shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Phaedrus Prime

    Phaedrus Prime Well of All Sparks and Grumpy Medic

    -with a perfectly straight face- Good for mister cutie face. See that he continues doing so.
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  2. Phaedrus Prime

    Phaedrus Prime Well of All Sparks and Grumpy Medic

    ...Well, uh, you sort of have?
    -gestures with mild embarrassment at the signs that Life Support is currently carrying-
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  3. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    I don't-- Captain, please, I shouldn't-- I'm not-- ?????? [A problem has been detected: Whisperwind.exe is not responding.]

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  4. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    Well the surprise is coming millions of years after the fact or I would have taken greater responsibility.
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  5. Quintus Prime

    Quintus Prime Hyperfocused for eight million years and counting

    Well see it was right after you went into the black hole and I still had some of your scrap plating and the emberstone- where did I leave the emberstone? Is it in Tallevas? ...Where did I leave Tallevas? Anyway, I guess I felt a bit guilty and the emberstone picked up on that-
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  6. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Ah! Well then, would you like to tell me your proper name so we don't have any more Voidborn problems? I'd just as soon call you what you'd like from the start.

    -creates a private space and an infusion; whisper doesn't have to use them but they are available-

    Time is rather strange around here and around you.
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  7. Phaedrus Prime

    Phaedrus Prime Well of All Sparks and Grumpy Medic

    -grins slightly- It's Voidy's fault I'm here before I'm even properly born- uh, Phaedrus. My name is Phaedrus. ...And remember the name Themis, too. -optics briefly dart over to Unicron-
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  8. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    [Whisper blinks away from his current position; should anyone check, he is absolutely hiding in the shame cube Conveniently-Summoned Hideyhole.]
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  9. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    I'll do that.

    In the meantime, will it cause any destabilizing effects if I offer a hug while I'm carrying you?
  10. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    You should have told me.
    I'm well aware of that fact.
    -He will just pretend he did not notice that, or he will have a spark attack-
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  11. Phaedrus Prime

    Phaedrus Prime Well of All Sparks and Grumpy Medic

    Hang on...
    -he tilts his head, and looks expectantly at nothing for a moment, then grins-
    Okay, no Themis to screech at me in indignation, it's fine.
    -he moves forward to give his caer a tight hug-
  12. Quintus Prime

    Quintus Prime Hyperfocused for eight million years and counting

    You were in a black hole.
    Aren't you supposed to still be in a black hole, come to that?
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  13. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    Depends on where in the timeline you are, Tess.

    [One pair of optics focus on Phae and Life Support.] ...medic, that might not be the best idea. You're going all snarled.
  14. Quintus Prime

    Quintus Prime Hyperfocused for eight million years and counting

    Oh. I'll need to get on with finding that out, then!
    Hello Onxai! How are you??
  15. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    I sort of am, sort of not. I can project into this space while the binds are weakening, but not elsewhere. Soon however.
  16. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    -he moves forward, then stops with his arms outstretched-
    ...snarled how?
  17. Phaedrus Prime

    Phaedrus Prime Well of All Sparks and Grumpy Medic

    Hrm. Maybe Themis was just a bit distracted. I should probably be going anyway, soon. But, hm, before I do...
    -he reaches out to just catch Life Support's hand lightly- What's the date for you, caer?
  18. Quintus Prime

    Quintus Prime Hyperfocused for eight million years and counting

    Is that supposed to sound as ominous as it sounded? Onxai?
  19. Onyx Prime

    Onyx Prime The passage of time is highly problematic

    ...? I. I function, at this current point...?

    [Suspicious stare. She heard that.]

    Sparks. Time. Something's... off. [She tilts her head, the eyes focused on them flickering.] He's a complete mess, honestly, but things are... warping, the closer together you are. Copies generally do that, it's why we abandoned the 'time-clone army' idea.
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  20. Unicron

    Unicron Planet Eater, Chaos Bringer | 18+

    [He does not comment further. He will be a good parent-deity for the terrifying abominations that eat people's sparks. Yes. He needs to leave his prison for that.]
    • Like x 2
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