Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my feelings spock
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    It's probably cos I'm coming right off a TFP binge but now I'm considering an insectoid alt for him despite the Torture Mods, either an insecticon proper or just a good buggo beastformer

    Also thanks for the feelios about Swerve now I'm gonna pet my lockscreen for ten minutes and then make myself sad about TG and Cy
    Eta: I should not post just after waking up, I've just realized this makes no sense if you don't know my phone's lockscreen is a picture of Swerve smiling
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
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  3. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    psssst @spockandawe alex milne posted tesarus and helex's alt modes on his tumblr a long time ago!!
    8f3a288f-a3fa-42d0-86f3-6a0a2718bb84.jpg 8902ad03-dcd1-40c6-8c4e-6497cf20b27e.jpg
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    AHHH, THANK. I was able to find his polished fullbody drawings of them, but these didnt pop up anywhere when I was looking for references
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  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Aaaaaw fuck. :(
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    the solution to brainfog is more TFP
    it's time to hurt both physically and emotionally oh booooooooy
    (I know I'm never going to get knock out reacting to his husband's not-resurrection but an enby can dream)

    this feels like the first ten minutes of half life
    where's the mindflayers

    buddy it mighta been a bit more forward-thinking to secure your alliance with the cons before you went and killed the only people you're sure will be willing and able to repair your nice new body should you take more damage

    the same fuckign airbase
    cmon si get a new target

    :< goddamn transformers and their realistic nonlinear recovery I was actually hoping for Status Quo God with Bulkhead's case

    spite is the best motivator


    he already knows something is up I Hurt



    soundwave returns to kick ass and take code

    oh hey they actually know how to set up a firing line whoda thunk

    smokescreen is so zippy I love him
    this is a pretty scout-heavy team tho they really do need jack or bulk back to pick up the tanky slack

    don't group up oh my god I'm sure yall have dealt with orbital weapons before
    or at least three of the four of ya, who knows what smoke's been shot with

    "but daaaaaaaaaad my spade is there I gotta go punch him!!!"

    ...this sounds. just as janky as their medical and procedural research. someone good with computers please confirm

    silas is gonna last all of ten seconds if he can't eat his pride and acknowledge megs as the commanding officer

    I will not translate everything on SiDown's HUD I will not translate everything on SiDown's HUD

    and here we see someone who might have the training, but doesn't have the reflexes; Breakdown would've transformed immediately and tried to get out of the piledrive, but Silas is just... getting shoved around

    "trade paint"
    the writers know exactly what they're doing and it's beautiful
    who is the filthy hamsteak on the TF writing team

    ...okay I know I'm shipping smokescreen♠half the cast by now but. that rescue
    smokescreen's zippy would play so well with a top-form bulkhead tanking, nevermind that he gets under bulk's plating so well just by existing

    smokescreen♠bulkhead come on

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas knock out gets his torturevenge
    have fun baby <3
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Mannn, I used to know where this awesomely fucked up fic was where
    Knock Out had sex with Breakdown's body, buuuut with Silas inside, and that part of things was extremely nonconsensual. It had all these awful little details, like Knock Out offhandedly mentioning that is remarkable how many parts still function after death, and Silas being like 'what the fuuuuuuck' over alien anatomy when he can feel Knock Out around him "like a woman" and it was SO fucked up and gr8 and hit so many of my messed up kinks

    Aaaand I can't find it. I went through my bookmarks, but I looked at ao3 in general too, and it's really not like there are many Silas fics to sift through. So it may be gone :[ My only hope is that it was in one of those big one-shot documents and just isn't tagged all the way, but I wasn't able to find it. Man, I really loved that one :(
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  9. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I love how smokey's numbers are motion-blurred in paint like
    also I've realized he's my headcanon voice for Rodimus and I'm not sure how to feel about this

    smokescreen is me

    this guy is drunk off his ass


    bee ends up on the internet again

    "but daaaaaaaaaad the baby broke it all on his own!!"
    team prime being a bunch of squabbling teens is The Best

    I mean you say you all know traffic laws but 99% of the time yall are driving on the fucking median so like
    what's a speed limit

    smokescreen you fuckin nerd

    I mean you could have another ill-advised drag race

    ...out of absolutely nowhere, I want zippy speedster spade with smoke and bee

    is it another relic of the thirteen huh huh huh
    until this Project Iacon Decoding arc is over I am going to keep hoping for more lore on them :P's a pokey thing. Is that. Is that Prima's sword.

    megs you're bad at archaeology. just get some smaller drills or picks and chip it outta the rock.

    "only respond to the power of a Prime"

    oh boy
    smokey vs all the cons this should be good


    ...ain't this where jack and ratchet lost the sonic whatever


    oooooooooooh my god smokey
    smokey do not step on op's spade that is a Bad Idea you will get splatted

    aaaaaaaand mission failed
    much as I'd hate to see smokey die now is the time to shoot him

    hey smart genericons yay!

    saved by being tiny
    good luck jack

    and we finally get megs' "oh fuck" face

    "ultimate weapon" indeed, let's see what this baby can do!

    "not now jack mommy's arguing with your babysitter"

    mmmmh. I'm kinda disappointed that Alpha Trion has a pretty generic Old Guy With Beard aesthetic going on.

    ...I'm sure this is supposed to be some Big Reveal, but like. Between Onyx, Vector, and Alpha, of course they'd know OP would pick up the Saber and other assorted relics eventually.

    "a shadow glimpse" buddy that's because you're not talking to Onyx, this is why the Triptych was made jesus fuck

    ...arcee. Arcee you've been to Cybertron, you know it's a rusted-out wreck.

    I will not translate tomb engravings I will not translate tomb engravings

    ...between the slab and the frequent use of "desire" I'm really questioning megs' purpose here

    aaaaaaaaaaaah Megatronus wielding Solus' Forge still makes me narratively happy

    those are the shittiest pyramids I've ever seen

    moooooooooore "aliens built the pyramids" #0kay

    that size diff tho

    megs you're bad at names

    see dadimus you're a hypocrite you're all "no collateral damage" but as soon as Megatron wants to have a one-on-one with fancy grav swords there you go wrecking important cultural relics

    ...I mean, it is the blood of Unicron the All-Devourer, makes sense that it would have disintegrative properties
    that was a lil dramatic tho

    smokescreen is wearing the phase shifter
    steal the sword baby

    next episode apparently involves knock out and starscream I am Ready for my spadeship to return

    ...oh my god it's called Hard Knocks. between this and my birdspades showing up I am entertained.

    soundwave in the background while megs monologues just "yes dear, we know, you one-upped prime, please either put your dick away or get a room"

    oh dear

    ~thanks for the memories/ even if they weren't so great~

    knock out grandstanding gives me life

    starscream you're not cut out for chemistry

    at last, the gottagofast rematch

    well. that wasn't much of a rematch, but hey.

    I mean. What did you expect.



    soundy protects his smol birb
    okay Mirrors was excited about this one time to look for the rarepair

    whoa hi there
    that is both a dream come true and absolutely the last thing I'd want to see first thing in the morning

    "what you are still... packing"
    knock out the answer is his not his dick
    even if Ride Smokescreen For Science is a perfectly admirable goal

    ...oh my god the key is literally in his lower abdomen and pelvis
    knock out the answer isn't "fist Smokescreen For Science" either

    morally ambiguous Thirteen hell yes

    oh my god knock out stop flirting with your science experiments

    "get me that swiftly"
    >proceeds to Do Science instead
    god I love ko

    buddy we had this one-sided chat already fisting Smokescreen requires consent
    yes, even fisting his chest

    is "starscream talks to corpses and/or comatose people" just A Thing in all tf continuities or

    that uh
    knock out is not gonna be safe for much longer I don't think, this is his... third? failure and megs is getting impatient...

    "think fast" I love this nerd

    he has the phase shifter he doesn't need to worry about hard landings
    heat damage maybe, but not hard landing

    that poor carformer

    I like how yall are perfectly okay with leaving a guy disabled just because he's The Enemy. Not straight-up killing him, and not actively torturing him, but like. yowch
    like I realize [sparkly 4 Million Year War gif] but
    sometimes it just kinda hits ya

    thaaaaaat's the decoy buddies
    you've seen enough corpses to know what one looks like

    awwwwww lookit my smart rogue bb doin his zippy best

    ...welp. how long til ko dies of starvation.
    oh jesus this does not bode well
    cue au fic where ko and starscream escape and have a chance to recover together

    ...oh god
    this can only end badly, megatron rifling around in starscream's head is going to end badly dear god
    I think I'm gonna have to take this episode in chunks, ugh

    "true motives" I mean okay yes he is a traitor but in context with literally everything else about megatron and starscream's relationship I am highly disturbed
    god, the number of times I've heard "but what do you really want" in a fuckawful prying manipulative context

    mhhhrrrr on the one hand, I understand throwing the other victim under the bus, because dear god does ko need to get back on megs' good side
    on the other

    the animator who loves robot pelvis is back and thank fuck for that I needed the giggles

    mhrrrrrrrr starscream knows the storm is coming but still tries to defend himself

    fweeeeeeeeeeeeet megs getting all physically aggressive is Not Okay


    "there is no escape, only more pain"
    gee doesn't that soujnd familiar
    and I mean
    yes okay there are times when 'immediately get murdered' sounds like a much better option than 'keep living like this' but
    death threats are not okay

    and now he's literally asking for the beating because the other proposed alternative is death

    oh look a helpful recap of all the beatings we've seen on-screen
    n i c e

    on the one hand it's a beautifully-worked bit of narrative work that the more frantic starscream gets, the more he thinks about all the previous times he's been burned
    on the other I should probably stop watching this
    god, if it didn't feel like this were building up to megs' decision and an actual plot point I'd just skip to the next episode

    oh, all his memories of flight are power and elegance and skill
    oh no

    aaaaaand this is the bit where he turns on knockout too

    ...five more minutes.

    god at least ko thinks fast
    this can't be a real megatron death, he's got Plot Armor, but
    it's not a bad plan, that excepted

    sssssssssshit the bodyguard
    when did dreadwing get in here

    god I love knock out


    me too, dreadwing
    me too
    let's all go scream at the sky
    okay okay that's over it's done hopefully the next episode will be something with the bots so I can not go to bed on 'Megatron is an abusive shitheel'

    "return to cybertron for an epic battle"
    AIGHT bring it ON let's see some nice non-triggering robot fights

    ...I mean I am All For Dreadwing turning bot and finally acquiring a Grumpy Ex-Enemy Ally but
    someone please rescue screamer and ko

    the Forge? Really? What does he expect to gain with this?

    thanks bulk
    tbh I'm kinda tired and not following alien politics super well either

    ...are we assuming vector sigma will just start shooting out new babbybots or
    what exactly does "revive the planet" even mean
    what populace do you think Megatron is going to sway with this logic, there's no one left on Cybertron and if neutrals exist in this continuity they probably think both sides are assholes anyway

    ...arcee. Arcee. There are four Omega Keys.

    ...OP I realise you have some authority issues of your own but uh

    knock out just loves waking people up doesn't he
    someone write knock out morning sex now

    I like how starscream seems more annoyed than surprised by the assassination attempt
    "this shit again. really. now??? really??? come on guy no fair"

    knock out out sorry screamer he knows better than to get caught in another high command disagreement

    [replaces "raise the dead" with "attack starscream"]

    Megs ain't fuckin' around
    He generally isn't but like
    ...this is gonna get held over scream's head innit

    "even Ratchet's out of the loop" [emphasis added]
    I like how this implies Ratchet and OP are closer than the rest of the team and OP
    Ratchet♦OP forever come on

    [anxious bird survivor fluttering]
    (scream, you could help with the sciencing...)

    god the spade is real

    scream are. are you-- stupid question.
    scream, please do not take your frustration out on the relic


    "keys are useless without something to unlock"

    aaaa musical motifs
    talk percussion to me baby
    ...tangentially, worldbuilding idea: rhythmic percussive music as suggestive on level of sexy sax or porno bass in universes where sticky/valveplug is a thing, given giant space robots undoubtedly make a lot of clanging noises during penetrative play

    the saber, bulk, I'll bet you all my useless human money he's reforging the saber

    Called it

    ...kiddos. it's a war. I'm surprised you're not more in the dark tbh.

    ...seeing Arcee wearing it I am certain the Apex Armor was Alchemist Prime's, that's his design aesthetic
    ...I got annoyed and went to the wiki and I'M RIGHT SO HA (at least partially-- it may or may not be Liege Maximo's armor. The armor he made Solus build for him, in exchange for the spypet that was the spark on top of the powder keg to start the first civil war. That armor. Hoo boy.)

    maaaaaaan Smokey's getting so good at using the phase shifter

    the sound the star saber makes is annoying as hell


    ...please tell me this isn't leading up to "optimus throws himself into the well/allspark" again
    you need a new way to ollie outtie man

    ....the next episode's summary is basically "OP is Pr96lematic" and I think that's beautiful
    I'm feelin aight now so bed for real
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    hnnnghhh @Loq, you are giving me too many starscream emotions, I am hurting :< I can't keep adding to my my starscream feelings pile, one of these days it's going to avalanche on top of me and I'll suffocate and be dead. Dead of starscream. It's the way I always wanted to go :')

    But all that talk of... being cornered, not having an escape, and just wanting the quick death instead of being toyed with. That's especially hitting me right in my heart. It's giving me all sorts of spotlight: megatron flavored emotions, but it's also giving me all sorts of interesting ideas for how that would extend forward into the future, and his reactions to being under threat. He's a resilient baby, and I'm proud of him, but how many times can you be threatened with imminent death by physical violence, from this one mech who's nominally your ally and is in charge of you, and just... god. Starscream puts up a good front, but now I want to see if I can find the right ways to poke at him and find the little fragile breaking points he tries to hide.

    Alsoooo I continue to be disproportionately hung up on Crankcase and his boyfriend. And I've already mentally committed myself to two fics, where

    the first one is going to be real slow and vanilla, just crankcase-centric. They're getting used to being physically near each other and they're both nervous, but realizing that they're still the same people they've been so open and vulnerable with this whole time, and that yes, the other person does feel that way about them. An initial realization that holy shit, we can hold hands turns into a quiet, intimate handjob situation, the kind of quiet that you almost handle because you're just alone with the sensation and emotions and nothing else you can focus your attention on, and it's almost too overwhelming to handle.

    Then the second one is going to have them a leetle more comfortable with each other, and Crankcase being kind of insistent (not in an actually insistent way, words are hard, it makes sense in my head) that he wants to do something for Foreva. And then we go BALLS TO THE WALL with the shapeshifting potential. There will be bits and pieces of it here and there, but oh man. We are going PANMORPHIC LIFEFORM ALL UP IN THIS JOINT. I'm thinking we're going to get cybertronian genitalso on Foreva at some point, just so Crankcase knows what to do with himself. But tentacles. Tentacle bondage and holding him motionless and exploring all the most intimate details of his body, all the best, best things. With tentative kink negotiation as they go, and piles of trust and adoration that crankcase doesn't want to articulate, so I guess he'll just have to express them through submission.... and physical worship :3c

    But okay. Those I already knew. What REALLY EXTRA has my attention know is that Foreva sure knows how to turn into Thunderwing. He's got that body on lock. And Thunderwing is so huge and gorgeous and intimidating and HUGE. And Crankcase is terrified of him. I want... stuff like when I have Rung gently shepherding Fort Max through bondage. Or Chromedome easing Prowl through too-intense emotions. I want working through trauma using kink, and I want it with one of the most gloriously indulgent size differences I'm going to ever get to play with. It's going to be like Megatron and Tailgate, but with intense caring and trust and concern, and established intimacy, and awareness of how loaded the situation is and trusting each other regardless. I want all that careful observation of your partner to be sure that those emotions and fear aren't tripping all the way into a truly ugly place, with the knowledge that you've already hurt him that way once before.

    I just... I want this relationship so bad, I refuse to believe Crankcase and his boyfriend are 100% going their separate ways, I am dead set on believing that even physically apart, they continue to romance each other online. It's just SO SWEET, I never cared about crankcase before why is this happening to me, it's like goddamn rotorstorm all over again
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  11. Pix

    Pix Active Member

  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    speaking of my most problematic son, my sweet baby seeker, the terrible light of my life, can i just say that it delights me beyond measure that the entire TF fandom, years and years ago, collectively decided that starscream was not just a babe but was in fact the babe???

    like. i have never read a fic that suggested starscream was anything but a grade-A megababe, an elegant beauteous shining jewel, a real Hot Tamale

    of course that is usually followed up by 'too bad about his *wide vague gestures indicating 'literally everything else about him'*'

    BUT STILL!! i'm so glad that the TF fandom Of Olde saw this
    and decided 'yeah that's the hot one'
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    !!!!!!!!! My hero!!

    That is indeed the story! I would have sworn it wasn't part of a series, but I should know better than to rely on my memory by now :P I totally missed it in the search engine, because knock out plays such a minor role in the overall structure, so I was like nahhh, no need to even bother checking. WHOOPS. But now iti s safely in my bookmarks folder, and I am a happy little porn gremlin.

    Okay first you need to know that I'm still giggling about over the 'too bad about his *wide vague gestures indicating 'literally everything else about him'*'

    But oh man, the general agreement on Starscream's hotness makes me so happy, because! Just look at that eighties face! And then just look at what it became in Sarah Stone's hands a few short decades later, and everyone nodded along and was like yes, this is correct.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And also I am trying not to write an essay on Starscream's status as 'the hot one' in an in-universe sense, because the general vanity and the care he takes in looking gorgeous are shaded with all sorts of interesting things when you look at them in terms of Megatron and everything that went down with that mess.

    And while I'm here and talking about Starscream's physical appearance and vanity, let's have one little quick page from spotlight: megatron


    I have a lot of feelings about how one of the few pillars you have left to hold you up being plain, frivolous vanity, and having even that aggressively stripped from you. By this point the fight was won, Megatron was just wrecking Starscream's face to wreck Starscream's face.

    And on a barely-related note, while I'm here, check it out. It's Skywarp being upset because his trine is falling apart and nobody will tell him what's wrong, and both his trinemates are severely depressed, on top of the escalating ugliness between Starscream and Megatron. And a friendly reminder that most of Skywarp's following actions in the plot involve him throwing himself even harder into the decepticon cause as a mule with a useful outlier ability, even when things are happening like, y'know, Galvatron completely ignoring the way he needs medical treatment. That kind of thing. I was planning to write a fic for the trine and was planning to sketch in old drama around them, but turns out all that drama was secretly there to begin with.

    (also thundercracker never set out intending to be a decepticon. he thought he was joining a gladiator team and megatron was like TERRORISM TIME, BITCHES. he's been expressing discomfort with decepticon actions since the beginning, but followed where skywarp and starscream led. four million years of moral injuries)


    Oh, and there's probably something to be said about the way these three share frames, and starscream's vanity being one of his last supports, and all that jazz. But I am le tired and this post is already way longer than I intended, so. Just imagine there was some really thoughtful content here about these three dorks and their pretty frames and starscream's fucked-up mental state.
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  14. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    The hottest Dorito boy
    • Like x 3
  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I'm rereading LL1, as one does while pining for the next issue, and I've just noticed--
    When Rapidfire tries to start a fight with Tailgate, Cy does his protective hissy thing. But also: he's holding back one of Tailgate's fists. Possibly both, panel framing makes it hard to see. Considering TG's later "I'm gonna go revengemurder someone" I am... both proud of the artists and more worried than ever about him :<
    • Like x 8
  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I needed that heart! GDI Spock! (Refering to Starscream)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So there I was. Minding my own business. Flipping through fanfic at work, as you do. And as I'm idly leafing through vir.rabbit.d, what do I see?

    big daddy.jpg

    @coldstars, I just need you to know that I blame you for making me crack up over robot porn in the middle of my office
    • Like x 6
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Guys... I am in the unfortunate position of having to come up with a quick list of many cybertronian names, that sound at least marginally dignified, despite having no bearing on the actual story. And I found a list of transformers names to pillage. And just... I've seen some of the silly ones and the hilariously suggestive ones before. But you know who I hadn't seen?


    • Like x 8
  19. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    I am a very mature human being
    • Like x 6
  20. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern


    (also if you need random robo names, should we give you our fanbot names? my two are Starbreaker and Flyby, though one of those is basically transplanting another canon's character entirely into TF.)
    • Like x 3
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