shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    Your ownerssss were human, yesss? Burn the treesssss. Fuck Humanssss.

    In bed.

    -Allows this because honestly he doesn't care.-
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  2. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [He lets this happen. He's a candle now. The prettiest candle. Fire cannot hurt a dragon an idiot.]
    But I'm already on fire and I don't wanna mooooove
    [Scanner waggles his eyebrows]
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  3. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia giggles)
    One wouldn't kow with Scelus being so bright.
    Aww, thank you. But yours is sturdier, I think.
    (Apostasia swivels a bit. One of the gingerbread ornaments falls off. The bells and windchimes attached to her ring quietly)
  4. Switchblade of Scelus

    Switchblade of Scelus The Great Enforcer | 18+

    Might be bu' I think i'd rather be jinglin' merr'ly with ev'ry step like you darlin'.
    [He grins.]
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  5. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    [Gleeful cackling. In bed.]

    What kind of poor excuse for a rebel are you.
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  6. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    Fuck youuuuuuu I'm on vacation from rebelling that's how prison works right it's a paid vacation from life of crime
    [He flops over lazily, his head still burning]
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  7. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    I don't know. I skipped that lesson in Crime School, where we learn crime.

    [He starts pegging him with tiny paper triangles. Watch them go up in flaaaaaames. It's a Christmas Miracle.]
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  8. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    You went to school? Fuckin' Bourgeoise ass.
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  9. Vermilion

    Vermilion Must've been bad | 18+

    -Flops himself down-

    I dare both of you to sssset fire to water, or to ssssit on me and calm yourselvessss
  10. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [Scanner summons a bucket of water-looking fluid. he dunks his head in. The bucket goes up in flames]
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  11. Diamond

    Diamond The Artist Formerly Known As K'lat |18+

    Ooooooh sorry mister naturally gifted some of us have to LEARN crimes, we can't all be talented and devilishly handsome.
    [With a gleeful shriek, he tackles Scanner And The Flaming Bucket. And also catches fire.]
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  12. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [Scanner cackles and proceeds rolling around, clinging to Diamond. Tumbling ball of burning dorks.]
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  13. Rayineen

    Rayineen Fields and trees match the damage and frills 18+

    -she finishes her dance and appears a bonfire. Instead of summoning it already burning she summons a stick, which she pokes the ball of burning dorks with, then uses to light the fire. The wood is fragrant and unearthly, a rot note underneath the sweet-
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  14. Suspicious Feline

    Suspicious Feline 100% bonafide cat

    thats kinky but get the fuck off me.
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  15. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (She's smiling coquettishly)
    Oh, I'm sure we can arrange that.
  16. Suspicious Feline

    Suspicious Feline 100% bonafide cat

    BESIDES, its not like you can push a rabbit back into a hat. pandoras dick in a box has already been opened, so to speak.
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  17. Switchblade of Scelus

    Switchblade of Scelus The Great Enforcer | 18+

    What'cha got in mind?
    [He leans against a wall. Look at the cool guy with his star stickers. So cool]
  18. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    im listening.
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  19. Apostasia of Tetrahex

    Apostasia of Tetrahex бабушка утконос [18+]

    (Apostasia giggles, climbs up Switchblade as she is wont to to, and hangs some bell ornaments off him)
  20. Switchblade of Scelus

    Switchblade of Scelus The Great Enforcer | 18+

    [He lets himself get climbed, smiling fondly. Bell ornaments are gonna be the next trend in Scelus, heard it here first, cats.]
    Awww thanks f'r prettyin' me up.
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