Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    as you wish.jpg

    • Like x 10
  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    That's fairly jarring when I'm rereading TGWP, Spock. :P
    • Like x 5
  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    I've got headshots but lemme look about body refs. :)
  4. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Shamelessly crossposting my transformers dragons from the flight rising thread, because oh god there are so many of them and so many more I still need. Rodimus has an accent to call to his current emo recolor, Tailgate is a horrorterror because @coldstars needs to stop coming up with incredibly gripping ideas that hijack my brain, Nightbeat is feeling the dead universe burn, and there are three separate Megatrons scattered throughout.

    eta: ANNND the first Galvatron is actually Nautica. That's what I get for writing names out in backwards order.

    transformers dragons 1a.png

    transformers dragons 1b.png

    transformers dragons 2a.png

    transformers dragons 2b.png

    transformers dragons 3a.png

    transformers dragons 3b.png
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    You have too many pretty TF dragons! It is illegal, Spock! /grabby hands @Bonecrusher and Trepan/ ;-;
    • Like x 2
  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    All my dragons were named after meat and meat products.
  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Why do you only have parts of combiner teams??!!
  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    It's been a slow acquisition process! At first the petals/butterfly combo was expensive, so I took my time. And then my lair was crushingly full, so I was forced to take my time :P I even jettisoned my dancestor dragons to make room. Constructicons are high on recognizability, so they're easy to spot as they blow by, but I haven't decided if I want to try for any more distinguishing features on the last couple (and Long Haul might go away, t b h, his purple could... be more purple). And with the Combaticons, to my undying shame, I... cannot remember the color schemes of the last three off the top of my head :P

    But making a set of those and the DJD is high on my priority list. A Tesarus dragon will be easy, the others will be harder. Also needed:
    • Velocity
    • Firestar (with some of these fire accents that are so frickin hard to use in a subtle manner, finding her is Important)
    • Anode
    • Lug
    • Emo Rodimus
    • Ten
    • Knock Out
    • Breakdown
    • Skids
    • Swerve
    • Minimus Ambus
    • Optimus Prime
    • Sunstreaker
    • Sideswipe
    • Getaway
    • Soundwave (and cassettes ahaha oh god my lair is gonna splode)
    • Bumblebee
    • Shockwave
    • Skywarp
    • Thundercracker
    • All the scavengers
    • Blurr
    • First Aid
    • PHARMA
    • Kup
    • Springer
    • Impactor
    • Overlord
    • Ironfist
    • R O T O R S T O R M
    I think that covers all the critical ones, but doesn't even touch on the minor players like Ironhide or Wing :P Some of these color schemes are hard to (affordably) find in the wild (ultra magnus is my first blue and white with a hint of red that I've been happy with), and sometimes I can't quite remember colors, or I get picky about eyes or I run out of dragon moneys. Or my lair fills up. I'm sitting on a chromia and cyclonus that I bought replacements for (right after I bred them, of course), but I... mmmight start whittling down my homestuck babies at some point soon.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH HEY. So I know this Soundwave picture has been making the rounds (maybe even on the thread? i have no long-term memory). But I just noticed something new. Check out his chest.


    That's where his cassettes live. It looks like that cover was deliberately ripped off. This picture can be interpreted loads of ways (TGWP? young soundwave only just getting to know what war is like? all kinds of good stuff), but in addition. Imagine the framing of someone ripping mama bird Soundwave's chest open, and taking away His People, and he can't protect them. Given all the damage he took, it looks like he fought hard. And if the cassettes couldn't fight for themselves and were tucked away inside him, maybe they were injured, maybe they especially needed his protection, and he let them down at that most important time.
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    AUGH SPOCK im hurt. i'm fatally wounded.
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  12. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I can quite easily see TGWP!Megatron getting pissed enough to rip the cassettes out of Soundwave and leave him a beaten, wire-exposed mess on the floor while he continues on with each of the cassettes. And all of them are hurting and worried about protecting Soundwave right back, all the while

    This is both sad-making and intriguing to contemplate
    • Like x 7
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    My first thought was Megatron confiscating the cassettes (but not harming them, probably) to emotionally terrorize Soundwave with.
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  14. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    WOW, coldstars. WOW. Just have to go and ninja me.

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  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    See, I can't tho bc the cassettes are too small to make interesting targets for TGWP!Megatron. He's not interested in holding back, he'd just lock them in another room and not feed them or something.
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oooh, he canonically doesn't see cassettes as PEOPLE-people. So Soundwave knows they're in the hands of someone who could very realistically let them die of sheer neglect, and would also probably react violently to any suggestion that he could maybe possibly have done anything wrong :3c
    • Like x 5
  18. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yes, but also -

    Now I am torn. Because Megatron outright hurting the cassettes with his own hands would be one of those things I'd see probably pushing Soundwave over the line into outright mutiny. I disagree about them being too small to interest him, since Megatron is a vindictive fuck and the second he realizes how deeply someone cares about something, he twists it back to use against them

    Buuuut I really want there to be backstory where this exact scenario happens, and the cassettes get hurt and used, but Soundwave's too deep in the abuse victim mind trap to see a way out of it. Or worse, future story. TGWP ISN'T OVER UNTIL IT'S OVER
    • Like x 7
  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    I mean TGWP!Megatron barely registers minibots as people, much less people even smaller. he's a size racist. Throw Tailgate at him and watch the carnage. >:)
  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    To clarify: Megatron absolutely knows what he's doing when he works himself into a lather and then attacks other people, he is deliberately losing control because it feels good to him and I'm not saying he can't help it. But. I think he would be incapable of not killing at least the birds if he started to hit them, with how delicate they've been repeatedly mentioned to be, and how he's come close to beating to death even a healthy Jazz when he gets mad enough. The fact that he'd want to keep them alive to torment Soundwave with and use against him is why I don't think he'd hit them himself.
    • Like x 4
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