
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    @siveambrai I'll go exploring at some point! I'm using that village northeast across the bay from origin as my secondary base, so I should be able to go north/east from there and fill some stuff in. :D
  2. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    must... get... online... retrieve... goat... but... nnnoooo... SPOOOOONS- GAAAH

    (was this Ambrose or Brangelina? because Brangelina was missing from her pen last time i was on, and i had to assume for my own peace of mind that she eloped with a werewolf.)
    • Like x 1
  3. Avalon

    Avalon *Insert witticism here*

    Server is down, Atm.
  4. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Home network has 80% packet loss, not sure why. I have called my ISP. For historical reasons, the server is in my basement.
  5. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Looks like things came back up.
  6. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    Message from seebs about the server: "The server is running, but due to a very strange ISP network problem, we can't authenticate anyone right now, so it's not usable. Have called ISP. Do not expect anything before tomorrow."
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  7. Hobo


    No minecraft makes me cry :( how will I make my enderman farm now?
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  8. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    . . . Remind me to stay far away from your base. o_o
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  9. Hobo


    It'll be perfectly safe! The mechanism is going to take forever to build though since it'll be an overworld farm, but the idea is that the endermen will be dropped from a massive height, enough to kill (all?) other mobs, while endermen will be left alive but injured at the bottom where they can be picked off (1 shot with punches) for their precious pearls without being able to fight back. I am slightly worried about the possibilities of non-vanilla mobs surviving and escaping but I might make a few changes to the design to avoid that. We'll see, it might not even be necessary. It's going to be pearl city all the way, yo.

    I'm also trying to get a bunch of automated farms set up, I've already got a shroom farm as well as one for pumpkins/melons. I've got SO MANY melons rn you guys. The shroom farm is really slow which is annoying, I think I probably need to find some mycelium or podzol to take care of POSSIBLE light issues... I don't know. Anyway, tldr I'm on an automated or at least semi-automated farm bender right now, they're a lot of fun to build even though I feel like I understand nothing about the actual mechanics of redstone. Makes fixing things when they aren't working like they should pretty difficult, though!
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  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ... That sounds totally awesome, actually. Neat! :D

    I've never had the attention span to learn automating, but I'll let you know if I find neat shrooms. \o/
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  11. Avalon

    Avalon *Insert witticism here*

    @Hobo I think my sludge boiler has made 2-3 pieces of mycelium that you are welcome to.
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  12. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You can make a thaumium golem with a visor that allows it to produce XP orbs.
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  13. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Mirrors and I have been discussing how deserts seem to have gotten the short end of the biomes-o-plenty stick - they're still mostly empty, when biomes like forests seem to have something neat every time you turn around. So we're discussing a (currently theoretical) mod to fix that. :D

    Stuff that seems neat:
    - Plants and wildlife spawning after occasional rainstorms. Flowers! Lizards! Swarms of locusts!
    - Sandstorms that randomly move sand blocks around and cover your base, and uncover neat things like spawners, chests, and ruins. They might also spawn mobs, reducing light levels like thunderstorms do.
    - New mobs! Jackrabbits, sidewinders, rolly spiders, fennec foxes. Animals congregating near oases to drink.
    - New plants! Lots of cacti, tumbleweeds, sage. Ephemeral plants that bloom only in the day after a rainstorm, and then vanish - get your ingredients fast, but beware the mobs that also come to life after it rains.
    - New caves! Underground water reservoirs. Caves full of giant bat mobs, that flock at night. Ancient temples.
    - Secret desert history! Some desert biomes are suspiciously round and turn out to be gigantic impact or explosion craters. In the center are rare ores, minerals, and fossilized aliens and ancient beasts (which tales say can be resurrected, with the right spells...) Others show evidence that the deserts were originally flourishing grassland, in the form of ruins, occasional plants. And those deserts might spread, if the tide of desertification isn't turned.
    - Trading posts and caravans. With tameable camels, and traveling squidwards. :D
    - Modded farming: Dirt that spawns in a desert requires more water to irrigate, and must be defended against sandstorms. But some kinds of plant can only be farmed in a desert biome. Camel dung for fuel instead of wood.
    - Kodos! http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/3/30/Kodo.png/revision/latest?cb=20070821135048 (... I just like kodos, okay.)
    - Mythical beasts! Dragons! Sandwyrms!
    - Gargoyle statutes that can be brought to life, and are tameable or hostile, like wolves, depending on your behavior. Rideable, but not capable of swimming.
    - Sphinxes! Male Egyptian and female Greek models, who can be tamed by answering their riddles correctly - but if you answer them wrong, they will murder you in the face! (And the message is "so-and-so was too stupid to avoid getting eaten by a sphinx.") Can be bred by feeding them monster heads!
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  14. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I endorse the above message, since half of it was my idea. xP I will try and think up more things also...
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like all of that but i like the sphinxes best :D
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  16. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

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  17. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    :D I like the sphinxes too. Those were all Mirrors.

    • Like x 2
  18. Hobo


    Note to self: Build a house for my nephew out of cherrywood planks with marble floors, 2 door wide entrance, add "cool stuff" (aka swords and other things a 6 year old boy might be into). I'm taking suggestions for what qualifies as cool.
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  19. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Lava. Lava is cool.
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  20. Hobo


    ALRIGHT so. I've started the base of the enderman farm, but I am having trouble getting this item sorter to work. The theory is that ender pearls (and other mob items) will be dropped through the halfslab floor into the hoppers below. Everything but ender pearls will be transported into the two droppers on the end, while the pearls are supposed to transport through the lower hoppers into droppers which are connected to a chest visible from the upper floor (I plan on covering everything else once I'm done. Can anyone with redstone wisdom help me work out what's going wrong? The non-pearl items sort properly, but the pearls get stopped at the 2nd hopper (regardless of whether 2 or 3 hoppers are used to connect to the 4 dropper system). As far as I can tell I've done everything right?

    Pictures of the item sorting power mechanism
    [​IMG] So it's clear, the 2 upper hoppers in this pic contain 1 ender pearl, 4 nether quartz, 4 nether quartz, 5 nether quartz and 5 nether quartz to act as the sorting... thing.

    Pictures of the system which is meant to support the transport of ender pearls (as far as I'm aware?).

    Pictures of the hopper giving me issues. It's the one in the center of the screen, in the middle of the other two. Other pic has its contents when I throw a pearl + random items onto the floor (I THREW IT ON THE GROUND). The pearl refuses to move once it reaches this hopper. Help ;3;

    Sorry for the pic spam, but I am most puzzled here. Usually I can work out where I've messed something up but I'm pretty well convinced I followed the instructions to the letter.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
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