shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    [He muses vaguely]
    There are many who would loathe this kind of presumptuous authoritarian approach.
  2. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Ugh, TELL me about it.

    ...and that's why I'm not allowed to interact with Tainell.
    • Like x 1
  3. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    [He nods, looking ridiculous amounts of proud for just a split second before he can push the impulse down. She isn't part of his court yet. He does not have a right to expressing this as if she were]
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  4. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    An interesting approach, keeping dissenting opinions from the ruler currently in absolute amount of power. One would assume a good and reasoned ruler is able to deal with such criticism.
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  5. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I mean to be fair I'm 14 and I once threw a plate in Mabel's general direction and screamed a lot.
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  6. Venus

    Venus older than you

    theres also the question of vwhether those dissenting opinions amount to ridiculous things like 'there arent enough girls here, do something about that' or not.
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  7. Primus

    Primus It's tough to be a God

    -he bomps him on the shoulder- Trying to cheer you up, you aft. Should've known better!
    -shrinks himself down, climbs Unicron's back and perches on his shoulder-
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  8. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "There's a lot of history that you don't know there, Unicron. Our planet was almost sold out from under us by a bunch of people who only cared about money, and they spent a lot of money to spread their lies throughout the Imperium in order to get people to vote to deliver themselves to their investors."

    He glances at Clover. "Clover, when you understand enough about what happened to have an opinion based in the facts and not the ideals you were taught, I'll be happy to let you talk to Tainell. You can talk to Tainell right now if you really, really want to...he's sitting at my dinner table! Although I think he's busy flirting with Moira, which will make him even crankier if you interrupt him. But I think you and Tainell will have a better conversation after you understand what really happened."
    • Like x 2
  9. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    I mean Hitler got democratically elected so I'm not saying there's not a point, but then I'd have to explain who Hitler is to Tainell and that's depressing dinner conversation.
    • Like x 2
  10. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -he sits and rubs his ear, bashful with everyone looking at him- Yes! I just. Don´t laugh if if it doesn´t work.
    -he seems to stretch upwards, his plating opening and moving around accompanied by the sound of metal sliding on metal, parts shifting and licking into place.-
    Oh! It worked! -the Mech now standing before then is humanoid, though he still has his tail. His eyes are large and violet, and the lower half of his face sports cheekholes and fangs, making it kind of intimidating to look at.
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  11. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    Whoa! You did it! What do you think of thumbs?
  12. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Ford chuckles. "Yes. Yes, it is. Especially not since my mother came to the United States when she was a child in order to get away from Hitler."
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
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  13. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Oh! Okay, see, I wasn't sure if you had any connections there but, yeah. Obviously the will of the people can go really really bad sometimes, especially if you've got loud assholes intimidating everyone else.

    But like, I don't want to discuss politics in any way other than theoretically for now, anyway?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
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  14. Deirdre of the Lantern

    Deirdre of the Lantern The living are not my purview [18+]

    That is... not what I intended to express.
    (Deirdre rubs the bridge of her nose, attempting to reword)
    Intended as, the question I have are honest questions. That discussion has been cropping up now and then in my home universe as well, and these are questions that have not been sufficiently answered yet. Thusly worded as "logistics".
  15. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    "They´re- -he takes a step forwards and promptly looses his balances and falls on his face- Aah! How do you walk on just two legs?
  16. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    -She helps him right himself.-

    Carefully. Here, balance off of me while you get the hang of it. And there's no shame if you want to use your root to get around!
  17. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    "Good," says Ford. "When you understand what happened, and you do want to talk about it, you can talk to Tainell all you want, provided he's not busy doing something else. But please do not throw things at him or swear at him. You can swear in front of him--he swears a lot too--but not at him. Okay? He would not know what to do with himself if you threw a plate at him. He doesn't throw fourteen-year-olds out windows, but he has his own anger management issues, and I don't want the two of you setting each other off and yelling like the square root of your mutual ages' lowest common denominator."
    • Like x 3
  18. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    These are facts and yet they do not detract from any points you may or may not have. Your opinion should still be fairly considered
    I never said all dissenting opinions are fair or reasoned, simply that they deserve to be expressed and heard.
    Brother, I am a black hole for cheer and positive emotion, you should know that best.
    [He doesn't sound like he is serious though and is in fact vaguely smirking. He is having fun, encouraging rebelliousness]
    I hardly claimed I knew all the facts or even that it would be right to be offended by such authority, merely that people were likely to be offended. I rarely let myself have opinions on the ways mortals do politics.

    [He solemnly recites a Phrase in the Primal Vernacular]
    <Your form is a gift that shall serve your means forevermore>
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  19. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    People still have a right to not like it if I scream it, though.
  20. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Didn't we all throw fits at fourteen? I seem to recall growing into my dragon alt and attempting to literally bite someone's head off for no good reason.

    Oh, look at you! [Again, the impression of a smile; her ears pick up, and she noses gently at the fallen not-kitten.] Being bipedal is hard, no shame in needing practice.
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