Kintsugi Plays Skyrim

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by CellarSpider, Jan 8, 2017.


Backstory! What'll it be?

Poll closed Jan 12, 2017.
  1. Half-vampire on the run from irate, bitey family

    4 vote(s)
  2. Mad Scientist looking to escape an ethics inquery

    8 vote(s)
  3. Dunmer from Skyrim, attempting to evade the law (amusing rap sheet items encouraged)

    5 vote(s)
  4. Other. Comment to clarify!

    1 vote(s)
  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    .....what mod is that from
    asking for a friend
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  2. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I have a wordreplacer that turns "SJWs" into "skeleton warriors" so things are going to get hilarious if London goes the bony route
    • Like x 4
  3. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    The Ordinator perk overhaul I've mentioned previously. It balances out having some kind of really mean perks by giving you a shitton of perks to choose from, so getting OP still takes a while. But I just got my first level up in the upcoming post and man, even with the basic boring level 1 perk I picked I'm liking this already.
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  4. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    The bony hordes of tolerance and human rights are going to go on a godsdamn rampage and it'll be glorious.

    If I get those perks. I'm liking both the Conjuration and Pickpocketing trees a lot, but there's some other ridiculous bits of buggery floating around all over the place.
    • Like x 2
  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    oh my god this is so good and cool
  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

  7. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member


    I loitered out on their lawn for a while, updating this entry trying to think of a good reason to not be exposed to Beetle Boy and Foolish Father anymore. Eventually, I settled on visiting the local trader. I had too many things (looted from the bodies of the dead) in my pack (also looted from the dead) to consider adding anything more to it (via burglary).

    Along the way, I found a child that was not insufferable.


    Smart child. You shall inherit Beetle Boy’s most prized, non-insectoid possessions.

    Unfortunately, the good mood didn’t last.



    Family arguments are always awkward. Fortunately no one was biting anyone yet, but who knows, that might come later.


    Apparently my raised eyebrow was too questioning for him, and that resulted in exposition.

    And then I didn’t loudly proclaim disinterest fast enough.

    But I didn’t—

    I don’t want to—

    His plan.


    To the giant, foreboding tomb that casts its shadow over the town, possibly poisoning the water and driving everyone with a beard mad.

    She then walked out without waiting to hear yea or nay.



    His selection wasn’t fantastic, and it was expensive. Still, I could see a few things that I could make use of. I traded them for the Imperial Captain’s armor. Not the most subtle way to ditch it, but I really wanted those books. They’d make me feel better after this awful, awful day.

    [Fury and Oakflesh have been purchased.]



    Meanwhile the town’s own municipal troll population was thriving. One snuck up behind me and nearly sent me into palpitations.

    He is going to be a test subject for Fury, once I get the right moment to cast it. No one will notice any difference, I think.


    So, probably stolen. They wanted me to go retrieve stolen goods, stolen from thieves by thieves. Well, if we were going to engage in this circle of thievery, I was going to exact my own larceny upon them.



    It took some work. I developed a little facility with stealth as a necessity at home, but she just seemed to keep sprouting new pockets all over the place.


    She then loitered at the bridge long enough for me to lift the last ring out of her pocket.


    I think I might be getting a little better at this.


    • Like x 2
  8. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    Okay I'm going to have to do a tutorial on that at some point. It's doable, but as you've seen it can render Skyrim even more tenuously functional than usual. I think I've gotten my mod list all sorted out and working, which is a hell of an achievement because there's 232 mods installed on this profile. Bless the people at STEP for figuring out how to optimize the config options for all of these things.

    Still, weird things can and will happen. Every time I quicksave everything in shadow turns momentarily black, for instance.


    Bug #7!
    • Like x 2
  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    I struggle to install mods on the Sims. I am very, very afraid that me attempting to mod Skyrim will result in Skyrim DYING.
  10. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    There are ways to go about doing it in a safe(ish), (nearly) sane and (somewhat) sensible way, which I can demo at some point. Not tonight, but at some point.

    I will say this: One of the advantages of Bethesda's history of supporting and encouraging modding for their games is that there are a bunch of peripheral programs out there that have been written by fans to support and simplify the modding process, both from a modder's standpoint and the end user.

    And by gods, Bethesda needs it sometimes. If nothing else, modding your game will give you access to the Unofficial Patches, which fix a lot of issues.
    • Like x 3
  11. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I'm liking every bug-count post because as an experienced mod-player I know. (The only bugs I don't tolerate, other than the obvious "completely breaks major npcs/questlines" are random fucking CTDs. Had a bad profile where if I opened my inventory too soon after loading a save it would crash straight to desktop. No lag. Wouldn't do it if I waited longer than two seconds after loading. A no-esp texture mod caused it. I found this out after the good old "remove everything one mod at a time until things stop breaking. Re-add minus suspected mod, be baffled by continued problem, repeat until problem solved"
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  12. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    whenever you get around to it, if you don't post it in this thread, would you mind tagging me? because at the very least having a tutorial kind of thing to tell me generally what to do would help. not that I'm much less likely to fuck it up then but at least that way I might have a better idea of "where Cedar went wrong".
    • Like x 1
  13. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    uuurgh. Hate CTDs. Haven't had any of them once I got everything installed as intended, which is amazing. Hopefully I can help solve some of those for people once I get all my sources together for tutorial time.
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  14. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    Also I will admit to savescumming on the pickpocketing but damn it I had screenshots I wanted to get and that was the only way.

    I only had a 50% chance of stealing a baked potato, never mind the enchanted ring that randomly spawned into her inventory halfway through.

    From this point on I could do it all legit, if people want. It'll mean a lot of jail time or fines, but I will do it.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
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  15. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    savescum all you like, I always do
    • Like x 4
  16. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member


    Your family will be spared the coming larceny spree, girl.


    Unlike the other child and the large, bearded child. Special larceny of the fatal, soul-removing variety was on the docket for them. One was on my left, the other on the right. I didn’t have enough experience with local ingredients nor access to equipment yet, so Lefty would have to wait.


    I found a spot where Righty couldn’t see me, and waited for a good moment.


    Unfortunately, Righty figured out where I was immediately. I vaulted the railing and ran, heading towards the town guards.


    He was right behind me. The guards couldn’t get off a shot with their bows, and thank gods they didn’t try.


    A random townsperson apparently decided he never liked Righty, though. Stabbed him in the gut without any preamble whatsoever. No trying to talk him down, no real distress, just stab.


    Between him and the dog that decided to tear his knees off, Righty went down in seconds.


    And they just left him there. Apparently this town is somewhat more hardened about how it deals with lawbreakers than I thought. I should be extra careful.

    …Or ensorcel more of them.
    • Like x 6
  17. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    Updates: Went to a march today, so haven't done enough in-game to warrant a post yet. Items have been pilfered, potions have been brewed, and I literally stole every item in the tavern except for one corner where a guy sat down.

    Question: I've found a couple mods that make villagers run into the nearest buildings for the duration of dragon or vampire attacks. Should I install them, or is watching them crisp/get killed and made into thralls worth it?
  18. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I'd install them, joking about the fucking suicidal villagers is only really funny once or twice.
    • Like x 3
  19. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    seconding install.
    • Like x 2
  20. CellarSpider

    CellarSpider Well-Known Member

    Not sure if I'll have a post written today, but I can tell you this much about upcoming events: balloons.

    Not a euphemism or slang for anything, literal balloons.
    • Like x 2
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