anyone else doing the bullet journal thing?

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by whyguy, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    I'm too weak against cute fads and organizational methods, and this year I REALLY want to unfuck some of my life and just be less of a dumpster fire, so I'm gonna try this as soon as I have extra cash for supplies.

    BTW if anyone has good links to some sweet GOTH AS FUCK stickers and stencils and scrapbooking shit, hook me uuuuuuup. Everything is adorable and cute and I want my bullet journal to be...less that.
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  2. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    You don't NEED supplies. You need a notebook and a pen.
  3. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    I WANT some sweet and totally unnecessary arts and crafts to make this fun for me, otherwise it will invariably fall to the wayside like every other planner and journal I've attempted to keep.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
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  4. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I'm sort of tempted to bullet journal but the activation energy barrier is putting me off

    I set up a sheet to fill in every day for my college placement so i know it's possible and potentially good for me to have this sort of system, it's the setting-it-up part that i'm staring blankly at rn
  5. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I usually get stuck with that too, but i just did four pages of Index (of which only like two lines are currently filled out), the two pages for January (one side just 1-31 listed, other side labled Tasks), and then started just kind of journalling on the next page for the week. i'm gonna change up how i do the weekly thing, i think, but yeah. hope this helps?

    edit: note mine is not very fancy since i can't draw, i just use lots of colors
  6. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    so, here's the real bullet journals.

    comparison of new leuchtturm (in the back) with old moleskine (in the front). both taller (barely) and wider (noticeably).

    first page. really liking the stickers i picked up, ngl.

    year overview.

    got a lotta pages i need to ink right now, got catching up to do from last week. trying to make at least some of them cute, even though they're simplistic. all of these pens i've used are pens i owned already.
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  7. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I'm doing a pretty rudimentary one, but in an attempt to counteract depression's dampening effect on good memories, I'm filling in "event" bullets (which start as empty circles) with black for just "it's done and I got through it", silver gelpen for "okay, that was actually pretty good" and gold gelpen for "FUCKING SWEET". Got one of each so far!
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  8. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    that is a good idea and I think I'm stealing it

    I used to keep one a few years ago but then I fell out of the habit. Should pick it back up, it did work for a bit and I am a disorganized mess right now. It's just that I keep getting frustrated by finding a balance between it being complex enough that I can keep track of & add in everything I need to, and simple enough that it doesn't take more time and effort than it saves me :/ I used to do a really simple one (I'm aiming 0% for aesthetic, takes too long and I get wrapped up in perfectionism & feeling inadequate) - just 1 page per month outlining things & long-term goals, 1 per week to plan close-up stuff in more detail, 'to-do' lists for each day that can end up as long or short as they want to be, and then pages for whatever else is interesting (I used to have one to remind me of good things that happened, 1 for accomplishments of various kinds, 1 for books I want to read, 1 to keep track of all my in-progress school assignments....) aaa yeah I definitely miss being able to keep a bullet journal, gotta get back on track with that. Just gotta buy a book for it first bc apparently mine is all filled out haha
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  9. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I picked up a mini binder because I need to be able to take pages out if I mess something up without seeing a torn edge, such as when I wrote all the dates wrong for January. XD (I was looking at an old wall calendar lol)

    I also got some colorful pens, but the journal is just in black right now, except a doctors apppointment tomorrow which is in red glitter.

    We'll see how this goes?
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  10. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i'm probably going to start putting all my bujo pictures on my craft blog, andsometimesiknot, just so i use it sometimes.
  11. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    i know that logically i only need a pen and a notebook to start and i have both of those+the Fun Stuff like pretty highlighters but also i am having difficulties getting myself to Do The Thing. it could be bc i was busy w a friend all yesterday and my brain needs time to recover from that but i'm not sure.
  12. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    with a pen and a piece of paper, do bullet points of what you did with your friend yesterday. that's a bujo entry!
  13. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    @pixels i guess it's like...the daily tracking stuff that i have problems/w! like set-up and stuff. there are like 3 trackers i have to set up (eating+meds+exercise, for my doctors' sake+my memory), and then i wanted to do a future log and a monthly spread, as well as dailies. although i might try doing the bullet style entries in my regular journal, b/c that might make that seem less daunting. plus i like making lists.
  14. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    start with basic principles. not even all the different kinds of bullets if that's too much for you!
  15. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I've been having some good success with using a modified bullet journal thing for med and food tracking, and as a bonus it's actually helped me remember to take my all my pills! I just make a list of the meds I need to take with an open circle, then fill in the circle when I take them and record the time. The food is a bit more cumbersome, but I just have bullets for a meal/snack and then list the foods, the time, and an estimate of calories.
  16. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    decided to narrow it down to Very Basic (i.e. tasks+notes to help me remember things) and suddenly things became a ton easier. i think i'm gonna track sleep+pills for now with a regular tracker, and just keep track of my food with regular bullets.

    i'm eventually gonna make things Pretty and Fancy once i get used to the system, but doing Just The Basics right now is already pretty useful, b/c i can already see how migrating tasks and such is gonna help me out tomorrow/this week.

    i'm a little sad that things Aren't Going To Be Perfect right away, but hey, this is a new system for me--it's gonna take some getting used to.

    edit: plus i really need to accept that nothing will ever be perfect, and the sooner i accept that, the happier/more content i think i'll be.
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  17. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I started one a couple of days ago too. I like it so far, but I do rely on my apps and stuff too.
  18. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    as soon as i actually Got Into It, doing my bujo was not that hard surprisingly! i also have a bunch of new ideas on how to pretty it up simply+make it More Useful to me, and i'm excited to keep up with it!!! once i really get the hang of things+am satisfied with how things look i might post pics, but that won't be for a while yet i don't think.

    edit b/c i forgot a few words
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
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  19. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    i'm just so glad that this thread is helping people (including me) be less, as @Ruevian put it, "dumpster fires." i'm choosing to do things pretty because doing my bujo is a physical indication that i am investing time in Me, and that's really important for therapy's sake, and realizing that i am important, and that i don't have to hoard nice things for a rainy day. i bought nice things to use them. and i intend on keeping this for years so i can look back on it with pride. or, at least, with the knowledge that i was helping myself improve.

    for me it helps that i've been sort of doing things informally for a while, i just learned there was a name for it.
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  20. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    same hat, basically

    I've always had trouble not seizing the first trace of motivation I can detect and burning myself out because there's no telling when I'll be productive again and I don't want to waste it

    meds have given me some badly needed executive function for the first time in my life, but it's still hard not to run myself into the ground because my brain still thinks it's my only choice

    spending some time being creative for its own sake and for my own self care is something I badly need, doing it in the context of bullet journaling for some reason doesn't make me feel as guilty
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