Forest Run: Warrior Cats DnD (OOC/Planning)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by keltka, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    PM sounds good but I might not reply quickly because i have school tomorrow, and it's kinda late rn so I'm about to go to bed, but I'm excited for tomorrow!
    • Like x 2
  2. The Leaders

    The Leaders Leaders of the Five Clans

  3. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    (are we skipping turn order for the beginning?)
  4. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Yup! Turn order'll come into play once we split into patrols! Mainly because maintaining turn order for 8 players sounds like Hell
    • Like x 1
  5. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    okay sweet! i'll post there as soon as i can. also apologies if i ever get a bit wordy in my replies :V
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  6. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    does it matter if we write in past/present tense? i usually do present tense for fanfic but i can switch to past if that's what everyone else is doing? idk
  7. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    I think most everyone's been using past tense? as far as I know it's a p common RP stylistic thing!
  8. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I've been writing a fic in present all day, so i'll PROBABLY slip up, lol
  9. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @ Everyone, if your cat's a bit older, it's highly likely they might have run into the other apprentices at LEAST once beforeā€”so anyone 7 and up might have met at a gathering, unless this is their first one!
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  10. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I'm fine with people using whatever style feels most comfortable to them *shrugs*

    I'm also working with the idea that Rhinopaw might have SEEN the other apprentices but just hasn't talked to them yet because he's kind of quiet and I'm wary about just being like "OH YEAH TOTALLY I KNOW YOU" because... idk it just feels wonky to me unless it was decided on beforehand?
    • Like x 2
  11. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Makes sense! It might be good to hash that out in this thread, if it'd help?
  12. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Pansypaw regardless of level of actually knowing someone, will probably react like they are best friends with everyone.

    They're terrible at not being overly friendly
    • Like x 3
  13. aleric

    aleric dude of guy

    i love every single cat in this rp
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  14. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one


    (also pansypaw sounds adorable wtf wtf)
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  15. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    i love pansy... they're so cute....

    what a goofy little enby cat
  16. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    ahh im kinda late posting, sorry i had to go out unexpectadly and stuff didn't save as draft so i couldnt work on it until i got homeD:
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  17. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

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  18. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @raybot Mosspaw can have crashed into Cloverpaw!
    She...just crashed into a tree.
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  19. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    • Like x 4
  20. Cloverpaw

    Cloverpaw WindClan Apprentice

    • Like x 2
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