shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Scrap, yes. They. In my defence, he was the only pronoun set used for most of my life.
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  2. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Don't worry too hard. I've made that mistake too, before.
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  3. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Oh, whoops. My bad. old are they? Like. I they have a particular age they came into being with?"
  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I'm not sure. Somewhere from five to ten, maybe...
  5. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "" Sloane sighed. "....but I guess if they took it on themselves to do it...."
  6. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    They seem to be maturing a bit faster than the average sparkling, We generally do not have such a thing as a childhood.
    -sits to not be quite to giant of a robot-
    I´m Libre by the way
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  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Yeah. They did. And it's really not that rigorous a kindergarten. I mean, seriously, no one actually learns anything there. It's just a place where all the abandoned beings live.
  8. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Mmmm. I guess you wouldn't, being giant robots and all. Sloane. I'm Sloane."

    "Not so much worried about it being rigorous or anything, just....other things. But I guess....if they really wanted to do it...." Sloane frowned. "If the giant robots don't have childhoods, though....ah, forget it. I'm not gonna bother worrying about things I barely even understand right now." She flopped on the ground. "....jeez, it's not even been that long since I ended up here, a place where there appears to be not a whole lot to worry about, and I'm stressing already. I amaze even myself sometimes."
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  9. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Ave is a sweetspark, and just because they haven't traveled outside this space - not sure if they can - doesn't mean they don't have parents. They just also choose to care for other creations of this space.
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  10. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    You're not the only person to ever find a ton to worry about here. Sure, this place seems like it should be carefree, but... when lots of people are in the same place together, conflict and other stressful stuff does tend to happen. Since, well, people have personalities and people's personalities clash and people's personalities make people do things that aren't actually in their best interest.
  11. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Mmmm. Still not quite covering my concerns, but eh. It's probably fine. I know nothing about giant robots anyway...."

    "Yayyyyyyyyyy. But hey, it's not worse than where I was, at least." Sloane sat up. "I have to tell you, though, actually feeling the stress is weird. Usually I just kind of get super super numb to everything. God. How do people who feel stress on a daily basis do this?? Ufffff." She pressed her hands over her face. "This is so stupid."
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  12. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I think it's just a matter of being used to the feeling. Get used to anything at all and all of a sudden, it stops feeling that bad. And that probably explains how you got numb to it in the first place. I bet Voldemort's Europe creates so much stress that, well, if you didn't manage to numb yourself to it, you'd go mad.
  13. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Maybe," Sloane mumbled. "....thinking about it, probably? Fear and stress. Mostly what you get in his Europe. Numb yourself to it or go insane are kind of the only two options." She sighed. "On the bright side, the newfound feeling is either either fading or my usual defenses to feelings are kicking in. Not sure which yet, but hey, it feels better either way!"
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  14. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    And it sometimes it feeling better is all you can really ask for.
  15. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "True!" Sloane looked at Norm. " anyway, back to twenty questions. I know how you got free and all, but....where did you come from originally? And are genies common there, or....?"
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  16. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I'm not sure what my dimension's called or what its number is, but... it isn't the one with Pennarion. Or the one with Gravity Falls.

    And genies are... not exactly common there but not exactly rare either. I think there are less of us than there are fairies and Anti-Fairies but more of us than there are Pixies, but that's all I can be even close to sure of. It's hard to count us when our lamps are spread all over the map and we rarely get to meet up, you know...
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  17. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    Valiska laughs softly, though she's distracted by Sloane and is no longer purring. "That's why we don't live there any more."
  18. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Our development is very different from humans', whether we're born, constructed, or forged. I understand your concern, though.
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  19. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Nice to meet you. -makes tea appear and offers it. He even remembers to shrink the cube down to human size. It Is still a crystaline cube though-
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  20. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Fair point. That sorta sucks. not familiar with anti-fairies, but we've got fairies and pixies. Though I assume they're different from your kind of fairies and pixies."

    "....which part are you replying to? Sorry, sort of losing track of things I've said here."
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