shitposting rave 4: (almost) anything goes

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by This Was A Triumph, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Hana Song

    Hana Song The destruction here reminds me of home.

    "My teacher tells me diplomats fight wars in ways dirtier than the soldier," she says, a little doubtfully. "But good for you to be out of the firing line, mostly!"
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    [He pulls out a thin but incredibly durable laptop from... somewhere. Possibly Marcus's bag? Once the files are copies over, he throws the flashdrive back.]

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
    Not the last time I checked? Ask him, dude, I'm not his mom.
    [He reaches up and touches The Leg. Then pokes it with way more interest. He wants to see how it works, but disassembling someone's mobility device is kind of a dick move.]
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  3. Geargrind

    Geargrind should not have been counted | 18+

    *waves back, then asks quietly*
    Is this how flirting really works??? I've been writing it all wrong...
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  4. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]


    [Oh no!!! Whisper's wings flutter anxiously as he picks Stabby up and redirects it towards @Mister Simon Schuyler . Ghosts can't get stabbed right?]

    Are you okay??? Wait slag you're blind right?? Uh--
    [He frowns, concentrating for a moment, them manages to speak.] "Are you okay down there? I don't think its blades are poisoned but are you allergic to any metals?"
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  5. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    I've got my own hotspot though? I'm assuming you're some kind of lifeform that is based in mechanics so... I don't know what you'd consider my cell phone, but it's my hotspot. It's also my lifeline and holy shit I can't imagine living without it.
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  6. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    "Diva Snappy. I will remember that. How do you wish to be called?"
    "Did nobody tell you that it's rude to handle other people's belongings without permission? Especially weapons and personal transport. On ai-Talas, you'd at least be challenged before you were killed, but it really is a very bad move throughout most of the galaxy in my dimension." Valiska sighs. There certainly are a lot of uncivilised people here.
    "Rude. Also, my bondmate is quite mad, but also brilliant, and an excellent husband to both myself and our other consort. You can't act as though every kind of crazy is the same."
    Valiska smiles at the fae. They are strange but they are also damaged, like nearly everyone else she knows, and fear of humans is a common thing among the Talassani as well, though she herself is decidedly queer for them. "Many humans are terrible," she says softly, "but my mates and my fosterlings and my pride-kith are kind, and while Wrench can be rude, I do not think Wrench is actually mean. At least, not unless given good cause."
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  7. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    Oh, I'm not a diplomat proper, I'm not important or skilled enough for that!! We just work on the ship c: I... [His wings droop a little.] I wasn't the best soldier to start with anyway, so! This is much better!!

    It looks a little like aemulic flirting? And also like what might happen if Scanner ever tried to flirt?
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  8. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    It's a turn of phrase, I apologize if it offended ma'am. Wrench and I are hard on each other with that shit, and I mean I don't know if he's ever been to a psych but I know I've got depression.

    *Shrugs a little* I feel that since I get called crazy enough due to what I do, my skin color, and how I act at times I should be able to use the word.... Uh... Sorry.
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  9. Technofae 79

    Technofae 79 Member

    That IS Scanner! Git gud!!
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  10. WRENCH


    It's pretty much illegal everywhere but how bout I do anyway?
    [He makes a grand shrugging gesture. Sanctity of property means nothing.]

    I mean c'mon it's just sitting there BEGGING to be taken apart, right? I have the blueprints now but oh my god my fingers are itching. ITCHING.
    Hey! I'm a mean motherfucker! I can totally be mean! I'm hardcore!

    Wait fuck. I mean, we're the good guys? We're gooder than we SHOULD be. Fuckity fuck, we HELP PEOPLE. By blowing shit up. Not as often as I want.

    Therapists. Eugh. No thanks, pass.
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  11. Geargrind

    Geargrind should not have been counted | 18+

    Huh!!! But he's even worse with people than me!!!

    At least I don't have to change the current plot line too much, then!!!
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  12. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    [Happy noises!!! So many happy noises!!!]
    I can show you how my arms work too~
    [He wiggles his fingers and snaps the claw a bit. like a fucking weirdo]
    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorta! Semi-organic actually.
    [He just kind of downloads a brief rundown of fundamental basics onto Marcus' phone. Yadda yadda artificially de-extinctioned sapient species spliced with cybernetic organs and limbs to work around some of the adaption problems to the current biosphere, reintroduced as government property/tools for net coverage and/or surveillance as well as various odd jobs around the colony... blah blah blah]
    I'm p sure you're like legally obligated to make your hideout sound good to strangers so like I'll take all of that with a grain of salt, bye.
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  13. Whisperwind of Obex

    Whisperwind of Obex [bird noises]

    [Whisperwind to 79]: Scanner is also the name of someone on the ship I work on!! Who is not this Scanner!

    I mean, I didn't say it was likely! Just that this... looks rather his style of communication. If a little... happier?
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  14. Redux Glass

    Redux Glass spent a long year under glass

    are you ALSO BLIND? i'm bleeding! (she holds up her hand in the approximate direction of Whisper's voice, and, indeed, it has some blood on it.) i don't think i'm allergic to metals but i am allergic to STABBING, did you see who got me?? fucking. OW. ugh.
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  15. Geargrind

    Geargrind should not have been counted | 18+

    Not our Scanner!!! Bzzt, try again!!!
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  16. Marcus Holloway

    Marcus Holloway Hipster Merchant Of Death | 18+

    "DedSec has given you the truth, do what you will."
    Hacktivist group, sometimes we have to blow shit up and break people's crap.

    *Just loops an arm around in a half hug*

    *Speed reading*

    Dude! That's fucked up! *Shoves it in Wrench's face* Dude! We have to fucking-- You know! We have to help these guys because this is fucked up-- Wait. Not sure if we can do that from here.
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  17. Technofae 79

    Technofae 79 Member

    -79 makes a fart noise at Marcus.-
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  18. WRENCH


    Uh yes absolutely do that as soon as possible?
    [He has his hands aaaaaall up on ur limbs now Scanner. This is like being in heaven for him, if heaven was more sterile and smelled less like engine grease.]
    Wait fuck what what's happening?

    I mean if you want me to fuck someone up I am ALL about that you know me. Who are we fucking up? Do I get to blow some shit sky high this time? You guys never fucking let me set shit on fire anymore.
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  19. N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a

    N-Series “Ping” Nr. 75-a Scanner @ Crawler's Den | 18+

    Ohhhh my god no fuck off I don't need any white knighting I'M IN BRAINWASHING PRISON FOR BLOWING SHIT UP ON MY LONESOME.
    Well not on my lonesome. The others are kinna deaded tho.
    [... heeeee totally just killed the mood didn't he? fuck.]
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  20. WRENCH


    HEYYY. High five!
    [He throws a hand up for a high five. Pls.]
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