Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    see, this makes a lot of sense to me. I can totally see this being a thing. Rose doesn't peg me as assassin, ever--but Yellow definitely pegs me as the type to just....overlook something if she thought it would help her at all. and if she would've been glad to see Pink gone, or even to just suffer some....well....
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  2. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Can I just say that the Famethyst made me SUPER HAPPY? Like, the entire Quartz group being friends and all boisterous little shits and such.

    (dumb headcanon: amethyst got their magical gem cell phone numbers and they text back and forth a lot)
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  3. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yellow is very expansionist and military and Blue is not. Yellow might have gotten worse as a result of pink's death, but she's probably always had those base traits. If Pink had opposing policies, and it seems she did to some extent, then as much personal grief as her death might have caused Yellow, there's a definite political advantage. While Blue is being drippy (ha!) enough here that it weighs Yellow down, Blue being too distracted to work against Yellow could also be an advantage.
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    It... seems oddly lonely to be a Diamond.
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  6. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I mean....I honestly would have expected that.
    they're at the very top. they're controlling everything. but there's only three of them, they're probably busy with their own duties, and....they're so powerful and supposedly perfect that they're estranged from their subjects. they kind of did it to themselves,'s still a thing that exists.
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    No wonder

    Blue reacted so strongly to Greg sympathizing with her as an equal.
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  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    yeah, really. especially since the other Diamond who's talking to her about it as far as we know is...not sympathizing at all. she's chiding Blue for grieving. that can't feel of the only two Gems she's on the same level with according to Homeworld not only does not sympathize, she also sings an entire song about how Blue basically needs to move on from Pink so she can serve her purpose again. "have a use".
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    But who can provide therapy for a Diamond? Time to grab in Rung from Transformers, I guess.
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  10. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    man, i really feel like we hit the nail on the head when we explored Gem society in Escape from Homeworld...
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  11. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Skimming thread in hopes of a streaming link, no luck yet. Here I go to The Googles
  12. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I think KissCartoon has them
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  13. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion



    The repeated crying is interesting
    and uh
    something about that lone tree reminds me of the space within Lion

    "it's lucky something has some information that I don't have to get out of them

    "you can't go because i can't go with you"
    aww garnet, that sounds like more of that wanting to protect him stuff
    "shoot now I made it more interesting"

    The proximity tears thing is really interesting
    It seems more and more like Rose really, really did not want to do whatever she did to Pink Diamond. Grief.
    ...I wonder how a conversation between Rose and Jasper would have gone, if the homeworld gems had come 15 years earlier. Long enough for her to be touched by the closeness with Greg and all, but before Steven.

    "STAY OUT"

    "Poor Pink. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should have done more... Yellow says it'll all be over soon. I wonder what you would think. This is your planet, after all... I still think it is."
    (Does someone else not think it's still Pink's?)

    "You know, I really shouldn't be here"

    ....Wait, BD doesn't know that the cluster's been neutralized? Interesting.

    "But I'm glad I came back, one last time. I can save one last piece of her legacy"

    Oh dear. Garnet couldn't risk any of the gems being there, since they'd be recognized and be fucked against a diamond. But
    it wouldn't be a problem if BD saw Steven? Or else...?
    Well, who the fuck knows what possibilities she saw before running with this timeline.
    "When I still served--" SIDEGLANCE "--Homeworld"
    DANG IT PEARL Just tell us which of the diamonds you originally worked for???

    Menagerie honestly sounds pretty fucking typical. I mean, humans go to distant parts of the planet and take back local life forms as exotic curiosities. It's a thing for us, why wouldn't it be a thing for alien space rocks?

    I wonder if they had enough humans in the menagerie for a viable population
    Greg are you gonna be the first contact of humans with space humans

    Steven hopes Greg got to see some of the cool space stuff
    I'm hoping they fly by a Ruby or two and make note of their coordinates for gem wrangling on the way home

    oh nooooooo two of them had almost grabbed hands D: :( :( :( :(

    "70 years!"

    Pearl your art style is offbase AND you're being unsettlingly alien again.

    hey steven thanks for scrolling through and giving us a preview of some random other gem body forms

    and steven spends an absurd amount of time playing with the body shifting bs and getting stuck with the not-gravity effect that keeps him from reaching forward, when he drops some heavy metaplot summary stuff
    The way the shot pans to the gems, I assume the four of them can hear his words to some degree

    Nope! But he gave them the quick version anyway.
    "We won't stand out if we play the roles we were made for"

    Pearl: "Is this really going to work?"
    Sapphire: "No."
    Everyone not part of Garnet: *Surprised reactions*
    Sapphire: *flustered* "Just--stick together!" *Pose a little like Ruby or Garnet, a determined stance* "Play it straight! Let's... change the future!" *a very pained smile*

    Aw man, so all the Earth-originated Quartzes got dumped here. Jasper being the only flawless one of a flawed planet, desperate to prove herself, shows a little more merit.
    Oooh, so the insecure middle manager is an agate, good to know. She's a new bodytype too.

    Fucking fantastic catch about a Sapphire being patient because lol what is time to a Sapphire

    And looks like part of BD's reputation is of mercy and responsibility
    "She's a SHATTERER"

    Oh gosh she really assumes that all the Amethysts are gossips and mess-makers
    and of course the don't shout but don't mumble bullshit, all focus on appearance

    "I'll just find my dad without pants. >:["

    Greg's already making friends and getting his hair done, go Greg

    "the bits the bits the bits"
    ":| let's get out of here"
    Steven on a mission has NO TIME for your fandom chanting

    okay.... the little voice is unsettlingly reminding me of rose, somehow.

    Steven, testing for signs that the cult will attack him: "What if I... don't want to smell the flowers?"
    One of the other humans: "Why would you want to do that?" No signs of pressuring him into it, just decorates him with the flower she was holding.

    "what do you mean hu-rt?" yes thank you i have seen this star trek episode at least three times

    "*sigh* there's always a catch to these uptopia things"
    aww greg was having a genuinely good time chilling with the locals

    introduce free will of choosen partners and suddenly greg gets a harem

    nice discordant music when they don't get what they want

    take this hurt away
    a bunch of hands reaching up towards a diamond, entreating her aid
    we've never seen that before

    "I haven't broken this many hearts since I had all my hair"
    way to go male pattern baldness

    "I'll never choosen again"
    "Sure you will," the gem says with a patient listening
    Awwwwww Amethyst is chilling with all her distant sisters! And getting along with their shared terrible senses of humor. I'm so glad :')

    like holy shit that is such a family reunion, the specific facet names shortened into nicknames, the excitement over finding out who she grew up next to...

    ...and of course holly rose the agate conTINuing with the bullshit of be grateful you worthless little

    and they run off to a shrine to Pink Diamond.

    "Who bubbled all these gems?"
    suspicion we're about to find out rising

    oh shit

    Blue's continuing to do the constant crying thing
    Yellow looks as impatient as Pearl ever gets, rod straight and arms crossed, a long worn irritation

    "Please tell me you're joking."
    Step, step, step.
    "You only just left, and you're already back?"
    "Y-yellow, what are you doing here?"
    "I'm here to bring you back to reality."
    "I'm fine, just, leave me alone."
    "It's been thousands of years Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz, the entire cut of gems deserves the same fate."
    "But they were hers."
    "They should be wiped out from existence, not kept safe in bubbles!"
    "Yellow, she made them. This is all we have left of her. These gems, this place, and the Earth."
    "I thought we agreed, we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us.
    "Why can't you just let me grieve."
    "You can't keep coming here forever!"
    "Why not?!"
    Why do I have to do everything around here expression
    "*Sigh.* Pearl, do something. Sing for her, make her feel better."
    "Yes my diamond! Ahem. *notices BP not joining in, emphasizes* AHEM"
    "Uhh... Oh."

    "Why would you ever want to be here, what do you ever see here that doesn't make you feel worse than you do, and tell me, what's the use of feeling... blue?
    "Why would you want to employ her subjects that destroyed her, why keep up her silly zoo of h---, what's the use of feeling blue?
    "An army has a use, they can go and fight a war! A sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for! An agate terrifies, a lapis terraforms, where's a Diamond when they needed you, you've got to be a leader Blue!
    "Yes, we still love her, and we're always thinking of her, but now there's nothing we can do so tell me what's the use of feeling blue?
    "Ohhh, how can you stand to be here with it all? Drowning in all this regret? Wouldn't you rather forget her? Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? Let's make a plan of attack, start looking forward and stop looking back--!
    "Yes of course we still love her, and we're always thinking of her, don't you know I miss her too--- what's the use of feeling.... mm mm mmm, mm mm mmm, mm hmm mm hmm hhmm mmm mmm..."

    I'm glad Steven looked back a bit sadly because honestly, honestly, that was some stuff I wanted to hear more of, and goodness knows he's encountered enough grief with the CGs and his dad to recognize some of the argument Yellow and Blue were having there. How to grieve without destroying what's worthwhile...

    Yeah Agate I can see you yearning for Yellow, she's got the kind of aggressive attitude you seem to adore emulating.

    OOOOOHHHHH Pearl dishing out the burns

    "Famethyst for life" omg Ame I hope you guys get to meet again someday

    and of course we don't get to see if they grabbed the rubies on the way home :[
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
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  14. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    :D happy to help. I'm really surprised KC hasn't been sued yet
  15. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    the colors of the quartzes seems to correspond to the diamond they serve under! rose quartzes were pink diamond's foot soldiers, jaspers are yellow diamond's, and amethysts are blue diamond's. its probably a color thing, white diamond's are probably just...quartz lmao :P
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Intriguing that White Diamond is the one we've gotten the least hints about

    Original quartz flavor to go with an original diamond, perhaps?
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  17. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I was hoping for some White Diamond info with the new episodes but Blue Diamond info is also cool
    also I'm not sure if this is a spoiler for them or not so I'll put it under one
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  18. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    so rose quartz and pink diamond had some similar ideas about Earth, but different end goals. I like the idea that Yellow Diamond was behind Pink's shattering somehow, and I wonder if her part wasn't to pressure Pink into taking more aggressive stances to the point where the rebellion became inevitable. Especially because shattering Pink Diamond seems like a thing Rose regretted and was ashamed of doing - maybe she did respect her diamond, but circumstances were as they were and things went to a breaking point where this was what had to happen/ what kickstarted the rebellion?
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  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Freaking fake sweet middle management made of fury and catharsis through pressing down on subordinates

    Yeah they're really not great with her.
    Also, wow??? "Why doesn't she tell us anything, this is why we don't listen to her!"
    Looks at last episode. Looks at Steven's frustration with Pearl and Garnet. LOOKS AT PEARL AND GARNET REALLY REALLY HARD.

    and SAME they're so tiny

    Seems like our Jasper became obsessed with it because of the reputation that Earth gems have as flawed incompetents, wanting to be a full member of their society, to fit and excel in her role as much as possible. She's so full of the kind of classist role-ist shit that Holly helpfully echoes for us that she believes it; her role is combat, her strength is conquering her enemies, and anything that prevents gems from being less than strong means they deserve whatever terrible treatment they get. They must deserve it. They must, or else it was cruel to leave her sisters behind.

    I'm feeling the first too. It was a generalized statement. One of that class was so traitorous, any of them could hold the same flaw, better to just destroy them all. As punishment and preventative and an example to others.

    That seems to be the case. Yellow and Blue are doing that thing where they handle grief in different ways, and then they see the flaws of the others' method and do their own sort EVEN HARDER. Yellow sees Blue being useless because of those clinging feelings, and becomes even more sure that she needs to cut off the past and destroy it. Blue sees Yellow not caring and seeming to forget Pink in all this destruction, and becomes even more determined to hoard the pieces she can.
    who knows what White's up to

    Did they mention Carnelian at some point?
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
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  20. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Ok after a few quick perusals of the tag lets play What's the SU Fandom Discoursing About This Time!
    1. The crewniverse are apologizing for/normalizing facism because the Diamonds are sympathetic
    2. The crewniverse is appropriating/exoticifying Korea
    3. Blue Diamond has been whitewashed
    4. The crewniverse is racist because of the aspect of a human zoo
    5. The Jasper/Bismuth butch lady discourse again, for some reason
    • Like x 13
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