Drawing Thread!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by wixbloom, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    @NumiTuziNeru Hah, that last one looks like my moirail and I.
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  2. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Finished the outstanding palette meme requests! Here's all of them.

    In order: Garnet in #64, Damara in #10, Lapis in #100, Terezi in #4, Vriska in #25, Terezi in #46, Amethyst in #29, Mabel in #15, Jane and Roxy in #55, Rainbow Quartz in #82, Grub!Aradia in #23, and Kanaya in #69. :D
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  3. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So I recently learned about a drawing program called Krita and holy shit I'm in love. Did a self-portrait with it. :D

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  4. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    And another:

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  5. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    step one: sketch out a porny pic very roughly (post does not contain any porn), just positioning bodies and limbs and heads
    step two: sketch rough lines of where the gills would be
    step three: draw outlines of gills neatly instead
    step four: spend three hours drawing and colouring gills
    step five:
    I'd say oops but I really like them so, not-oops.
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  6. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    I accidentally a gemsona oops. I dunno if tektite is technically a gem per se (it’s basically space glass) but whatever.

    She’s a communications worker, specifically working on the technical side of things–she probably works in the same general field as Peridot, and likely holds a similar rank. Different specialty though.

    She basically has Gem Autism and her special interest is anything relating to sound and text, so she’s pretty damn good at her job. However, she’s considered defective as a result (kind of along the lines of Pearl, perhaps), so she’ll probably hit a glass ceiling of sorts eventually because why would the Diamond Authority want a ~*defective Gem*~ working in their highest ranks?? She’s not quite aware of that though, since she’s too absorbed in her work to notice when other Gems are…well, communicating with her. OH THE IRONY. (That and she sucks at picking up nuance but yeah.)

    Dunno what her weapon is yet, but I think she’d probably be kinda useless in combat and generally more suited to stuff on the sidelines. And she’s generally quite cheerful–so long as you let her do her thing with her communications work, she’s content.
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  7. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    @Acey if a pearl can be a crystal gem, I don't see why space glass can't be a regular gem! I love her face, she looks really cute.
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Aww, thank you! :D

    #also #i'm pretty sure she straight up doesn't give a shit about what homeworld's plans are #they're not relevant to her work so she's all "okay yeah cool whatever now pls leave me alone"
  9. dkjou

    dkjou the radish patch has been left to grow weeds

    I... probably didn't quite finish a thing but it's about as done as I can get it so we'll call it finished. I'm kind of glad to call it finished. It's a relief to call it finished. Anyway, here's that tarot card I was talking about the other day (heavy handed imagery ahoy, I guess lol)

    hermit reversed.png
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  10. NumiTuziNeru

    NumiTuziNeru @#$%?

    do you ever get overemotional about your own story because I do

    let the starlight be your rebirth.
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  11. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    i took some very short and vague alien prompts and now there are aliens


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  12. Fish butt

    Fish butt Everything is coming together, slowly but surely.

    I've been going back to sketching from life, and I'm very pleased with it. So far my favourite sketch was one I made yesterday in our hotel's garden:

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  13. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 10.00.47 AM.png

    Attached Files:

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  14. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

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  15. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Been drawing a lot lately...

    Connie. This was supposed to be a warmup doodle but I got a little carried away. :P

    A smol Aradia.

    More palette meme stuff, all for Kintsugijin! (In order: Aradia for @lvkz, Furret for @ADigitalMagician, and an octopus for @Starcrossedsky. c: )

    Finally, a WIP of my design for the HS design context.
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  16. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

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  17. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    ive been working on this huge ridiculous (nude & four armed, whoops) illustration/painting type thing of kanaya but ive put it on hold for a bit because a) camp nanowrimo!! that novel aint gonna write itself and b) im preeeeetty sure the canvas is too big for my computer to handle, whenever i save the file there's this nerve-wracking moment of "well paint tool sai seems to be on the verge of crashing, nice"
    will it ever be finished? [it is a mystery ghost]
    so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
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  18. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Better photo of the hung thing will be provided in the morning
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    omg kathy that is SO CUTE
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  20. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Got a better photo of it hung up :D the colours were really well preserved, I'm super pleased ^.^
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