shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    Every anniversary you like is a good anniversary in my opinion, whether it's four months or four millennia! c:

    ...this is the part where I admit I have no idea how long a 'month' is, but! My point stands! Are you doing anything special for it?

    I'm sorry, it's just-- the way you were acting is significantly similar to behaviors generally displayed in my species by people experiencing their first rivalry-based romantic feelings. When taken with how small most people here are compared to us, it's-- kind of like watching turbopuppies learn how to use their feet?

    [Whisper's wings flick down when he notices.]'ve made your point, please release the wiggler.
    • Like x 1
  2. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Maybe she has your tie? Phuck iph I know.
  3. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    *He drops @Teal Grub without even bothering to lower them first.*
  4. Pillow Monster

    Pillow Monster New Member

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  5. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    [Rave magic-- and the well-trained reflexes of a parent of twins who like jumping off everything-- keep @Teal Grub from splatting, or even getting so much as bruised when they touch gently down. With the little one's lusus on the way, Whisper doesn't try to approach.]
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  6. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

  7. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    fabric cant be a drug. thats not howv drugs vwork.
    • Like x 2
  8. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

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  9. Pillow Monster

    Pillow Monster New Member

    *PM was not accounting for @Teal Grub being saved and NOOFSLAMS into them.*
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  10. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    ...fabric can be treated in certain ways, but that would depend on your biology and the drug in question. In any case--

    whoever's got the tie, please give it back? Even if it is drugged or mind-controlling or whatever, we don't know how its sudden loss might affect him, and dying isn't much better for him than being mind-controlled. Even here. :C
    • Like x 1
  11. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

  12. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Its some kind oph phiber plant that can be made into clothes. My moirail grows a strain in sopor because hes a phreak of nature and then smokes it because hes a phreak of nature with bad taste. Drug clothes.
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  13. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    i dont smoke my tie.
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  14. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    ... You two would fit right in where my clade has set up.
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  15. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Yeah but it could still be a drug. Clothes are too drugs. You could eat it iph you really wanted.
    Im going to assume thats a compliment and thank you phor it.
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  16. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    but i cant be addicted to my clothing because its not a drug unless i ingest it. and i havwent ingested it.
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  17. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    (Oneira grins)
    That's the spirit.
    It's a nice place, although far too hot on the latitude we're at.
  18. gnomonAugury

    gnomonAugury Fedina Oscine, Mage of Time |18+

    Are you sure? How ophten do you check your phood for clothing?
    Hot would be a nice change oph pace, its all cold and damp out here which is pretty phucking bullshit.
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  19. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    Most organic species are capable of absorbing certain compounds through their skin, so if the tie was treated with something meant to be taken dermally...

    ...anyway, I'm still really skeptical about Drug Tie even if it is possible. Come on. It's much more likely to be some more technological form of mind control, if it even is a mind control tie. Please give it back to him.
    • Like x 1
  20. An Esteemed Gentleman

    An Esteemed Gentleman Marketing Director at CrockerCorp

    id NOTICE if there vwas clothes in it.
    • Like x 1
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