shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Aricia Chaput

    Aricia Chaput Pitch Harlot

    but why do you carry them yourselveS?? don't you have a mother grub or something like iT?

    ....thaaaaaaaaaat's horrifyinG.
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  2. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    We have hotspots - one harvests the spark and surrounding materials from the ground - but Primus reactivated another method, the one the results in internal carrying. Seeing as my ship has no access to a hotspot, our population has necessarily grown through the internal gestation method.
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  3. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Isn't it, though? Nature is wonderful and also terrifying!
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  4. Mabel Pines

    Mabel Pines [WT/18+/NS] Witch of Heart

    "I don't know, Ma'Vali seems to like it. Except for the part where she sometimes barfs in the morning, but I think she found a tincture to fix it." Mabel shrugs. "She's really stoked about having kits. We hear a lot about what her body is doing today, or at least I do, because she's always talking to Sigrid about it."
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  5. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    "I am so not ever doing that," says Paz, looking more than slightly perturbed.
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  6. Mabel Pines

    Mabel Pines [WT/18+/NS] Witch of Heart

    Mabel shrugs. "You only like girls, so your chances of having to deal with it are really slim. Unless you meet a girl with the other bits. Then, you should use birth control. It's not a big problem, is it?"
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  7. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    "I still feel the need to express my objections." Paz shrugs. "The mothergrub sounds like a good idea."
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  8. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Not everyone cares to carry, it's nothing to make a fuss over. But then I think alts shouldn't be fussed over either and look how that turned out...
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  9. Aricia Chaput

    Aricia Chaput Pitch Harlot

    why the fuck would anyone reactivate thaT

    why would you willingly carry something in your body that's actively leeching off you to live and also making you sicK????

    yeS. it iS. your method of having grubs is horrifyinG. i like our way betteR.
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  10. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    The species was dying and atta's rather attached to them.
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  11. Mabel Pines

    Mabel Pines [WT/18+/NS] Witch of Heart

    "Well," Mabel says, "the barfing is fixable, at least for her. I have the impression that most of the rest of the time she feels pretty good, in fact, from the way she and Sigrid giggle and whisper sometimes, I get the impression the hormones have benefits? She sleeps more, but she never slept enough before, so all in all that's good. Although I think it will get uncomfortable when the kits get bigger, because Abba Ford is their father, and he's a lot bigger than she is. But she really wants kits. And she's definitely looking forward to breast-feeding them and cuddling them to keep them warm and fussing over them and trilling at them. She really likes little children."
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  12. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    pregnant chicks have bigger tits, thats a bonus.
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  13. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    "I do, however, largely like the idea of having parents. Even though my original ones weren't very good. I know you learn a lot of stuff from schoolfeeds, but I have to wonder how you learned the stuff only adults can teach you before computers were invented, because there are things a lusus can't teach you." Paz shrugs. "But if there was a system where the mothergrub could grow the babies, and then people who want to be parents could come and get a baby, that would probably be pretty useful. Particularly since under our system people sometimes get pregnant when they don't want to."

    Paz turns to Mabel. "You know, Ma'Vali may be the world's biggest proponent of pregnancy, but she was pretty horrified when she found out humans have abortions and that the reason for that is that humans can get pregnant without even knowing it."
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  14. Coxswain Gwawdwyr

    Coxswain Gwawdwyr captain of the B.F.S. angel

    *Mutter mutter something culling.*
  15. Mabel Pines

    Mabel Pines [WT/18+/NS] Witch of Heart

    Mabel sighs. "It's complicated. I wouldn't have wanted to get born before birth control. When we time-travelled we saw a lady who had way too many children and no life whatsoever. I felt so bad for her I told her we were going to get the vote, which is part of why the guy we stole the tape measure from got in trouble. But babies are nice and I like them. I'd like to have one someday. When I am a whole lot older."
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  16. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    "That is a bonus for you, not the girl. I like my boobs the size they are." Paz makes a face. "And unless you want to have and support a baby, you're being gross."
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  17. Aricia Chaput

    Aricia Chaput Pitch Harlot

    that all sounds horriblE

    the fact that people can have that when they don't even want it makes this system worsE

    and i guess your idea could worK? but the grubs would have to pupate firsT

    ...i'm guessing you're from alternia and no your idea of culling is horriblE
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  18. Cronus J. Ampora

    Cronus J. Ampora higher education is for nerds

    been there, done that. i get to say whatever i want about pregnant girls now.
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  19. Coxswain Gwawdwyr

    Coxswain Gwawdwyr captain of the B.F.S. angel

    vwhat? no, im a representativwe of the beforan empire.
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  20. Paz Malfoy

    Paz Malfoy [WT/18+/NS] Pacifica, Prince of Breath

    "Yes," says Paz with feeling.
    • Like x 1
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