Not sure where else to put this.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by local troublemaker, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Ok, gimme a sec to catch up on all the stuff that I missed during the Seebs takeover.
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  2. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    -> ~~Elsewhere~~
  3. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Thing is, as soon as you say "people are Doing Things Wrong" you're going to have a disagreement on your hands.

    I don't think it's ever bad to talk about it. It might not be terribly productive, but discussion can be beneficial, and lack of discussion rarely is.

    There aren't really people who my vagues were specifically directed at; there might be usernames that come to mind or people who I think do things more than others, but next to none of my posts are directed at specific users as much as they are at behaviors. If I'm complaining that people do a thing and you know you do the thing, you're included, but not because I Hate You Personally Forever And Always.


    I remember seeing a post that said something along the lines of "shoutout to all the brave people in the 1940s who ended fascism by signing petitions" and it made me laugh so hard I choked.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Having social circles is pretty normal, imo. To me, a clique is defined more by an attitude of feeling Good/superior/etc.

    Turns out trying to be Genuinely Good is pretty damn hard.
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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah and like... compassion feels good but it's also hard and exhausting, esp when you're trying to apply it to people who DO repel you. It's a lot easier to think of yourself as compassionate while actually being about average in that respect, probably.
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  5. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I haven't participated in the cdcf ethics committee thread for over a year and a half, and then only briefly, but I guess this refers to something else?

    I wouldn't characterize the things I say this way, and I argue with Seebs frequently because we respect each other. If he were using me this way I would feel incredibly disrespected by my friend. I don't really know what to say about other things said ITT, so I'll leave them alone. It's not super my business.

    This particular thing is though, I think. I really don't know how to articulate my reaction to this well without getting even more alarming and hurtful responses, but maybe that's not a thing I have to worry about? I don't know. I am really hurt, if that's okay to say. If not, I apologize for intruding.

    Edit: Or maybe I've misread this. Maybe it was meant as humorous the other way around. I really genuinely don't know.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  6. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    As close to an actual personal vent post as I will ever get in this thread: fuuuuuuck you, fuck you twice for getting your self-congratulatory spooge all over my thread, fuck you thrice for never shutting the fuck up, fuck you ten times over for the way you nitpick how I talk while simultaneously putting words in my mouth.
    Ok. Rant done. I'm gonna go chat with my partners for a bit.

    Edit: namedrop not included because I shouldn't test my luck by naming She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

    Double Edit: Also fuck you with a garden trowel for cutting off a decent discussion, setting me right back in the Rage Square and eating up all my spoons for the night because you just had to jerk yourself off right here and now in my thread.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
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  7. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Before more shit goes sideways: who here likes The Adventure Zone? Or any McElroys media, really.
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  8. AbsenteeLandLady124

    AbsenteeLandLady124 Well-Known Member

    The Adventure Zone is absolutely my shit. The McElroy's are Good Boys
    • Like x 3
  9. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    I'm pretty far behind in it, but I love it. And Monster Factory is always a good time.
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  10. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    one day I'll get into the adventure zone, but monster factory makes me die laughing
    • Like x 1
  11. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Monster Factory is reliably such damn good entertainment. It's always funny.
    • Like x 3
  12. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    also: car boys is, I'm pretty sure, the ultimate in entertainment.
  13. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Oh, Car Boys is good also. It's not as funny as Monster Factory or TAZ to me, but it's still good.
    • Like x 1
  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    I love all three. Car Boys, Monster Factory, and TAZ, I mean, not brothers, although both applies.
    • Like x 1
  15. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    "Hey, this thing you do tends to make people respond badly, just fyi"
    "But I don't MEAN it that way, that's not my INTENT"
    *misinterprets someone else's words*
    "Well maybe if you didn't want to be misinterpreted you should just be clearer (whatever clearer means to me) to begin with"

    *This is hyperbole to some degree but only a little bit.
    • Like x 11
  16. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I like them all. Well, maybe not all, but TAZ, MBMBaM, Monster Factory.... Cool Games Inc has grown on me as well, along with Touch the Skyrim and Car Boys.
  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm really enjoying the new Peacecraft stuff Griffin is doing.
  18. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Shit, I forgot all about Touch The Skyrim, that one's another one of my top faves.
    • Like x 2
  19. local troublemaker

    local troublemaker professional tumblrina

    Weird vent tag is 1) ugly, 2) pointless, because I've never gotten the idea that people aren't clear on what threads are Vent, just that the protocol for how to act in them is unclear. Plus, threads already have the option to have tags that aren't ugly blobs on the title.
    • Like x 4
  20. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    and then jacktrash in with the assist when someone complains: "it's not the disabled's job to accommodate the abled"
    assumption of ability and pressuring people to show their disability credentials what
    • Like x 5
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