermind i'm just rounding out our Clan experience :3

    She's from a litter of two- her sister, Tornpaw had to stay in the medicine cat den for several moons after an incident almost destroyed one of her front paws, only becoming a full apprentice a moon ago. She is Even More Determined to be awesome for her sister's sake.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
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  5. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @amberbydreams (point one I NEARLY TAGGED YOU AS AMBERPAW OH GOSH and point two) yeah!! we've hit a Fully Diverse Patrol which I am HECKA pleased with ^ ^ 2x thunderclan, and one each of the others!

    I actually know someone who's thinking of joining, but they're not sure whiiiich clan they wanna go for, so we might be doubling down in a couple of places!

    also—if two people are in the same clan, I recommend you swap some info back and forth, to help you build up a better base for who's who!
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  6. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Whoo! All the Clans! But especially ShadowClan cause they're the best! >:3c
    (i'll probly make a subaccount for amberpaw tbh :3 she is essentially a modification of my original self-insert, so it is heart-warming to be referred to as her tbh cx)
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  7. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    I'll probably make Pansypaw a subaccount too just because I like Clean And Neat rp experiences and for some reason subaccount feels right.

    I am totally down for Talkin with people who are Riverclan or have Riverclan backstory for stuff with Pansypaw. I love having characters know each other... it's so good....
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  8. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    How many subaccounts can we do?? y'all are going to tempt me to make one each for the leaders or something :|

    I'll defs make a cloverpaw one though ^ ^
  9. aleric

    aleric dude of guy

    hello friends! i am super interested in this and id love to join if that's alright! i will read the rules and flesh out a couple of characters in the morning, though. im super elderly (except not really, haha) and its three hours past my bedtime.
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  10. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Also, @Void, I do have a RiverClan NPC set up, and I'll post some Basic Leader Personality Info in the morning—if you guys have more questions about them, let me know!

    ...and I need to make a mentor for Cloverpaw so that's a Morning Thing too
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  11. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    also go to bed.
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  12. Amberpaw

    Amberpaw Loyal apprentice of ShadowClan!

    -is ready to fight >:3-
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  13. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    you could make a subaccount that is for all the clan leaders! instead of separating it out.

    Oh! Okay coolio! I'll probably ask about stuff not right now because I am kind of out of it.
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  14. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @Void Rhinopaw is in RiverClan! So he could probably know Pansypaw :3 I can see him being one of the ones who is just like "so what if their parents are from different clans :I love is love. It's kinda sad actually cuz they can't see each other regularly"

    Edit: shit I got things mixed up
    this is what I get for doing like three things at once at 2 in the morning

    ..... also I will probably make a subaccount in the morning. If I can remember to, lol.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
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  15. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    gently nudges silverstripe at both of you before passing THE FUCK out
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  16. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    im probably gonna doodle him tomorrow but for now the cat creator reference will do!

    Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 11.17.28 PM.png Mosspaw is enthusiastic about everything. He probably shaved a good 8 moons off his mother's life by constantly trying to sneak out of the nursery before he was ready. Has two small scars over left eye because the first time he was allowed out of the nursery he barreled right into a boulder. The whole camp saw, but he's hoping eventually they'll forget and he can use the scars to score points for being a Tough Guy. He has a habit of wandering off and getting completely lost ("exploring"), but eventually is always able to find his way back again. Likes to chase butterflies, look under every rock, and is easily distracted. Mosspaw wants to become a warrior because he looks up to them, and being a warrior sounds super fun. He idealizes the grandeur of fighting, and thinks he's really cool for finally being an apprentice, but in reality is very physically uncoordinated and would rather run from conflict than towards it. Also once he got his ass kicked by a rabbit (shhh).

    He's named Mosspaw because it was his mother's first time having kits and the moss they had in the nursery was SO SOFT and SO NICE that she had to commemorate it permanently in the name of one of her kits.
    i think i did this right? please ignore random highlighting
    Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 11.22.53 PM.png

    eta: i made a mentor! meet brightfur
    View attachment 21529 - idk img isn't working, basically a cream/white/tan shortfur cat

    Tired (tm)
    5000000% done with Mosspaw's shit, but has a not so secret soft spot for him. Once had to save Mosspaw from a rabbit.

    An older warrior, has seen her share of territory scuffles. Calm and diplomatic. The clan leader hopes some of this will rub off on Mosspaw. No luck yet, but she keeps trying. Is often the cat equivalent of the lineface emoji.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
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  17. Mosspaw

    Mosspaw Rabbitcruncher

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  18. Pansypaw

    Pansypaw Riverclan Apprentice

  19. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Oops haha yeah that's not them! But yesss Rhinopaw and Pansypaw probably would know each other and we should totally discuss this sometime.
  20. Minkpaw

    Minkpaw New Member

    (frantic whispering) It's against!! the warrior code!!!
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