shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    I categorically fragging refuse to be part of any of this jetfuel, "captain".
    [The way he says the word captain has a distinct air of "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD"]
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  2. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+



    Huh... Bridge or internet?

    *Star eyes motherfucker* You're both awesome and holy crap.

    Um, anyway. *Flips out his phone and pokes around on it, this is harder than normal if only because this isn't CtOS.* *Muttering about how neat this is*
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  3. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

    Congessi does similar with her visor!!!
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  4. Abomination

    Abomination How The Fuck Are You Still Alive, NS

    -he turns so he can watch the New Person, sits with his back to the wall.-
    Nonna your doing, but sometimes I slip and somethin´moving looks like an enemy. Sorry. Least yer not an autobot.
  5. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    You gonna make that thing stop screaming or do I have to stomp on it?
    [He's kind of considering blowing the phone up.]
  6. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    If you need some isolation you can sorta wish for that in here and get curtained off.

    -She's coming down from the fear-high, but is still fairly freaked.-
  7. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

    [Confused wing flutter???? awesome? him? Surely you are mistaken!]
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    I don't know who that is but she obviously has good taste.
    Fuck yeah! Breaking shit over making shit!

    [He is... not actually pulling anything out to hack with. Too many heart eyes.]
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  9. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

  10. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    *Pauses and shuts off his myriad of programs and attempted cipher hacks* Screaming? You can hear that? Oh man, dude, I had no idea I'm so sorry!

    The way you talk is really cool, those are recordings right?
  11. Congessi

    Congessi problem child

    My spark? <3

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  12. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    h u h... Never heard of it! You look cool though!

    Wrench... man, you have... You have a weird relationship with technology.
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  13. Abomination

    Abomination How The Fuck Are You Still Alive, NS

    Huh? -actual confusion blink.- Howzat work?
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  14. calicosAssassin

    calicosAssassin ex imperial orphaner

    not interested.
  15. WRENCH


    wrench nod.gif
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  16. Refractor of Vos

    Refractor of Vos More Than Meets The Eye | 18+

    Yes :P
    [He nods]
    Steal voices because Refractor killed his own. Sometimes Refractor asks to borrow voices too.
    [He opens his arm for a hug. Shshshshhh weird squishies with cool masks could never compare to the prettiest person ever]
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  17. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    This is like... a dreamspace.

    ...I'm Lacuna. This is my darling, Burlesque.

    -She pecks Burlesque's cheek.-
  18. Abomination

    Abomination How The Fuck Are You Still Alive, NS

    Abomination. -he makes a face.-
  19. Scanner

    Scanner Hears Your Secrets | 18+

    ... no you know what never mind, creative jetfuel is now the most important part ever. Look at me being constructive and slag.
    [Scanner rolls his optics and makes the phone play an annoying jingle]
    Processor's a mangled mess, yadda yadda.
    I'm kinkshaming.
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  20. Congessi

    Congessi problem child


    "Refractor may use as much of my voice as I can offer." <3 <3

    [Gess steps into the hug and goes up on tiptoe for a maskboop. Yesgood, still here, still together.]
    • Like x 2
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