No, seriously, I have a presentation tomorrow that I should be preparing for. Anywho, hi! I'm Re. You may or may not recognize me from Seebs' blog as the frequent contributor of the same name and avatar. (Actually you can find me most places under this name.) Here's my list of things even though it's not required: 22 (as of last Monday!) Student (almost done???) Cis Female Puerto Rican From Florida and also Pittsburgh because school. (Fun fact: I lived in 25+ houses/apartments before I was 20 years old, but I claim those two places the most.) Identifying as Queer, here meaning: ???sexual, YesRomantic, Wait What's the Difference Again I Haven't Figured It Out Yet <3 - single, <> - taken, c3< - the world Maybe Probably Autistic and ADHD But Needs Tests Done Because Reasons, Depressed and Anxious, with PTSD the PTSD stems from my father/sperm donor/whathaveyou which I will probably post about in detail on the abuse thread and not here. Christian, but has been questioning all sorts of stuff. I generally like how Seebs and Jesse go about it, and am attempting that. Okay, cool! I'm super excited for this and I'm generally bad with about me's but oh well. I'm currently a Linguistics major with a CS minor. Plz talk to me about languages I want to learn them all (yes, even the made up ones). I also craft a lot! I generally try to crochet/cross-stitch to stim, otherwise I end up picking at my nails. I read a lot more when I was younger than I do now, but give me all your fantasy things! I'd call myself a gamer if I had more time to do actual gaming. I love almost everything fandom and my current main one is Homestuck. I used to write for cathartic reasons, but I'm told it was pretty good! I'm in kind of a drought atm but I'd like to try my hand at writing fic, or getting back into my original story, or maybe trying to come up with a new one. Dream Jobs include: Sell craft things at conventions and make enough money to travel to conventions and live off that. A cog in the machine, please no more school thank you. Psychologist/Therapist maybe?? (help that goes against my no school rule). Anything that gets me financially and mentally stable enough that I can adopt/foster/unofficially house people who need out of abusive situations (or just unpleasant ones, even). And yeah, that's all I've got so far. EDIT: Oh, yeah! You can probably find me most places under ReAllyssa. Including tumblr, flightrising, and uh, I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them atm. Except for Neopets. I hadn't switched over to this un yet, so there I'm re_15
LANGUAGES What is your favorite language? (This one time I tried to learn dark elvish but ran out of motivation.) Also well done on being 22! I am also 22.
LINGUISTICS. Aaaaah I envy you. You'd be my favorite if there wasn't someone who did glasswork on here that I gave the position to already. If you stuck with that angle you could probably do speech therapy/pathology pretty easily? It'd probably still be Some School, but less school than getting a whole 'nother degree in psych.
PERSON!!!! [what name are you using here?? Astro?] -------- LANGUAGES!!! Ahhh I can't pick a favorite! D= I know the most about Spanish and Japanese, currently. For conlangs, I know some (like 10 words) Esperanto, and I really liked Navi (from the little look I got into it)! I'm aiming to be fluent in Spanish, and get a better handle on Japanese, and I have Interests in Hebrew too. Huzzah for 22! ---- Ahhh so close! xD And, I dunno I say I'm a Linguist but then I hang out with the other Linguists here and I don't feel like it much. xD Yeah, that's what I've been tentatively thinking. The plan right now is to finish what I've got, and then maybe look at Career stuff later, after I'm more stable. ---- (I probably should've spread this out into multiple posts...)
nah, still jane. it just seemed simpler not to bother mentioning? esp considering you're probably the only one here who'd know/remember my actual name. XP i don't care much if peeps use that or astro or astrodynamicist. *shrug*
Same here. Certainly the "Really" part. I think I pretty much turned the "SSA" into just a sound, however.
hi! i'm a linguistics major too and i love it. if the part of psychology/therapy that appeals is helping people, have you considered speech language pathology? it seems to be what most of my peers are aiming for, and there's a definite market. mind you, it goes against the no more school thing...
EHEHEHE yeah, I realized that that's one parse of my un a while ago xD I've also come to accept people pronouncing it "ray" (as in the note) instead of "reee" (as in reply) I hope it'd be more obvious in places where the capitalization comes thorugh? ReAllyssa? SIGH MY NAME NEVER GETS PARSED CORRECTLY! xDDD (Edit: "reee" is the correct pronunciation if anyone cares. I realized that could've been ambiguous.) ------- Okay, just checking. Ahem. JANE!!!!! :DDD
Huh! I always read it as "Real Allyssa", but my brain has a habit of adding extra letters to things, so.
Hi! Yeah, I've thought about it! I haven't really looked into it at all, though. Atm I'm focusing surviving school. Career is something for Future Me to worry about. (and maybe Future Me may be able to handle more school. Who knows!) On the subjects of jobs, I've been told I'd make a good teacher, it just doesn't pay... much at all. xP
Oh, I'm going to add as a edit: You can probably find me most places under ReAllyssa. Including tumblr, flightrising, and uh, I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them atm. Except for Neopets. (and maybe Gaia?), I was still using re_15 then.
Ahahaha, scooped you! >:D For real though, Lingustics/CS is a hell of an awesome subject combo. likewise
A subject combo with a long history, too. Plenty of CS pioneers were linguists as a secondary academic interest.
So the story of my major is as follows: In high school they really harped on "PICK A THING!!! BUT MAKE SURE IT'S MARKETABLE" so I was like "I have no problem sitting at a computer for 10 hours a day and code looks like a puzzle to me, so sure why not!" So I applied to CS at a very difficult school. Got waitlisted. Got into Engineering though. Went "eh ECE (electrical computer engineering) sounds similar enough!" Took the intro ECE course. Said "OH GOD NOT THIS." Took an intro to Material Science course, which while interesting, I discovered I am NOT an engineer, so also not that. Spent sophomore year in major limbo while I tried to get the CS internal transfer requirements under my belt. Did okay, but not good enough, and I did TERRIBLE in the theory class (which is notorious for being hard and also a weeder so I'm happy I passed tbh). Our CS department requires that CS students have a minor too (which is terrible why make these poor kids have more stress is beyond me), so I also started on linguistics because languages have always been "ooh shiny!!" for me (you would think this would've been a sign). So, midway through Junior year, I find out for sure that I can't get into CS, so I just switched them. I already had 2/3rd of the CS minor done, so I might as well finish that. And I had a fair bit of linguistics done too. Now, I know that I probably should've started with linguistics in the first place (omg language guys), but eh, hindsight, 20/20, blah blah blah. So it's mostly a happy coincidence that computational linguistics is a thing I could potentially do. xD
Yoooo, good to see you around here! I figured out the right way to parse your name a while back, but now that you're specifying "reee" all I can think of is S'reee from the Young Wizards books. In whose case the "reee" is pronounced as a rising whistle. Because she's a humpback whale. I'm not sure I'm going anywhere with this observation.
I did put it in my about on tumblr somewhere, but I have no idea when I did that and if it was easy to find. xD @bramblepatch I'm not sure either, but it's interesting nonetheless!