Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    And you know Megatron must have done that to him a lot. Pushing Starscream harder than was possible and then blaming him for less-than-perfect results, blaming him for getting good results but the wrong way, blaming him for not being willing to do anything in his power to get good results, blaming him and pushing him and blaming him and pushing him, because Starscream is special to Megatron. Because Starscream earned his attention and deserves his abuse.
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The asteroid thing especially. When Starscream's coup failed in AHM, Megatron chewed him out for being such a loser at first (Sad!). But then he turned around and told Starscream that he eventually would lead the Decepticons, just to be patient and wait for it to happen in due time. And then when Megatron (apparently) died and there was a peaceful transfer of power, the first thing he does when he comes back is beat Starscream's face in for daring to be a leader!

    Not to mention, Starscream's big gripe with the AHM stuff was that they shouldn't be wasting time in NYC when they had a galactic war to fight. And then when he comes back, Megatron turns right around and blames him for the whole intergalactic war falling apart.

    Everything about Starscream's history makes me so unbearably sad
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Can't stop won't stop. Must share the pain

    Also, on a less sad note

    Cyclonus, the angry cat. "I allow you to hold me, mere mortal. Do so at your own risk."
    • Like x 6
  5. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I finished the Anode/Lug drawing!

    I also really need to catch up with the non-mtmte comics so i can join in with the starscream chat
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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Eeeeee. I really hope Lug and Anode stick around as new main cast members. Given how much focus they got in just one issue, I'm betting they will!
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahhh, that's adorable!!!
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    ............guys, guys

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  9. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Peter "Cullen" Griffin.
  10. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    This amused me extra because my phone tries to correct megatron to Megan
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    So yeah. Today was the last official day the gifts for one of the Christmas TF exchanges were due by, and...I have never heard anything back from my giftee, and there's still at least a few gifts not turned in. Including I guess the one for me. They're presumably calling in backup people, but I guess I'm in limbo until that happens :C

    I've checked my giftee's blog(s) in desperation, and they've been online! They've reblogged other stuff from the same gift exchange! Recently! And yet...nothing. No indication that they've seen it on AO3, either, unless they use a very different username there. It's like. A lack of closure, on both ends. Did tumblr's @mentions not work? Did it get buried in their activity feed both when I @ed them and when the exchange blog itself @ed them? Do they just not talk on tumblr? Did they just absolutely despise it? No way of knowing, I guess, unless I like. Ask them. But then WHAT IF THEY DID HATE IT AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I don't know if I even want to know

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Psst, Starscream/Bumblebee, pass it on

    Especially since Bumblebee accidentally has full awareness of Starscream's old pain and vulnerabilities, and secretly can identify a whole lot with that feeling of being alone and drowning and desperately needing help, but without anyone being willing to reach out a hand to give you an anchor or pull you to shore
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    the solution to salt is to eat more salt(y food) and watch robots (and pray there's no megascream interaction coming up soon bc my poor lil heart can't take that today)

    ...oh christ the summary references "pr96lematic troublesome decisions about Megatron" and the preview card is starscream and knock out
    should I really be watching this

    hhhhhh the rendering on ko's legbits is gorgeous

    jack and miko: [generic heroic self-sacrificing comments]
    raph: "I would like to not die"
    you remain my favorite child


    bee looks ready to punch op and it's great

    knock out. you've got at least two prospective spades. stop flirting at breakdown's.

    I maintain that the stutterstop vocalization is bee cussing
    (also, the way his eyes just light up when he sees raph's okay. my heart.)

    did you really expect anything different, op
    did you where june singlehandedly destroys the decepticon army

    oh wow that's
    that's powerful

    everyone else just "holy shit what just even" and ko in the background "shiny :D" continuity whiplash again, it's been a while, wow. ruling "two" worlds like it's super-cool when IDW has the empire spanning... star systems, if not galaxies.


    come ooooooon come on come on we got to see it rebuild things I wanna see it metallicize things!!

    whoops there goes knock out

    it was clearly a red mech that went down under the genericon but there he is, standing and looking a little nonplussed behind megs

    always arms
    why is it always arms
    also wow op make sure one target is down for good before moving on to the next, especially if your first target's someone as dangerous as megs
    you don't know he's not ambidextrous and his antisaber's still right there

    it's not like yall need the Lock to rebuild but

    ...what happened to all the relics that were also on the platform
    are they lost to cybertron now? :< even maximo's armor?

    ffffffffffffff children no
    no no no no no
    I said I didn't want to see high command infighting today
    notice how starscream shoves knock out to be directly between himself and megatron and cry with me about these awful children hiding behind each other

    oh christ look at knock out's body language there
    he has no idea why megs is laughing but he is scared

    ...uh. guys. you. you do know normal rebuilding is possible, too?
    then again, Cybertronian population (not counting genericons, if we assume an Autobot victory involves stemming whatever production process churns out so many of them) seems significantly smaller than in other continuities...

    ...if we read Ratchet as OP's diamond then fuckin wow smokescreen shove your foot further into your throat

    actual tears
    we have actual physical tears okay good job tfp
    so much props to Ratchet's voice actor there, as well as the animator(s) who've figured out such fluid, organic motions for off-balance bots

    oh gosh it's beautiful
    I'm sad we didn't get to see its construction because that would've been a beautiful sequence, but. hot damn is that also a good wham shot

    despite a moment of "that is a tiny army #0kay" that was
    (aaaaaaaaaaaaa starscream has wings again lookit him go <3)
    also "transform and rise up" is a wonderful nod to IDW continuity 'cons, as well as a nice foil to the traditional Autobot rallying cry


    wheeljack is a beautiful shot and I think that's great no. you do not know tactics. five flashy vehicles are noticeable. one flashy vehicle is a weird out-of-towner. the autobots can't afford to have you stick together, they need to scout around for a new base. (also someone needs to go grab june.)

    ...wait. shit. can't leave the bridge open behind you, which means someone has to close it. n o
    no leaving anyone behind
    not even prime, even if he needs a good hard papping right now

    silver genericons still make me happy what universe does "multiple-moose-weight-equivalent slams across hood" not activate airbags
    june your car is shit and probably illegal to drive

    gooooooooooooood it's so nice to see Starscream kicking ass again
    even if he's killin our faves while he does so
    look at the birdson go <3

    oh noooooooooooo
    no splitting up grumpy old man diamond
    not allowed
    wheeljack's still out there even if he got shot down, I'm sure he can manage to blow up a bridge

    "I... never imagined it would end like this"
    you can't tell me they're not romantically involved somehow

    ...I mean if they destroy the base they presumably destroy the bridge anyway, it's not like we actually need someone to lock up

    ...fuck the Forge was still in there somewhere wasn't it
    please tell me someone took it with them

    oh hey that's the end of s2? makes sense I guess, just...
    why do I feel like this season should've been longer?
    wheeeeee new season
    they are really nice about setting up threads for the next season to pick up

    ...I didn't notice because I was too busy cooing at the pretty architecture and starscream last episode, but uh. Wow. The Seven Phases are really different in this continuity, aren't they. Or does OP just have a shit understanding of them? Bc I'm pretty sure "build a fortress" was... not Phase One of taking a new planet in IDW. (Infiltration was, iirc. Because Cons ain't fuckin stupid.)

    Another thing I forgot to think about: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YALL REFUSE TO SCAN NEW ALTS

    oh no
    oh no not jackie
    torture is not what I want for jackie
    au where wheeljack helps ko and starscream escape megatron because the guy's not fuckin deaf
    and everything comes back to wheeljack<>starscream
    healthy quads for screamer 2k17

    megs you're bad at names

    on the other hand, you are apparently good at genre-savviness sometimes
    make sure you find those corpses indeed, they aint dead til you've pulled the bodies apart

    of course OP isn't dead, he's got plot armor

    "TFP Beast Hunters"
    that's an
    interesting subtitle

    gooooosh the texturing on the insectipod is so lovely

    aw hell the Forge
    why did no one grab the Forge
    any of the weapons I wouldn't give a flying fuck about but keep the Thirteens' relics away from Mister I'm Gonna Shove Poison In My Chest For Glory Science

    fffffffffffffffff scream I know it's to survive but you're overacting a little


    ...guys you're late to the party
    also this is going to be NYC all over again aint it
    let's... not waste a month and a half dicking around only to beat Screamer's ass for suggesting they get back to the war

    oh my god the tower's got planetkiller cannons on
    megatron you fucking tryhard even your starship didn't have weapons that big, stop overcompensating
    are you just salty your spade ditched you again, is that what this is
    because if it is I assure you it has nothing to do with how big your spike, or any analogue to it, is

    ....okay that's cool but you know what would be even cooler. If you'd got some mechanism that stripped metal from the targets to use it to reinforce the tower and/or expand cyberformed structures/environment. totally is NYC all over again. Dammit guys. Can we not. What was even the purpose of torching the local infrastructure, it was empty.
    those are some beautiful landscapes tho, props painters and animators did they know to contact fowler. were they able to recover intact data from the pile of rubble? did fowler try contacting any of the bots?

    Twenty crobux Soundwave scripted it for him

    "radiation levels"
    a meteor shower
    uh huh
    better hope no one was paying attention to the science (and lack thereof) behind that, fowler...

    at least fowler's smart about military shit

    ...I take it back, he is pretty shit to be laying plans on people who, if not for plot armor, would almost certainly be dead. But he's decent at information-control things.

    awwww Bee looks so cute in his scene makeover recon repaint

    I love how Bee's body language communicates plainly enough that we can translate even without Raf responding
    "fuck if I know" is so beautifully universal

    oh come on you can't tell me there wasn't a backup location if the base was ever compromised, yall are at war
    how awful is Prime at strategy

    see at least Bulk's being smart about it
    ...though, in retrospect, it kind of makes sense that he's got more experience operating solo than Bee, considering how young Bee seems

    oh my god please keep flirting at starscream it's hilarious

    ...jack. jackie you totally coulda fed him bullshit coordinates. I admit wanting more time with starscream is an admirable goal but. You can't tell me counter-interrogation techniques weren't covered in wrecker training. it would turn out awful for screamer, but you don't actually care about him as much as I do probably

    See, Megs makes good decisions (mostly) when he hasn't got Dark Energon wedged into his spark casing. It's Evil Stupidity Crystal, I'm tellin ya

    why is the greenbroke kid the only one who thinks to pick shiny weapons back up
    Smokescreen for commander 2k17

    ...if "optimus" really is derived from 'optimist' (or optimism) rather than 'optimal,' that is. A really poignant moment. Oh dear.

    ...oh my god Arcee why. Why do you and Bee have the same stupid ideas, please tell me you're not back at the damn Jasper warehouses.

    okay it's not the Jasper warehouses yet but. My disapproval stands.

    okay new plan: we replace stupid human jack with excellent robot wheeljack
    the show will instantly be at least 30% better

    ...on the other hand, if you die messily I don't have to worry about you being a dumb shit anymore so.
    but arcee would be sad and that's not allowed

    hiiiiiiiiii laserbeak <3

    jack continues to be a dumb motherfucker but at least he's remembered what cover is

    Arcee is capable as ever <3

    laserbeak no

    knock out "really liked" the phase shifter, hmmmm? I know a certain friend who might also be happy if he found it again... please get consent before fisting peoples' chests tho ko

    soundwave's busy trying to save his bird daughter dammit megs leave him be

    oh that was a cool reveal

    oh no
    oh no watch Starscream hide in the background
    well wheeljack's gonna be involved this is already better than "human jack makes bad decisions"

    oh god I was too whammed by the shot at the end of last episode to notice but the animator that loves crotches was back
    was it really necessary to start the pan up directly at dick level

    pffff that reference
    stop memeing shocker

    I do like this voice for Shockwave

    what is it with these robots and self-surgery
    I mean Shocker really had no other options but dear god

    ooooooooooh I like his alt
    v alien, v nice

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand how about we don't beat up starscream that would be nice

    ooooh thank god
    thank you for not having a temper shockwave
    or at least for having a better handle on it than megs
    (and god, poor Starscream, that he's been thrown around for so long he expects everyone even mildly annoyed to hit him. on the one hand I want to hug whoever did all the research on abuse for his reactions to.... everything, on the other can we not can we maybe not just let him get out and be free without being mortally wounded again)

    awwww lookit ko snarking at his spade

    oh noooooooo watch screamer's wings when he has even the tiniest question
    it's okay bb
    it's okay
    it's not okay someone please let him escape

    is that
    (also I like how they have all the kids' cell signals but not raf's laptop)

    it is ratchet! let's go get grump dad and take him to shitactical dad and smokey
    ...what was ratchet doing sneaking around in root?

    oh my goooooooooood no no no no
    the memes are funny but can we not when megs is going to beat scream's face in for it

    welp. I'm glad no actual beatings happened but. can decepticon command just. not. please

    awwwwwwwww jackie
    go jackie go

    awwww I love my sneaky birdson


    oh nooooooooooooo grieving grump dad

    bee stop cussing at grump dad

    raf you are not a grief counselor let poor ratchet mourn his amica in peace



    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Miko's been adopted as a Wrecker
    my heart


    this means bad things for screamer but I hope they're offscreen at least

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ratchet
    grump dad
    of course you couldn't let them go do inadvisable things alone <3

    the amount of cussing bee is doing is hilarious, is this just how he talks when Bad Tactics Dad isn't around

    ...I thought that was the Jackhammer on first flyby but nope that's... someone else
    who is she
    ...wait it's gonna be fowler and june ain't it


    MAGS IS HERE :D :D :D :D

    mhrrrrrrrrrrr nope not offscreen not offscreen can we not

    can we please have one robot continuity without obviously human-coded genetic basis for the aliens

    ...this is where the "beast hunters" thing comes in innit. please don't be dinobots please don't be dinobots I don't wanna watch them fight jackie it would be Wrong

    ...normally I am All Here for giant space robot dragons but please tell me that's not a "dinobot 1.0"
    E3 hehehehe come on guys let's play some games
    and also meet uncle magnus

    ...okay that is one pretty robot insectidragon

    oh, Predacon, okay

    mommy I want a predacon for christmas

    I love all her lil facial flanges
    hello cutie

    ...someone please fix the giant space robot dragon's wings, those don't look airworthy #realproblems

    baby wrecker miko gives me life

    oh magnus

    smoooooookescreeeeeeeeen nooooooooooo

    ...okay so. Moving around underground I get. But how does Smokey climb while phaseshifting?

    oh. oh okay he started in the tower, that makes sense
    god I love this sneaky lil shit, I hope he survives the series

    oh look the spadeboys salting at each other, hello darlings <3
    ...wait. waitwaitwait both of my pitch ships for ko in one place. threesome time

    smokey look where you're going unless you're in a wall you could run right into a patrol

    [happy sighing over predacons]

    wheeljack you can't solo a predacon
    ...I love that your reaction to it roaring is to yell back tho that's adorable


    good get out of there

    holy shit what are predacons even made of
    I want twenty

    oh god wreckers and magnus
    this is gonna be hilarious and awful

    magnus let jackie shoot he's better at it

    go hide on the moon
    I mean I'm sure predacons are spaceworthy but go hide on the moon


    thank you bee

    ...the fact that ratchet is the only person magnus doesn't try to impose structure on only fuels my ratchet<>OP theories

    ....screamer. Screamer, 'mute' does not mean 'mindless' or 'deaf'. Beastformers definitely exist within your continuity, Onyx Prime wouldn't be the "first" if he were the only.

    ratchet<>OP forever

    thank you for being a proper commander, Mags

    ...I mean that's sensible, but you're gonna have to order Smokey into it.

    ...damn. I didn't expect them to actually kill Prime. Is he dead?

    all of these crotch shots. thank you animators, you are the heroes we never knew we needed.

    smokescreen prime 2k17

    I mean way to reinforce Smokey's delusions of Fated Heroism but. yessssssss
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  14. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    SNORT i've seen two sideswipe/sunstreaker fics in the past week that are like 'sunstreaker and sideswipe (two totally unrelated guys who btw were definitely not brothers) did a smooch'

    WEAK!!!! if you're gonna ship a twincest ship then OWN IT you fool, you fucking coward, who do you think you are kidding..... do you think you get a get-out-of-sinful-shipping-free card just cause you said no bromo....

    no but really im laughing like.... call a spade a spade my friend
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity



    I can't get my mind away from this. I can't. Because those scenes with brain ghost bumblebee? The way starscream is more honest and straightforward with him than he even is with wheeljack, because bumblebee isn't real, obviously, so it's safe. He says these things to bumblebee about 'maybe you have to pick somebody,' and yes!! That is very true! And I am glad that starscream is being forthright with wheeljack! This is very, very good, and I don't think starscream could have done any better on an ally who'd give him a fair shake and wouldn't be likely to betray him just 'cause.

    But that's not the only person starscream has been confiding in, is it :3c

    As far as we can tell from in the comics, bumblebee has been there to watch all the most bitter, unhappy things starscream has said out loud since dark cybertron. We've seen him struggling to hold it together second- or third-hand, but we know that he's talking "to himself" on the regular, and every time we see it, it's always... ouch. It's always very ouch. We see him talking about how alone he is in the present. We see him talking about how he trusted megatron and got burned over it. Would he ever be willing to say these things to someone he thought was real? I doubt it.

    And bumblebee isn't just a passive player in all this. I have feelings about him and how he got shoved into a position he didn't want to be in and wasn't equipped to handle, and then got effectively strung out to dry, and then fucking died. And maybe death has taken some of the urgency out of his everything. But bumblebee has always been a snooping snooper who snoops, and he's always been a people person. Those people skills were what got him railroaded into 'YOU'RE THE BOSS NOW, NO TAKEBACKS', and even if he wasn't equipped to command, he's got a natural knack for ferreting out secrets, and a natural knack for making friends.

    And even if he never wanted to trust starscream back at the beginning of exrid, I mean... look at everything that's happened since. He's been able to watch starscream act in (mostly) good faith for years now, and he's been told more about starscream's pain and his past than probably anyone else ever. Even when he watches starscream do shitty things and use and manipulate people, he has more context than anyone else for why starscream would be making these sorts of decisions. Maybe some of what we see on the screen is just cut short because of space, but we don't see him arguing that hard with starscream. We see him being critical of him, but it's gently critical. Even when optimus annexes earth, bumblebee is mainly disagreeing with starscream on the basis of his own long history with optimus, and... that's fair, other characters confirm that the optimus of the present is very different from the optimus of even a few years ago. He isn't discounting the history starscream brings up about him and megatron. He isn't even arguing that it couldn't have been that bad, or that starscream couldn't have trusted megatron that strongly. Like... it's all speculation, but their interactions make so much more sense to me if you assume that by now bumblebee has a pretty intimate understanding of the ugliest or most painful parts of starscream's history.

    And I think bumblebee is in a really great position to be sympathetic. Even if he doesn't have a personal history to parallel starscream's, the last couple years of his life... they sucked. They really sucked. He got locked into the commander role even though he never asked for it and never seemed to be all that comfortable with it. Even up to the end, he had so much trouble wrangling his people, or just getting them to listen, and there was all the mess with prowl, etc. In mtmte 1, he's badly shaken when ratchet leaves with rodimus, and honestly things only get worse from there. He does a little bit better at the very end, because he is entirely out of fucks to give. But it doesn't change that he spent all this time struggling and never really got the support he needed from people around him. And then he diiiieeeeeeed.

    So even if bumblebee was never lacking for friends, I still think he'd really genuinely be sympathetic to the things starscream is dealing with. If he was alive, sure, established antagonism, why would I ever listen to a word that guy says, etc. But... he's dead. He's got nothing else to do but listen. He's got nobody else, really. He is very alone right now, even if existing as a ghost is maybe probably kind of a relief after the mess that started after he took command. And this just means he's had a front row seat to watch starscream be more genuine than he's been with anyone else in god knows how long. He's such a naturally caring person, and starscream has spent this time just... casually baring his heart, laying out all his scars and old wounds, talking about the emotions he's feeling, how miserable he is, how alone he is. How is bumblebee supposed to not care for him after all of that?

    HOO, wow, I don't know how all that happened but I'd better cross-post to tumblr so I don't forget all of it :V

    Anyways, what I originally came here to talk about was


    Because imagine Starscream masturbating, and Bumblebee's ghost is there, but he's not real, none of this is real, and he can just casually talk to Bumblebee as he gets off. And Bumblebee can't interact with him directly, but he's been listening for years to how alone and desperate Starscream is, and it's so easy to slip into this with him, just quietly telling him what to do and how to touch himself. And Starscream plays right along, because again! Not real!!! None of this is actually happening, but what the hell, let's just play along with my hallucination and do what it says. And when Starscream is finished, that means it's safe for him to be completely shameless when he asks Bumblebee to tell him how gorgeous he is and how good he is and how valued he is, and Bumblebee does that for him, and when he says it, it's more true than he ever meant it to be
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Spock continues to have the best ideas
    • Like x 3
  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Guys this is very important


    I need you all to imagine Spinister signing off his letter to Fort Max with a couple of kisses, this is extremely important imagining work
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
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  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    do those random capital letters mean anything?


    ....guess not, huh.
    • Like x 3
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I am Excite for the next episode, so now that I've et and slept back to TFP liveblogging
    that... is a badly-timed preview card.

    look at that character growth
    smokey I'm so proud of you bae are they feeding the humans, is Fowler flying shit in?

    oooooooooooooooooh dear oh no oh no let's not do this onscreen

    our friend who likes hips is not on the team for this scene, apparently

    ooh that is niiiiiiiiice

    ...that is an awfully anticlimactic end for my baby

    give me Thirteen lore already Trion you bastard

    aaaaaaand suddenly my internet's shitting itself, come on, not now

    ...if you're on the cannons, and everyone else is inside or underground, who's flying the shuttle?

    ...shockwave, you're bad at this. If their direct objective seems pointless, the actual objective is probably distraction. You are being distracted right now.

    ...buddy. Fowler. You know as well as anyone that plans go to shit with enemy contact.

    mhhhrrrrr I know they probably aren't going to kill OP off but. Please tell me it didn't just auto-rebuild him. That is not how the Forge is supposed to work. this where we get the Rescue Bots nod? Totally did rebuild him. And give him a fancy jetpack. F U C K
    Either Trion (and the narrator of the Aligned novel) is a lying liar who lies, or we have a continuity snarl.
    at least one of the bots can finally fly but. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAGH

    where's Smokey tho

    Optimus flies pretty well for someone who, as far as we know, has never been flight-capable before...

    wheeljack stepping on him was entirely unnecessary what are you doing

    awwwwwwwwwww bb

    the gentle shoulder-pat of magnusdadly affection
    I almost tried to type "s4e4" there. That is totally how episode progression works.

    the preview card has what looks like blue-and-yellow Smokescreen on. give my son all the pretty paintjobs there probably is a kibble component to what alts they can and can't scan. Huh. Alright, props there, I am mildly less annoyed at "why can none of you fly" now, though OP really should pick up a flier of some sort now he's got the engines and winglets for it.

    ooooooooooooooh new title sequence!
    I am a little disappoint Magnus and Smokey aren't in it, because that says Things about their survival probability, but... my darling dragon <3


    pfff the lil false start
    you can see him consider trying to kneel down to get a look and then realize his lower legs are shit for that

    smokey does have a new paintjob <3

    mhrrrr no
    someone compliment his new paint he's pretty
    also that was a shit bluff roll, better would've been "at least prime doesn't treat me like a rookie"

    ....oooooh no
    no no no
    don't tell me they are gonna make dinobots cons in this verse
    please no

    at least they didn't call it "fossilized"
    also yay not dinobots! I love dinobots but the only reason they should be anywhere near Shockwave's lab is to wreck it

    there is a nod to dinobots and they are not predacons <3 <3 <3

    ...why do robots have bones
    why is that skull so recognizable as a predacon's
    either don't bother with an endoskeleton at all or make it realistic goddamn

    dragon colony <3

    ...if you're gonna be keeping the kids on the military base at least get em some cots or smth, the couches are not permanent solutions locking magnus in a closet with jackie aint gonna make em like each other more

    help I'm shipping smokey<>bee






    NO NO NO

    okay good he just got knocked back

    ...buddy this ends with a wishbone snap along the symphysis
    which does not prevent Shocker from using his half

    soundwave <3

    the mottling on Megs' fingers is really pretty there[/i]
    you heard it here first folks global warming will bring back our space robot insect dragon overlords
    I for one welcome them

    smokey is in the new opening, he's just first out and the silhouettes make him look kinda like Bee
    still no uncle magnus tho

    ...wait. If all the predacons are varying mythological creatures, does that make Predaking some giant monster combiner
    or is he Echidna

    god watch starscream cringe
    he's so good at combat but megs is right there and Screamer's 'supposed' to have a handle on the whole ongoing war situation

    "I'm... sure 'Jack's just trying to prove himself, now that--"
    You Tried, Bulk.

    Magnus looks so lovely with the warhammer <3

    oh my god
    ooooooh my god
    Magnus is gonna throw a fit over the baby human wrecker isn't he

    starscream you can't bully a dragon

    Wheeljack bestworst babysitter

    at least Magnus knows he can't solo a Predacon

    see, Jackie, learn from Miko. Blow shit up and play the brass, so the brass lets you keep blowing shit up


    at least Miko is smol enough to hide from lorge robots

    ....oh my god. Oh my god the Apex Armor is being used for the purpose it was forged for oh my god. Ohhhh my god the myth arc is real

    the transformation sequences are still beautiful and omfg that lil wiggle
    glad to see our fellow robotfucker is back on the animation crew

    NO who wants to bet "accidentally killed your moirail in a hectic combat situation" is a troll tragedy trope


    oh christ who lost an eye
    is this why Magnus isn't in the opener


    ...oh. the "eye" is a "bone". Sure. Suuuure.

    I like the one genericon in the back just. "uh. what the fuck. what the fuck. uh. I'm just gonna. stand here. popcorn?"


    ...the next ep has knockout on the preview but also I need food. Boo.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Okay, so this is just a *snigger snigger* thing like when jane austen talks about people having 'delightful intercourse', but... JRO was up to his elbows in fandom before he became part of the creative team. He wrote Eugenesis. He had to have known what he was doing.

    and guess who just listened to the last podcast on the left's episode about necrophilia eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
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