Background audio that is not music?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Nobody's Home, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Hi, Anyone Have interesting stuff ya'll listen to while you work/draw/craft etc? I dunno I think it's just an entertaining thing to know

    Like recently the things I've been listening to while drawing are episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, and those Nerd Videos talking about games, and letsplays sometimes. Oh and a neat one are these Horror Story readings from Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. The voices there are mostly soothing and It's easy to not really focus on the narrative.
  2. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    I love MyNoise. Some of their generators are musical...ish, most aren't. They have white noise, they have nature sounds, they have spoopy ambient noises, they have industrial/cafe/transport background noise, you name it.
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  3. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Rainymood was a good one, but these days it makes my computer overheat like crazy. but generally rain/wave sounds are pretty nice, I should start doing that again. and there was one noise generator that had wind chimes too, that was the best

    most podcasts don't work because I get too focused on the words, so I can't write and listen at the same time. never tried audio books but they'd probably be the same way, and most lps I want to watch as well as listening

    ASMR's pretty good, but almost never the ones with talking.
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  4. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    sitcoms that i know by heart are good non music background noise for me because i know them well enough i dont need to pay attention

    cooking shows too because they tend to be very formulaic and predictable so even if i havent watched a particular episode before i still know what's going to happen and i dont need to focus on it
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  5. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    Episodes of Podcasts I've already heard or audiobooks I've already heard work for me. So older episodes of Welcome to Night Vale and the audiobook are amazing, especially since Cecil's voice is just so entrancing
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  6. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

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  7. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    SciShow, SciShow Space, and Rap Critic.
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  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    if i'm really out of ideas, and need to calm down/stop procrastinating, hilariously my go-to is Markiplier's entire FNAF playlist. i've listened to it enough that my brain more or less knows how it goes, and the jumpscare noise doesn't scare me anymore.
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  9. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    If you like Chilling Tales, have you tried;
    -The Nosleep Podcast
    -Small Town Horror
    -Uncanny County
    -The Black Tapes Podcast
    -Archive 81
    -Darkest Night
    -The Simply Scary Podcast

    I also like creepypasta readings, and SCP readings if I can find any good ones. A lot of the ones out there aren't great.
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  10. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Sometimes I listen to the ambient engine sounds of the various Star Trek ships.
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  11. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I like playing the MyNoise aircraft cabin sounds with live air traffic control feeds from liveATC. The voices of calm routine are so soothing.
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  12. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Oh super neat thanks!

    And man I LOVE scp stuff, Like there's some really fun ones or scary ones on that site.
    (All the replies here are real great)
  13. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Background noise stuffs?

    Power Rangers (any of them... no wait, ALL OF THEM)
    Star Trek ToS

    ... i cant think of anymore...
    • Like x 1
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