Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    this has probably been done here or elsewhere before but I wanted to share my favorite way to resuscitate fried rice from the takeout containers in the fridge. I don't have a microwave so stovetop directions, but with some fenangling, the same result should be able to be gotten in the microwave with a covered dish.

    heat up frying pan, add like. A tablespoon of butter. Melt it. Add the fried rice that needs reviving. Add like... 1/4 c water, mix it around. Add a splash of soy sauce. Mix. Add little dribbles more of water as needed while heating and stirring till rice feels/tastes like it did before its time in fridge prison.

    Same thing can be done for white rice with water and a lil pinch of salt, and no butter. Just heat the water up in the pan prior to adding the rice to the point of it starting to almost boil, turn down heat, add rice, mwush it around, add more water as needed in small doses till no longer gross.
    • Like x 7
  2. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Re: white rice, you can also do it in the microwave. Put it in a bowl with a little bit of water, cover the bowl with a plate, and nuke. (Have to be careful taking the plate off, though- there's a lot of steam.)
  3. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    The rice tips are great, really makes leftover rice a lot more palatable.

    If you want to make some basic-ass sandwich bread (very plain loaf, thin crust, fairly delicate crumb, mild flavor), I recommend this recipe from King Arthur Flour. This isn't the loaf for you if you want a really chewy bread with a sturdy crust, but if you just want some easy bread to toast or make a sandwich with, it works pretty well. As far as bread recipes go, it's pretty easy and forgiving. I've never had issues with getting it to rise or anything. There's not too much kneading and because the dough is pretty soft, the kneading isn't as hard as it is with some other recipes I've made. I might add a little bit more salt than the recipe calls for, but that could just be a personal taste thing. You could brush the top with some melted butter if you wanted a nice golden crispy top, but I'm too lazy.

    I currently have a loaf baking right now, I'll add a picture when it finishes!
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  4. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I made veggie sushi!
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  5. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I am trying roasting squash with skin on, will report back with the outcome!
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  6. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    life hack: put butter on it. so good
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  7. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    last week I made potato/sweet potato patties and fried them and they were DELICIOUS but so floppy, I need to try again with baked instead of boiled veggies. on the upside, it'd make a great vegetarian filling for things
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  8. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Outcome: roasted squash with pretty minimal work!

    Pros: Easy, much less work upfront, less messing around with it when it's in the oven
    Cons: Takes longer to bake, dealing with it afterwards is a little annoying, I like how the cut-up pieces get browned on all sides so I missed that on the whole squash

    Conclusions: I prefer the other method, even with the work, for just eating straight up, but this will be good for future applications (I'm trying to decide between soup, bread, and pasta sauce)
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  9. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    roasting is nice for potlucks or serving guests because then they can just grab a slab and have at it. cutting it up gives it a good uniformity tho, and you can just chuck it into the soup or filling or your mouth straightaway.

    squash bread??? am curious
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  10. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I've seen some recipes calling for roasted squash mash or puree! I haven't tried a squash bread but it sounds really tasty (and I love bread a lot). I think it probably turns out similar to banana bread in texture/density.
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  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I've had zucchini bread iirc, and it was pretty good!
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  12. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    ahh ok, like a quick bread then :D good stuff indeed. pumpkin muffins with millet are great imo. but now I want to try savory squash bread rolls or sth. I do have this butternut squash...
  13. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I made Roasted red pepper and garlic broccoli with veggie sushi today!
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  14. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    delicious ass low energy recipe if you've got the fixins around that I kinda swear by lately:

    use a frying pan to cook a packet of ramen up. Boil a bit of water up in it, add the seasoning, then add the ramen. Flip once, separate once it starts to soften. Add like.. an extra tablespoon or so of water once it's mostly absorbed and noodles are cooked, then add:

    1 healthy squirt of yakisoba sauce (or more, you do you)
    1 good strong shake of furikake (mine has bonito flakes in it, go with what you feel and how much you feel)
    1 shake of sesame seeds is totally optional but it tastes v nice

    mix that shit up, set it in a bowl. Rinse pan, fry an egg over-medium. Plop it on top of the cooked noodles. Rupture yolk, stir it around into noodles so it blends with the yakisoba sauce coating.

    stuff in face and feel full.

    Can supplement with some frozen veggie bits if you put the veggie bits into the water as it boils prior to noodle cookin'. canned would need to be added during the sauce and shaker stage.
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  15. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Yakisoba sauce? Are you able just buy that, and if so, what brand do you prefer?
  16. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    Yep! I've bought it in the asian section of a local market before, and it's def. in asian markets usually. it's also available on amazon. I tend to aim towards Otafuku or Otajoy brand since it's easiest to find, it's very tasty! Very strong flavor, I'd recommend taste testing it directly if you're not used to it before adding it to food, but it's just enough of a flavor enhancement that I like adding dashes into lots of things to change it up a bit.
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  17. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    i have Key Lime flavoring (like one of those tiny extract bottles) and need help with ideas for this stuff?

    (who makes key lime extract omg)
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  18. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    -shortbread cookies
    -chicken marinade

    If you're interested I can throw together better recipes later for any of these.
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  19. Gyro Zeppeli

    Gyro Zeppeli Pseudo Anti Cult Leader

    Vivec's lazy as fuck "I have chicken and need edible food" recipe

    - As many chicken breast fillets as you want to eat, either already cut into playing card deck sizes or trimmed to that size
    - Olive Oil
    - A frying pan (preferably non-stick)
    - Whatever spices you want (I do salt, cayenne pepper and ground pepper)

    1. Put all the breastlets onto a plate and season both sides
    2. Put enough olive oil in to thinly cover the surface of the pan and set it to medium-high heat
    3. Heat the pan until the olive oil glistens, then add the breastlets
    4. Leave them where they are for around 5 minutes
    5. Flip them after 5 minutes of cooking and let them rest for another 5 minutes
    6. Kill the heat, take one of the breastlets, and cut it open to see if it's done. The meat should be white and the juices clear.
    7. Cook another minute if not ready, otherwise take the cooked breastlets off the pan and serve.

    I usually just add some rice-cooker rice and some snap peas and carrots, but it's a meal and can taste good enough to make you not miss restaurant food.
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  20. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    experimental dinner success of delight:

    pork chunks
    soy sauce
    chopped onion
    dash of cinnamon
    dash of black sesame seeds
    dash of thyme

    cook in same pan till done, adding a bit of water as needed if things start to dry up. want it with a bit of delightful liquid.

    add can of green beans in last few minutes of cooking, toss around.

    stuff into face.
    • Like x 4
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