What are your fan fiction gripes?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster



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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Shia @ Shia
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  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    i can't stop giggling am i 12 years old holy fuck
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  4. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    The true disappointment in this is the writer went for Shia taking in Optimus's dick, instead of poledancing around the dick, like a bukkake maypole.
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Trufax, Optimus Prime was the one who got his consent violated, not that he minded much in the universe of the fic. Optimus Prime was doing like, remote video conferencing (while he was truck-shaped), and Shia was asleep in his cab. Then as far as I could tell, Shia woke up and got bored, popped open the glove compartment or something and eyyyyy, it's Optimus's dick!! So he starts going bananas on this thing while Optimus is trying to keep his chill in the video conference (he thinks Shia is doing this while... he's asleep or something). Eventually he pops back over into his body and gets humanoid and they talk about how I'VE ALWAYS LUSTED AFTER YOU....... FOR SO LONG............... I HAVE DESIRED YOU............... And then they violate each other, as well as the laws of physics. But yes, Shia made the first move, and did not even think about waiting for :consent:
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  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    this keeps getting more and more ridiculous as it goes on
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  7. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    "No dubcon!! Enthusiastic consent!!!"

    *deeply harrowing fuck-or-die scenario featuring a suicidal character slowly being convinced not to pick "or die," mainly because mind-altering pheremones*

    *severely indoctrinated character raised from childhood to base entire self-worth on being untouched on wedding night with someone he's never met who literally just bought him, compounded by touch starvation, also mind-altering pheromones*

    ... *repeated application of head to desk*

    (Dunno if it makes it better or worse that this time it was some genuinely good shit. Not into the virginity/claiming kink found therein, but this person does touch-starvation really damn well.)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
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  8. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    (in case you cannot tell, sex pollen and mating cycle fic are high on my list of guilty pleasures.)

    (just would prefer if we could find a generally accepted definition of a spade, and refer to appropriately-shaped instruments as such.)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
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  9. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    @spockandawe, I now kinda want to read transformers porn even though nearly everything I know about canon I learned on this forum. Mainly from you. I wish to file an incoherent complaint about something!
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahahaha, there's a lot of fun porn out there to dive into! Though I will say I've been frustrated by the quality of the human/cybertronian stuff I've found so I have to start writing my own. I've been broken reading-wise for a few years, so I haven't explored nearly as much as I've wanted to. But especially when people use the G1 eighties cartoon as their starting point, I feel like... there's a large cast, but the plot just Does Not Matter, because it was a cheap eighties cartoon designed to shove toy designs down children's throats. The comics and animated series have a bit more continuity behind fanfic plots, but I think it's a pretty accessible universe, and I've never had much trouble diving into the stories where I sure didn't know what the heck I was reading about. And I think this fandom is pretty prone to making AUs that legit don't have much to do with the original material, but I still haven't been able to muscle through a lot of the older comics/shows, so I'm not 100% sure.

    But! Especially if you're coming from a homestuck background at all, dive on in, the xeno is gr8

    There aren't quite bulges and nooks, but the most popular fanon (valveplug) is that every cybertronian has a dick (spike), vagina (valve), and clit (node). And sometimes an asshole (aft port). And people will go nuts with having, like, junk modified to add vibration, having fancy biolights, all kinds of good stuff. One author likes having a data jack on the spike and a data port in the valve, so when you get intimate without protection, you upload some of your memories into your partner.

    Now, that's not the only xeno, there's also plug and play (sex via data transfer with cables), wireplay (no genitals, but getting under their plating to stimulate internal components like wires and junk until the other person climaxes), and sparkplay (usually combined with other flavors of xeno, but basically partners touching their physical soul/heart together).

    And I'm going to cut it off there, because I could go into some of the niche stuff for ages :P It's a really fun fandom for this kind of content! I run into things to complain about because I am get snippy and judgmental when I think someone Did A Thing Wrong (the quality on that shia/optimus wasn't great, but i was into it until things started to get extra weird), but it's a whole lot of fun to explore!

    I'd say mind the tags on all these, because they all hit some potentially-sensitive territory, but I enjoy the heck out of Coming To Terms (unfinished, and probably will never finish), Delicacy (finished), Vir.Rabbit.D (unfinished, mmmay eventually finish, but EXTREMELY hot), and These Games We Play (unfinished, accelerating towards a close, AMAZING FIC). I think those are all nominally G1, but Delicacy is way off in its own AU land. Those first three are valveplug, but TGWP is wireplay (and so!!! so!!!!!! good!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has its own thread in fan town)

    And if you ever have robot questions, I'm sure you've realized how incredibly easy it is to hit my sperg button and get me to talk
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  11. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Oooh shiny! I'm beginning to have to fight to compose posts, so I can't reasonably hope to say all the things I'm thinking. But I am thinking nice things about you, and there's a happy mild surprise with gratitude about your post. Thank you!

    (I really enjoy listening to people talk about their favorite things, even if it's not something I'd be into myself. This topic is totally something I'd enjoy of my own accord, so all the better!)
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  12. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Bizarre description. See the fic which chose to describe Hermione's love for Harry as "pouring out of every inch of her being like golden water".

    Dead Dove themes written in monotone. It's creepy when I can't tell whether the author is trying to present this as if they consider it normal or not.
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  13. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    See, I would usually read a monotone descriptive voice as the written equivalent of a thousand-yard stare. I have been known to go flat when extremely upset. But ymmv, of course.
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  14. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    How monotone are we talking? Like, Legolas by Laura monotone? :::PPP
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  15. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, though usually with a lot fewer "and then"s.
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  16. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Okay I promise I'll resume griping soon, but first I have to take a moment to flail in @spockandawe's general direction in a hopefully recognizable gesture of fanfic appreciation! So far I've only read the first... three? sections of the first link and I'm utterly, utterly sold. Medical officer temporarily incapacitated due to construction interference addgjfdsjklgd. Yahahaha holy shit it's brilliant and I'm dying.

    Ahem. That is to say, thank you so much for the recs.

    I currently have all the questions but it seems unfair to ask someone to explain an entire cartoon/comic/line of 80's children's toys without even subscribing to their podcast. I will probably pick up a lot from context as I go, and if a specific question with a more reasonable scope occurs, I may well hit you up.

    (It is too bad about the lack of quality fic involving humans. You are doing a service to humankind.

    I'm beginning to wonder if I have a thing for sentient giant killer robots. And whether that would be more or less amusing to explain to people than Weiss Kreuz. The bar is pretty high.)
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hahaha, I'm glad you're enjoying it!! On the note of fanfic complaints, I will say that in that one... especially towards the end, the author kind of severely drops the ball with regards to pacing, but the content is interesting, so like... I enjoy it regardless? But in some ways it frustrates me a whole lot. I knew going into it that it wasn't finished and probably abandoned 5ever, but I'd expected the author to cover more ground in the space they had, and the non-progression... just..... kept happening---

    (that being said, it does cover some excellent ground in the space it has, and does some fascinating stuff wrt differing social paradigms about sex and everything to do with it, all the way down to 'what is sex?' And I misremembered, it doesn't cover valveplug, but it has all those other flavors of xeno. I just grieve for the fic that could have been in that wordcount, but just... never quite got there)

    Actually, now that I think about it, there are a few stories I've run into with similar issues but even worse, where I love the setting and plot and characterization, but the pacing throws me so badly that I have to nope out. I'm blanking on specifics (again), because I never bookmark or return to these stories, but I do recall one vegeta/bulma one like that way back when, where I tried so hard to push through and just couldn't. I kinda want to say it frustrates me even more than characterization or plot problems, but I haven't given much thought to it before, so I'm not sure. Maybe because it's less common a problem, or it's less obvious? Hm. I want to think more about this when I have the time.
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  18. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    My friend relativelylessimportant has gone over gripes with pacing before, though I can't find his specific posts. One instance had a filler chapter as 23 of 24, and chapter 24 was twice as long as all the others to fit the ending in. Another had what felt like a "happy ending" scene in chapter 4 of what was apparently going to be a longfic and stopped at chapter 5; worse are the ones which do that and then don't stop at chapter 5 and spin the wheels for page after page because the main plot threads are already done.
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  19. Shwoo

    Shwoo Well-Known Member

    I read a roleplay like that once. The conflict was introduced and dealt with in the first few pages, and the rest was just the characters going to school and slice of lifing.

    Which is forgivable, because it was a roleplay. I don't know why you'd do that in a single-author story.
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  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    so the author notes on a chapter of a fic i'm reading said this:
    and while i appreciate the thought and i am not triggered, i happen to think this warning is inaccurate. like, seriously, in the first chapter of this fic, sans was violent towards papyrus. it happened and i reckon it qualifies as physical abuse.

    like, seriously, abuse is not only abuse if it's committed by flowey. abuse is abuse no matter who does it, and is not only done by capital letter Bad Guys.

    just... wtf author. sans being a Good Guy doesn't make the abusive stuff he does in the fic not abuse.
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