shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    I thoughY I alreafY said I'm not interested.
    [Vulcan very slowly begins to repeatedly take one piece of candy from the bowl at a time and eat it.]
    No I am mean snd hurt people and Your reactipn was conpletelY justifief.
  2. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Oh. Well....I guess if it's someone she relates to that's a fair reason? And as long as she doesn't support the general attitude the Malfoys tend to possess, I don't really care. I would figure there aren't Death Eaters in your world, though...considering that you also seemed familiar with the books sort-of about my world, and only the books. Although that probably wouldn't have stopped me from flipping shit if she introduced herself as a Malfoy. So, er....thank you for the warning?" Sloane offered. "And yeah, I think I get the pitch thing now."

    Sloane looked at the person Mabel was talking to, and then noticed the newcomer talking of the two clowns. "....jeez, new people are in and out of here all the time, it seems."
    • Like x 1
  3. freshetWeaver

    freshetWeaver Loreli Rheins, Sylph of Heart | 18+

    [She leans against the bar.]
    [She winks at Sloane. Her voice is... not quiet. At all.]
    • Like x 1
  4. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Sure babe, come over!
  5. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    (Sloane hesitates. She wants to tell Vulcan that the other troll seems nice to her, but that seems like it would fall into the pale realm or something...) Well, i don'-/ -/think i-/ was, because you're no-/ from my plane-/ and your in-/en-/ions were no-/ -/he same as -/rolls from -/here. And you seem nice enough -/o me. (There. That wasn't pale, right?)

    (Sloane ignores this.)
  6. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    My moneys on dead but Ive known people who just never know when theyre dreaming. Which is pretty phucking stupid iph you ask me.
    I have never been less attracted to a person in my liphe and would appreciate it iph you stopped trying to insinuate that.
  7. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    I feel like if i was dreaming i'd a-/ leas-/ remember falling asleep....probably dead, -/hen.
  8. The Clown

    The Clown shittiest being on this side of the galaxy

    one of the three clowns actually
    • Like x 1
  9. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    "Jesus! What, are you a mind-reader or something? I didn't realize there was a third clown."
  10. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    I never remembed when I phall asleep, I just end up some bullshit place watching the phuture play out in the most incomprehensible phashion possible. Except when I end up here. I like to think that dreaming here is like dying just a little.
    • Like x 1
  11. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    See, i always remember -/he going -/o bed par-/, which i guess is wha-/ i mean by 'remember falling asleep'. Bu-/ -/hen i usually jus-/ end up dreaming, so being here ins-/ead of dreaming is probably significan-/ of some-/hing. Like dea-/h, maybe!
    (Sloane just barely stops herself from offering her sympathies that he has to deal with prophetic dreams, which must be hard; she is not pale for this person, dammit.)
  12. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Soz about your death then, though on the brightside that means you can play in this clusterphuck phorever and meet all the aliens your heart desires while maybe dying again. I think thats possible. I have phucking clue until it happens though.
    • Like x 2
  13. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    [It takes a few moments for the gears to turn in Vulcan's head.]
    ClearlY I am msnipulating You into cpmforting Me.
    I sm so sorrY.
  14. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Aye. People come and go.

    (Oneira lowers her voice)
    Gabs aboat making hershelf unattractive so she doesn't get hit on, but hits on the first palebait to waft her way. At least we two got style.
    (She smiles and hipchecks Loreli)
    • Like x 1
  15. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    (Sloane shrugs.) I guess -/ha-/'s some-/hing.

    (Sloane has a brief internal dilemma; trying to convince Vulcan otherwise is definitely pale, and pale is uncomfortable.) ....If -/ha-/'s wha-/ you -/hink, i guess. (Goddammit maybe someone else should be having this conversation. Actually, not maybe. Definitely. Definitely someone else should be having this conversation. Someone who isn't uncomfortable with quadrant things.)
  16. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    Rest In Pieces Then.
  17. freshetWeaver

    freshetWeaver Loreli Rheins, Sylph of Heart | 18+

    [Loreli fails entirely to lower her voice, but she smiles back lovingly and wraps Oneira in a hug.]
  18. Vulcan Maleus

    Vulcan Maleus yonderlyThaumatologist, Mage of Void

    I am so sporrY I keep ficking up.
    Please is there anYthign I can do to mske it up to You
    AnYthing You wanY to talk about?
  19. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+


    Who here phuckin FLARPs?

    (Its phine iph I drop it just this once its phine and it still doesnt look as stupid as ophph.)
  20. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    What The Fuck Kind Of Nerd Actually FLARPs?
    I Dont Need A Rulebook To Get Gutted By Someone Thanks A Fucking Lot.
    • Like x 1
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