shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Well that makes a whole load oph sense. I guess its not worth asking iph youve got an idea oph how to grow the trees? Thats alright I can phigure something else out phor a roast this good.
  2. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    (Troll Sloane hesitates, sips the mug she was given by Oneira, and then gets up and heads over to join the people who are not Aricia. She motions for @Vulcan Maleus to follow, adding "if you want to" as she goes. She's obviously not going to make Vulcan come, but she doesn't want to just abandon the other troll, and Vulcan seems nice, so. She sits down, seeming a bit more comfortable there.)

    she did seem pu-/ off by -/he crossbow, so i guess -/ha-/'s some-/hing.

    wha-/ does a palm reading -/ell you? i-/ sounds in-/eres-/ing.

    (Troll Sloane offers Whisper a little smile and nods in response to the question, filing away the information about being able to keep Aricia out of her space by willing it.) probably won'-/ ge-/ her -/o agree no-/ -/o do i-/ again, -/hough. bu-/ i -/hink she's done righ-/ now.
  3. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    Indeed. I came here for tea and gossip, if I wanted functionist jetfuel I´d´ve stayed on cybertron four million years ago.
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  4. Aricia Chaput

    Aricia Chaput Pitch Harlot

    i diD. this is me cutting it ouT. happY?


    at least i won't where you can seE.

    oh, shut it, you weren't even here for most of thiS.
  5. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Mostly it tells you what someones palm looks like. Youre supposed to be able to tell things about their personality and phuture based on the way their lines look and how the muscles are shaped under the skin, but in practice its a lot oph paying attention to how they react or talk and just guessing what theyre like.

    Sometimes it works though. Sometimes anything can work.
    • Like x 2
  6. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    I hope you realize that mechanical audio sensors tend to be more sensitive than organic ones, and that threatening someone who's already under protection is quite dangerous.
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  7. Aricia Chaput

    Aricia Chaput Pitch Harlot

    (Aricia scowls, but at least has the sense not to say anything. She finally turns and walks away, presumably having decided to get as far away from the people at the bar as possible.)
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  8. Cloudcrusher of Kalis

    Cloudcrusher of Kalis Bomb-Ass Therapist | 18+

    -Cloudcrusher gives her a friendly wave and settles into a guard position, deliberately blocking Aricia's line of sight-

    Cap Nichrome, y'wouldn't happen t' have that lovely 'spiramental long range gun, would ya? Th' one with th' nasty kick to it.
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  9. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]'d know your situation best, I suppose. Let me know if you think I can do anything?

    [He stares at her flatly, but doesn't pursue when she walks away.]

    Quite. [Threat gone for the moment, Whisper settles back down; his wings ease back and his optics fade back to a more normal shade of blue. He summons another cube for himself, this one containing a more viscous yellow-orange liquid.] Lead chromate, Libre, or are you going to sort your own drink out?
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  10. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    (Now that Aricia has left the general area, troll Sloane seems more at ease, although clearly still a little embarrassed about what happened.)

    Hmmm....well, if you wouldn'-/ mind -/rying i-/? I'm curious.

    -/hanks. Bu-/ hones-/ly i -/hink you did every-/hing possible. She a-/ leas-/ won'-/ bo-/her me again for a while, probably. Bu-/ she's always like -/ha-/. Her a-/-/i-/ude is....common. She jus-/ knows i-/ makes me uncomfor-/able....and she likes making people uncomfor-/able.
  11. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    [He winces, and ducks his head to hide his face behind the cube. That's a little closer to home than he really wants to think about right now.] Common... doesn't mean okay. But I think you know that already? Good luck, anyway. I hope you don't have to deal with her, or anyone like her, anytime soon.
    • Like x 1
  12. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    [Life Support to Cloudcrusher, Nichrome]: I like making people uncomfortable as well, but I get their consent first.
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  13. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    (Troll Sloane shrugs.) Yeah, i know -/ha-/, bu-/ -/here isn'-/ much -/o be done abou-/ i-/ a-/ home. Bu-/ since i'm probably dead -/o have ended up here, i -/hink she's -/he only one wi-/h -/ha-/ a-/-/i-/ude around. Which is kind of refreshing. -/hank you for -/he -/ip abou-/ how -/his place works, also.
  14. Cloudcrusher of Kalis

    Cloudcrusher of Kalis Bomb-Ass Therapist | 18+

    -tries hard not to laugh, fails-
    [Cloudcrusher to Life Support, Nichrome]: It's real mean t' tease when a bot's on guard duty, Cap. I like it.
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  15. Sloane Ryder

    Sloane Ryder Active Member

    Sloane wanders back over to the bar, now that the blue troll has left the area, and situates herself near @gnomonAugury and @acrimoniousGem. "So....I have a question," she says to troll!Sloane. "Your name. Is it Sloane Ryder?"
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  16. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    -finishes his tea- I´ll have some, sure.
    Being dead sucks, but at least here you can hit the aftheads back. Or just keep them out of your wires if you prefer.
  17. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    ...'throw a revolution and destroy the caste system' is not actually a valid suggestion for a single person, so no, I don't think I can help fix your homeworld :c But you're quite welcome! Almost everyone who hangs around this place long enough gets the hang of making it do things, it's how I'm using the floating text right now! c:

    [A second cube of yellow-orange tea is summoned in front of Libre.]
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  18. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    Unfor-/una-/ely -/rue. Bu-/ maybe someday -/hings will change, who knows. And in -/he mean-/ime, being here seems nice!

    ...Yes? My name is sloane ryyder.
    • Like x 1
  19. Libre of Iacon

    Libre of Iacon My name is not Libby, NS

    -sips- Thank you.

    It worked for us, might work for you lime trolls. Especially if the system sucks for anyone else.
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  20. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -Soundwave has summoned a tablet, but, seeing Life Support is there, hides behind Cloudcrusher to not be seen-
    • Like x 2
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