shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    vwe havwe four different targeted ads at the moment. seeing as you appear to be neither a troll, human, carapace, OR consort, vwhich vwariant vwould you prefer?
  2. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    -pounces in- Hi what are we doing?
  3. Sawbones of Kaon

    Sawbones of Kaon Medicat, NS

    -an amused Sawbones trots after her very enthusiastic kitten-
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  4. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    fine-tuning crockercorps advwertisement campaign for a newv product.
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  5. Geargrind

    Geargrind should not have been counted | 18+

    I don't know what any of those are except for humans, but carapace is the most fun to say, so that one!!!
    • Like x 2
  6. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    Whats an advertisement campaign, How do you tune a campaign? What´s crockercorp?
  7. acrimoniousGem

    acrimoniousGem Sloane Ryyder

    Yeah...bu-/ -/here being problems wi-/h -/he cas-/e sys-/em does no-/ really surprise me. I -/hink i-/ sor-/ of sucks -/ha-/ limebloods didn'-/ ge-/ -/rea-/ed very well on ei-/her plane-/, bu-/ i'm here now, so -/here's no-/ much poin-/ in me worrying abou-/ i-/, i guess. ....Plus, mis-/rea-/men-/ of limebloods is kind of some-/hing i expec-/. Al-/hough compulsory murder sounds no-/ grea-/ all around.....bu-/ i won'-/ -/ell anyone wha-/ you said, don'-/ worry.
    (Sloane blushes and smiles.) And -/hanks. (She pauses, kind of uncertain where to go from here.)
  8. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    *He inserts a micro USB stick into a slot on his wristwatch. A holograph screen pops up with the advertisement campaign.*

    *It's polished. Creepily polished. All the models are so airbrushed it's unclear if they're even real or not.*
    advwertisement campaign is designed to sell our products to the inhabitants of earth c and apparently vwhatevwer this is. tuning it means that vwere fixing it up to make it more likely to sell our products. crockercorp is the largest conglomerate in earth c and the company that took me in slash employed me.
    • Like x 2
  9. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    This entire thing sucks. Look up the Uncanny Valley effect, asshole.
  10. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    im afraid a perfectly functioning global search engine has not yet been reinvwented.
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  11. Soundwave Minimus II

    Soundwave Minimus II For Science!

    They do look very polsihed, do they just buff their paints all day?
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  12. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Reinvented? Haha what.
  13. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    youd havwe to talk to yulrah in graphic design, shes the one vwho put this together.
    its not easy to start a society from scratch.
  14. Focal of Horizon Island

    Focal of Horizon Island Smile for the Camera! (Counselor Decepticon) | 18+

    .... wow THAT sure reminds me of home! Fun times!
    • Like x 5
  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Maybe don't start with horrible baked goods and concentrate on infrastructure.
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  16. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    im sorry but the skills used in marketing do not transfer ovwer to city planning.
    • Like x 2
  17. Geargrind

    Geargrind should not have been counted | 18+

    That wasn't as fun as a soap opera... Where's the drama???

    *the airbrushing goes over his head, since he has no idea what they're supposed to look like*
    • Like x 3
  18. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    You can learn new skills.
  19. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    vwhy vwould i vwhen i havwe a stable career and am being looked at for a big promotion?
    • Like x 2
  20. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    A promotion in a world where money is useless and you don't have the google.
    • Like x 1
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